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The Dragon's Rose: A Dragon Shifter Romance Novel by Serena Rose, Simply Shifters (10)



A few hours later, Bella was dressed in one of the finest dresses she had ever seen. Her face was gorgeously painted and her eyes greatly accentuated. Her lips were a perfect red pout, and her waist was nipped in tightly, with her thick mane of hair hanging about her face in fetching curls. Bella stared at her reflection in something akin to wonderment and didn’t turn when she heard the doors open. 

“Yes, Hildi, I’m coming,” she called out and turned to see Rogan handsomely dressed in a dark leather tunic and pants that accentuated his muscular thighs. Bella felt her mouth run dry as her heart began to race and stutter. He flashed her a smile and wetness poured out from her center. She clutched her legs together beneath her billowing skirt and coughed.  

“Rogan, what are you doing here?” she asked, and he stalked towards her, his eyes flashing.  

“I have come to see my wife. Is that a crime? 

“N—No,” Bella asked as he came close to her. His face was inches from her own, and he smelled of something sweet and dusky. She tried hard to resist running her hair through his thick locks. 

“I—I don’t--” Bella began and stopped when Rogan moved to kiss her. His lips teased her own before his tongue slipped inside, slowly and methodically exploring her depths. She moaned and moved her hands up to the nape of his neck to tangle her fingers in his hair. He groaned, and the kiss deepened. Her body felt as if it were on fire, and she pulled away, desperate to rid herself of her growing desire. 

Rogan grinned; his face was still glazed with lust as he stared back at her, his eyes flashing. Bella was enraptured by their changing color and, before she knew it, she was back in his embrace. She pulled away once more and let out a heavy breath. 

“We shouldn’t do this,” she declared. 

“Why not? You will be my wife. 

“Rogan, what if I find a way home? 

He was silent a moment and then nodded. “I know that you miss your homeland. But you have the life of luxury here. Do you not want that? 

“It’s not about that, Rogan—I--” Bella tried to think of her point but was distracted by his lips and his broad chest. She tried to begin again but stopped when she saw Hildevar peek inside the room. Relieved, Bella moved around Rogan. 

“We can talk about this later,” she told him, and he nodded. 

As Bella and Hildevar made their way into the corridor, Bella mouthed a grateful, “Thank you” to Hildevar, who blushed wildly.  

“I should not have interrupted--” she began, and Bella shook her head. 

“No, if you hadn’t, I probably would have done something stupid. 

Hildevar furrowed her brow. “What is it you may have done? 

“Had sex with my future husband. That’s what. 

Hildevar shot Bella a confused look and led her down the corridor. They were soon joined by Alannah and a contingent of the king’s servants.  

Trumpets once again sounded, and Bella was ushered into a side door. There was a long pause while Bella fidgeted. Hildevar smoothed a light touch over her arm, and Bella smiled. The doors opened, and Bella was taken into a magnificent ballroom, teeming with people who danced, talked and smiled. They all made way for her, some curious, some openly hostile, and most seemed to only want to be entertained. 

“Future queen of the Tuatha-Muin and wife of Rogan Gunnar from the Southern Clan, son of Dagan, King of all he surveys,” a loud voice announced.  

Showtime, Bella thought as she strode proudly into the room, her head held high. The crowd parted as she was led to a raised dais. She was surprised to see Rogan already there, a drink held lightly in his hand and a bored expression upon his face. He smirked when he saw Bella. Bella’s heart raced when she thought of his lips upon her own, and she looked away.

She looked over at the queen who smiled at Bella pleasantly. Bella could tell the smile was sincere and she was flooded with relief. She could see Rogan’s father staring at Bella as if she were some kind of interesting insect, and Bella wanted to frown, but instead pasted an artificial smile upon her face. She was placed next to Rogan, and she sat, trying to arrange her skirts and sit comfortably. 

Hildevar eased her into the chair and seemed to disappear the moment Bella was finally seated. Bella was trying to avoid acknowledging the hundreds of eyes that were upon her and risked looking over at Rogan instead. 

He squeezed her hand under the table and told her softly, “Don’t worry; soon, everyone will be drunk and having too much fun to scrutinize you. 

Bella grinned, “Really? 

“Yes. It’s the only way I can get through these things myself. 

Bella stymied a chuckle and looked out into the crowd. People had begun dancing once more, but there were quite a few still staring in Bella’s direction. 

“How do you handle all this?” Bella said, groaning. 

“I have been groomed for this my entire life,” he told her as he shrugged. “I am used to this. 

Bella felt her shoulders sag in relief when the strains of music grew louder and everyone began to focus on their dancing and less on her.  

“So you always had to come to these things?” she asked conversationally, and Rogan took a sip of his wine before answering. 

“Yes, but I hated them. Especially as a child. I wanted to play with my friends, not sit in a stuffy uniform and dance with girls I didn’t like. 

Bella snorted and then stopped when Rogan shot her a lusty look.  

“You look beautiful,” he told her. “But then again, you always do. 

Bella blushed and looked over at the dancing crowd before her. She felt a light tap on her shoulder and looked over to see Alannah staring down at her. 

“The king commands that you sing,” Alannah told Bella, who frowned. “I know you don’t want to, but-- 

“I will,” Bella said, and she stood. “I’ll be back, Rogan,” she said, and he brushed her hand. Bella shivered. He’s dangerous, she warned herself as she walked away.  

She was led to the center of the room as dancers pulled away and looked on, curious as to what the future queen would do. She stood there a moment, and everyone began whispering fiercely, thinking perhaps she’d make an announcement or dance.  

Magical threads lifted Bella’s hair and wound about her dress before disappearing. Suddenly, the strings of Bella’s favorite song filled the air, and Bella looked about in surprise. Alannah shot Bella a knowing smile, and Bella grinned a bit before turning back to the crowd around her.  

Bella began softly at first, her voice teasing out the opening lines with a coquettishness belied only by the power thrumming within her. Everyone stopped, and even the servants paused in their duties to stare at Bella with astonishment.  

Her voice filled the ballroom, its sweetness coupled with a strength that pushed at the magical core of every being in the room. Some struggled to stand on their feet and swayed. Others could only stare with misty-eyed surprise as she continued on.  

“She sings!” a voice trilled as she captured every ear with her vibrato. Bella built up to a crescendo as she hit the bridge and then came down hard, her voice holding a note for several moments before sliding off into an easy butterfly-like caress. Bella was lost in the song; she swayed and closed her eyes and let herself flow into the music. She felt just like she did on stage with her band behind her and a raucous audience moving beneath the notes like waves.  

She tapped her feet in tune to the beat and opened her eyes. What she saw astonished her. Not one person was moving. They were all still as statues, as if enraptured. Bella continued singing, her voice pushing higher and higher until it bottomed out beautifully from the depths of her diaphragm and into the cool air. She began to end the song, adding bits of humming and scatting before finally ending with one sweet note. 

The music faded away, and Bella was left standing, looking about the room with apprehension building inside her. Suddenly, the room exploded in sound. Everyone was clapping happily, while others kneeled, pledging fealty to the future queen. Bella turned to see Rogan looking at her with such want and desire that her knees shook. He was clapping slowly, a sexy slow smile spreading across his face.  

Bella’s breath caught. She couldn’t deny it any longer. She wanted Rogan. And he wanted her. 

She licked her lips and let Hildevar usher her back to her table. She caught the king’s eye, who nodded at her, an expression of grudging respect splashed across his face. Bella nodded back and took a seat. Rogan wrapped his hand around hers beneath the table, and they gazed at each other, the room seemingly melting away until it was only her and him.  

Bella swallowed and looked down at her hands. She couldn’t believe it. She knew, just knew if she stayed in this world any longer, she would be his. She glanced at him from lowered lashes, and she knew that he knew it, too. 

A jaunty tune began, and Rogan grabbed her hand.  

“Let us dance,” he told her, and Bella coughed. 

“Um—I don’t know any of your-- 

“It is fine. I will lead,” he told her, his voice heavy with promises and something that tickled and pushed at Bella’s willpower. 

She felt as if she were floating from her chair and onto the floor. Then, she was in Rogan’s arms, her head against his chest and his arms and hands on her back. She pulled away to gaze into his eyes, and she felt her knees trembling once more. His eyes were glowing softly, the different colors blending and merging so beautifully against his long lashes that Bella felt mesmerized. She licked her lips and watched as Rogan’s eyes followed her tongue. She shivered. His fingers were splayed against the top of her back, which was laid bare. He smoothed his fingers across the delicate skin, and Bella wanted nothing more than to melt into him. She could feel her center growing wet, and she tried distracting herself by looking away and into the faces of those around her. 

The music rushed into something soft and lilting, and Bella almost cursed. Rogan was pulling her close again, and she couldn’t resist him. His smell was filling her nostrils and making her burn with a need she’d never had before. Kiss me, kiss me, kiss me, her mind chanted, and she fought to regain control of her emotions. The music finally ended, and Bella slowly moved away from Rogan, the temptation to dive back into his arms strong and nearly overwhelming. The strains of the music then faded away and everyone issued polite applause. 

Bella turned from Rogan, her face flushed with heat. She walked through the throng of smiling and calculating people. She felt a touch on her shoulder and turned. A man with a hawkish nose and salt and pepper hair was smiling widely at her, a plump woman with a huge ornament in her curls in tow. 

“You are La’Draiochta,” the man greeted, and Bella could only nod. “I believe I am your great uncle. I am Tanrik.  This is my wife, Aval. 

The woman batted her eyes and grinned. Bella looked for a means of escape but couldn’t figure out how to extricate herself from their presence without seeming rude. “Er, yes,” Bella told them, and they smiled even wider. 

“You know, I knew your mother. Such a shame she left so long ago. How is she these days? 

Bella coughed and then cleared her throat. “Um—well. She’s dead. She died in an accident when I was very little. 

“Oh, so sad,” Aval said and then her face brightened. “But surely she would be proud. You are fulfilling the promise and becoming queen. I would love for you to come by our cottage sometime. I tell the girls all the time that I am related to one of the most important La’Draiochta in generations. They would be so pleased to see you-- 

“I see my—um—husband. I must go,” Bella said as she interrupted their prattling. She smoothly maneuvered out of their reach near a set of lavishly appointed tables. She sighed and accepted a glass of wine from a servant. In the corner where she stood, she was relatively hidden, and she took a few moments to relax. She was sipping contentedly on her wine when a young woman with blonde hair and blazing light brown eyes sauntered over. She sneered at Bella and stood with her arms folded. 

“Can I help you?” Bella spat.  

“Rogan was mine,” the girl said, and Bella nearly groaned. 

“Let me guess, are you his ex-girlfriend or something? 

“I was vying to be his promised. He would surely have married me if you hadn’t come along and spoiled everything. 

Bella rolled her eyes. “If you want him, he’s right over there. Have fun. 

The girl pouted prettily. “He was mine! 

Bella took another swig of her wine. “Well, lady, he’s promised to me. I’m stuck here and it looks like you have as much choice as I do. 

The girl stared at Bella, her rising anger evident in her expression. 

“You don’t know who I am! And you’re not even a dragon. You’re just some stupid laksma!”  

Bella shrugged. She was sure the girl was greatly insulting her, but she couldn’t bring herself to care.  


The girl gave a small noise of frustration and rage and spun on her heels.  

“This isn’t over. 

Bella rolled her eyes. “Please let it be. I have no patience for airheads. 

The girl huffed and stalked away, and Bella gave a sigh of relief. She scanned the room and tried to spot Hildevar or Alannah but could only see the swirl of expensive gowns and uniforms as the music played. 

Bella’s empty wine glass was suddenly filled with a full one, and she looked around, noticing the quick scurry of a servant moving around the corner. She wasn’t sure if she could get used to this, getting waited on hand and foot. She began to walk through the room, trying to ignore the sycophants vying for conversation. She was nearly back to the table when a cold wind blew through the room. She shivered and turned around. The music faded to a stop, and everyone looked about, confused. 

A bright light welled up in the middle of the floor and panicked screams arose as the revelers moved out of the way and to the safety of the sides. The bright light coalesced into a ball and then became tall and humanoid. The light faded, and a hugely muscled man stood in the middle of the floor, his only clothing a long fur kilt and fur boots, along with bracelets that jangled upon his beefy arms. He sported crowns upon his head, and tattoos were wrapped all about his chest, back and arms. A long dagger-like earring fell from one ear, and his dark eyes seemed overly large. He sneered, and Bella could see the tips of fangs. She shuddered and crept closer to the raised table where the king and queen sat.  

Bella could hear the whispers around her as guests pulled away from the floor and held onto to each other, fear evident in their faces. Bella turned to look at the king, who was now standing to his full height, his face suffused with rage. 

“What business do you have here, Shadow King?” he spat, and the large man on the floor laughed. It chilled Bella to her core, and she moved ever closer to the table.  

“You all have something that belongs to me!” he exclaimed, and he looked pointedly at Bella. She gulped and moved further back. 

“You will not take her,” Rogan was moving to her side and he looked ready for battle. 

Bella clung to Rogan, grateful for his presence. The king’s men moved to encircle her and Rogan, and even the king stepped down from his place on the dais. The Shadow King leered at Bella, and she felt revulsion run through her. People dressed in all white appeared near the floor, their hoods shading their faces. They surrounded the Shadow King. Rogan’s father stood next to Rogan, and the queen came to stand next to Bella. 

“Leave us,” the king commanded, and the Shadow King grinned. He was carrying a bag, and Bella looked on, her curiosity turning to horror as the Shadow King released something upon the floor that rolled and bounced until it reached her foot.  

Bella let out a scream and held onto Rogan. It was a head. Specifically, it was the head of the mermaid they had sent back with the message to the Shadow King, one that threatened his kingdom if he tried to come after Bella again. 

“She died for your stupidity,” the Shadow King told her, his eyes growing lusty and his smile sadistic. “She screamed for hours on end. You were merciful. But in the end, I was not. 

Those outfitted in white, who Bella had quickly surmised were spellcasters, tightened their ranks. 

The Shadow King raised his hands, and everyone in the ballroom scattered like insects.  

“You shall not pass!” Rogan said as he stood in front of Bella.  

Hildevar and Alannah rushed beside Bella.  

The Shadow King smiled and threw his hands out. Both Hildevar and Alannah were knocked to the side, unconscious. 

“No!” Bella yelled and ran to Hildevar and then Alannah. 

Shadows coalesced along the floor and walls, deepening in color and texture before dropping before the party goers and attacking. There was pandemonium as spells were thrown, people ran screaming and yelling and the blood began to run. 

The creatures were the most nightmarish things Bella had ever seen. They were the stuff of childhood frights, with their glowing eyes and dark shadowy bodies. Rogan’s father threw several power spells, but they were deflected by the Shadow King’s minions. 

The queen threw a few of her own and managed to get the Shadow King in the shoulder. He growled and threw one back, knocking the queen off her feet.  

“Magda!” the king yelled, enraged. He then threw spell after spell, his eyes misty with anger and grief. 

Rogan was doing the same, along with what was left of the contingent of spellcasters. The shadow people were everywhere, and the blood they spilled made the floor slick and sticky. 

Bella could only stand in shock. It was like being in the middle of a war. Her body shook, and she couldn’t breathe. A fire had broken out in the far corner of the room and the tapestries were melting, the flames licking the combustible material with glee.  

Rogan began to chant, his voice first a low hum, and then it reverberated into two voices. The king joined him, and they worked the pitch and rhythm over again and again, forcing the shadow people into one spot onto the floor. The figures writhed and moved like a ball of snakes, their hissing sounding loud and scratchy to Bella’s ears. Rogan continued to chant, and the shadow people screamed as one before exploding. 

The Shadow King didn’t seem fazed. He grinned evilly, and Bella felt something inside her twinge with fear. The king raised his hand at Rogan, and Bella felt her eyes widen. This is it, she thought, he is going to kill him! Part of her thought she should be happy. With him gone, the promise was null and void. But a bigger part of her didn’t want him to die.  

It was as if everything were happening in slow motion. The Shadow King was chanting and pointing, and then there was light, so much light. It infused the room with what looked like a thousand suns, burning with an intensity that made Bella curse and avert her eyes. She stepped in front of Rogan, who tried desperately to push her away. Before the spell could hit her, she raised her voice in one, long powerful note.  

She pushed the note from deep within her, willing the feelings of all she loved into one clear moment. The note hung suspended in the air and, for a moment, it was as if time had stopped, as if nothing moved. Then, suddenly, the ball of light was speeding towards her, hurtling at a speed that suggested imminent death. But as she ended the last note, the light shifted and expanded outwards, moving like the light of a soft summer sun against a cool morning, morphing into a warmth equivalent to a blanket in the early fall.  

It seemed as if time itself were tearing and splitting. Darkness was pushing its way into the light, and the Shadow King was yelling and cursing. Bella felt an intense pressure wrapping about her, and then she screamed, her lungs filling with so much air she couldn’t think and then deflating just as quickly. She thrashed in pain as her body folded and contorted, the many realms in the universe spinning all about her.

She could glimpse one where she was a fairy, riding regally through a glen in some far off world. In another, she was a teaching assistant at an urban school, making do on a small salary but hiding the fact that she could move small objects with her mind. She watched as another reality fled by; in this one, she was not magical at all, but she was the catty, bossy and incredibly unhappy daughter of a powerful senator.

Other realities flitted by, and she was both amazed and terrified by what was occurring. In some universes, she was kind and noble; in others, she was cruel and evil. She wanted to ponder the nature of this; she had always considered the soul to be the one unchanging thing about a person no matter what. Perhaps it wasn’t always true. She screamed as pain hit her anew, and she tried to gasp for air, but there was no air to be had. 

There was, in fact, nothing for her to breathe with. It was as if she were some amorphous blob that lacked a basic skeletal structure. Then, finally, a cold, indifferent silence filled a void and something was rubbing against her consciousness, pulling at it. Bella wanted to yell, to scream, to flail, but could do nothing save hold onto herself, to keep the molecules that made up her mind from frittering away.  




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