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The Mystery of Love by Cate Dean (7)


After Nick left, Lexi laid back on the bed and closed her eyes. He had managed to help her completely forget her aching cheek, her pounding headache. Well, not so much pounding anymore. Whatever Judy had given her was working, really well.

She touched her lips, still sensitive from Nick’s thorough kisses. Who knew a man who growled at her like a grumpy beast could kiss with such tenderness and passion?

Now that she was alone, her imagination kicked in, and her fingers itched to write. She touched the call button, and Judy appeared a few seconds later.

‘Feeling all right?”

“Much better, thank you.” Lexi smiled at her. “Would it be possible to borrow a pad of paper and a pen?”

“Feeling inspired?” Judy moved over to the nightstand and pulled out a legal pad, along with a couple of pens, and set them on her tray. “I stocked up, since the camp was going to be filled with creative types. Shout if you need another pad.”

“Thank you.”

“I’m off duty in a few, but Amy, the day nurse, will come in and say hi. It was a pleasure to meet you, Lexi. I love your books.”

She winked at Lexi, and left before the embarrassed flush showed up. Lexi forgot about her heated cheeks the second she picked up her pen. Her mind took charge, and her pen flew over the page, the words coming faster than she could write.

Her surroundings faded, until all that existed was Jack, her hero, as he fought his way out of his latest—

“—hear me? Lexi?”

She blinked, coming back from her fictional city, and found Candy standing at the end of the bed. “Candy—hi.” She turned the pad over, not wanting anyone to see her rough, first draft work. “What are you doing here?”

“Are you kidding? Everyone at camp heard about what happened to you. I managed to get past the blockade at the door by lying to them, and saying I was your bunkmate. I hope that’s okay.” She bit her lip. “I just needed to know you weren’t hurt because I forced you into investigating.”

“You didn’t force me. Thanks for your concern, Candy, but I’ll be fine. Nick—um, security agreed this was the safest place for me right now.” She mentally cursed herself for the slip. Candy had already proved to be a gossip; Lexi didn’t want any connection between her and Nick getting out. “You can let everyone else know I’m okay.”

Candy nodded. “I’m so glad you weren’t hurt. But that bruise on your cheek looks painful.”

“Looks worse than it is.” Not that she’d seen her cheek yet. Since Nick didn’t flinch in horror when he looked at her, she figured it couldn’t look too bad. She gingerly touched her cheek, and felt puffy skin. “I’ll definitely live.”

“I’m so relieved! I was telling Andrea this morning how worried I was. She was more concerned about her hand. She told everyone that she fell out of bed.” Candy leaned in, like there was someone else in the room who could overhear. “I think she hit someone. One of the other campers told me they saw her head to her cabin late last night. She thinks she’s above all of us, so heaven forbid we find out she was actually attracted to one of the hoi polloi.”

Lexi didn’t agree with Candy’s description of Andrea, but she didn’t feel like arguing. Instead, she pressed one hand to her forehead.

“Thanks so much for coming, Candy.” She let her voice fade a little. “I think I’m going to rest. I’m feeling a little lightheaded.”

“Oh.” Instead of rushing to her, Candy backed toward the door. “I leave you alone. Sorry you were hurt, Lexi. I’m really sorry.”

She pushed the door open, almost running into a tall woman on her way in.

“Slow down, young lady. I don’t need another patient.”

“I’m so sorry, I didn’t see you, I didn’t want to keep Lexi from resting—”

“Take a breath.” The woman rubbed Candy’s shoulder. “It was sweet of you to come visit your friend. I’m going to check her out, and you can come back later for another visit.”

“Okay.” She waved at Lexi. “See you later.”

Lexi watched her until she disappeared down the hall, then turned to the woman. “Are you Amy?”

“The one and only.” Amy smiled and moved to the bed. “How are you feeling?”

“Sore. Tired. I’d really like to go back to my cabin.”

“Let’s see how you’re doing before I say yes or no to that request.” Amy started examining her cheek, halting when Lexi gasped. “I imagine it’s still quite tender. Have you seen yourself yet?”

“No. It’s better if I don’t,” she said, when Amy reached for the mirror sitting on the nightstand. “I can downplay it in my mind if I don’t know how ugly I actually look.”

“A little purple, a little swollen, and hardly ugly. I would like to brush your hair before you go, since it looks like you slept with it wet.”

“Does that mean I can go to my cabin?”

“It does. I will take you over, get you settled, but I want you to take a pager with you, in case you need me or the doctor.”


Amy rolled the tray out of the way, and Lexi sat on the edge of the bed, her back to Amy. Instead of the quick brushing Lexi had expected, Amy slid her hands into Lexi’s hair and started massaging her scalp. Lexi nearly groaned as the nurse slowly, thoroughly worked her way up, taking extra time near Lexi’s temples.

The residual headache started to fade. Lexi relaxed, and Amy chuckled. “Why don’t we sit you in the chair, so you don’t slide off the bed in a stupor.”

“Yes.” Anything to have those magic fingers keep working on her.

Amy helped her off the bed, and settled her in the chair Nick had slept in. So, on top of the most incredible massage Lexi had ever experienced, she was surrounded by Nick’s scent, which relaxed her even more.

“Lean back, and relax, Lexi. This will help with any stress you’re still holding, after last night.”

Lexi obeyed, leaning her head against the top of the chair back. It hit her just below the nape of her neck, and she wondered how Nick managed to fall asleep in this chair. He must have ended up with one hell of a backache.

By the time Amy started on her shoulders, Lexi felt like a limp rag, and was ready for a nap.

“That’s good, Lexi. You’re nice and relaxed. Let’s get you back into bed, so you can take advantage of it. We’ll get you to your cabin after a little shut eye.”

She wrapped her arm around Lexi’s waist and lifted her out of the chair, guiding her to the bed. By the time Lexi was settled, she could hardly keep her eyes open.

The last thing she remembered was Amy’s quiet voice, the soft weight of the blanket on her, and a warm, gentle hand on her forehead.