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The Ghost Groom (Texas Titan Romances) by Jennifer Youngblood (10)


The bewitching hour was almost here. Ariana glanced at the clock on the wall. It was twenty-five minutes to three. Had everything not fallen apart, she’d be on her way to the gym right now to meet Rennen to go to Austin. She scowled, pushing back the wall of tears behind her eyes. She glanced at the movie playing on the TV, not seeing a thing. She reached in the bag beside her and grabbed a handful of barbecue potato chips, shoving them in her mouth.

For the past couple of hours, she’d sat here on the couch, munching on junk food, hoping it would dull the pain in her heart. So far, it wasn’t working. She glanced at the wadded candy bar wrappers and empty carton of mint, chocolate-chip ice cream. All she’d managed to do was give herself a major stomach ache. She felt like a beached whale. Ariana swallowed the chips with a swig of Dr. Pepper, straight from the two-liter bottle. All in or nothing. A tear escaped the corner of her eye as she swiped it away. She’d tried the all-in approach and it had gotten her a big, fat nothing.

Ever since the blasted story broke about Ariana and Rennen on the night of his birthday, she’d avoided him. They’d talked once on the phone. He told her that while things looked bad, it would blow over as soon as the press got wind of another story to chase instead. He’d said he was coming over that instant to check on her, but she asked him to give her a few days to sort things out in her mind. She knew if she told Rennen straight out that they were through, he’d pursue her relentlessly. But this way, she could stall him until she built enough resolve to really let him go. She’d still not talked to Ace, but Fabiana said plenty on behalf of the entire family. Ariana felt like a complete louse for betraying Ace, but she was also betraying herself and Rennen too. There was just no winning in this situation.

Rennen sent her a text earlier this morning, saying that he really wanted her to go with him to Austin. When she didn’t respond, he sent another message.

I’ll be at the parking lot of your gym from 2:30 to 3:00. If you don’t come, then I’ll know that’s your answer.

Thinking of him sitting there, waiting for her, tore her up inside. She reached for another handful of chips. Her phone rang. Her heart jumped, thinking it was Rennen, but it was Paul. She sighed heavily, clicking the button on the side to silence the ringer. This was the second time in two days Paul had called. The first time, he left her a message telling her he missed her and wanted to catch up. No doubt the news about her and Rennen was causing him to have regrets about the one who got away. After spending time with Rennen, Ariana couldn’t imagine going out with Paul or any other guy. Now that she’d experienced what it was like to walk in bright sunlight she couldn’t go back to life in the clouds.

“Hey, I hope you don’t mind that I let myself in.”

She jumped, looking up at Ace. “Hey.” She ran a hand through her hair and tugged at her shirt as she sat up straight and removed her feet from the coffee table. She could only imagine how pathetic she looked right now, still wearing pajamas with the evidence of her carb binge scattered around her.

Ace plopped down in a nearby chair, his dark eyes flickering over her. “You look like crap.”

A humorless laugh escaped. “I feel like crap.” She took another swig of Dr. Pepper.

Ace motioned at the two-liter bottle in her hand, two-thirds empty. “It’s a good thing you don’t drink alcohol, or we might have a problem.”

Her eyes narrowed. “Whatever,” she mumbled. She leaned forward and placed the bottle on the coffee table.

He brought his hands together. “So, what’s new with you?”

She laughed. “Seriously?” She shot him a dark look. “Don’t try to act like you don’t know exactly what’s going on. And before you say anything, I’m sorry.” Her voice caught. “I didn’t set out to betray you.” She swallowed the lump in her throat, but unfortunately, couldn’t hold back the treacherous tears that rolled down her cheeks. Hastily, she wiped them away with the palms of her hands. “I know you think I’m horrible because I went out with Rennen, even after I knew who he was.”

Ace studied her with an enigmatic expression. “You really care about him, don’t you?”

A harsh chuckle escaped her lips. “Is it that obvious? Yeah,” she admitted, “I do.” She forced a smile. “Of all the guys in Dallas/Ft. Worth, I have to fall for the one who’s off-limits.” She let out a long breath, trying to stay the quiver in her voice. “But you don’t have to worry. It’s really over this time.”

He rubbed a hand across his jaw, looking thoughtful. “Yeah, I was afraid you’d say that.”

“Oh, I mean it,” she countered. “Truly. You can tell Mom too.” Her brows scrunched. “I’m sick of her harassing me about it.” She placed the bag of chips on the floor, then drew her legs to her chest, wrapping her arms around her knees. She looked at the TV, pretending to take interest in the movie playing. But she could feel Ace watching her.

She spun around, glaring at him. “What?”

“Are you really gonna sit there feeling sorry for yourself all day?”

She lifted her chin, eyeing him. “Well, if I am, it’s none of your business.”

He just kept staring at her.

“What?” she barked.

A smile tugged at his lips. “Go after him, you dummy!”

She flinched, not sure she’d heard him correctly. “What did you say?”

His lips gave way to a large smile. “You heard me. Do I need to get a pitcher of ice water and dump it over your head, the way you did to me when you told me to go after Silver?”

Her mind whirled like an out-of-control merry-go-round. “You’re telling me I need to go after Rennen?” Maybe the carb overload had fried her brain and she was in some wish-fulfillment stage of a dream.

“That’s exactly what I’m saying. That is, if you care about him as much as I think you do.”

Hope thrummed in her chest. “You’re okay with me and Rennen?” She gave him a searching look and then she saw it, the slight quiver of his jaw muscles. Her heart dropped. No, he wasn’t okay with it. He just hated seeing her all torn up. She shook her head. “I appreciate what you’re doing, but it won’t work.”

He cocked his head. “What do you mean?”

“As much as I care about Rennen, I could never live with myself knowing I chose him over you.” The words tasted bitter in her mouth.

“You’re not choosing him over me,” he muttered.

Their eyes locked as she jutted out her chin. “Aren’t I? Mom seems to think that’s what I’ve been doing.”

He waved a hand. “You know Mom. She’s always fired up about something. She’ll come to terms with you and Rennen … eventually.”

Ariana got the distinct impression Ace was talking about himself. Tears gathered in her eyes as a wave of tenderness rushed over her. She and Ace had always been close. It meant the world that he would sacrifice his own feelings for her, which is why she had to do the same. There was only one course of action open to her. She released her legs as she angled to face him, keeping her voice light. “I really don’t know what the big fuss is about anyway. Rennen and I were just getting to know each other.” She chuckled ruefully. “It’s not like I’m in love with him, or anything.”

Ace blinked. “Oh, my gosh. You are.”

She frowned. “What? I just said I wasn’t,” she spat.

“I know what you said, but I also know what’s written all over your face.”

She was going to come back with some smart retort, but he held up a hand. “Just hear me out, okay?”

She folded her arms over her chest. “Fine.”

“That day at Los Tios when I first learned you were going out with Rennen, I was shocked.”

“You mean ticked,” she grumbled. She gave him a hard look, daring him to deny it. The wounded look on his face had ripped her to shreds. Heck, her mind still replayed that look over and over.

“Okay, you’re right. I was ticked.” He paused, his eyes taking on a distant look. “This thing with the Titans had me all tied in knots. I couldn’t stand the thought of being replaced, of becoming a has-been.”

“Everyone gets replaced eventually,” she countered, remembering what Rennen had said. “You were luckier than most. You just ride the wave as long as you can and hope for the best.” She was surprised when he smiled.

“That sounds familiar.”

“It does?”

“Yeah, Rennen used those same words.”

Her heart pounded. “You’ve been talking to Rennen?”

“Yeah, we spoke earlier today.”

“Really?” She tried to wrap her mind around what he was saying. It kind of irked her that Rennen had gone behind her back and talked to Ace … while she was sitting here eating herself into oblivion. And yet, the notion of Rennen and Ace reaching an understanding sparked more hope in her than she dared express. “What did he say to you?”

“We mostly talked about you.”

She rocked back. “Me?”


She clenched her hands. “What did he say?”

A mischievous light came into Ace’s eyes. “I can’t tell you that. It’s against the brotherhood code.”

“That’s the most absurd thing I’ve ever heard,” she scoffed. “Football players have no brotherhood code.”

“It’s not about football. This is about men, in general.” He chuckled. “But if you must know, Rennen might’ve said something about me being so fragile that you felt like you had to jump to my defense.”

She gritted her teeth. “You wait ‘til I get my hands on him.”

Ace laughed. “The part about me being fragile is a load of crap,” his jaw worked “… mostly. But the part about you jumping to my defense is true.”

“I don’t feel like I always have to jump to your defense, and I resent Rennen insinuating that I do.”

Ace touched his temple, his voice taking on a musing tone. “Let’s see. We were in … Elementary School? Davie Crabtree was picking on me on the playground and before I could even react, you ran up and socked him in the face, bloodying his nose.” He shook his head, laughter in his voice. “You barely came to Davie’s chest.”

Her eyes rounded. “Oh, yeah. I’d forgotten about that.” She chuckled, remembering. “Well, he deserved it.”

“Yes, he did.” His eyes went soft. “I really do appreciate you taking up for me, but I’m a big boy. I had a wonderful career that most players can only dream about. And now I can turn my sights to the restaurants, Silver, Gracie, and the new baby.” His eyes went moist. “I have so much to be grateful for. Football was a huge part of my life, but it doesn’t define me. At least that’s what someone very close to me keeps harping, even gave me two pictures of some silly-looking girls to prove it.”

She couldn’t help but smile. Ace was referring to the twin pictures she’d given him. Ariana had put them in the guest room of Ace’s home, but then little Gracie loved them so much that she wanted them in her bedroom. One picture depicted a poor girl holding a flower. The other a rich girl, also holding a flower. The idea being that both girls had something of value to offer, regardless of their station in life.

“Rich. Poor. Football or no football … I’m enough.” Ace scooted forward. “Look, I know it’s awkward for you to be with Rennen … under the circumstance. But we’ll just have to work through it.” He gave her a rueful smile. “I have a feeling that you might’ve finally found your man.” He glanced around. “And I think you’d better own up to those feelings before you eat yourself out of house and home … or at least your clothes.”

“Oh, shut up,” she said reflexively, then processed his words. Ace was giving her his blessing. Her heart soared, then she frowned. “But what about the press? They’ll drag us all through the mud before it’s over.” She shot him a steely look. “And don’t pretend that doesn’t bother you, because I know it does.”

His jaw tightened. “Yeah, it bothers me.” He shrugged. “But what can you do?” His eyes took on a defiant light. “I refuse to live my life tiptoeing around the press.”

“Yeah, me too,” she said, just now realizing that Ace was right.

He held up a finger, fire sparking in his eyes. “But you can tell your boyfriend that if he has any grand illusions of purchasing a house in The Reserves, he can nix that right now.”

Ace referred to the mean-spirited article stating that Rennen was taking everything from Ace and would eventually get his house in The Reserves. She laughed. “I doubt very seriously that Rennen would even want to live in The Reserves. But I’ll be sure and tell him.”

He looked at the clock. “Don’t you have a trip to get ready for?”

She giggled like a sixteen-year-old. “You know about Austin?”

“Yeah, Rennen told me.”

She sprang to her feet, hardly believing this was happening. Then as quickly as the excitement came, it faded as her stomach lurched. It was 3:05. “Then you also know Rennen’s gone.” She could call him and tell him to come back. Yes, that’s what she’d do.

Ace stood, a sly smile touching his lips. “You might be surprised.”

“You told Rennen you were coming over to talk to me?”

He made a zipping motion over his lips. “Brotherhood code, remember?”

She crossed the distance between them with two steps and flung her arms around her big brother, giving him a tight hug. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.” He pulled back, looking her up and down. “You’d better hurry and get dressed. He’s gonna be here at 4:00.”

A wave of panic raced through her. “He’s coming here?” Yikes! The place was a disaster. She was a disaster! And she had to pack.

“Yep, that’s the plan.” Ace wrinkled his nose. “And for goodness’ sake, take a shower. You reek of stale chips and Dr. Pepper.”

* * *

Ariana had just gotten dressed, her skin still supple from the mist of the shower, when Rennen came to the door. She flung it open—he looked at her, she looked at him—the air crackling with unleashed energy. A soft cry escaped her lips as they rushed into each other’s arms. His lips crushed hers with a savage passion as he pulled her closer. A delicious rush wicked through Ariana, making her feel like she was riding a dozen roller coasters all at once. She savored the fire that simmered through her bones as she clung to him, the kiss deepening to the point where she felt their very souls were connecting. This man was filling her heart and soul, taking everything from her, then regenerating it and giving her back impossibly more. She ran her hands over his back, her fingers memorizing the firmness of his sinewy muscles and how they rolled underneath his shirt.

He pulled back, assessing her. “You’re amazing.”

“So are you,” she uttered, getting lost in the depth of his jade, gold eyes—flecks of sunlight on the tips of a lush, green forest.

He searched her face. “For a moment there, I was afraid I’d lost you.”

Emotion clogged her throat. “I thought so too,” she uttered.

A teasing smile stretched over his lips, lightening the mood. “You taste sweet, like root beer.”

Her eyes snapped open, face warming. “Dr. Pepper, actually.” Sheesh. She’d not yet brushed her teeth. Her breath was probably atrocious. She was grateful she’d thrown away the food wrappers and other incriminating evidence of her carb overload before she jumped in the shower.

Adventure lit his face. “You ready?”

“Almost. I just have to finish packing a few things.” And brush my teeth, she added mentally.

He stepped away from her and went to the photographs hanging on the wall.

She held her breath, watching him assess them.

He lifted an eyebrow. “These are yours?”

“Yes.” The photographs were of landscapes mostly, but one was of her mother and father in the kitchen at Los Tios. She’d caught them in the throes of the dinner hour, their faces glistening with a sheen of sweat, holding platters of food. The picture was one of Ariana’s favorites because it captured her parents in motion, a slice of precious time forever preserved.

“These are good.” He turned to her, admiration shining in his eyes. “Really good. You’re a woman of many talents.”

“Thanks,” she murmured, a burst of pleasure running through her. She brought her hands together, pulling herself into action. “Well, I’ll only be a few more minutes. Make yourself at home.”

He nodded, turning his attention back to the photographs, studying them with such intensity that Ariana would’ve thought they were fine art pieces in a museum rather than simple photographs. It was immensely gratifying to know that Rennen was interested in the things she valued. Excitement brimmed through her as she rushed into her bedroom to finish getting ready for the trip.




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