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The Magic Cupcake by River Laurent (8)

Chapter Eight


It’s amazing what a bit of exercise does to your mood, I think, as I bounce up the steps towards my home with Draco in close pursuit. I feel a million times better than I did this morning.

My phone pings, and I stop to check it. Danny:

Got your fave in for dinner, sweets. And latest Tits and Dragons downloaded too. See you later! Mwah

Fucking amazing. Best roomie ever. I swear he’s telepathic sometimes. I was really hoping he’d be around tonight. I need to talk to him about my situation at work. I need a man’s opinion.

Lunch is cheese and pepperoni pizza. One cheesy mouthful after the next until all the hard-won sense of wellness I got from the exercise earlier is gone and all I want to do is veg out in front of the TV. “Screw it,” I say, and throw myself on the couch. The rest of the afternoon passes with me staring contentedly at the flickering screen.

It’s late afternoon and I’ve binged for too long on Netflix when Draco starts getting restless. There are no emails or messages for me from work and feeling pretty damn sorry for myself, I rouse myself from the warmth of the couch.

I need to take a Draco for a walk, but I really don’t want to risk running into my neighbor just yet. I will ask him out, but not today. I hide behind the curtains and see his car isn’t parked in its usual place. So unless yesterday’s unlucky streak is still running, I won’t meet him but even so, I get into my sneakers reluctantly. If there was any way for me to get outside without passing his door, I swear I would have.

But other than throwing Draco out of the window and jumping out myself after him, there’s no other option that doesn’t involve the dog doing his business on my floor. So we hurry our butts past his door on the way out and I’m extremely relieved when his car does not pull up.

I take Draco to the park and work up a good sweat. Hopefully, I burn off the pizza. Nearly an hour later, I head for home.

As I reach my home, I carefully scan the street ahead. Good, he is not home. Darting down the street I round the corner and run straight into a man, my foot landing on his. I jump off quickly and look up.

Oh, god. No. Fate can’t be this cruel. It’s him!

“You two have really got it in for these shoes, haven’t you?” he notes, his beautiful green eyes twinkling deliciously. “I only just got them cleaned after the last incident.”

“I’m so sorry about—that,” I stammer while my face decides to flush like a traitor.

“I’m only joking,” he says.

When he smiles at me like that I think I’m going to faint. Dimples appear in the cheeks of his beautiful chiseled face and his eyes crinkle up. He runs his hand through his deliciously glossy black hair and I think he might be the most masculine man I’ve ever set eyes on.

Broad shoulders, a jaw I could cut granite with if that’s even a thing, broad shoulders, tanned skin in the middle of winter. But he’s not one of those guys who goes tanning. I can tell, somehow. He probably just wills his skin to tan and his skin knows it has no choice but to obey.

He’s just coming in from a workout, judging by the clothes he’s wearing. Not the fancy stuff he was in when he stepped into Draco’s poo. His green eyes travels down my sloppy, sweaty clothes and damn, why didn’t I put on a little lip gloss, or something before leaving the house? Why am I such a shlub?

“Any gifts left for me on the welcome mat?” he asks, flashing a killer smile. I mean, absolutely killer and bathroom sink white. It reveals dimples in his stubbly cheeks too.

I want to run my fingers over that stubble. Maybe other parts of his body too. Oh, God! Why am I acting like such a desperado? “I’m very sorry about that. Really, really am.”

“I should be the one apologizing to you for acting like such a jerk. I was having a bad day. It wasn’t your fault that I lost my chill. I mean, I wouldn’t have a dog of my own if stepping in shit was a nightmare.”

“You have a dog?”

“Yeah! He’s pretty quiet, though. He hardly ever barks.”

“I was gonna say, I’ve never heard barking coming from over there.”

“I don’t hear barking coming from your place, either.” He bends down to scratch poor, patient Draco behind the ears.

“He’s pretty good too. Only barks when he feels threatened. I guess he likes you.” Oh, sweet lord, am I flirting with him? Is that what this is? I’m not even good at it, why am I doing it?

“What’s his name?”


“Ah, Harry Potter.” He grins.

“Actually, that was my grandfather’s name.”

One gorgeous eyebrow rises. “Really?”

“No. I named him after a character from a book series.”

He has a really nice laugh. It makes me feel warm all over.

“My dog’s name is Tyrion.”

“Game of Thrones!” I exclaim.

“Yep. He was the runt of the litter, so it sort of seemed to fit.”

Jeez, I could get lost in those eyes of his. And he’s a Game of Thrones fan. Could he possibly be more perfect? Is he even human?

“Well, it’s nice to see someone so happy on such a rainy day. Keep smiling,” he says as he turns to leave.

In my head, Nina urges me on, “I’m smiling now, but I had the morning from hell, I woke up completely hungover,” I babble. What am I going on about? But he’s waiting. Listening. “Yeah, but all good now, made it to spin class, and got a night in with the best roomie ever tonight. And Draco of course.” I grin.

“Draco. Nice to officially meet you.” He bends down.

I’m so proud of Draco as he lifts a paw to greet him. What a champ.

“Did you say roomie?” he asks casually, “The guy you live with? I assumed you were together.”

“Oh, no!” I reply. Maybe too quickly. “We’re just friends. Good friends! But nothing else. Ever.” Shut up. “He bats for the other side. Absolutely has no interest in me.” SHUT UP.

He smiles slowly.

Oh, wow. That smile.

“I was going to ask you something, actually,” I continue, looking away from those very distracting dimples. I can do this! “I really wanted to make it up to you for, you know—your shoes, and the inconvenience and everything. Would you like to come to dinner one night? Maybe even… tomorrow night?” I dare to look up at him and let my eyes meet his again.

He looks really amused.

I don’t know if that’s a good sign.

“I mean,” I rush on, “it’s my way of apologizing for the dog poo incident. And maybe we can introduce the dogs, while we’re at it.” I’m really stretching this, pulling out all the stops. Using my dog as a bribe. It’s not up there with buying a potion, but close.

“I wouldn’t dream of saying no,” he drawls. “And talking of introductions. I’m Jackson. Jackson Miller.” He extends a hand.

His clasp is firm and warm. I die a little inside. My voice comes out squeaky. “Lauren. Lauren Appleton.”

He said YES! What? Nina is clapping her hands and doing cartwheels in my head.

He smiles and I nearly melt into the ground. “Tomorrow night sounds good. I’ll bring a bottle.”

“Great!” I reply grinning like a Cheshire cat. “Okay. Any, um, dietary things I should know about? Restrictions, allergies?”

“I’ll eat anything except fish.”

“Gotcha.” I practically skip to my door. I turn around quickly and yell, “Six-ish?”

“See you then!” he calls back.

Approximately fifty cannons go off in my head all at once. I can barely hear myself think.

He flashes one more super sexy smile before he continues on his way.

I close the door behind me and sink to the floor. What just happened? My heart is thumping in my chest and my cheeks are straining from the involuntary grin plastered across my face. “I did it, Draco!” I yell. “I’m a 21st century woman!”

I grab my phone and text Andrea and Nina:

Asked hot neighbor on date! He said YES!! No potion involved. Go me!