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The Dragon's Rose: A Dragon Shifter Romance Novel by Serena Rose, Simply Shifters (11)



Bella groaned. She felt as if she’d been pulled apart and put hastily back together. Everything ached. Her body felt hot in some places and cold in others. She sneezed a few times and then gagged. She heaved out fluid and goop in rivulets and then took a deep breather before it happened again. The process lasted for about ten minutes before she felt as if everything were out of her system. Her head was pounding, and she rubbed her temples. She looked around and gasped when she noticed she was back at her aunt and uncle’s. She tried to move and hissed in pain. Her joints were screaming bloody murder, and she moved more slowly, getting to her feet and using the nearby wall for support.  

She looked about her and noticed that nothing had changed. The calendar on the far wall was marked with the same date on which she had left, and the clock in the living room read 3:00 p.m. She rubbed her aching head and sighed. Had she hallucinated that last few weeks? Perhaps she had bumped her head and became disoriented. She stood with her back against the wall and examined herself. She was wearing the same clothes she had been when she’d left. She rolled her eyes. So it had all been some crazy, mixed up dream? But it had seemed all too real…. 

She trudged out of the living room and into the kitchen. The passwords and various phone numbers her aunt had left for her were still sitting out on the kitchen table. She glanced around and then felt a buzz. Her phone was in her back jean pocket, and it had just automatically updated. She sat in a kitchen chair with a huff, her mind going over what she could have possibly ingested to make her have such a vivid hallucination. Had she accidentally taken ‘shrooms? Maybe she ate something tainted, and she was just coming down from it? She continued racking her brain, but as the headache died down, she realized she was hungry.  

She walked over to the fridge and began pulling out the fixings to make a sandwich. She rolled her eyes. It figures. She was tasked with watching the house for her aunt and uncle, and on her first day, she has some weird acid trip. She smacked her palm to her face. She would be sure never to mention the incident to anyone. Most of all her aunt and uncle, who would probably ship her off to the nearest therapist or drug rehabilitation program. It was all just some whacked-out dream, and she would forget all about it. 

She was plastering mayonnaise on a slice of bread when a voice startled her, making her drop the butter knife. Mayonnaise flew onto the counter and floor, and Bella backed away, shock on her face. 

Rogan was standing in her aunt’s kitchen, still dressed in his leather tunic and pants, a look of deep confusion on his face. He looked around with fear and wonder. 


“Bella, what is this place? 


“You—you—you’re real,” Bella stammered, and he looked at her as if she’d gone daft. 


“Of course I am, love. I am as real as you. 


“No—no! Nope. Not real. Not real,” Bella squeezed her eyes shut and then opened them to an agitated Rogan who paced the floor.  


“Are we in the underworld?” he asked as he examined the various things in the kitchen. He picked up a timer shaped like a chicken and jumped back when it buzzed. He chanted a spell, and it blew up. 


“No!” Bella yelled. “It’s just a timer. You can’t go around blowing up my aunt and uncle’s kitchen. They’ll kill you. Specifically, my aunt. 


“I donna ken these strange things, Bella. What is a—timer? 


Bella shook her head. “Never mind. Just come here. 


He obeyed and came toward her. He reached out to her, and a wave of desire crashed over her. Bella stepped back. 


“On second thought, stay over there. 


“Look,” she began explaining. “You’re on Earth. 


Rogan looked around and frowned. “This is Earth? 




“It is rather small.”

Bella rolled her eyes. “We’re in a house on Earth. 


“A house? 


Bella facepalmed herself and groaned. “A dwelling. A domicile. A place where people live. 


Rogan grinned. “Ah, yes. A commoner’s place of residence. 


Bella narrowed her eyes. “Hey, my aunt and uncle are not commoners. 


Rogan grinned even wider. “Your aunt and uncle? Then they are not commoners. They are also La’Draiochta. Partitioners of magic. 


“No,” Bella told him. “They can’t do magic. 


“Why not? 


“They just can’t. 


Rogan sighed in frustration. “Return us to my world at once. 


“I can’t, Rogan,” Bella replied. 


“You brought us here. 


“I don’t even know how I did that, let alone how to reverse it and do it again. Besides that, I wasn’t interested in getting married right now anyway. 


“But I have a kingdom to rule!” Rogan said angrily. 


Bella smirked. “Tough shit. Now, you know how I felt. 


“I command you to take us back! 


“You can “command” all you want, but it’s not happening. Even if I knew what I was doing, I’m not sure I would. 


Rogan growled, and fangs sprouted from his mouth. He took a few steadying breaths and then looked back at Bella. “So I am marooned in this world? 


“Seems so. How do you like them apples?” Bella told him cattily and began to clean up the mess she made. Rogan watched her a moment and then sighed.  


“I donna think I like this world. 


Bella rolled her eyes and got up from the floor. She put the mayonnaise-laden paper towel in the garbage and sighed. “Rogan, I get it. But I don’t know how I managed to get us here. One minute the Shadow King is shooting off curses, I sang a note and the next thing I know, I’m here. Or rather, we both are. 


“What can we do? 


Bella shook her head. “I don’t know. My aunt and uncle won’t be back for a while, so we’ve got some time to think. Until then, you may have to just get comfortable and make the best of it. 


She shot him a cheeky smile. “Sandwich? 


He growled, and she chuckled. She fixed him and her a sandwich and grabbed two sodas from the fridge and two small bags of chips from the cupboard. Rogan followed her into the family room and watched as she clicked on the TV. 


Rogan made a noise of surprise and threw his hands up in front of his face. 


“What kind of magic is this? 


Bella snorted. “It’s not magic. It’s television. 


“What is this ‘television’?” Rogan asked suspiciously. 


“People on Earth use these boxes to entertain themselves and sometimes to inform each other of—you know, news and stuff. 


Rogan sat down hesitantly on the couch and reached for a sandwich. He watched Bella eat for a moment and bit gingerly into a corner. He made a noise of appreciation and gobbled the sandwich down in less than two bites.  


He then reached for a bag of chips, examined the bag with confusion for a moment, and let Bella take it away from him. She opened it and handed it back. 


“You can eat what’s inside,” she explained. 


Rogan reached inside and took out a chip. He crunched into it and then made a sound that denoted his pleasure. It sent something running down Bella’s spine and into—other areas of her body, and she coughed uneasily. 


“I take it you like chips? 


“These chips are the most—wonderful things I have ever tasted. 


Bella grinned widely.  “Wait until you have pizza. 


Rogan shot her a look and then focused on the food before him. Bella channel surfed for a while and then landed on a black and white romance featuring Cary Grant. It was a movie she often loved watching when she was alone, but she quickly became irritated with Rogan’s endless questions. 


“What is that they are in? 


“It’s an airplane. 


“What’s an airplane? 


Bella suppressed a groan and tried to remember what if felt like when she was in his world. 


“It’s a machine humans use to fly. 


“Humans can fly? 


The questions went on in that manner for the entire length of the movie. Bella became frustrated and turned to a colorful cartoon, much to Rogan’s horror. 


“What are those? Are those demons from the underworld?!” he exclaimed at the screen of colorful bunnies running along a field alongside cute butterflies. 


“No—it’s—it’s a cartoon, Rogan. 


“What is a cartoon? 


Bella did groan that time, and she stomped her foot for emphasis.  She had decided that television was probably not the best thing to go with.  


“Let’s go for a walk. Or better yet, let’s go to the mall. I can get you some new clothes. 


“What is wrong with what I am wearing?” Rogan questioned. 


“They aren’t what normal people wear, Rogan,” she told him. “Unless, of course, you’re off to the renaissance fair. 


A question quickly sprung to Rogan’s lips, and Bella silenced him with a finger. She pressed it into his lips and shook her head. 


“No more questions. I am all questioned out right now. Give me an hour to decompress, and I will answer all the questions you have. 


Rogan nodded, and Bella felt relief roll through her. She grabbed his hand and walked through the kitchen, grabbing her keys along the way and fighting the warm pleasure running up her arm from their skin-to-skin contact. She dropped his hand and pulled open the front door. The sun was still shining outside, and Bella led Rogan to the driveway and into her car. He looked around suspiciously as he folded himself inside.  


Bella looked over at him as she adjusted her mirrors.  


“Strap yourself in,” she told him and then remembered he probably didn’t know how. She reached over and pulled the seatbelt over his broad chest, trying not to inhale his scent. He smelled so delicious. 


Bella started the engine and soon they were pulling out of the graveled driveway and onto the street. Rogan gripped the dashboard.  


“It moves without beasts to pull it? 


Bella wanted to remind him of her earlier concession but gave in. He was, after all, new to the whole Earth thing. 


“Nope. No beasts. But back in the day, humans used horses to pull wagons. Some still do that, but that’s another subject for another day. 


“What is this monstrosity called? 


“Hey! My car may be old, but she’s not a monstrosity. She’s reliable,” she patted the dash. “He didn’t mean it, baby,” she cooed and then smiled at his confusion. 


“It’s a car, Rogan. Well, automobile if you want to be technical,” Bella increased the speed, and soon they were flying down the road.  


“You travel quickly,” he noticed as they whizzed past rows of houses. “Does everyone in this world have a car? 


“Nope. Just some,” Bella told him. She eased onto the highway entrance and steeled herself for his reaction. 


He was grinning widely like a child, the winds from the open windows whipping his hair and sliding across his face.  


“I have never felt such—exhilaration. 


Bella rolled her eyes. “You’re such a guy. I bet you’ll love motorcycles, too. 


She spent the next fifteen minutes answering as many of his questions as she could. They finally pulled into a parking spot, Bella put the car in park and turned off the engine.  


“I know you’re stuck here for now, but—but try to act normal.”  


Bella thought she was being unfair, so she turned to him, her expression soft and understanding. “This is a lot, I know, but just do what I do. 


Rogan nodded, and Bella unstrapped him from his seat. She pushed open his door and gestured for him to get outside. He unfurled himself from his seat and stretched. Bella got out and came around to his door and closed it. She led him to the mall entrance and ushered him quickly inside. Rogan was surprised by the loud noises, the number of children running about and the number of people. 


“What is this place?” he asked of her softly. He followed quickly behind her, trying hard not to get separated from her. 


“It’s like a marketplace. Except it’s in a building. 


Rogan nodded. “I see. 


Bella took him into a men’s clothing store, and a clerk hurriedly walked over, his eyes shining with promises of a commission. 


“What may I help you find today?” the rep purred.  The rep looked over at Rogan and shot him a look that was both quizzical and lusty at the same time. 


“He needs some new clothes,” Bella began. 


“I’ll say. You’re about a few centuries too late with these. Honey, let me find you something that will make you look good. It shouldn’t be too hard,” the rep told Rogan coyly. A sliver of irritation ran through Bella, and she snapped. 


“Well, my boyfriend’s clothes got stolen on the way from the renaissance fair.” Bella didn’t know why the rep was making her feel so—so protective of Rogan. He’s mine! Her mind screamed, and Bella stopped mid-thought, her mouth falling open. She quickly closed it and tried to act cool and nonchalant.  


The rep’s eyes softened in mock concern, and he shot Rogan a sympathetic smile. “Poor thing. You just can’t go and have fun these days without someone doing something like stealing your clothes. Don’t worry, I have a great look I can show you. You’ll love it, and my name is Brad, by the way,” Brad singsonged, and Bella resisted the urge to growl. 


Over the course of ten minutes, Brad had picked out a combination of pants, t-shirts and jeans. He thrust the stack into Rogan’s hands and pushed him into a fitting room. 


After a few minutes went by, Bella walked hesitantly back to where Rogan was and knocked on the door.  


“Are you okay?” she called out. 


“I am fine, my love,” Rogan called out. A moment later, the door opened and Rogan stepped out. He was wearing a snug black t-shirt and black jeans. The shirt and jeans seemed to accentuate his heavily muscled and toned body, and Bella nearly drooled. He was gorgeous. 


Brad rushed up to Rogan. “Wow!” he exclaimed. “Look at you. Those other clothes did you no justice! Are you a bodybuilder? 


Rogan shot Brad a quizzical look, and Bella interceded. “He’s—uh a martial arts fighter and a boxer. You know how it is,” Bella rolled her eyes. “He’s a gym rat. 


Brad grinned broadly. “I see.” Brad licked his lips as Rogan examined himself in the mirror.  


“Do you like it?” Brad asked hopefully. 


“It is adequate. 


Brad’s smile faltered the tiniest bit. “Well, try another shirt. 


Brad’s smile went full wattage when Rogan took his shirt off. Bella nearly choked. His tattoos, though not as vibrant when in his world, looked bright and colorful against his skin, defining his large muscles. His stomach was all muscle with little to no fat and, as Rogan flexed, his dragon tattoo seemed to move and writhe. Rogan swept his hand through his thick hair and frowned at the reflection of his chiseled face. 


Bella heard Brad take in a deep breath as he gave Rogan an appreciative once-over. Another sales rep came gliding over, this one female with a name tag that read, “Lisa. 


“How you doing over here, Brad?” Lisa said brightly, and Bella frowned. The two reps were gazing amorously as Rogan looked himself over in the mirror, shirtless. 


Bella wanted to growl and nip at everyone. A third associate came stumbling into the space, and she didn’t even try to hide the fact that she was ogling Rogan. And Rogan, unaware of the drool fest behind him, simply picked up another shirt and then pulled it on. He smiled at the bright color, and Bella swore she could hear the whole room swoon. Yes, he’s handsome, guys, but can we get some damn service instead? Bella thought crossly.  


“We will get this shirt and these pants,” Rogan said authoritatively. Brad nodded enthusiastically, and Bella rolled her eyes and followed Rogan to the counter. She pulled out her card, and Rogan stopped her.  


“I am a king of the southern clan!” Rogan whispered fiercely. “My queen will not pay. 


“Yeah, well they only take credit here, and they don’t take kingships for payment. 


Rogan stared at her hard, and Bella stood her ground. “Okay, how about when and if we get back to your world, you buy me all the dresses my heart desires? 


Rogan growled with displeasure, and Bella sighed. “Look, do you want to blend in or not? 


Rogan acquiesced but held her hand firmly. Arcs of electricity raced up Bella’s arm, and she could tell he felt it, too. “I will give you more than dresses, my queen. I shall give you the world. 


Bella shivered and handed over her card to Brad, who quickly rang up their purchases. After leaving the store, she and Rogan walked the length of the mall, with her having to pull him away from every window.  


“What was that?” Rogan had asked curiously. 


“That was a mobile phone store. 


“A movil fon?” Rogan asked, and Bella laughed.  


“No, mobile phone. It’s how we can talk to each other over long distances. 


“Your people do not use scrying bowls?” he added, and Bella giggled. 


“You’re silly. 


Rogan shot her a look, and Bella led him over to an ice cream shop. “Let’s get ice cream. 


“You want to scream? 


Bella chuckled. “No, ice cream. It’s a dessert. It’s tasty. You’ll like it. Believe me. 


Rogan nodded, and she went to the counter and ordered a bowl of chocolate and vanilla scoops with sprinkles and chocolate and caramel syrup. It was terribly decadent, but Bella didn’t mind. She was never one to constantly count calories. 


They made their way to a table, and Bella grabbed two plastic spoons. She handed Rogan one and dug in. Rogan watched her and then followed suit. He moaned and took another scoop with his spoon. He licked the spoon slowly, and Bella watched his tongue as it swirled about. She forced herself to look away.  


“How do you like it?” she asked, and he shot her a wide grin. 


“It is delicious. I have decided that this is the most delicious thing I have ever tasted. 


Bella smiled. “Still haven’t had pizza….” she told him, and he continued eating the confection. They soon emptied the bowl, and Bella led him back into the mall area. They passed different shops, and they passed a sports shop that was blasting the latest football game.  


“What are those….humans doing on that television?” Rogan asked. A nearby clerk heard his question, and she looked at him, perplexed. She scurried away, and Bella pulled Rogan closer to her.  


“They are playing football. It’s a game played with a skin filled with air. They kick it around, and each team tries to get the ball past certain areas on the field for points. 


Rogan nodded. “What are they wearing? Surely, as men, they can handle being knocked about? 


The clerk was back, and she was staring at Rogan as if he had more than a few screws loose.  


“Can I help you two?” the clerk asked, and Bella smiled.  


“No, sorry. He’s—um, from--Iceland. 


The clerk nodded and moved away.  


Bella hurried them out of the store. “Let’s go,” Bella told him, and they moved back through the mall and out the exit to the car. 


Bella threw the bags in the trunk and helped Rogan get into the car. She started the car and was preparing to back up when she noticed that Rogan was fiddling with the car window locks, obsessively locking and unlocking the door. 


Bella groaned. “Can you not do that? 


“What do these buttons do? 


“They lock and unlock the doors. 


“Why do humans need this? 






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