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The Ghost Groom (Texas Titan Romances) by Jennifer Youngblood (12)


Nestled on a quaint corner of historical Schulenburg, The Hideaway Inn looked like something out of a storybook with the large, circular, twin porches on each side of the front door. Ariana’s gaze took in the bay windows with intricate leaded-glass on the top sections. Decorative trim added the finishing touches, and the siding glistened like fresh milk in the afternoon sun. The landscape boasted an explosion of colorful flowers—some in pots and others popping up from the ground.

“What do you think?”

The hope shining on Rennen’s face caused a rush of tenderness to come over her. She smiled broadly. “It’s perfect.”

“Let’s take our luggage in and get settled, then I’ll show you around the town. We may even be able to tour one of the painted churches … if they’re not already closed for the day.” He pumped his eyebrows. “That is, unless you’d rather go to the Polka Music Museum instead. I know how much you love dancing.”

She laughed. “Yeah, but Polka?” She wrinkled her forehead. “I think I’ll pass in favor of the churches.”

He grinned, his eyes teasing. “That’s probably wise. A little religion will keep you on the straight and narrow.”

“Hey, now. Watch it.” She nudged him, thrusting out her lower lip. But she couldn’t stop a laugh from rolling in her throat. With Rennen, there was never a dull moment. She had to keep pinching herself to make sure this was really happening. Her heart sang as she reached for her bags and followed him up the steps. On the drive from Austin to Schulenburg, Rennen told her a little about the place where they’d be spending the night.

The town was settled in the 1800s by German immigrants who’d left Europe to escape poverty. While these people embraced their new life in America, they brought parts of their culture with them. The churches were decorated with colors and symbols from their homelands. Rennen explained that there were fifteen of these churches scattered throughout Texas, four of them near Schulenburg.

It was fascinating to hear Rennen expound on the history of the area. She could tell from listening to him that he was wicked smart. Yes, he may’ve grown up in hard circumstances, but it certainly hadn’t hindered his ability to excel. Another thought struck her. Maybe Rennen was so strong because of the hardships he’d endured.

As they stepped through the front door of the inn, Ariana took in the foyer with the plush Oriental rug and round, walnut table in the center. A large floral arrangement set atop it. The room opened to a gorgeous staircase that curved on both sides where it touched the floor like the train of a gown. Ariana peered into the adjacent sitting room with curved-backed furniture and a baby grand piano nestled in the pocket of the bay windows. The room was cozy and in-keeping with the period.

Directly across from the sitting room was a library with floor to ceiling shelves of books. In the center was an arrangement of plush, leather furniture. A fireplace took up the center section of one wall. Over the mantle was a large oil painting of a family dressed in clothes from the early 1900s. Ariana felt like they’d stepped back in time. Her eye caught on the burgundy afghan draped across the back of the sofa. The room was so inviting that it made Ariana want to snuggle up with a good book and wile away the afternoon.

They walked over to the reception desk and Rennen rang the bell. A couple of minutes later, a short man with thinning hair and a round belly came trotting towards them, the wood floor creaking underneath his feet. A large smile lit his ruddy face, causing his mustache to twitch. “Welcome.”

“Thank you,” Rennen and Ariana replied simultaneously.

He stepped behind the desk and pushed his glasses back up on his nose. “What’s the name?”

“Rennen Bradley.”

He punched keys on the computer, staring at the screen. A second later, he looked at Rennen. “You booked two adjoining rooms, is that correct?”


It was evident that the man didn’t recognize Rennen, which was a good thing. They could enjoy their privacy. Ariana stepped closer to Rennen and linked her arm through his. He’d gone to a lot of trouble to make sure their weekend was perfect. She was so glad she’d come.

“Wonderful,” the man said. “Your rooms are ready. Dinner is served in the dining room from six to nine.” He pointed. “At the end of the hall to the right. You can also go out on the veranda. We have a live band playing tonight. Breakfast is served in the morning … also from six to nine a.m.” He chuckled. “It helps keep things simple so there’s no confusion in this old brain.” He handed Rennen two keys. “Your rooms are on the second floor.” He pointed to the staircase. “Turn right, go down the hall to the last two rooms on the right. Both have their own bathrooms. My name’s Walter. If you need anything, don’t hesitate to call the front desk. There are phones in your rooms. Just dial zero.”

“Will do,” Rennen said.

Ariana smiled at Walter. “Thanks.” When they reached the top of the stairs, Ariana turned to Rennen, looking up into his eyes. “This place is fantastic. A quaint dinner … live band. You’re pulling out all the stops. I might have to rethink my position on football players.”

He cocked an eyebrow in amusement. “Is that so?”

She laughed. “Or at least one football player.” She rolled her eyes. “Of course, you did trick me into thinking I was dying and spilling my guts.”

A quirky grin tugged at his lips. “Yeah, it might take you a while to live that one down.”

“For sure.”

“I’m glad you like the inn. I’ve always wanted to stay here.”

She cocked her head. “You’ve never been here before? You’re so familiar with the town. I just assumed …”

“Nope. First time.” He grinned, his eyes shining. “And we get to experience it together.”

“Oh, didn’t I tell you? I’ve stayed here before.” She had to fight to keep from breaking into laughter when she saw his shocked expression. He was so much fun to tease. “Just kidding. I’ve never been here before. This is a wonderful first.”

He leaned closer, his eyes turning a deep, moss green as he looked at her lips. “Well, here’s to firsts.”

A smile overtook her lips. “Indeed.”

* * *

Soft light from the candle on the table flickered against Ariana’s features, giving her an air of mystery. Rennen drank in her beauty as he leaned forward and reached for her hands. “It’s so nice to be here with you.” She was wearing a purple dress that hit her figure in all the right places—her tiny waist, leading down to her curvy hips and toned legs. Silver earrings dangled underneath her hair, capturing the light with every movement. Rennen had never seen a woman look so spectacular. She literally took his breath away.

A playful grin touched her full lips. “What? You keep staring at me.”

“Because you’re stunning.”

She rewarded him with a dazzling smile. “You’re not so bad yourself, Goldie Locks.”

Music from the live band floated on the evening air—a contemporary jazz song that fit perfectly with the evening. Tomorrow morning, Rennen and Ariana planned to attend a sunrise service at the church they’d toured. Then they’d drive back to Ft. Worth, stopping for lunch along the way. This trip had been the perfect escape from all the craziness. No one had recognized them. Here, they were simply a couple in love. Rennen wasn’t looking forward to going back into the lion’s den, but they’d have to face it sooner or later. At least now, they could face it together.

Now, they sat on the back veranda of the inn, waiting to order their dinner. The evening sky was awash with orange and blue swirls from the setting sun. A girl in her late teens approached their table. “Hello, my name’s Mindy. And I’ll be taking care of you tonight.”

They placed their drink orders—Rennen water with lemon, and Ariana a Dr. Pepper.

“Would you like any appetizers?” Mindy asked.

Rennen leaned back in his seat. “What do you recommend?”

“The bruschetta is good. As is the calamari.”

Rennen looked at Ariana. “What do you think?”

“They both sound delicious.”

He nodded. “Yes, they do. We’ll have both.”

Mindy smiled. “Perfect. I’ll put this in and be right back to take your dinner orders.”

Ariana gave him a questioning look. “Two appetizers?”

“I figure we’re celebrating so we can splurge a little.”

She laughed. “Sure. Why not. I’ve eaten enough the past couple of days to kill a cow. We’ll just have to exercise more next week.”

He chuckled. “Amen.”

Rennen picked up the menu. “What’re you getting?”

Ariana pursed her lips as she perused the menu. “The crab cakes look good. How about you? What’re you thinking?”

“A steak and loaded baked potato.”

“Simple and direct. I like that.” She winked. “I knew you were a meat and potatoes man at heart.”

“Yeah, but I like a lot of different types of food.”

Her eyes sparkled in a challenge. “How do you feel about Mexican food?”

“Hate it,” he said with a straight face.

She gave him a steely look. “You’re lying.”

He broke into a smile. “Yeah, you’re right.”

“I’ve got your number.” She wagged a finger. “If you’re gonna be a part of my family, you’ve got to like Mexican food.”

He leaned forward, locking eyes with her. “Part of your family … I like the sound of that.” For a second, he thought he might’ve spoken out of turn, but it didn’t seem to bother Ariana. Things were happening fast between them, but he couldn’t deny that it felt right. He kept replaying the words Ariana had spoken when she thought they were going to crash. She said she’d been looking for him her entire life. He knew she meant that she’d been looking for someone like him, but the meaning was sort of the same. It felt good to be needed.

“I guess the true test of our relationship will come after you meet my family,” Ariana joked.

“From what you said, your mother seems like quite the character.”

“Oh, she is. Believe me. She’s like this big, bright shining star in the center of the room that must be paid attention to. But she’s got a heart of gold.” She laughed to herself. “She’s been pestering me to find a good guy and settle down, especially now that Ace found Silver.”

He reached for her hand, locking gazes with her. “And have you?” It was fun to watch the color that crept into her cheeks.

“Have I what?” she asked, even though she knew exactly what he was asking.

“Found a good guy to settle down with.”

The sincerity in her eyes was like invisible hands that reached out and pulled him close to her with some indefinable bond. “I sure hope so,” she said wistfully.

Her answer confused him, jolted him a little. He forced a laugh, trying to keep the hurt out of his voice. “You hope so?”

“Yeah, I believe we have something unique … something that only comes along once in a lifetime … I guess time’s the trump card, right?”

“Yeah, I guess.”

Her dark eyes searched his. “I want us to work. Want it more than air,” she said fervently. “But we’ve only just met.”

Was she retreating? She’d professed her love for him earlier, and he assumed they were a done deal. Then again, nothing was set in stone. He didn’t know why he was getting upset about semantics. Ariana was telling him she wanted to be with him. A couple of days ago, he was trying to get her to spend the weekend with him. Now they were moving forward as a couple. He needed to be satisfied with that. He wished he could banish the insecurity gnawing at the back of his mind. “You’re right,” he said, when he realized she was watching him, waiting for an answer. “We’ll take things one step at a time.” He grinned as he said it, feeling a little better.

She smiled back in relief.

He was hungry to know everything about her. “I’ve been thinking about those photos in your living room.”

Pleasure lit her face. “Really?”

“Do you always shoot black and white?”

She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. “Not always. But I do prefer black and white. It lends a timeless quality to the photo.”

“I can see that. Kind of like it’s been there forever.”

“Yeah, and will last forever.”

The intense look in her eyes got him right in the heart. She was talking about the two of them. He felt his confidence being restored. Whenever something good happened to Rennen, he had a tendency to wait for the other shoe to drop. He was trying to break himself of that habit, but a lifetime of conditioning was hard to overcome. He realized Ariana was still talking about her photography.

“There’s a purity about black and white that I really like. Color can sometimes distract from the true meaning of the story. When you strip away the superfluous, you’re left with what really matters.”

A smile tugged at his lips. “Kind of like getting away from our hectic lives and coming here.”

She laughed lightly. “Exactly.”

“What kind of music do you like?”

She cocked her head. “You’re asking a lot of questions.”

“Because I want to know everything about you.”

“I like most types of music. Jazz, rock … some country.” A smile played on her lips. “Even mariachi music. I am Mexican, after all.”

“No. Hmm,” he drawled. “I may have to rethink this.”

She shook her head, delicate laughter floating up from her throat. “You know what they say, ain’t no skin like Mex-skin.”

He laughed in surprise. “That’s pretty good.” Rennen didn’t think of Ariana as being Mexican, per se. It was just a part of who she was.

“How about you? What types of music do you like?”

“Rock, country, jazz.” The corners of his mouth quivered. “Polka.”

She burst out laughing. “I knew we should’ve gone to that Polka museum today.”

He snapped his fingers. “Dang it. We missed our big chance.”

“Oh, well. There’s always next time, right?”

A blanket of warmth spread over him as he saw the promise in her eyes. They’d have a lifetime of tomorrows together. “Right,” he said exuberantly. The air around them crackled with electricity as their eyes connected. Rennen wished they were alone so he could pull Ariana into his arms and kiss her until they couldn’t see straight.

“Well, hello again,” a cheery voice said, interrupting the moment.

Rennen looked up at the man and woman walking toward them. At first, he didn’t recognize them. Then he remembered—the couple from the black Lexus. “Hey.” He rose to his feet and extended a hand. “Good to see you again.”

The woman gave him a firm shake as she smiled, the skin around her eyes folding into deep creases. “Likewise, Rennen Bradley.” She turned to Ariana, “And his beautiful girlfriend. Ariana Sanchez, wasn’t it?”

Recognition registered on Ariana’s face as she smiled. “Oh, you’re the couple who saw us today in the field. Hello … again.”

Rennen looked past the woman to the man standing behind her. The woman motioned. “This is Thomas.”

He extended his hand, shaking Ariana’s first, then Rennen’s.

The woman pointed to herself. “My name is Della Chastain. What a coincidence that we’d run into you twice in one day.”

“Yes, it is a coincidence.” Rennen gave her a direct look. “Are you staying here ... in the inn?” Considering how reporters bombarded him at every turn, he was always suspicious of coincidences.

“Yes, we are. Thomas’s sister lives in Driftwood, just a few miles from where we saw you in the field. Tomorrow, we’re headed to San Antonio to see the Riverwalk and Alamo. We figured since we were out this way, we might as well do some sightseeing.”

“Oh, that’s nice.” Rennen felt a little guilty for being suspicious. Della and Thomas were a classy couple, not the reporter types. Her blonde hair, streaked with silver, rounded on her shoulders. Intelligent eyes peered out from behind stylish glasses. Her makeup was expertly applied and Rennen could tell she’d had quite a bit of cosmetic work done, but it was tasteful. Thomas had closely-cropped, silvery-white hair with watery blue eyes and patrician features. Both looked like they’d come from money and influence.

“I’m glad to see that your friend did indeed pick you up. I felt so bad leaving you stranded on the side of the road,” Della said.

Now that Rennen was right next to Della, he picked up on her New York accent … or at least that’s how she sounded to him. He waved the apology away. “Warren showed up about twenty minutes after you left.” He glanced at Ariana who didn’t look very happy to have their dinner interrupted.

Della shifted like she was suddenly uncomfortable. “I hate to ask you this, but would you mind if we ate dinner with you tonight?”

When he saw Ariana’s eyes bulge, Rennen laughed inwardly. He felt exactly the same way. It lay on the tip of his tongue to tell Della no.

Della laughed nervously. “All of the other tables are taken.” She glanced over her shoulder. “Except for the one, but that poor couple has their hands full.”

Rennen followed her trail of vision to the table across from them. A young mother and father were having a hard time getting their kids under control. The baby was crying and the toddler running around the table, squealing. He couldn’t help but chuckle inwardly. He didn’t blame Della and Thomas for not wanting to sit there. He looked to Ariana for approval. She seemed to be reading his thoughts as her features softened.

“Of course you can join us,” Ariana said, flashing an accommodating smile.

Rennen shot her a look of appreciation, to which she nodded slightly in acknowledgement.

Della and Thomas sat down. “Thanks so much,” Della said. “We’re sorry to intrude on your evening.”

“It’s okay.” Rennen forced a smile. “It’s always nice to meet new folks.”

Mindy returned with the drinks and appetizers. She looked at Della and Thomas in surprise. “Oh, I didn’t realize you had other people joining you.”

“Yes,” Ariana explained. “There weren’t any tables open so they’re sitting with us.”

Mindy frowned. “It has been busy tonight.” She paused. “But there are other tables available on the backside of the terrace. You just have to walk around the corner. Most people don’t realize they’re there.”

Della’s eyes widened as she chuckled sheepishly. “Oh, we didn’t even see those, did we Thomas?”

He shook his head, a deep blush coming over his pale skin. “No. We just looked in the dining room and then came out here and everything was full.”

“If you’d like, I can take you to another table,” Mindy offered.

A look passed between Della and Thomas. “I think we’re good here,” Della said quickly. She looked at Rennen and Ariana. “If you’re okay. Thomas and I eat alone all the time. It’s nice to have some company.”

Rennen looked at Ariana. It would be downright rude to turn away this nice couple. And yet, the situation was awkward.

“We’re fine if you stay,” Ariana said.

That had the magical effect of soothing the tension as Della and Thomas got comfortable in their seats.

“I’ll bring a couple more menus,” Mindy said, “and more place settings.”

“They can use our menus. Ariana and I already know what we want to order.” Rennen passed his menu to Della as Ariana did the same to Thomas. They placed their drink orders.

Rennen motioned. “Please, help yourself to the appetizers. We ordered extra.”

After the food orders were placed and Mindy collected the menus, Della turned to Rennen, interest simmering in her eyes. “So, tell me about what you were doing today. I can’t remember what you said it was called.”

“Paramotoring,” Rennen answered.

Thomas held up a finger. “Yes, that’s right … paramotoring.”

Della cocked her head. “I’ve heard of paragliding but not paramotoring.”

Rennen took a bite of bruschetta, his tongue tingling from the tanginess of the fresh tomatoes. “They’re very similar, except one has a motor.”

Ariana scooped a generous portion of calamari onto her plate, her voice bubbling with amusement. “And if the motor happens to die in flight, you can glide to the ground. I learned that the hard way today.” She looked at Rennen as she spoke.

Rennen relished the intimate connection that flowed between them.

“You mentioned something about your motor dying today, but I didn’t know what you meant.” Della looked mortified. “I’ll bet that was scary.”

“Petrifying,” Ariana added. “I thought we were gonna die.”

Della turned to Ariana. “Do you go paramotoring often?”

“Nope. Today was my first time. Rennen does though. He grew up doing it.”

All eyes turned to Rennen. “I’ve been paramotoring since I was a teenager,” he explained. “My best friend Warren got me into it.”

“He’s the friend who was picking you up today,” Della said.


Mindy returned with Della and Thomas’s drinks and brought Rennen and Ariana refills.

Rennen looked at Della. “Where are you from? I detect a New York Accent.”

She looked impressed. “Yes, Thomas and I are from the Hamptons.”

Della was definitely the talker of the two. Thomas seemed content to sit back and let her steer the conversation. “How about you and Ariana? Are you from this area?”

Rennen held back, thinking Ariana might want to answer, but when she remained silent, he took that as a cue to continue. “We’re from the Dallas/Ft. Worth Area.”

Della nodded, glancing at Thomas, a look passing between them. She reached for her water and took a long drink. Then she let out a hesitant laugh. “I wouldn’t feel right without telling you that after we saw you in the field today … and you announced your name … we thought it sounded familiar. We looked you up. Then it all clicked. I remember seeing you on the Katie Moss interview.”

Rennen’s jaw tightened as he nodded. Now he knew why they’d wanted to sit with him and Ariana—to rub shoulders with a NFL player. Disappointment weighted his stomach.

“Don’t worry,” Della assured him, lowering her voice. “We won’t say a word to the other guests.”

“We appreciate that,” Ariana said. “We came here to get some privacy.”

Rennen heard the slight jab in Ariana’s tone, knew it was directed at Della and Thomas for forcing their way into this dinner. Still, they seemed harmless. Rennen relaxed his shoulders. Like he said earlier, it was nice to meet new folks. He smiled across the table at Ariana to let her know it was okay.

“What do you and Thomas do for a living?” Rennen asked, trying to draw the conversation away from him.

“I’m in the cosmetics business and Thomas in hospitality,” Della said. She turned to Rennen, giving him a piercing look. “I was really touched by your interview.”

So much for trying to deflect the attention from himself. “Thanks,” he said offhandedly. He really didn’t want to go into that tonight.

Della shook her head. “You have an interesting background.” Her expression grew troubled. “I can’t imagine what it must’ve been like to grow up like you did.”

“Yeah, it was tough,” Rennen admitted.

An uncomfortable silence descended on the table until Thomas spoke. “It sounds like it had a happy ending though. You found the one family.”

Rennen knew Thomas was trying to lighten the mood. “Yes, the Boyds. They’re like family to me.”

Della shook her head, disgust heavy in her voice. “It’s crazy how all those people are coming forward, claiming to be your parents.” Compassion simmered in her eyes as she looked at him. “I’m sorry.”

Rennen tightened his hold on his glass. “Thanks,” he uttered. The air pressed around him, his heart thudding heavily in his chest. Now that his private life was on display for the world, he’d have to learn to come to terms with it. But it was hard. He looked at Ariana who was studying him intently. He could tell from the look on her face that she knew what he was feeling.

“What about you and Thomas?” Ariana asked. “How many children do you have?”

“Oh, Thomas and I aren’t a couple,” Della said. “We’re just good friends.”

This jolted Rennen out of his own head. Like Ariana, he’d assumed they were together. It just proved that you really couldn’t tell what the true situation was with people until you got to know them.

“I have two sons,” Thomas said. “One lives in Pittsburg and the other in upstate New York. My wife passed away a few years ago, and I’ve been on my own ever since.”

“I’m sorry,” Ariana said, as Thomas nodded.

All eyes turned to Della. Rennen was surprised to see tears gathering in her eyes. “I had one son.” Her mouth started working. “I lost him when he was eighteen months old.”

The grief on her face struck a chord with Rennen. Della had lost her son years ago, and yet, she was still suffering from the effect of it. Some hurts ran so deep that you could never really get over them.

“How did he die?” Ariana asked, her eyes radiating sympathy.

“I lost him because of cancer,” Della squeaked. She brought a shaky hand to her mouth. “Sorry.” She offered a strained smile. “It still gets to me … sometimes, you know?”

“Yes, I know only too well,” Rennen said softly.

Della looked at him and for a split second, he saw his own pain reflected in her eyes. A lump formed in his throat as he coughed to clear it. It was ironic. Both he and Della were suffering loss from the opposite sides of the coin. She’d lost her son. He’d lost his parents. The world could be so cruel sometimes.

Mindy returned with their food, which was a good thing or else they’d all be reduced to a miserable puddle of tears. They ate in companionable silence. Thomas was the first to speak. “Do you think you’ll ever try to find out who your parents were?”

Rennen nearly choked on his steak. He took a swig of water to wash it down. He could feel Ariana’s interest in the question, her eyes shooting lasers at him from across the table. “Probably not.” He kept his voice light.

Della cocked her head. “Don’t you want to know?”

It was scary how fast the anger surfaced. He clutched his napkin in his lap. “No, I don’t. I have no interest in meeting the people who deserted their own flesh and blood.”

“I can understand your anger,” Della began, “but what if there’s more to the story?”

This was sounding like an eerie repeat of the conversation Rennen had with Ariana earlier. “In my experience, people will go to great lengths to craft a defense, try to rewrite history to help themselves sleep at night. But what possible defense can there be for a mother who deserts her child?” Rennen didn’t try to hide the bitterness in his voice. “I needed my mother and father then, when I was hungry and alone, wandering around in a bus station. But I don’t need them now.” His voice shook with fury. He clenched his hands to stay the trembling. A shocked silence came over the table. “I’m sorry.” He forced a smile. “You can tell I have strong feelings on the subject.”

Ariana also smiled. “Rennen’s been through a lot. We’re working through it.”

He gave her a look of appreciation, liking how she’d used the word we. “It’s not all gloom and doom,” he continued. “I was fortunate enough to find the Boyd family, who took me in as their own.”

Della looked at Ariana. “And it looks like you’ve found a wonderful girl.”

“Yes, I have.” His eyes caressed Ariana’s.

“And you have a wonderful career ahead of you,” Thomas said. “You’re really making a name for yourself in the football arena.” He chuckled. “You and Ariana are making quite a splash with your relationship, considering the circumstances.” He cleared his throat. “Um, with Ariana’s brother.”

Rennen tensed. Had Thomas really just said that? First, he and Della pushed their way into their dinner and now they were bringing up sensitive topics. He was about to put Thomas in his place when Ariana chuckled.

“Yeah, that’s been interesting,” she said, her eyes smiling at Rennen.

Rennen was surprised at Ariana’s response. Maybe he was overreacting. He relaxed in his seat.

“I’d love to hear about it,” Della said. “How did you and Rennen meet?”

Ariana smiled. “That’s a very interesting story,” she said as she proceeded to tell them the details.

Amusement sparked in Thomas’s eyes. “Tell us about this rematch.”

Rennen shook his head, chuckling. “Don’t let Ariana fool you. She’s little, but tough.”

Ariana winked. “Better get ready for another butt-whooping, Goldie Locks.”

Everyone laughed.

Della gave Ariana an appraising look. “I believe she’s serious.”

“Oh, absolutely,” Rennen agreed. “She keeps me on my toes.”

“It’s seems like the two of you are very lucky to have each other,” Della said. She placed her napkin on the table and leaned back in her seat. “Thanks so much for letting us join you tonight. It has been wonderful getting to know you.”

“You’re welcome,” Rennen said, halfway meaning it. Della and Thomas seemed nice enough, but he didn’t like being forced to talk about his past with strangers. There was that one moment, however, when he’d felt a strong connection to Della when she spoke of her child who’d passed.

Mindy returned and asked if they wanted dessert. They unanimously declined, declaring they were too full. “Here are your checks. I’ll be your cashier when you’re ready. Let me know if you need anything else.”

Rennen reached for his check, but Thomas grabbed it first. “Allow me.”

“I can’t let you pay for our dinner,” Rennen protested.

Della smiled smoothly. “It’s the least we can do since we intruded on your evening.”

“Thank you,” Rennen said, feeling uncomfortable but grateful at the same time. At least Della had the good grace to acknowledge that she’d barged in on their dinner.

“If you’re ever in Dallas/Ft. Worth, you should look us up,” Ariana said. “My family owns a Mexican restaurant, Los Tios, and we’d love to have you.”

Della smiled appreciatively. “Thank you. We should exchange numbers.”

Ariana shrugged. “Sure.”

After the checks were paid, Della and Thomas stood. “We’d better turn in for the night,” Della said. “We’ve got a long day ahead of us tomorrow.”

Rennen and Ariana also stood. Rennen was surprised when Della stepped over and gave him a tight hug. She looked into his eyes, her expression tender. “You’re going to be all right … despite everything.”

Rennen was caught off guard by the emotion that rose in his throat as he nodded. “Thanks.”

“Hopefully, we’ll see each other again sometime,” Thomas said, a smile stretching over his lips. “We’ll have to give Los Tios a try.”

As Della and Thomas walked away, Ariana stepped beside Rennen and slid an arm around his waist. “They seem nice.”

He arched an eyebrow. “Yeah, for such an intrusive couple, they were moderately pleasant.”

Ariana laughed. “They could’ve eased off on asking so many personal questions; but overall, I didn’t think they were that bad.”

He quirked a face. “Seriously? I felt like we were getting the third degree a few times.”

A teasing grin slid over her lips. “If you think that was the third degree wait until you meet my mother.”

He burst out laughing. “Should I be worried?”

“Petrified,” she said straight-faced, then winked. “Nah, I’m sure you can hold your own.” She cocked her head. “You know, it’s strange, but Thomas looks so familiar to me.”


“Yeah. But I can’t place where I’ve seen him before.” She shrugged. “He probably looks like someone who works out at the gym. That always happens to me. I’ll meet someone in passing and then it’ll bother me when I can’t place the face.”

Rennen pulled Ariana closer. “I’m glad they’re gone,” he murmured in her ear. “Because I get you all to myself.”

She looked up at him, a large smile tipping her lips. “Do you wanna go back to our rooms, or do you wanna stay out here a little longer?”

Rennen was reluctant for the evening to end. “Let’s go over and listen to the band for a while. Then maybe we can watch a movie in your room.”

“Sounds like a plan to me.”

As they walked arm in arm across the terrace, Rennen couldn’t help but feel like he was the luckiest man in the world.




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