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The Greek's Forgotten Wife (Boarding School #1) by Elizabeth Lennox (13)


“We’re all here, Uncle Charles,” Scarlett said softly, touching her uncle on his shoulder and fighting back the tears that were threatening as she looked at the man she loved like a father, lying in the hospital bed. He’d lost a lot of weight.  Too much weight!  And his skin didn’t look very good either. 

Charles lifted his head off of the hospital pillow and looked around.  Sure enough, five men and his niece stood around him, all of them looking grim. 

“Stop it,” he chided.  “I’ve had a great life.  I might not have had any children of my own, but the six of you are just like my own family, my own sons and daughter.”  He looked around at the six of them, a light coming into his eyes.  “I’ve seen each of you grow up and mature, grow into your chosen careers, and I’m very proud of each and every one of you.”  He coughed slightly and Scarlett reached for the water, wanting to do something to ease his pain if only to soothe his cough.  He waved it aside, but patted her hand in silent thanks. 

He took a moment to catch his breath before continuing.  “Each of you are brilliant when it comes to business,” he said.  “I couldn’t be prouder of your successes.  When others brag about their children, I just stand there and shake my head because none of their children can possibly measure up to each of your successes.”  He paused for a moment, shaking his head slowly and with his bushy, grey eyebrows low over his fading, blue eyes.  “But you’re all idiots.”

That bombshell caused the six of them to straighten their shoulders, surprise on each of their faces.

Uncle Charles chuckled.  “Oh, don’t you dare pretend like you don’t know what I’m talking about.”  He turned to Damon, his eyebrows low over his eyes.  “You married a woman to keep control of your ancestral home.  And then you forgot about her.  What would you do if someone did that to Scarlett?”  Charles watched the fierceness come into Damon’s eyes.  “Exactly,” he nodded.  “Stop treating your wife like dirt.  She’s not responsible for her grandfather’s blackmail.  Either cut her loose,” he paused to see the stubborn look enter the younger man’s eyes and knew that this man was madly in love with his wife.  “Or treat her well.  But don’t be an ass.”

He turned to Malik.  “And you!” he growled.  “You had the woman of your dreams and you let her walk away from you.”

The tall, tanned man with fierce, black eyes crossed his arms over his chest.  “She left me, Charles,” Malik argued.

Charles shook his head angrily.  “Don’t you dare give me that excuse, young man!  Find out why!” he came right back.  “I saw the two of you together.  She loves you.  Don’t you ever forget that!”

Malik opened his mouth to argue but Charles had already turned to look at Harrison.  “And you!  You have a responsibility to your title and you’re not living up to it.  What have you got to say to that?  Are you just going to languish and let the title go to that ridiculous excuse of a cousin of yours?  You don’t even know the bloke and yet you’re willing to let him take on the title that is your birthright!”

Harrison laughed softly, sliding his hands into his pockets and relieved for the brief moment of levity.  “You’re an American Charles,” he teased.  “I didn’t think you cared about titles or the aristocracy.”  They all chuckled at that reminder.  “In fact, what was it you told me a long time ago when I started acting out again?  Wasn’t it along the lines of ‘Forget your heritage, boy, and do something to prove yourself worthy of this life and not the ones your ancestors lived’?”

Charles’ eyes softened with that memory.  It had been right after Harrison had picked a fight with Damon.  Charles had been furious that he’d had to pull these boys apart on too many occasions.  “And so you should and you have.  Now finish it up and pass on that silly title to your own son or daughter,” he replied with deep affection.  “I’m sure there’s some woman out there stupid enough to want to marry you.  Just get on with it!”

His sharp eyes moved over to Stefan.  “And your wife!  I heard you chuckling when I berated Damon for his treatment of his wife and you have no leg to stand on!”

Stefan’s face became devoid of all emotion as he crossed his arms over his chest. 

Charles shook his finger at the man.  “Don’t you dare take that silent tone with me, Stefan.  You find that woman.  You protect her.  Something is wrong and you know it.  If you’d just forget that overwhelming pride of yours and figure it out, you’d get your wife back.  She was happy after the wedding.  You know it, I know it.  Everyone in this room knows it.  What we don’t know, and what you should find out, is what happened after the wedding.  Why did she leave you that night?  Find her.  Get the full story!”

Stefan’s eyes widened slightly but he still didn’t say a word. 

Charles then turned to look at Grayson and Scarlett.  He noticed both of them glance at each other, then stiffen in fear of what he might say to them.  “You two!”  He shook his head and closed his eyes.  He didn’t say anything more but Malik, Stefan, Damon and Harrison all chuckled while Grayson glared and Scarlett looked confused.  The others knew exactly why Charles was so exasperated but Grayson and Scarlett feigned innocence.  Well, in reality, there might not be any feigning about it.  The two of them loved each other intensely but neither was willing to do anything about it, for fear that the other didn’t feel the same way. 

Stefan shook his head as well, glancing at Malik, then Harrison and Damon.  All of them knew that they would have to do something if Grayson and Scarlett didn’t stop running away from each other.  They were perfect for each other.  The others had seen it when all of them were younger but hadn’t wanted to interfere.  Now, things were getting out of hand.  Both of them were dating others and it was becoming a farce to watch them flounder around the love of their lives. 

Charles opened his eyes and looked at all of them.  “I don’t have long to live on this earth,” he told them.  They all stiffened but Scarlett was the only one that let the tears fall.  None of them commented when Grayson stopped glaring at her and put a gentle hand around her waist.  “And that’s not a sad thing,” he told them firmly.  He patted his stomach where the cancer was centered, making it difficult for him to eat and, sometimes, even to breathe since the tumor was pressing against his lungs.  “This is just part of life and, because of the six of you, my life has been full and wonderful.  I’ve never regretted any of the moments that you were all in my life.  Always know that.”  There was a long silence as everyone worked through their emotions.  Charles won the battle with his tears.  Sniffing, he looked up at the tall men and the beautiful woman with sincere affection.  “But I want all of you to be happy as well.  So no more dilly dallying!” he announced with a firm tone of voice.  “Get your lives in order.  Each of you look out for each other more closely than brothers and sisters.  So you’re family.  Don’t make me tell you again.” 

With that pronouncement, he leaned back against the hospital bed, exhausted from his tirade. 

One by one, the men and Scarlett filed out.  Four of them noticed the protective arm that Grayson maintained around Scarlett; neither did they ignore the way she leaned into him.  Damon, Stefan, Malik and Harrison traded glances, silently trying to figure out how to get those two to understand that they were made for each other.  But they also acknowledged that they had their own problems to resolve. 

“Multi-tasking,” Stefan said.  Damon, Harrison and Malik all nodded even while Scarlett and Grayson looked up, trying to figure out what the four of them were agreeing to.