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The Mystery of Love by Cate Dean (8)


“Son of a bitch.” Nick wrenched the steering wheel, and managed to avoid another deep pothole. The road was a mess, a minefield of tree branches, debris, and potholes like the one he’d almost driven into.

It took him almost an hour to get halfway to Boone’s, after constantly getting out to clear the road, and his left shoulder was screaming at him. Time to head back; Cooper could try later, if the weather held. His shoulder wouldn’t take much more abuse, and he’d be useless if he got stuck out here.

Slowly, he turned the SUV around. Every other minute, he had to push thoughts of Lexi out of his mind. Now that he was driving on a road with far fewer obstructions, he let her in.

No woman had ever affected him like she had, with her intelligence, her wicked humor, her kindness. She had kissed him with such abandon, opening herself completely to him, not holding back. Just the thought of their time together left him hard.

He cursed, stopped long enough to adjust himself, and kept moving forward. Once he got back to the camp, he could daydream all he wanted. Right now, he had to focus, if he wanted to get back at all.

A quick glance at the sky sent a rush of adrenaline through him. The once partly clear sky had disappeared under gathering clouds. Like someone had flipped a switch, the watery daylight changed to a false twilight.

Nick sped up as much as he dared, determined to beat the storm. Otherwise, he could be spending it trapped inside the SUV.

After more than an hour, the parking area in front of the camp appeared in his headlights. He let out a sigh, and kept going until he hit the small parking area next to the main lodge. Cooper stepped outside and opened the driver’s door.

“Thank God. I was afraid you’d get caught out there.”

Nick pried his hands off the steering wheel. His fingers ached from constantly gripping the wheel, his shoulders stiff from tension. “I had to stop halfway to Boone’s. I barely managed to get past some of the potholes, and I had to do some fancy driving to avoid them. There’s no way a bus will make it, and we can’t drive the campers out in an SUV. We’re stuck until the road dries up.”

“Campers won’t be happy to hear that. We’ve got enough food and supplies, so we’re good for now. If the sky doesn’t clear by Thursday, we’re going to have to break the bad news to everyone.”

“I agree.” He shook out his hands, and headed for the infirmary. “I’ll be back soon.”

“Going to see Lexi?” Cooper raised his hands when Nick glared at him. “I don’t blame you, Nick. She’s one feisty, beautiful woman. I think she’d be good for you.”

So did he, but he was never going to admit it. Once the road out of Camp Firefly Falls was clear, he knew Lexi would leave, with the other campers. He couldn’t let himself fall deeper than he already had.

Just the thought of not seeing her every day left him aching.

He waved at Amy, then headed back to Lexi’s room—and halted when he found it empty. He almost ran into Amy when he spun.

“She’s fine, Nick.” Amy touched his wrist. “I took her back to her cabin, gave her a pager, just in case. You look exhausted.”

He tried to calm his erratic heartbeat, and ran one hand through his hair. Even his good shoulder complained at the movement. He was twenty-five anymore.

“I tried to drive over to Boone’s. The road is a mess.”

Amy shook her head. “Looks like Heather and Michael will be refunding campers for this week.”

“I don’t know. The rain seems to be accelerating the hook ups.” Nick had spotted more than a few couples in the lodge, the gazebo, and even the dining lodge when he’d done his rounds.

“Bad weather does mean more cuddling.” She smiled, and gently pushed Nick toward the door. “Go on and do some of your own.”

He raised his eyebrows at Amy before he took her advice. Damn—did everyone in camp know how he felt about Lexi?

Part of him didn’t care; the other part hummed with anticipation as he strode across camp, headed to her cabin. Thank God she didn’t have a roommate.

When he knocked on the door, no one answered. He moved around to the side and glanced in the window, smiling when he saw Lexi sitting cross legged on the bed, scribbling furiously on a legal pad. She probably hadn’t heard his quiet knock.

He went around to the door and knocked again, louder this time, before opening the door.

Lexi didn’t acknowledge him, all her focus on the pad in her lap. Nick studied her as he quietly closed the door, then slipped out of his coat and hung it on one of the hooks behind him.

Her hair was soft and waving as it brushed her bare shoulders, instead of the wild tangle he remembered. She wore a real nightgown, instead of the thin hospital gown. Silky blue fabric cupped her perfect breasts, transparent lace creating a high waist that accentuated them. The same lace had been used as straps, the light blue almost transparent against her creamy skin. God help him, she was magnificent.

As if she sensed him, Lexi stopped, and lifted her head. She didn’t look surprised, or annoyed that he had walked into her cabin without permission. Instead, she looked happy to see him.

“Hi,” she whispered. She set the pen down, and wiped her hands on the blanket covering her crossed legs. “You look exhausted.”

“I tried to get out to Boone’s. It was a rough drive.” He tried to walk over to the chair at the small desk, but his feet had other plans and they headed right for her, his hand reaching out to cradle her uninjured cheek. The bruise on her other cheek had darkened, the side of her face still swollen. “I missed you,” he muttered, right before he leaned down and kissed her.

She let out a low moan, then slid her arms around his neck. Nick lowered himself to the bed so he could haul her against his chest. He needed to feel her warmth, needed to hold her.

Lexi deepened the kiss, and heat shot through him. He had already been hard when he walked in; now he throbbed, and he knew only she could relieve it.

He slid his hands down to her waist and lifted her, settling her in his lap. She rocked against him, gasping when he closed his hand over her breast.

“Lex,” he whispered against her lips, and she eased back. “I want to kiss you until we can’t see straight.”

“I’m good with that.”

He smiled, and held on to her as he stretched out, with her on top. For now, this would work—and keep him from unzipping his jeans and thrusting himself deep inside her. She had to hurt from her attack, and he wouldn’t add to that.

Lexi killed every thought in his head when she captured his lips, kissing him like her life depended on it. With a moan, he spread his hand over her back and moved, until they were both on the bed, facing each other.

He draped his leg over hers and pulled her in, changing the angle of the kiss. Her low hum aroused him, and he deepened the kiss, his hand sliding up the satiny fabric and closing over her breast. She gasped against his lips and arched into him.

Determined to savor every minute, Nick circled her nipple with his thumb, sliding his tongue across hers at the same deliberate pace. Lexi tangled her fingers in his hair, and relaxed against him.

It had been years since he had made out with a woman, with no ulterior motive, except to touch her, taste her, enjoy the feel of her body under his hands. And speaking of hands—she had a gifted pair. Her free hand had found its way under his thermal shirt, and he sucked in a breath as her fingers trailed over his abs.

He felt her smile against his lips.

“Vixen,” he whispered.

“You got it,” she whispered back, then she took control of the kiss and he lost himself in her.




Lexi could hardly believe she was on her bed, in the camp she’d spent so many childhood summers, making out with a man who wouldn’t have looked at her twice on the street.

God help her, Nick had talented lips. And talented hands, and a lean, muscular body that she could spend the rest of her life exploring—

Stop. Enjoy right now—stop thinking about a future that won’t happen.

She took her own advice, and slipped her knee between his legs, wanting to get closer. Parts of her still ached from last night, but Nick’s gentle touch, and slow, incredibly arousing kisses had her forgetting any lingering pain.

He eased out of their last, mind-numbing kiss, and brushed sweat-damp hair off her cheek. “Okay?”

“Better than okay.”

His smile left her aching in a different way. “I enjoy kissing you. I didn’t expect that.”

“Because it’s usually foreplay?”

He let out a shout of laughter, and kissed the tip of her nose. “You always surprise me, Lexi Granger. I want more, but kissing you like this, it’s oddly satisfying.” He slid his hand over her hip. “I like this slippery fabric.” He brushed his lips over hers, and his hand kept moving, until he found her breast. “I especially like how it showcases your perfect breasts.”

“I—Nick—ˮ She couldn’t think when he touched her like that.

She didn’t have to; he started kissing her again, and they didn’t come up for air for a long time.

Finally, after a number of short, hot kisses, he freed her lips and rolled until he was on his back, and Lexi on top of him. She loved the way his dark hair stuck out in all directions, his piercing green eyes softer now, and half closed. He looked incredibly sexy.

Her stomach rumbled, and he laughed. “Are you hungry?”

“Starving. I have a stash in the top drawer of the desk.”

He kissed her one last time before he sat. She crawled off his lap, wanting to beat him to the desk. He got there first and opened the drawer, chuckling as he reached in. Lexi would have been embarrassed with someone like Lance, but she had a feeling Nick would appreciate her hoarding. She was right; he pulled a chocolate bar out of the drawer and started to open it.

“A woman after my heart.” His hands stilled, and he looked at her.

She swallowed. “Busted,” she said, trying to lighten the tension that vibrated between them. “I nicked all that food from the dining lodge, to lure you here and have my way with you.”

“It worked.” He started tearing at the wrapper again, and took a huge bite of chocolate and almonds, chewing it as he studied her. She wanted to cover herself, aware that her nightgown hugged too much, showed too much. Never mind that a minute ago, he’d had his hands all over her. “Lexi—ˮ

“I don’t expect commitments, or declarations of love, Nick. I didn’t plan this—or you. I came here to break through my writer’s block, and get away for a week.”

He set the chocolate on the desk and walked to her, his gaze so intense she felt sorry for anyone he had interrogated. She would have confessed five seconds in.

“I didn’t plan for you, either, sweetheart.” He took her hand, and she wanted to lean against him, feel his arms around her again. There was something about Nick that made her feel safe—not smothered, just safe. “I know you’re leaving at the end of the week, but I’d like to have the rest of it with you.”

“Then what? I just—leave?” She hated the way her voice cracked over the last word.

“We talk about what we may want, after.” He lowered his gaze to their hands. “I’m not good with relationships, Lexi. My work always came first. Now that I’ve lost that, I’m not sure what I’ll do next. This job is temporary.” After endless seconds of silence, he finally looked at her. “I wasn’t forced to leave the department. I resigned, after I couldn’t fire my weapon.”

“Oh, Nick.” She traced the line of his strong jaw, her fingers brushing over the scar on his throat. “I walked away from the man I thought I would marry, when I found him in bed with a friend.” She raised her hand when Nick opened his mouth. “No sympathy, please. He wasn’t right for me, but I thought he was, because he put up with what he called my cute eccentricities. I didn’t realize until after I left him that he was a condescending asshat.”

Nick let out a shout of laughter. “I’d punch him, but he’s already been punished. He lost you.”

Heat flushed her face, and she started to move, needing to get away before he saw her embarrassment. He pulled her forward, wrapping one arm around her waist.


“I find your blush incredibly arousing.” He kissed her cheek, then worked his way down her throat. She let out a gasp when he nipped her skin. “I’m off duty at seven,” he whispered, kissing his way back up her throat, pausing when he reached her lips. “Spend the night with me, Lex.”

“Yes.” She moved in before he could, kissing him with passion she had never felt for Lance.

Nick hauled her off her feet and against his chest. She loved the way he felt, the way he touched her. Even as she deepened the kiss, her heart skipped at the thought of not seeing him again.

How was she supposed to leave him at the end of the week, when she was afraid she might be falling for him?




Nick raided her stash, and called it lunch, wanting to spend as much time with Lexi as he could before he headed back to the office.

He had to be the worst kind of masochist, spending more time with her, knowing she would leave at the end of the week, and he would stay.

She slipped on a thick robe, and joined him at the desk, eating the peanut butter crackers like a gourmet.

“I’m a junk food addict,” she said, opening another package. “Lance hated watching me eat anything like this. I got in the habit of stashing my food in my desk, since he never went near it.”

“I’m hating this Lance more with every word.”

She grinned at him. “He’d feel incredibly threatened by you. He’s a banker, and he owns more hair products than most women I know.” She reached up and ruffled his unruly hair. “You are naturally tousled. It takes Lance a good hour to achieve that.”

“What the hell did you see in him?”

She shrugged, and focused on her crackers. “We grew up together. I ran into him when I moved back to California, after years in Manhattan. I was tired of the crowds, the noise, the constant rush. I missed the beach, and the laid-back lifestyle. When we first got together, he was different. His current job turned him into a fussy, self-involved metrosexual.”

Nick choked on a pretzel. “Metro what?”

“A man who grooms, constantly. At least, that’s my definition. We stopped having sex six months before I found him cheating on me. I thought it was stress at work, and I was in the middle of a serious deadline, so I didn’t really notice how much time had gone by.” She fluttered her lashes at him, and he laughed. “I’d notice with you.”

God help him, he liked this woman. That was rare for him; the women he usually slept with were acquaintances, and never in his bed for long.

He leaned down and kissed her. “I’d make sure you didn’t get too lost in a deadline to miss out on sex.”

She wrapped her arm around his neck and captured his lips in a kiss that had him lifting her out of the chair. Before he could stop himself, he had her on the bed, under him, his hand closing over her satin covered breast.


“Need to touch you, Lex. Five minutes, before I go.”

“Yes, please.”

He smiled, and dove in.

Lexi arched against him as he kissed his way down her throat, and let out a raw cry when he closed his mouth over her breast. The satiny fabric created a small barrier, and he took advantage, circling her nipple with his tongue, knowing the fabric added a layer of friction.

She tangled her hands in his hair, her breathing ragged. He wanted to get them both naked and make love to her, but there wasn’t enough time. Not for what he had planned.

Tonight, he would savor every inch of her, then start over, learning every dip, every curve. He would never get enough of her.

Her fingers tightened when he moved to her other breast.

“God, Nick—you’re driving me crazy.”

She rocked against his throbbing cock, and he almost reached for his radio to call in. Damn her, she tempted him in the worst way.

“I have to go,” He kissed her breast and lifted his head, meeting her eyes. Her cheeks were flushed again, but this time it was desire. “Meet me in the dining lodge, at seven?”

“I’ll mark my calendar.” She frowned, and he hesitated. “I just remembered something Candy mentioned. She came to see me at the infirmary. She said that Andrea Simonson had been acting funny, and showed up at breakfast with an injured right hand.”

Nick sat, taking her with him. “Are you sure?”

“It’s third hand, and Candy is a gossip, but you might want to talk to Andrea. I was surprised at Candy’s comments, because I found Andrea to be gracious.”

“I want you to stay in your cabin, Lexi.” He stood and headed for the door. “I’ll come and get you when I’m—ˮ

“No, you won’t.” She stood next to the bed when he turned around, hands on her hips, and anger flashing in her eyes. “I won’t be dictated to, Nick Standish. If you think you can tell me what to do and I’ll just stand here and take it, you can walk out that door right now and not look back.”

“I want you safe.”

“I know.” She let out a sigh, and crossed her arms. “Sorry—I had a Lance flashback. I’ll meet you at the dining lodge, like we planned. I believe I can get from here to there without a major incident.”

He would have been offended, but the smile tugging at her lips told him she was teasing. That smile disappeared when he moved toward her, his gaze intent.

She backed away, stumbling when she hit the braided rug. “Nick—ˮ

He cut her off with his lips, hauling her up to kiss her thoroughly, needing to feel her in his arms again. She was breathless when he set her on her feet.

“I’ll see you tonight, Lexi.”

She blinked at him, dazed, and he smiled, kissing her again before he headed out.

His first stop, after he checked in with Cooper, would be the cabin of Andrea Simonson.




Andrea turned out to be a dead end.

Not only did she account for her whereabouts last night, she told Nick in embarrassing detail. He had a feeling she enjoyed the sexual adventure, and reliving it heightened that pleasure. Nick knew her type; a well-connected socialite who could have whatever she wanted.

But there was a quiet intelligence under the façade of culture and elegance. Intelligence he could respect. As he left her cabin, he crossed Andrea Simonson off his list. One down, thirty plus to go.

At this rate, he’d spend the rest of the week interviewing horny writers, and probably chasing false leads.

He headed to the office, and found Cooper there, with an angry, heavyset woman.

“The thief took my grandmother’s ring, and I want them found.”

Cooper nodded, and kept his focus on the computer screen. “Of course, Ms. Moore. I have one of our best—and here he is.” Cooper sounded relieved to see Nick. “We have another theft, Nick.”

“I heard.” He moved to the woman and held out his hand. “Nick Standish.”

“Geneva Moore… Oh—you’re Lexi’s Nick.”

“I’m not—ˮ

“Are we talking about Lexi Granger?” Cooper stood, a familiar grin on his face. “Good taste, my friend.”

“I love her books,” Geneva said. “She’s the one I read when I want inspiration for my own writing. Is she all right, Mr. Standish? I heard about the horrible attack on her last night.”

Nick wasn’t surprised. The camp grapevine, at work again.

“She is. Just a few bruises.”

“If she’s back in her cabin, I might stop and say hello.”

“I just checked on her at the infirmary, and they told me she left early this afternoon.” Nick ignored Cooper’s wagging eyebrows, and escorted Geneva Moore to the doorway. “I’m sure she would appreciate your concern.”

After a gushing thank you and goodbye, Geneva left, and Nick turned on his friend. Cooper raised his hands. “Sorry.” He didn’t look the least bit sorry. “Is she okay?”

“Except for a nasty bruise on her left cheek, fine. We have to find whoever’s doing this, Cooper.” Nick moved to the desk and crossed his arms. “I want to set a trap.”

“I’m not Heather, but I can give you a good idea what she’d say to that. Hell, no.”

“There’s no time, and no other way. This thief is clever, experienced, and will get away with it if we don’t stop them before the weather clears. You know they’ll run as soon as they can get out of camp.”

“Yeah.” Cooper rubbed the bridge of his nose. “What did you have in mind?”

Nick told him about the plan he had been forming since he’d talked to Andrea. “We do it tonight, Cooper, while the thief is still cocky.” That meant breaking his date with Lexi. But if they caught the thief tonight, he’d be free the rest of the week, aside from his normal duty. “You know I’m right.”

Cooper shook his head, and Nick opened his mouth to argue. “I’m not disagreeing, Nick. I just don’t like it. You know better than I do how unpredictable a trapped criminal can be.”

Nick’s shoulder jerked in agreement.

“That gives me an edge. I won’t be taken by surprise, Cooper. Not again.”




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