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The Games We Play by Alexandra Warren (6)



“We should’ve gotten tickets to that damn concert tonight. That Zalayah girl. Man. The things I’d do...”

I couldn’t help but laugh at my homeboy M.J. as he sipped from his beer, shaking his head while he lived out whatever daydream he was having about the pop princess turned R&B vixen. He and Eric had come over to help me out with the project of my mother’s fixer-upper. And while her participation had been few and far between, I was just glad things were at least moving in the right direction; not to mention we finally had the equipment necessary to actually make it happen.

Eric and I pulled up the last of the carpet from the dining room, revealing beautiful hardwood floors that should’ve never been covered in the first place. And as we started to roll it up so we could throw it out with the rest we had pulled earlier that afternoon, Eric finally replied, “Nigga, chill out. She’s a baby.”

A baby? She ain’t no damn baby. She’s like… Londyn’s age,” M.J. said, the mere mention of her name making my dick jump as I thought about the night before - that went well into this morning.

Londyn might’ve been a little younger than me. But what she lacked in age, she made up for in experience, doing things to my body that gave me chills just thinking about it until Eric replied, “Exactly. A baby.”

I knew that was far from the truth, but jumping to her defense would’ve probably made things too suspicious. So instead, I let M.J. handle it, though he certainly held nothing back when he said, “Wake up, E. Londyn is a grown woman now. And I hate to break it to you, but somebody is knockin’ those boots off whether you like it or not.”

That “somebody” being me - and only me as far as I knew - made me cringe, especially since Londyn and I hadn’t exactly discussed what we were doing outside of being, well, fuck buddies. And how do you tell your best friend something like that?

You don’t.

In true big brother fashion, Eric groaned, “Better not be. I’d whoop that nigga’s ass.”

Since I knew that was just him being the same overprotective person he’d always been, I wasn’t fazed by his threats. But I was fazed by M.J. suggesting, “It’s probably that little light-skinned dude with the dreads who looks like a good dancer. All that time they spend together and you don’t think he’s gotten a sniff?”

From the outside looking in, I understood exactly why M.J. felt that way since I had felt it too. And while Londyn still hadn’t made the history between her and her “best friend” clear, I was surprised to hear Eric say, “I actually like Khalid. He’s cool peoples, looks out for little sis. All these other dudes though? Brass knuckles.”

Brass knuckles? You don’t own no brass knuckles. You don’t even own plastic knuckles!” M.J. shouted with a laugh, one I couldn’t join in on since I was still too focused on Eric actually thinking Khalid was good for his sister.

I mean, if he likes him, he definitely shouldn’t have a problem with me then...

“Whatever, man. All I know is, my little sister deserves the best. And if I gotta knock a nigga out to weed out the weak links, it is what it is,” Eric replied, reaching into the fridge to discover, “Damn. We’re out of beer. I’ll make a store run real quick. Y’all need anything?”

“Yeah, some real brass knuckles cause yours ain’t gonna do us any good,” M.J. said with another laugh, Eric rolling his eyes as he continued, “Nah, I’m fuckin’ with you. Grab me a Snickers though. I’m not me when I’m hungry, and all this free labor got ya boy starvin’.”

“Man, shut up. You’re always hungry,” I quickly chimed in, especially since we had just devoured a few boxes of pizza not even an hour ago.

But that didn’t stop M.J. from rubbing his stomach as he replied, “I didn’t choose the hunger life. The hunger life chose me.”

This dude,” Eric groaned, shaking his head before telling us he’d be back. And since he was the main one helping me out, I figured it was a good time for me to take a break, tossing my gloves to the side so that I could check my phone.

It only took a few scrolls for me to see I had a message from Londyn; a message that turned out to be a picture of her in… damn, that’s what she’s wearing to the concert?

The little red dress she had on fit in all the right places, her nipple piercings made obvious since she clearly didn’t have on a bra underneath. But not having a bra on didn’t mean her titties weren’t sitting up perfectly, my mouth damn near watering at the sight of her cleavage until I heard M.J. say from behind me, “No fuckin’ way…

I couldn’t have closed out of the message fast enough, quick to ask, “Man, why you all in my phone?”

“Better question, why is she in your phone?” he challenged with a grin as if he already knew the answer.

I did my best to play it off, shrugging when I insisted, “It was just a picture.”

Of course, M.J. wasn’t letting me off that easy, following up with, “But why is she sending you pictures? She ain’t sending me pictures. She ain’t sending Eric pictures. Shit wasn’t a damn group chat. That was a personal picture to thee Chance Lamar Washington aka Little Chuck aka let me see that picture again cause oohwee gotdamn she is fine as hell!”

Instead of responding, I only shook my head, mad that he was still over my shoulder since I wanted to take a second look. But I knew I wouldn’t be opening it any time soon once M.J. put two and two together to say,  “No wonder your ass was so quiet a minute ago. You’re the one knockin’ those off!”

“Yo, chill out with all that,” I whispered as if it wasn’t just the two of us around.

“You didn’t say it was a lie though,” he quickly replied, his discovery making him pace the floor as he continued, “Man, you’ve only been in town for... not even two weeks. How the hell you swing that already?”

“I didn’t swing anything. It was just a picture,” I told him as plainly as possible, hoping my nonchalance would make him back off.

But it only seemed to rile him up even more when he stopped his pacing to reply, “And I’m just Michael Jordan. Nigga, quit lyin’.”

Since he obviously wasn’t letting up, I decided to throw his hungry ass a crumb, admitting to whatever he thought he knew with a simple, “Aight. But you better not say anything to Eric.”

It was only a matter of time before I’d have to tell Eric something was up between Londyn and I, even if that didn’t include any specific details. But I knew we could only sneak around for so long before he’d find out, and I’d much rather him hear it from me or Londyn than someone else.

Someone like M.J.’s greedy ass who wanted all the details, stepping closer to suggest, “Your secret is safe with me, bruh. Now spill it. I already know she’s a freak. I can see it in her eyes.”

My face tightened as I groaned, “Man, shut up. It’s not even like that. We’ve just been… enjoying each other’s company, I guess.”

Instead of being satisfied with what was truly confidential information, he let out an annoyed sigh. “Bruh, you’re giving me straight Hallmark Channel right now. I want Cinemax After Dark.”

His reference made me laugh, shaking my head as I stepped past him towards the next room we’d be attacking. And as I made mental notes of what all we needed to get rid of, I told him, “I don’t kiss and tell, man.”

“Bullshit. I knew all about you and Michelle back in the day,” he challenged, the memory making me feel horrible since I shouldn’t have been doing that shit back then either.

Luckily I had pure ignorance to rely on, telling him, “Yeah, cause we were childish as hell and didn’t know any better. But I respect Londyn. Which means you will too.”

“So that means I can’t see the picture?” he asked with hopeful eyes, the point of what I had said clearly flying right over his head.

I made it as plain as I could when I answered, “No, bruh. If she wanted everybody to see it, she would’ve posted the shit on Instagram or somethin’.”

“Guess you feel special now…” he muttered, an obvious disappointment in his tone as if he hadn’t gotten a good glimpse of it by accident anyway. But at least he wasn’t over my shoulder anymore, allowing me to pull out my phone so I could finally reply.

“You really don’t play fair, Londyn. Sending me shit like this knowing good and well I can’t see it in person until later on.” - Chance

“So you like it?” - Londyn

I knew she wasn’t really looking for my approval, planning to wear whatever she wanted to regardless of how I felt about it. But I would’ve been lying if I sent back anything other than, “Of course.” - Chance

“Good. Cause I’m tryna snag me a baller tonight.” - Londyn

This girl,” I thought to myself, shaking off my true feelings about her message to reply, “You think you funny, huh?” - Chance

“Just like making you jealous. You seem to fuck me harder when you are. ;P” - Londyn

“I don’t need any motivation to fuck the shit outta you, LoLo. Trust me.” - Chance

“Jesus, I can’t wait to see you tonight.” - Londyn

“Tonight, huh? Line it up then, homie. I ain’t mad at cha,” M.J. said with a laugh from behind me, the fact that he had not only snuck on me, but been there long enough to see at least the last message enough to have me wanting to sock his ass.

But instead of doing that, I gave him a shove in the shoulder as I told him, “Mind your business, man. Damn.”

He was still laughing when he defended, “I’m trying! But y’all shit way more interesting. I mean, if y’all into people watching y’all smash, I volunteer myself.”

Before I could respond to his disgusting ass, Eric came back in the house with a six-pack in his hand and asked, “What I miss?”

M.J. looked straight at me as if he expected me to say something, and I looked straight back at him as if I dared him to say something. But when he only laughed, I released a sigh of relief, happy to answer, “Nothing. Nothing at all.”


After a full day of working on the house without much sleep the night before, I wanted nothing more than to take a hot shower and get in the bed. But since I had already told Londyn we could hook up, I did everything I could to stay awake; doing some light sketches for the video game I was working on, making lists of supplies we needed for the next steps on the house, watching a rerun of Sportscenter while also watching her Snapchat story to see just how much fun she was having at the concert.

Unfortunately, there was only so much I could do before fatigue took over. Though the second I caught myself dozing off in front of the TV was the same moment my phone buzzed with a text.

“Sorry so late. Mom wanted to go out for drinks after the concert. You still up?” - Londyn

I thought about ignoring the message once I checked the clock and saw it was almost two in the morning. But I decided to give her at least the courtesy of an explanation when I typed out a response.

“Barely. I’ll have to catch you another time.” - Chance

Her response came quick, the buzz from my phone waking me up a little more, especially once I saw the urgency in her message.

“Nooooooo! I can come to you. Stay up for me. Please?” - Londyn

If she was already begging, I could only imagine what she’d be on when she actually got here. And with that on my mind, I accepted her plea with a little urgency of my own.

“Hurry up. Room 1004.” - Chance

“Okay, Top Floor. I see you. ;)” - Londyn

“Company’s suite. I ain’t got it like you, baller.” - Chance

“You definitely got it, Chance. And if you don’t, you’re about to get it... ;P” - Londyn

Shit, she ain’t playin’ at all,” I thought to myself, rushing to the bathroom to brush my teeth since my mouth felt a little crusty from dozing off. And with perfect timing, a knock on the door coincided with me turning off the faucet, wiping my face with a towel before making my way to the door.

Opening it was such a treat, her red dress and red-bottomed heels looking like a weapon against me that was definitely about to prosper. And there was an extra haze in her eyes, telling me her mother hadn’t been the only one drinking. But it wasn’t like Londyn was sloppy drunk, just slightly tipsy enough to be even sexier than she was naturally.

And that was dangerous.

“Thought you forgot about me,” I told her as I pulled the door open enough to let her come in, her fragrance damn near dragging me behind her with every step she took.

She was already taking her jacket off as she tossed over her shoulder, “I mean, there was this one fine ass football player backstage that… I’m just kidding. I’ve been thinking about this dick all night.”

Draping it over the back of the couch, she turned back towards me, running a hand against my shorts as my dick woke up on her command. And while it really didn’t matter since she was about to get it regardless, I was curious to know, “And exactly what were you thinking about it?”

She licked her lips, continuing the tease with her hand as she answered, “Mainly how deep I want it down my throat. But it looks like you were really sleep so… maybe I should just go home.”

Abandoning me - and my dick - she turned to grab her jacket. But she barely had it in her hand when I spun her back around by the wrist and told her, “You aren’t going anywhere.” 

My mouth went straight to her neck, inhaling her intoxicating scent while landing kisses and nibbles that had her hand right back where I wanted it. And with that, I couldn’t help groaning, “I can’t believe you were really out in public looking this damn good. Do you know what I would’ve done if I saw you out lookin’ like this?”

“Tell me,” she moaned, tossing her head back to give me better access to her neck. But I didn’t want it anymore, more focused on the answer to her question when I pushed her dress up and slipped a finger inside of her.

Damn. You were this wet for me, huh?”

She nodded and moaned as I found a steady rhythm with my finger before adding a second, watching her shrivel against the couch until I pulled out and said, “Nu uh. You said you wanted this dick down your throat. You ain’t getting outta that one.”

“My pleasure,” she replied with a greedy grin, unzipping and stepping out of her dress to reveal a pair of panties just as red as her dress.

The devil’s uniform.

Seeing her in just that with her heels on, I was already in heaven - or hell. But then she positioned herself in front of me, pressing me back into the couch before dropping to a squat. I could only watch as she made easy work of my shorts and boxers, leaving them in a pile at my ankles when she took me in one swift inhale. And if this was anything like the everlasting fire, my ass would proudly be burnt toast.

“Shittttt, girl,” I hissed, my hand slipping into her braids as a gentle guide; not that she needed it. Londyn knew exactly what she was doing, using one hand against my thigh to keep herself balanced while the other stroked the parts of my dick she couldn’t reach with her mouth. But she was definitely trying to reach it all, creating a mess of saliva when she gagged on the tip; her body’s reaction to the challenge only making her laugh which told me everything I needed to know about her crazy ass.

In fact, she seemed especially deranged as she marveled at my dick like it was gold, stroking it in her hand when she gushed, “You truly have a perfect dick, Chance. Perfect length, perfect width, nice curve. And it feels so damn good.”

I couldn’t even thank her before it was back in her mouth, this time with quick, messy bobs of her head that had my thighs clenching under her grip. And my reaction only seemed to make her go harder, her eyes watering with every smack of my dick against the back of her throat as my hand went back to her hair. But this time, I grabbed a handful of it, tilting her head back to meet my eyes and finding hers pierced with determination.

And she said my shits perfect…” I thought, my eyes locked on hers as mascara ran down her cheeks and saliva accumulated around her mouth and chin. But she didn’t care about any of that shit, the sight driving me crazy as I warned, “You’re about to make me cum.”

Instead of backing down, she took it in the stride, not stopping until my seed sprayed against her tongue. And even then, she continued to suck me past the point of my release, squeezing out every drop until I begged her to stop, feeling way too damn sensitive to be touched anywhere ever again.

Of course she only gave that evil ass laugh in response before licking me clean, even going as far as running her fingertip against the sticky, second wave of cum and slipping it into her mouth. “Delicious,” she said with a giggle, standing back upright before taking off towards the bathroom.

But I quickly caught her by the waist, pulling her back against me to ask, “Where you think you goin’?”

She laughed again, pulling me with her as she answered, “To clean my damn face up. I’m sure I look a mess.”

Since I respected the work she had put in, I let her go, but not without assuring her, “Most beautiful mess I’ve ever seen.”

“Oh, whatever,” she sang with another chuckle, her voice echoing off the walls of the bathroom before she shut the door behind her. And I could only stand there resting against the couch with my dick still out, my pants still at my ankles, trying to decide how quickly I could make her Mrs. Washington after that gold star performance. Or at least how quickly I could give her the same level of satisfaction she had given me. But when she emerged from the bathroom, her face was freshened up, the dress I didn’t remember her grabbing was back on, her hair was back styled, and she was already heading towards her jacket.

Wait what?

“So that’s it?”

She seemed surprised by the question, her eyes tight with confusion when she grabbed her jacket and asked, “What do you mean?”

“I mean… you’re good? You don’t want me to fuck you? Or eat your pussy? Or… make you cum like you made me?”

With the exhaustion of the day plus the exhaustion from a good nut, I wasn’t sure how good of a fuck I’d be. But that wasn’t going to stop me from giving my all since she had done the same for me.

Still, instead of agreeing, she only smirked, licking her lips as she answered, “Listening to you moan and groan was all the satisfaction I needed tonight.”


The sight of her pulling the sleeve of her jacket on tugged at me to speak up, not ready for the night to end - not ready for her to go - even if it wasn’t about sex. And while I wasn’t sure where that feeling had come from, I didn’t waste time trying to figure it out before I told her, “But you don’t… have to leave yet. I mean, I know you always try to kick me out, but I’m not doing the same to you.”

Oh. I just thought…” she started before I cut her off with a finger against her lips.

Don’t… think. Just stay the night with me, Londyn. In bed. Not on a couch.”

She twisted her lips at my little jab; the fact that she had refused to let me sleep with her in her bed the two times I stayed at her place. But it didn’t bother me. I respected her space even when I didn’t require the same since I very much wanted her in my bed, wanted her body against mine all night, wanted to wake up with her hair in my face then tease her about her morning breath. And it appeared that I’d finally get the opportunity when she replied, “I’d need something to sleep in.”

“Why? So you can steal it?” I teased, enjoying the grin that grew on her face in response since she knew I was right.

But she wasn’t admitting it off tops, first pushing out a stiff, “No…” Then a muttered, “Maybe...”

“Here. You can wear my shirt. I’ll sleep without one,” I told her, yanking it off and handing it her way.

She didn’t move right away, instead stuffing it against her chest and ogling me when she replied, “Now that you’re all naked, I may have to renew that offer you just gave.”

“Quit lookin’ at me like that, little nasty. I’m already about to pass out fuckin’ with your ass,” I told her, moving to pull up my boxers and shorts to hide the fact that my dick was definitely coming back to life.

It certainly didn’t help when she teased, “Well you better hurry up and get those clothes on before you’re really fuckin’ with my ass.”

“Londyn…” I groaned, my eyes heavy as hell but my dick growing just as heavy, especially once I watched her exchange her dress for my shirt that she looked way too good in. Almost like it was made for her all along.

“Alright, I’ll leave you alone tonight. But if you feel the urge mid-dream, just make sure you put a condom on first,” she said with a wink before she climbed into one side of the bed and I climbed into the other.

She was already adjusting against the pillow when I turned off the lamp, the darkness swooping in around us as I gravitated towards her side. And I was glad when she caught my drift, scooting back into me so that our bodies were flushed together.

Perfect fit.

I draped an arm around her waist, leaning in towards her ear to tease, “Damn. No goodnight kiss or nothin’, huh?”

She stayed wrapped in my embrace when she answered, “I guess I don’t know proper protocol. I don’t usually stay.”

“Well let me teach you somethin’ then,” I said, slipping from behind her so that she’d fall onto her back. Then I hovered over her from the side, staring down into those damn hazel brown eyes before leaning in to give a gentle kiss against her lips - our first.

Her eyes were still closed when I pulled away, tempting me to go in for more. But since I knew that would only lead us into something we had already agreed not to do tonight, I gave her another quick kiss, this time to her forehead before telling her, “Goodnight, Londyn.”