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The Fearless Groom (Texas Titan Romances) by Cami Checketts (16)


Xavier was in his gym pulling through a set of cable rows when his phone rang. He didn’t recognize the number, so he ignored it. He finished the tenth rep, and the phone rang again. He should just block the call, but he was grumpy and wanted to tell somebody off. His agent was a pathetic slime ball and Xavier had given in to him to protect Izzy. The mock date with Alexandria last night had been miserable. She wouldn’t stop touching him, and he had to look like he enjoyed it for the stupid pictures. Firing his agent after the contract was signed wasn’t soon enough, but he couldn’t allow him to make Izzy look like a tramp.

He’d arrived home last night to Mama informing him she’d invited Brody and his brothers over because Ace and Kade were both out on dates. Those boys had plowed through every dish she’d set in front of them. So his best friends were happily dating their dream women. His dream woman probably hated him, and he’d had to eat cheese sticks and baby carrots for dinner because his mama was obviously ticked at him.

“What?” he barked into the phone.

“If you want to see Isabella Knight alive again, you will remain on the line and follow my instructions exactly.”

His abdomen tightened, and he almost lost his grip on the phone. “How did you get this number?”

“Is that really your top concern right now, or do you want to not find your girl cut into tiny pieces because you didn’t listen to me?”

Xavier swallowed hard and talked fast. “I’ll do whatever you want. Please don’t hurt her.”

“I thought that might be your response. Walk straight to your garage and climb in your Land Rover. If you talk to anyone on the way or try to call the police, I will know.”

Xavier leapt to his feet and started for the stairs. Mama was still in bed. Could he write her a note? What would he tell her? There’s no way they could know if he stopped to write a note, but Mama didn’t know how to track his phone and send help. Hopefully the police or one of his friends could. He reached his kitchen and pulled a paper pad and pen out of a kitchen drawer.

“I heard that. Drop the pen and paper and get in your Land Rover.”

“How do you know I drive a Land Rover?” But Xavier dropped the pen and paper.

“I know everything, X.”

He hurried out of his kitchen entry and into the garage. Jumping into the Land Rover, he pressed on the brake and pushed the start button. His breath was coming hard and fast like he’d run the forty-yard dash twenty times. Punching the garage button, he hated how slowly it clanked out of the way.

“Relax, X. I haven’t hurt her, yet.”

“What do you want?”

“I’ll tell you when you get here. As you exit your neighborhood, drive south.”

Xavier followed the man’s instructions, turning down one road then back up another for over forty minutes. His palms were sweating, and he couldn’t form logical thoughts. Why would somebody kidnap Izzy and call him? But then, who else did she have? If she was being honest with him and wasn’t in league with her father, the kidnapper would be pretty smart to go after Xavier instead of her father. Hopefully, it was just about money and they wouldn’t hurt Izzy. The comment about cutting her was just to scare him. Please let it just be about scaring him.

He finally pulled into an old strip mall. A few of the stores were still in business but not open for the day. The majority of the spaces were vacant.

“Park in front of the third store from the left and walk in. Don’t even think about calling 911. I can see you from here. Just come in.”

Xavier’s heart picked up speed again. He dropped his phone into the pocket of his shorts, climbed out of the vehicle, and cautiously approached the door. Was Izzy even in there? This could be a setup simply to attack him, yet he had to go in. It was Izzy.

He pushed the door hard, and it banged open. He walked inside. The interior was open and swept clean. All he could see was Izzy against the bare wall, bound and gagged.

“Izzy!” He yelled, running toward her.

She was shaking her head desperately, her voice too muffled to understand, and her eyes focused on something behind him. Xavier turned in time to see a tall man wearing a ski mask rushing at him. He threw a punch at Xavier’s head. Xavier ducked out of the way, and the man went flying past him. Xavier dove on top of him and slammed his elbow between the guy’s shoulder blades. The guy flattened to the concrete floor. Xavier grabbed his shoulders and rolled him over, driving his fist into his face. The guy groaned and cowered.

He heard a shuffle from the corner and glanced up. Was there more than one kidnapper? He would think so, but who knew? Izzy was trying to slide toward him. He wanted to go to her, but he had to make sure this guy, and whoever else was around, wouldn’t hurt her first.

The guy slugged him in the abdomen as someone from behind him slammed something hard into his back. He groaned and released his grip. The guy scrambled out from under him, and both men sprinted for the back door. Xavier felt like he should go after them, but he wanted to get to Izzy more. If there were more kidnappers or those two came back, he didn’t want to be in a situation similar to the waterfall with the guy holding a knife to Izzy’s throat.

Standing, he rushed to her side and dropped onto his knees. His eyes quickly scanned her face and body for injuries, but she looked okay besides the gag and binding, dressed in a tank top and shorts like she’d been out running. He glanced around, wondering if someone else was watching them, waiting to come out and attack. Loosening the gag, he pulled it off. “Is there another guy?”

“Just those two,” she said.

Xavier’s eyes darted around as he yanked his phone from his pocket. He barely managed to hold his thumb on the button long enough to enable the touch screen and then shakily dialed 911. He quickly explained the situation and gave their location then dropped his phone into his pocket and helped Izzy stand up. “Let’s get out of here.”

She nodded her agreement. Xavier wrapped his arm around her and ushered her out the front door. She could probably feel him trembling, but he couldn’t control it. The anxiety of seeing her bound and gagged and the rush of relief that she was in his arms now were making his entire body shake.

As soon as they were in the bright sunlight and around the back of his Land Rover, semi-hidden from the space she’d been held captive, he turned Izzy around and worked the knot binding her hands together. The adrenaline was fading, but he was still on alert for the tall guy or his partner, so his heart rate wasn’t slowing, and he was struggling to steady his hands.

The kidnappers had known the exact moment he would be walking into that office space. Why hadn’t they had a knife or gun on Izzy or a better planned attack? They’d double-teamed him then both ran away. Why had they even kidnapped her? They hadn’t asked for money or anything. Something was wrong, and nothing was adding up in his brain, but he had Izzy. That was all that mattered right now.

The knot finally came loose, and he dropped the rope and turned her to face him. “Are you sure you’re okay?”

She nodded and shook her hands out. She looked small, vulnerable, and so beautiful. Then she slapped him across the face.

“What was that for?” He rubbed at his jaw, more confused than ever. Life used to make sense before he met Izzy Knight.

“Ditching me to go out with Alexandria last night.”

“You don’t understand

Izzy threw her arms around his neck and kissed him with such passion and love he almost lost his footing. He wrapped his arms tight around her and returned the kiss. She pulled away, and they both were short of air.

“What was that for?” he asked.

“Rescuing me.”

He couldn’t help but grin at how cute she was as all the angst and frustration from last night and this morning slipped away. He wanted to kiss her again, but sirens ripped through the air, and she stepped out of his embrace. Hopefully, the police wouldn’t take too long because he had a lot of questions for Isabella Knight. He touched his jaw again. She probably had a few for him too.

* * *

The police finally finished their questioning and taking evidence, what little there was. They typed all of Xavier and Izzy’s personal information into a computer and told them they were free to go. They seemed as confused by the thwarted kidnapping attempt as she was. The men hadn’t hurt her in any way. They hadn’t demanded any money. They hadn’t really hurt Xavier, besides the one guy fighting with him. She could still picture Xavier kicking that guy’s trash so easily. Xavier was a hero, but also a dipwad. He deserved a couple more slaps, maybe a few more kisses, but she really wished he would explain why he’d been with the model chick last night.

“I’ll take you home,” Xavier said with little enthusiasm.

“Sorry to be a burden.” She tossed back at him.

He opened her door, waited for her to climb in, and walked around to his side. He started the vehicle and drove toward her condo. Neither of them said anything. Izzy was bursting with questions, accusations, and demands, but he wouldn’t even look at her, his hand gripping the steering wheel tightly.

Finally, they pulled through the gate and into her condo parking lot. She reached for the door handle. He jumped out and ran around, waiting while she climbed down then shutting the door. They walked silently up to her condo door. She stopped at the door and turned to face him, hating how awkward they were. Was it really just yesterday morning he’d rescued her from being shoved off the waterfall? And now, he’d rescued her again. He was fearless and brave and she knew she was falling for him, but he was also a complete jerk. How could he have ditched her for another woman last night? Why?

Should she thank him for rescuing her? Yes, but she didn’t want to start this conversation. She tilted her head up and stared into his dark gaze. He looked as unsettled as her, but angry too. Kind of scary angry.

“I need the truth, Izzy.”

You need the truth? Seriously, Xavier?” She tapped her fingers on her arm. “I’ll give you the truth. You pretended you cared about me then dumped me like yesterday’s garbage and took out some model last night. Is that the truth you’re looking for?” Her voice was too loud and she didn’t even care.

He brushed a hand through the air like he was swiping away an irritating fly. “Alexandria meant nothing. I went because my agent set it up. I went because …” His voice faded out and his eyes darted around at the other apartment doors and the cars parked below them. What was he looking for?

“Oh, that makes complete sense. So I shouldn’t care that my boyfriend had some beautiful woman draped all over him last night at some bar. No big deal. It was all for your ‘agent.’” She made quote marks with her fingers. Had she just called him her boyfriend? That might be taking it too far.

“It meant nothing. I promise.” He stared deeply at her as if begging her to see something she didn’t understand. “All those women were either setups or encouraged by my agent. It’s part of his way to make me look more appealing as a player.”

“That’s slimy.” She couldn’t believe Xavier would do that.

“I know, and I hate it. I’ve always hated it.” His eyes swept over her. “You’re the only woman I’ve ever dated that means something to me.”

Her heart started to soften. “You lost my trust, X.”

He swallowed hard. “I shouldn’t have done the pictures, but I promise you that’s all it was, pictures.”

“You could’ve called and explained that before I saw it splayed over social media.” And had her heart broken in the process.

He cocked his head and studied her. “I should’ve. I’m sorry, Izzy. I didn’t mean to hurt you like that.”

She processed his words. They seemed sincere, but yesterday, she’d trusted him above anyone in her life. Today, it was too tender, and she didn’t know what to believe.

He lowered his voice and took a step closer. “Look …” He glanced around again. “I don’t know if you’ll believe me but I went with Alexandria last night to protect you. My agent is a slime ball and as soon as this contract is signed I’ll be done with him.”

She was so confused. How was taking pictures with a super model protecting her and why couldn’t he just spell it all out? She studied him. “How is that protecting me?”

He shook his head. “My agent threatened … he was going to make you look bad. I’ll explain it all later, but you need to trust me. Can you trust me, Izzy?”

She gnawed at her cheek and finally said, “I don’t know.”

Xavier flicked his thumb against his pant leg. “Please believe I wouldn’t hurt you, Izzy. If you believe anything I say, believe that none of those women meant anything to me, and I’m sorry about the pictures you saw last night.”

She studied him and then finally nodded, still not sure if she trusted him or why he couldn’t just spell it all out. He leaned closer and said quietly, “Can I trust you?”

“What?” She stepped away from him.

“I can’t trust your father or my agent, but I really wish I knew if I could trust you.”

She bristled and wanted to smack him. “What are you talking about? This is all about me trusting you, not the other way around!”

“Why did you buy me at the bachelor auction?”

She gritted her teeth. Why were they back to this? “I told you, to get money for the hospital.”

“But why would your dad be that generous with you?”

“Maybe he actually cares.” It hurt to say it because she didn’t believe it and probably never would. “Why do you care if he donates money to my hospital?”

“I care because I think he’s trying to manipulate me. I think your dad set this whole thing up so I’d stay in Dallas.”

She fell back a step. “Excuse me?”

“He wanted us to date. He knew how appealing you would be to me, and he wanted us to fall in love so I wouldn’t take Denver’s offer.”

For some reason, instead of listening to his twisted logic about her father’s scheming, which she didn’t actually doubt because her father would do anything for his Titans, she focused on three words. “Fall in love?”

Xavier paused for half a beat, a hungry look coming over his face, hungry for her, but it was there and gone quickly. He shook his head and muttered, “Even your kidnapping today seemed contrived. They didn’t want anything. The guy fighting me was pathetic, and then he got out of there as quick as possible. Would your dad set something like that up?”

“Why would he do that?” She didn’t have a good relationship with her father, but he didn’t hate her enough to have somebody kidnap her. Did he?

“To bring us back together. To keep me here.”

She couldn’t even compute what he was saying. “You’re trying to tell me that my dad used me to lure you into staying?”

“Did he?”

“How would I know?” She shoved her hair behind her ear.

He took a step closer. “You tell me. Did you make up all the stuff you shared with me, all the hatred with your father? Are you in league with him to keep me away from Denver?”

She slapped him across the face, harder than she had the previous two times.

Xavier’s eyes hardened and darkened. “The last two times you slapped me I at least got a kiss out of the deal.”

“Don’t plan on it,” she shot back at him. He’d betrayed her trust and hurt her without a very good explanation and now he was claiming she was in league with her father?

He took a step closer, and she backed up a step, running into the door. His smell overwhelmed her, not his usual cologne but a clean, manly scent she couldn’t hide from.

“Tell me the truth, Izzy. Was it all a ploy?”

“If you can believe what your twisted little mind is telling you, then you don’t know me at all.”

“The only thing I know is you’re the most beautiful enchantress I’ve ever met.”

She glared up at him. His words should’ve been kind, but they were twisted to make it look like she’d put a spell on him or something. “I am not some enchantress, and I haven’t done anything my father has wanted since I was ten. Why would I care about his stupid football team or try to tempt you to stay?”

He planted his hands on either side of her head and leaned in. “You tell me, Princess, because I’m more confused than I’ve ever been in my life.”

“I am not a Princess.” She yelled at him.

Xavier bent down and kissed her. The kiss was possessive and strong and took her breath away. Unfortunately, her body reacted, and she cupped his face with her hands, stood on tiptoes, and deepened the kiss. Xavier crushed her against him, taking the kiss to levels daydreams were made of. His hands were warm on the bare skin of her shoulders and almost as demanding as his lips. He wanted her, all of her. Could she trust him again?

After who knew how long, he pulled back and muttered, “You sure don’t kiss like a princess.”

That was his response? She needed reassurance of love and trust, and he mocked her? Izzy planted her hands on his chest and tried to shove him away, but he didn’t budge. “Go to Denver!” She screamed. “See if I care.”

She whirled and pulled her key out of the small pocket in her shorts, working it in with trembling fingers. Xavier’s presence still surrounded her—his breath, his smell, his touch from a few seconds ago. She had to get inside before she lost it completely. The lock finally turned and she pushed the door open. Xavier’s hands dropped away, and she didn’t allow herself to look at him as she slipped inside and slammed the door.

Leaning against the door, she touched her lips and let the tears slide down her face. At least she had other kisses to remember him by because the last one was amazing, but it wasn’t her X. She sighed. He’d never be her X again.