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The Fearless Groom (Texas Titan Romances) by Cami Checketts (19)


Xavier caught the ball then fired it back at Marcos. The boy got drilled in the gut, but he was grinning as he wrapped the ball up. Xavier rushed him. Marcos let out a squeak and took off running. Xavier had been able to buy the neighbor’s house when it was condemned and knock it down, making a huge side and backyard for Mama. He had also used the space to extend her house when he paid to have it remodeled. Luckily, the local gangs respected him and Mama and hadn’t made any trouble for her being in this rundown neighborhood with a bigger and nicer house and yard.

He caught the little man easily and lifted him up in the air. Marcos’ laughter pealed through the backyard. Xavier dropped to his knees and pretended to pin the boy down while Marcos giggled and struggled to be free. All the other boys had gone home for the night, but Marcos’ mom was working late again.

“You’re down,” Xavier said.

“Let’s do it again, X!”

Xavier was so happy to be with Marcos, and his fears about the boy had been put to rest. He was listening to Mama’s advice and told Xavier that he was going to stay far away from gangs and drugs so he could play football when he grew up. He’d also made some friends at school who were good kids, and their families seemed to be taking an interest in the cute little man and inviting him to their homes often. His mom was trying hard to be more involved and make sure he was either at Mama’s or another safe spot when she couldn’t be home.

A movement on the back patio caught Xavier’s eye as he stood and offered the little man a hand up. “Maybe Mama has some cookies and more lemonade for us.”

Mama was indeed carrying a pitcher of lemonade, but trailing behind her with a plate of cookies and the paper cups was Izzy. Her dark, shiny hair trailed down across her shoulder. Her smile appeared a little uncertain to him, but she looked so beautiful in her floral print sundress he wanted to run and swoop her off the ground. As much as part of him wanted to do that, he didn’t move. He was frozen to the grass and had no clue what to do or think.

They sat everything down on the patio table, and Mama said, “Marcos, this is my friend Izzy.”

“Hi, beautiful lady.” Marcos pumped his eyebrows.

Mama and Izzy laughed. All Xavier could do was stare at her. Why had she come? What did this mean for them?

“Grab a couple of cookies. Then you and I are going to go in and watch YouTube videos of the Triple Threat.”

“Sweet!” Marcos grabbed as many cookies as he could fit in his hand and trotted to Mama’s side.

“Be sweet with my girl.” Mama admonished Xavier before taking Marcos’ free hand and walking inside.

Xavier nodded, completely focused on Izzy’s deep brown eyes. She finally looked at him, and it was all he could do to not grab her and kiss her like he’d done on her doorstep after she’d been kidnapped.

She tucked her hair behind her ear and whispered, “Hello, X.”

Xavier’s feet started to work, and he crossed the distance separating them, stopping a foot away. “Why did you come?” It was too harsh and probably not the best opening line, but he couldn’t handle any crap right now. He needed her in his life. He’d go to Dallas for less money if she wanted him. Could they really make it work?

Her eyes flickered over his face, settling on his lips for a beat before she met his gaze and gave him a slow smile. “I came because every time I slapped you I’d also given you a kiss, and I owe you for that last slap.”

His brow furrowed. “You gave me a kiss the last time too. You don’t owe me anything.” Though he’d happily take a slap across the cheek if he could kiss her again.

“No, you kissed me.” She stepped so close he could smell her sweet gardenia scent.

His breath shortened. “So you came here to make it right?”

She placed her palms on his chest, and the oxygen was stripped from his lungs.

“I came here to make a lot of things right.”

Xavier knew they had a lot of talking to do, but he couldn’t resist wrapping his arms around the small of her back and bringing her body flush to his. She gave a cute little gasp. He bent down and captured her lips, kissing her long and good. He drew back and said, “I still have some questions.”

“I’m sure you do, but the score’s not even. I haven’t kissed you yet.”

Xavier grinned and winked at her. “I’m waiting.”

She rose up on tiptoes and took control of his lips in a way no woman had ever done. Xavier didn’t want the kiss to ever end. Several wonderful minutes of silent communication had his nerve endings singing, and he wanted more of this incredible woman.

Regrettably, she fell back onto her heels, stepped out of his arms and took his hand. “Mama said cookies and lemonade would sweeten you up so you’d listen to what I had to say.”

“You don’t need either of those when you’ve got lips like yours.”

Izzy chuckled. They sank into chairs, and he poured them both a glass of lemonade, taking a long drink.

Izzy turned to him, and their knees touched. He couldn’t resist putting his hand on her bare knee. She smiled.

“X, you were right about my father.”

“He was trying to coerce me into staying with the Titans?”

“Yes, but not for the reason you think.”

Xavier squeezed her leg and sat back in his chair. He didn’t need the distraction of touching that smooth skin to hear what would probably be a sordid story. He just hoped Izzy fit into the tale in a way that wouldn’t pull her away from him again.

“He actually cares about me.”

Xavier was glad to hear that she believed that and hoped it was true.

“He didn’t cheat on my mother and he loves me, Dolly, and Hailey, and Hailey isn’t my half-sister. She’s my stepsister.”

“Wait?” He raised a hand. “You thought she was your half-sister?”


“You look nothing alike.”

“Ha. Thank you very much.”

Xavier looked at her very seriously. “I’ve already told you, Izzy, that you’re the most beautiful woman in the world to me, and I want to tell you one more time that I am very sorry about the stupid pictures with Alexandria. My agent blackmailed me but I’m done listening to him. If you can promise to not believe the media if my agent releases some sordid, but doctored pictures of me and tries to run your name through the mud, I promise you I’ll never let him manipulate me again.”

“I trust you, X.”

“Thank you.” He smiled at her then turned the subject back. “Your father?”

She took a deep breath and pressed her palms together. “What it comes down to is my father did try to manipulate us together, but he did it because he loves me, and he thinks you’re terrific. He wants me to be happy and believes you are the man for me.”

Xavier simply blinked at her. Her father wanted them together because he cared for them, not for his Titans? “How can you be sure that he didn’t do it for his team?”

Izzy leaned against him, and his arm automatically came around her. She looked up at him, and those dark eyelashes framed her eyes so perfectly. “Because I could see the love in his eyes, just like I can see the love in yours.”

“How can you be sure that I’m the one for you?” His voice deepened.

“I think you can convince me by kissing me again.”

Xavier bent down and gave her a chaste kiss on the lips, but it wasn’t enough. It wasn’t nearly enough. He wrapped his hands around her waist and lifted her onto his lap. Izzy gasped but recovered quickly, framing his face with her hands and deepening the kiss. Xavier groaned and pulled her in tight to him. If this kiss didn’t convince her she was the one for him, he’d just have to keep kissing her, and that sounded more important and worthwhile to him than any contract negotiation or football career.