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The Devils Apprentice (The Devils Soldiers mc Series) by Cilla Lee (2)






As I’m about to sit down, Markus comes to the back of me and holds out my chair, and I sit I look up at him smiling (wow what a gentlemen) “So, Abbey tells me you’re a tattooist.”


“Just an apprentice.”


“That sounds interesting” just then someone bumps into my chair and I turn to see did it, my heart skipping when I see Jaxson and Jordan being seated at the next table (god fucking dammit)


“Excuse me,” I tell Markus getting up


“What the hell are you two doing here?” I ask them


“We're having dinner,” Jaxson says, and I give them both the stink eye


“Well go somewhere else,” I tell them


“But we’ve already been seated,” Jordan says


“I don't give a shit go somewhere else,” I tell them both


“No can do Tink,” Jaxson says this time


“Your both assholes” I walk back over to Marcus and sit


“Are you ok?” he asks me, and I nod (no, not really) smiling, I don't want him to think I'm crazy if I lose my shit at the twins


“I'm good.”


“Would you like to go somewhere else?” he asks me, and I look over at the twins again


“No, I'm ok here just IGNORE THEM,” I say louder, so they hear me, the twins laugh (complete assholes)


“Are you sure, I don’t mind” I shake my head no


“So, Markus what's it like being an English teacher.”


“It's actually really good” he watches the twins the whole time he talks, and I have to grab his head and turn it towards me when I do I hear both twins growl


“Ignore them Markus” he looks at me and smiles, but it doesn’t reach his eyes, it's a totally I'm pissing my pants look.


“Look, if you don't want to do this we can leave,” I tell him, and he turns to look at me.


“No KC it's fine” he smiles, and it's a nice smile


“Good, so being a teacher,” he tells me about teaching, and I tell him all about working at the tattoo shop. The conversation flows well, and I find I'm actually enjoy his company, but once and a while the twins make a sound, and Markus reverts back to being nervous


“Will you excuse me I need the restroom,” I tell him


“Of course,” when I stand up so does Markus, and he pulls my chair out for me.


“Thank you” I smile at the gesture, no one has ever done that before.


I'm standing looking at myself in the mirror when the door opens, and Jaxson walks in “Can I help you” I ask him fucking pissed there both here


“What the fuck Tink?” I look at him


“Excuse me.”


“Why are you on a date with this asshole?”


“Oh, geez I don't know maybe because you blew me off for one of the club whores.”


“Tink, it's not even like that.”


“Like what you rejecting me but will fuck all of the bitches at the clubhouse.”


“We've kissed once Tink, don't get shit all twisted.”


“Twisted...... great now that's cleared up you and your brother can leave now.”




“Bye” I walk past him (twisted what a fucking asshole) I berate myself why the hell did I like him again.



The rest of the night was great, we ignored the twins, and I enjoyed myself laughing and learning about Markus. Even with the commentary every now and then from the twins, which I ignored and had to bring Markus’s attention back to me a few times. The twins snorting or snoring interrupting our conversation (assholes).


Getting back to the house Markus walks me to the door his hand resting on my lower back, and I smile (as dates go this one was great) “Well thanks for a great night Markus, I hope we can do it again” I tell him even though I know he's never going to call he smiles politely


“I hope so Tink” he says and I like that he calls me Tink. Markus leans over to kiss me. When I hear someone clear their throat, Markus stands up looking behind me like he just seen a ghost “Well I better go Tink, I'll call you” he holds out his hand, and we shake hands (he shakes my hand). I look behind me, and all the guys are standing there (fuck I’m going to kill them). I watch as he walks down the path running into the twins, they both look at us and then move to the side. Markus has to squeeze between them (assholes) he practically runs to his car and takes off never to be seen again. My blood is at boiling point when I turn around to face everyone


“YOU ASSHOLES, I'M NEVER GOING TO SEE HIM AGAIN” I scream at them all, stomping upstairs


“Tink come on, it was funny,” Stryker calls out, and I turn giving him the finger (who the fuck does he think he is) “Real lady like Tink” he shouts back at me.


“FUCK YOU STRYKER” I shout back heading to my room and slamming the door, I land on my bed and scream into my pillow feeling tears come to my eyes (fucking assholes) I hear bikes start up and head down the street, but I just lay there staring at the ceiling. Maybe it wasn't a good idea to stop here, I tell myself. Then I think about Tiny, and how we've gotten so close. I would miss him, even Stryker the asshat. Then Jaxson comes to mind, would I miss him if I left (no he's an asshole and a man-whore, you don't like him, plus, he rejected you, dumbass for a club-whore.... no more than one whore) It takes me ages to get to sleep, but when I do I dream of tall, gorgeous dirty blonde hair guys with striking blue eyes.


I walk into Lilly's room the next morning, and she’s laying on her bed, her room full of little rainbows from the diamond on her engagement ring “Morning” I say getting into bed under the covers and she turns to me


“So how was the date” I frown at her remembering the twins sitting next to us all night.


“It would have been much better if I didn't have two sets of eyes watching me all night.”




“The twins followed me to the restaurant and sat at the table next to us all night” she giggles at me, and I frown


“It's not funny Lilly,” I tell her still pissed the twins did that, but she smiles.


“I'm not laughing,” she says


“No, your smiling and it's pissing me off.”


“Oh, come on Tink it's sort of funny” I turn and look at her.


“What was so funny about it?”


“All the guys here, did you see Markus’s face it was priceless” I smile at the memory, it was kind of funny


“Yeah, he looked like he was gonna wet his pants” we both laugh


“You saw all the guys here last night for you” I roll my eyes at her.


“They were here for Tiny and Stryker to see who's dicks where bigger,” I tell her


“Tink they were here for you,” she tells me, and I look at her


“No, they were here to make sure I'll be a virgin forever” I shake my head at her (she’s lost her mind)


“Tink don't be so dramatic,” she tells me


“Lilly the twins followed me to the fucking restaurant for fuck's sake.”


“They care about you” I roll my eyes at her.


“I don't need a big brother Lilly; I wanted to see if I liked Markus.”


“Did you.”


“He was nice.”


“Just nice.”


“He was nice Lilly.”


“Nice enough to give your V card to” I smile




“Just maybe.”


“I don't know him well enough, but I did like him.”


“Are you going to go out with him again.”


“Maybe if he calls.”


“And if he doesn't.”


“Well, there are other guys out there...right,” I tell her if he doesn't call I won't be putting myself out there again. Being rejected by Jaxson was humiliating enough


“Right... so what are you looking for in a guy,” she asks me


“I don't know someone funny caring sweet hot” (defiantly hot and tall dirty blonde hair blue eyes and a mouth made for kissing)


“Funny, caring, sweet and hot is that all” I nod, I mean what else can I say.


“Yeah, I suppose.”


“So, you’re not too picky,” she says smiling.




“No reason.”


“Why Lilly?”


“You sure you don't want Jaxson” my heart flutters at the mention of his name, and then I remember him with Summer and my heart aches




“Well, maybe we could sign you up for one of those dating websites.”


“Pass,” I tell her




“Leave it; I think I might join a nunnery” Lilly laughs.


“A nunnery.”


“Yeah men just seem to be too much hassle” she pulls me to her.


“You'll find Mr. Right Tink you'll see.”


“Yeah, I think hell would freeze over first.”


“Why would you say that?”


“Argh all the men in the kitchen last night,” I say, and she laughs again.


“The family we always wanted” I look at her.


“An annoying family,” I tell her, and she laughs harder.


“I love you to Tink.”


“I love you Lilly” the ceiling lights up with tiny rainbow we lay there for ages until my tummy rumbles.


“You hungry Tink.”


“Yeah, I didn't eat that much last night.”


“Well come on let’s get up, I'm sure the boys have breakfast on”


“The boys,” I ask her, and she stops


“Yeah Stryker and Tiny”


“Tiny,” I say, and she smiles


“Ok, maybe not Tiny” all the time we've lived here I've never seen Tiny cook anything if it isn't me Lilly or Stryker it's one of the club-whores he had over for the night.


Walking into the kitchen, I see Tiny Stryker and one of the twins sitting at the table the other one standing at the stove shirtless (damn drool much). I look at Lilly, but she just stares straight ahead. And I know she knew they were down here (bitch), I mean where’s the loyalty, the sisterhood (bitch). I try to convey my pissed off mood at her, but she refuses to look at me


“Mornin’ darlin sleep well,” Tiny asks me, and I give them all the evil eye, the twins I don't even acknowledge


“Morning” I grumble as a big plate of bacon eggs toast tomatoes mushrooms sausages and beans with a cup of coffee is placed in front of me, my stomach rumbles at the delicious smells emanating from the plate (fuck, it smells so good).


“Eat up Tink,” one of the twins say but I push it away, and my stomach screams at me to eat it


“You not hungry, you didn't eat much last night,” the other one says, and I give him the stink eye


“I was until I seen your faces, what the hell are you doing here?” I ask them


“Slept over,” they say, and I look at Tiny and Stryker.


“You let them sleep over.”


“Yep,” Tiny says, and I stand up and walk back up to my room (That's it I need my own place)


“Tink” Lilly says grabbing my arm, and I turn to her.


“You knew they were here” she looks down at her feet (bitch)


“I was hoping they'd be gone by now.”


“You still new and didn't tell me.”


“Tink they wanted to make you breakfast to say sorry about last night.”


“Well you can tell them to stick it up their asses” I walk upstairs to my room to look online for a place to rent












“Told ya it wouldn't work,” I tell Jordan


“I thought it would” he pats me on the back, just as Lilly walks back in


“What was the plan guys,” she asks us, and I shrug my shoulders, and so does Jordan.


“Hoping she'll forgive us,” I tell her


“You've all really pissed her off,” she tells us


“Is it because of the douche?” I ask her


“The douche” she repeats


“Yeah, the English teacher.”


“Markus,” she says, and I growl at his name


“Yeah, the douche,” I say and Tiny smiles


“What did you do to piss her off anyway,” Stryker asks


“Nothing we just happen to have dinner at the same restaurant as her and the douche.”


“We both sat next to her” Jordan says, and Stryker laughs


“You did not” both smile Jordan, and I smile


“We were told to watch out for her, and we did,” Jordan says


“So, what where they talkin’ about,” he asks


“STRYKER” Lilly says




“Whatever happened on Tink's date, is her business no one else's” she looks at Jordan and me


“Baby” Stryker says, but she shakes her head


“No Stryker” she picks up her breakfast and the plate of breakfast Jordan made for Tink “Now I'm taking this up to her, you two be gone when I get back please” I watch as she walks out of the kitchen carrying the plates of food


“So,” Stryker says, and I look at him




“What was the date like” I clamp my fist shut tight remembering her and the fuckhead laughing, but when she reached over and touched his face. I was about to lose my shit.


“It was a date they talked, and then they came home.”


“Nothin’ else,” Stryker asks, but we both shake our heads


“Good, hopefully, that fucker won't be back,” he says


We sit and eat in silence everything from last night going over in my head from her dress to her legs tiny little feet in her heels, everything about her had me hard as a fucking rock.