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The Darkest Of Light (The Kings Of Retribution MC Book 2) by Sandy Alvarez, Crystal Daniels (19)

Chapter Nineteen


Coming to in the emergency room and realizing not only was I alive but that my baby was okay was a huge relief. My last thoughts as I crashed were of my baby and of Gabriel. No way would fate be so cruel. To finally bring us together only to rip us apart.

Shortly after I was brought into my hospital room, Gabriel was at my side. I didn’t like seeing the tormented look on his face as he took in my injuries. Like now. He’s sitting in a chair beside the bed, his large hand rubbing lazy circles on my belly and his eyes are constantly bouncing back and forth between me and the baby’s heart rate monitor.

I was told the OB doctor on-call was brought into the ER to do a ultrasound to check on the baby, but I was still unconscious at the time. I wish I could have seen for myself, but the constant whoosh of the heartbeat filling the room will suffice.

With Gabriel’s hand rubbing my belly, my eyes begin to grow heavy. I’m trying hard to fight sleep. Afraid something may happen. Noticing my struggle, he leans over and brushes his lips across mine.

"Sleep Cariño Sweetheart, I’ve got you."

With his words of assurance, I allow my eyes to close.

I awaken some time the next morning to the feel of a hand stroking my hair. Without opening my eyes, I already know whose hand it is—Bella. Since we were children this is something my sister has always done. It doesn’t matter how old I get, my sister stroking my hair will always be a source of comfort.

Opening my eyes, I look to my right and see my sister lying in the bed next to me. When my eyes meet hers, there are no words spoken. We stare at each other. Our tears are our only form of communication. We know each other so well, that nothing needs to be said. Bella’s tears are saying she was scared and that she loves me. Mine are saying, I’m okay and I love you too.

A moment later Bella breaks the intense moment by pointing at my wrist. "A blue cast, Alba. What did you do, wake up from your unconscious state long enough to tell them you wanted blue?" We both giggle.

"Uh, I kinda did. I literally woke up as the doctor was wrapping it and I believe my only words were blue." My confession cause both of us to laugh harder. The sound of the door opening draws my attention, and I see Gabriel walking in with all the guys and Leyna in tow. Gabriel is the first to approach, giving me a light kiss on the lips before sitting down in the chair beside the bed. After him, each of the guys follow suit giving me a kiss on the top of my head. Jake is the first to speak.

"How ya doin’, sweetheart?"

"I’m good, ready to go home though."

"I talked to the nurse earlier, she said the doctor should be in before noon to check on you. So hopefully you can go home today," Bella informs us.

Mila comes walking in with a bright smile and a doctor trailing behind her. It was a nice surprise to find that Mila was my nurse. She happened to be working last night when I was brought into the ER She is an OB nurse and was assisting the doctor yesterday. For that, I am thankful. Having someone you know be the one taking care of you makes the situation a little easier to bear.

"Good morning," The doctor says, still looking down at the clipboard in her hands. Then she stops abruptly, and snaps her head up with a shocked expression on her face.

"Dr. Evans?" Bella rushes out.

We’re all quiet for a second before Quinn speaks up, "Well, this is some crazy ass deja-vu shit right here. How ya’ doin’ Dr. Pretty?"

"Dr. Evans, what are you doing here?" Bella questions.

Clearing her throat, she says, "I was transferred here six months ago."

Climbing out of my bed, my sister walks up to Dr. Evans and gives her a hug, "It’s really good to see you again. I never got to thank you for all that you did for me."

She gives my sister a warm smile, "You’re welcome, Bella. And you look really well."

"Would it be okay to get your number, Dr. Evans? I’d like for us to get together sometime."

"I’d like that too. And no more Dr. Evans. You can call me Emerson."

After their brief exchange Dr. Evans turns her attention towards me, "Alba, all your tests this morning came back clear. So, we are going to let you go home today. I’d like for you to make an appointment to follow up with your OB in the next day or two."

Gabriel cuts in, "Why? Is everything with the baby okay?" he asks gruffly.

She regards Gabriel, "Your baby is doing good. The heart rate is like it should be. Alba hasn’t had any contractions. I assure you all is well."

At Gabriel’s questioning look Dr. Evans continues. "How about we do another ultrasound. Let you see for yourselves."

At her suggestion, I see some of the tension leave Gabriel’s body. "We’d appreciate that, thanks."

While the doctor begins to set up the ultrasound machine, everyone including my sister quietly leaves my hospital room giving us a few moments of privacy. This will be Gabriel’s first time seeing our baby. With him on one side of me holding my hand, Dr. Evans sits on the edge of the bed on the opposite side and pulls the machine closer to us. Lifting my gown, she squeezes some warm jelly onto my belly. Then she takes the probe and begins gliding it around. It only takes a second before our baby’s image to appear on the screen.

"Here we go," Dr. Evans announces, "As you can see, baby looks really good. And your chart says you’re at thirty-six weeks."

I take my eyes off my baby and I turn and look at Gabriel. There are no words to describe the look on his face. None other than complete wonderment.

"Have you guys found out the sex yet?"

I shake my head no.

"Would you like to find out?"

I cut my eyes back to Gabriel, he gives me a nod.

"Yes, we’d like to know."

Moving the probe around a bit more, Dr. Evans pauses then points to the screen. She doesn’t even have to tell us what it is. Because it’s clear as day. Our son is not shy about showing us the goods. When I turn my attention back to Gabriel, I see his face lit up with the biggest smile. The kind of smile that is reserved for special occasions. Gabriel doesn’t show his smile too often, but when he does, it’s beautiful.

Leaning over the bed, he rests his forehead against mine. And I faintly hear the click of the door, letting me know Dr. Evans has left. Giving us our moment.

"Did you see?" I ask.

"Sí, mi amor. Yes, my love. You are giving me a son."

Fifteen minutes later Dr. Evans walks back in along with Bella and the guys trailing behind. Eagerly making her way to the side of the bed, she looks at me expectantly, "Well?"

"We’re having a boy," I gush out loud.

My sister pulls me in for a hug, while the guys pat Gabriel on the back and offer their congratulations. Except for Jake, who pulls him in for a hug then murmurs something I can’t hear. Jake is more than just these men’s President. He serves as a father figure to them, and they love and respect him as such. I also have no doubt, he will think of himself as a grandfather to our son.

Family is not always the one you are born into, in some cases—like all of ours—it’s the one we choose. And I couldn’t ask for a better family. I’m not very close to my mom. We speak on occasion, and I’ve seen her a couple of times over the last few months. My sister has always been more of a mother figure to me than our own.

"Are you ready to go home, Alba?" Dr. Evans asks, cutting in through all the chatting voices.

"Yes! Very."

She chuckles, "These are your discharge papers, along with instructions to rest. I wrote you a prescription for some pain medicine for your wrist. It is perfectly safe for the baby. If the pain is mild, just take some over the counter pain reliever for the discomfort.” She goes to hand me the piece of paper only Gabriel takes it from her before I do. Rolling my eyes, I turn back to the doctor.

"Thanks for everything, Dr. Evans."

"You’re welcome, Alba. And since you are officially no longer my patient please call me Emerson."

Giving my arm a squeeze she turns to make her way out of the room. Just as she goes to pull open the door, Quinn pipes up.

"Excuse me, Dr. Pretty." But before he can get another word Emerson cuts him off.

"Find your own damn coffee," as she walks out without a backwards glance.

Now all of us are staring at Quinn wondering what the hell he’s done to piss Emerson off. Smirking he looks to everyone.


"Estupido, stupid." I hear Gabriel mutter as Quinn, Jake, and Logan start to leave.

"We’ll wait downstairs for ya" Jake says over his shoulder.

Never a dull moment with Quinn.

Slowly sitting up, I swing my legs over the side of the bed.

"You bring me some clothes?" I ask Bella.

"Yeah, right here," She tells me motioning to a bag slung over her shoulder, "Want me to help you get dressed?"

"I got it," Gabriel cuts in from behind me.

"No problem, big guy. I’ll just wait downstairs with the guys."

I mouth a thank you at my sister as she leaves. She wants to help, but we both know Gabriel needs this. Standing in front of me, he takes a hold of my hand and helps me stand.

"Let’s get you dressed Cariño Sweetheart."

Once Gabriel has removed my hospital gown, he takes the clothes Bella brought me out of the bag. Starting with my panties, he crouches down on one knee then motions for me to step in. Placing my hands on his shoulder, I do so. One foot at a time. Then he delicately slides them up my legs. His touch causes me to shiver.

The act of this man dressing me is so innocent, yet so intimate at the same time. Once my panties are in place we repeat the same steps with my leggings. Next is my bra. I close my eyes, and moan when Gabriel’s thumbs brush over my nipples. When he reaches around me to clasp it, he runs a series of feather light kisses along the column of my shoulder and up my neck. When he’s done with my bra, he slides my sweater on, paying special attention not to hurt my wrist. Once I’m dressed, Gabriel gives me a long lingering kiss, and I bring my hand up and run my fingers through his beard. Pulling away I ask breathlessly.

"When we get home will you help me get undressed?"

Chuckling, he swoops down stealing one more kiss.

"Come on, baby, let’s go home."

When we arrive home, Gabriel opens the front door and I’m hit with an amazing smell. So amazing it causes my tummy to rumble.

"Did someone cook?" I ask, as I begin to make my way into the kitchen. I don’t make it far before I’m scooped up into Gabriel’s arms.

"What are you doing?"

"Taking you to bed so you can rest," he declares while climbing the steps.

"But," I begin to protest.

"I’ll bring you some food. Lisa made spaghetti."

Oh god, my mouth starts watering at the mention of my favorite food. And just then my stomach rumbles again.

"You know I could have walked up here myself," I tell him when he sets me down beside the bed. "I feel really good. A little sore all over but no pain. I’m not even tired."

"You’ll rest, just like the doctor said to do."

Picking up the blanket and pulling it back, Gabriel motions for me to get in. Deciding not to fight, I give in and I do as he wants. This is a battle I know I’m not going to win. Besides, who wouldn’t want a sexy man fawning over them, waiting on them hand and foot. This might not be so bad after all. On that thought, I smile up at Gabriel.

"My food is not going to fix itself."

Minutes later Gabriel returns carrying a food tray with a plate of spaghetti, garlic bread and some ice tea. What an odd sight. My man looking all domestic. He definitely looks out of place and a snort escapes my mouth. Narrowing his eyes and growling, "Only for you, Cariño Sweetheart."

I’m about halfway through my plate of food when Gabriel comes back into the room. I immediately can feel the change in his demeanor.

"I need to go take care of something. I’m going to have one of the guys come stay with you while I’m gone." He informs me while slipping on his cut and grabbing his keys and wallet off the dresser.

"Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, baby. Everything is fine," he assures walking over to the bed then giving me a kiss. I know he’s lying, but I know better than to press the issue.

"Can Reid come stay with me?" At his questioning look, I continue. "He didn’t come see me in the hospital. And if I know him it’s because he’s feeling guilty. I want to talk with him."

Running his hands through his hair, Gabriel nods, "I’ll call him."

Fifteen minutes after I hear Gabriel’s truck leave, I get up out of bed and head downstairs to seek out Reid. When I walk into the kitchen, I find him sitting at the table drinking a cup of coffee. He looks up from his cup when I approach the table. He looks like he hasn’t slept in days. His honey blonde hair is disheveled, and his green eyes are dull. He also looks like he hasn’t shaved in days.

"Alba, I want to tell you…"

Holding up my hand, I stop him. I know what he’s about to say. Pulling out a chair, I sit down across from him.

"I don’t want to hear what you were about to say. You were going to apologize for something that was not your fault. They’re called accidents for a reason Reid." Clenching his jaw, he props his elbows on the table and rests his head in his hands.

A second later, he looks up and his eyes take in the bump on my forehead and then the cast on my wrist before his tortured eyes meet mine.

"I can’t get the look of your frightened face out of my head. And there was nothing I could do. Then when your truck flipped. I thought for sure that was it. I would not be able to live with myself had something happened to you on my watch Alba. You’re like a sister to me. You and Bella both. I hope you know that."

He’s right. All the guys in the club are like a bunch of big brother’s. And they treat my sister and I like sisters. Like I said before, I couldn’t ask for a better family.

"I know, Reid and you’re like a brother. Which is why I know if you could have, you would have stopped that truck yourself," I wait a beat contemplating my next statement, "I know about what happened to your brother," I say softly and his body jerks, "What you had to witness with my accident must have brought up some bad memories." Just when he’s about to open his mouth, I cut him off, "Look, I know you probably don’t want to talk about what happened, but I want you to know that if you ever do, then I’m here for you." I gauge Reid’s reaction, hoping I’ve not overstepped my bounds. I watch him visibly swallow before speaking.

"Appreciate it, Alba." When he doesn’t say any more I know the conversation is over. I’ve said my peace and so has he. I can only pray that one day he can see that what happened to me and what happened to his brother was not his fault.

Standing up from the table, I walk over towards the stove.

"You hungry? Lisa made spaghetti. And I’m feeling like a second lunch." I have no idea where I’m putting all this food.

"Sure," he chuckles, "I could go for something to eat."

Reid and I are just finishing up our meal when Gabriel walks in the door. Striding over to me, he leans down giving me a kiss. He turns his attention to Reid, "I need to speak with you, brother."

Lifting his chin, Reid stands up from the table and takes his plate to the sink. Walking by me, he kisses me on the top of my head.

"Thanks for the late lunch, sweetheart."

"You’re welcome," I say with a smile.

"Give me a minute with Reid, okay, baby?" Gabriel says.

I see an angry, yet worried look written all over Gabriel’s face, but decide not to question him right now.

"I’m going to go take a nap. Will you come lay with me when you’re done?"

"Sí, mi amor. Yes, my love. I’ll be up in a few minutes."

Once upstairs, I change into a t-shirt and sleep shorts before climbing into bed. I must have dozed off for a few minutes because the next thing I remember is waking up to Gabriel pressed behind me with his arm around me and his hand lying protectively over our son.

I can feel the rise and fall of his chest against my back, and I know he’s asleep. With a smile on my face, I snuggle deeper into his strong embrace, and before I know it my eyes turn heavy once again as I fall asleep in Gabriel’s arms.