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The King's Virgin Bride: A Royal Wedding Novella (Royal Weddings Book 1) by Natalie Knight (95)


I'm waiting inside my father's estate, tapping my foot against the floor as I see the limo rolling up the driveway.

I’m absolutely certain Percy has a plan to finagle my brothers and me out of our inheritance. He’s always been a greedy motherfucker and I saw this coming from a mile away.

Our father died so suddenly, and I know that instead of grieving like he should, Percy just wants to see how much of the family fortune he can take for himself.

He kicked Barbara out of this very house I'm standing in and that means Percy’s plan, whatever the fuck it is, has already been set in motion.

That motherfucker must think the money is his already.

I hear the limo pull up and prepare myself for confrontation. He's not pulling this shit off on my watch. And he definitely won't be expecting to see me here.

The minute he walks in, I try to throw him off.

"Hey, Percy."

My voice startles him. Good. I want to laugh when I see the nervous twitch of his eye. The fucker's always been afraid of me. I’m taller, broader, and stronger than him and he knows that I see right through him.

"Kieran? What are you doing here?"

"What do you think?” I say, unable to keep myself from smiling. Okay, so I wouldn’t stop myself from smiling at Percy’s failure if I could. “I’m here to stop you from stealing our father's fortune."

What Percy doesn't understand is that I’m here to make sure he doesn't implement our father's will in the wrong way.

I was adopted by John after my parents died in an oil well explosion. He took me under his wing, and it was because of his guidance that I’m successful today.

I know our father didn't think Percy capable of such deviance, as he always played the perfect son, but I always saw him for what he really is.

Percy gives me a look like I’m totally beneath him. "Well, our father's money has nothing to do with me. He has his will all laid out. I don't even know what it says."

"Like hell you don't." I don’t even try to keep the sneer off my face.

Just then I’m the one caught off guard by the ravishing beauty entering the front door. I’m used to seeing gorgeous women—and fucking gorgeous women—but nothing like her. She’s petite, with crystal clear blue eyes, long wavy blonde hair, and a tight little body that makes my cock harden like steel in a fraction of a second.

She walks in like she's timid, her anxious gaze letting me know she’s afraid—but of what? Percy doesn't even bother to introduce us, so I do the honors myself.

"Kieran," I tell her, offering her my hand, my gaze roving all over her body. Fuck, she’s hot.

She smiles despite her morose mood. "Hi, I'm Stacy...Percy's wife." She cuts her eyes toward Percy and some unreadable expression crosses her face.

The fuck?

Percy’s gay. This tells me all I need to know—he's definitely up to no good.

"Wife? How interesting that Percy’s taken a wife,” I say, chuckling as I cock one eyebrow. “I can’t wait to hear all about it.”

Despite myself, I can't peel my eyes from Stacy. She’s fucking gorgeous—a woman who I’d be working on nailing if she weren’t another man’s wife. Fuck, you know what? I don’t even care if she is Percy’s wife. I gotta have her, even if she is the wife of my gay stepbrother.

Now there's a statement I never thought I'd make.

“Don’t even go there, Kieran,” Percy tells me, and I’m instantly irritated by the confidence in his tone. “I might be bisexual for all you know. It's not like we've ever been close. And besides, my wife is pregnant, so please don't upset her."

Wait, what?

"You're pregnant?" I ask her, taking the opportunity to rake my eyes over her pin thin body once again.

She doesn't look fucking pregnant to me. Besides, the idea of Percy sliding his cock inside of her is laughable. He’s gay, and he's never tried to hide it until now. Bisexual, my left nut. I don’t even try to mask the snort of incredulity.

Stacy looks at me like I’m crazy.

"Yes, I'm pregnant."

I call bullshit.

"Well, congratulations, you two. What a stunning couple you make," I tell them with an amused smirk.

She looks at me wide-eyed, and I feel my already hard cock twitch inside my pants. All I want to do is take her upstairs and ravage her sexy little body.

I wonder what Percy has over her head to make her play this bullshit game of his. It must be something. She definitely doesn't seem to be happy.

"Listen, Kieran, we've just returned home from a long trip. You can go ahead and leave." Percy’s obvious dismissal grates on my nerves.

"This isn’t your home yet, Percy,” I say through gritted teeth. “The lawyers still have to go over the will, so I’d suggest you not to get too comfortable."

"Well, I am Father's only legitimate son. So if I were you, I’d get ready to be financially cut off."

"You think Father still supported me? You’re wrong. I made my own fucking living, unlike you. I’m just here to see that things are done right just as our father wanted, and to pay my respects. It's fucking sad that his own blood doesn't see it that way."

"How dare you!” Percy growls, baring his teeth. “I don’t have any other interest than realizing our father's wishes."

"Well, it wouldn't be unlike you,” I say, narrowing my eyes at him. “You always loved our father’s bank account more than you loved him."

Stacy’s backing up toward a wall now, looking distinctly uncomfortable. I can see that she’s frightened by what's going down. It makes me determine right now that I’ll get to the bottom of what Percy has on her, so that I can get her out of Percy's clutches.

Percy keeps right on yammering. "Unfortunately for you, stepbrother, whatever you say doesn't matter. Father's will is in the lawyer's hands and I have every intention of making sure that his last wishes are granted."

"Percy, if only that were true. You, showing up here like this, have nothing to do with our father’s wishes. And I’m going to find out what you’re up to."

He glares up at me through his beady eyes.

Okay, let’s think about this for minute. Percy’s just an unattractive asshole. He's small, slim, and looks like a fucking weasel—which is his personality through and through. He's weak, and I will expose the weakness that will undo his plans and will save Stacy.

He's actually trying to cloak his intentions, not that anyone would take him as anything but a snake. I know all he wants is to get his hands on all of father's money.

Still, this charade of a marriage…why bother with that? What’s it all about?

"Well, I’ll leave you to it, Percy,” I tell him as I make my way toward the door, fishing the key of my Aston out of my pocket. “But you better fucking remember what I said – don’t get too comfortable.”

I storm out and leave Percy speechless.

I know that Stacy is already skittish and now, most likely, frightened. I vow to check on her later when I'm good and calm.

Just the thought of her has my still-hard cock straining eagerly against my zipper. So I make an addendum to my vow—I’m going to fuck her as well. That’s just how I roll.