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The Greek's Forgotten Wife (Boarding School #1) by Elizabeth Lennox (6)


Sasha stared at the man leaning against her only escape.  “What are you doing here?” she asked in a strangled voice.

Damon chuckled despite his fury at her running away from him twice in one day.  “Ah, shouldn’t I be asking you that same question?”  He pushed away from the door, coming close to her so his fingers could slide delicately down her cheek.  “Did you forget our agreement?”

She shifted away, pulling her face out of his hands and trying to hide her panic.  “We didn’t have an agreement.”

“Yes,” he countered as he stalked her across the room.  “The agreement was that I wouldn’t turn you in to the authorities and, in exchange, you would stay as my beautiful, dutiful wife.”  He looked around at the room.  “I’m guessing that you remembered that agreement and were only trying to lure me here for a romantic liaison.  Am I correct?” he asked, swiftly unknotting his tie and laying it over the back of a chair before unbuttoning his shirt.  “I applaud your romantic nature but,” his jacket came off, covering his tie, “in the future, you’re going to have to tell me in advance.  It took all of five minutes to discover where you were when I didn’t find you at home.”

Another knock sounded on the door and Damon’s eyes flared with fury.  Moving closer, he grabbed her wrist, pulling her relentlessly closer to him.  “Is there another man on the other side of that door, Sasha?” he asked with a very soft voice.  “Because if you came here to meet your lover, I will not take that very well.”

Sasha was terrified of this man and shook her head.  She’d never seen him angry before and this was far beyond angry!  Occasionally, he was mildly irritated but this man never lost his cool!  He was the epitome of grace under pressure.  She’d read articles about how his competitors tried hard to rattle him only to find the tables turned and they were the ones losing their tempers. 

“I…” she stammered, too afraid to speak right now. 

“Ah, I guess my pretty wife would have a boyfriend after all these years,” he said softly.  “But…” he remembered that he’d been her first lover.  So another man on the other side of that door didn’t make any sense. 

He spun around on his heel and stormed to the door, determined to solve the mystery quickly.  When he opened the door, fully prepared to bash another man’s face in, he only found a young waiter with a goofy smile, ready to push a room service cart into the room.  “Dinner is ready, sir,” he said very solicitously.

Damon stepped back, looking down at the dinner.  There was only one meal on the rolling cart.  One plate, one covered dish and one glass for the wine.  “You’ll need to double this order,” he told the waiter as he signed the check, giving the man an extra-large tip.  “And speed up the delivery.”  He snapped the leather holder closed.  “Bring a bottle of amaretto as well.  Quickly.”  He remembered his wife’s preference and discovering that she didn’t have a lover ready to step into the room made him a very generous man. 

When the door closed once more, he turned around and realized that his wife was now furious with him. 

“How dare you do that to me!” she practically yelled at him as she came away from the corner of the room with a vengeance.  “I am not the one who goes out and has a woman at every harbor!  I’m not the one who flaunts mistresses all over the Internet tabloids!”  She was so angry that she was trembling with reaction.  “Don’t you ever accuse me of being unfaithful, Damon!  You don’t have the moral standing to ever judge me!”

Damon wasn’t going to take that.  Not from a slip of a woman that was about half his size and with those gorgeous, soft lips that he wanted to kiss. 

“Ah, my little love.  We have so much to learn about each other, don’t we?” and he lifted her into his arms, ignoring her struggles as he carried her over to the bed.  Dumping her into the center, he watched with amusement and increasing excitement as she sat up on the bed, glaring at him. 

“Don’t you dare!” she snapped.  “We’re through!”

He chuckled and shook his head as he slipped his shirt off of his shoulders.  “No, my pretty wife.  We’re just getting started.”  And with that, he grabbed her before she could get to the other side of the bed.  Using his weight, he trapped her underneath him.  He kissed her arms even while his hands quickly got rid of the hideous dress.  “We’re going to have to shred this thing,” he said as he tossed it off of the bed.  “But I don’t mind taking you to Paris so that I can dress you in more enticing clothes.  It will be my pleasure.”  Her bra and underwear where mere flutters as they drifted to the floor on top of her dress. 

“Stop it!” she gasped when his mouth captured a pert nipple.  “You can’t…” she gasped again but this time because he’d nibbled on that sensitive peak, causing her to groan and shift so that he had better access.  “Damon!” she screamed when he lifted his head.  But it was only to move to the other breast and she arched into his mouth. 

And when he entered her this time, she was only screaming because he was moving too slowly.  She wanted it fast!  She wanted to reach that peak of fulfillment that only he could give her.  Goodness, he was going too slowly! 

But as she looked up into his eyes, her mouth open as she moved right along with his thrusts, he gave her what she wanted.  He was a master, after all.  And only moments later, she was screaming out as he brought her to her first climax, following quickly behind her.