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The Only Thing by Marie Harte (16)

Chapter 16

Hope waited all week at work for something to happen. When nothing did, she felt both glad and annoyed. Sure, it would be great if her secret admirer problem would just go away, but she’d rather she knew the identity of the gift giver, to allay her fears she’d attracted the attentions of some psycho.

Bad enough she had her own psycho to deal with…in bed.

She smiled to herself, still unsure where she stood with J.T. but having too much fun to call things off. He constantly made her laugh. He’d convinced her to sit still so he could draw her. Then he showed her pictures of herself looking ridiculous. Her face on a shark’s body. Her as a cartoon with a huge head and butt. Hope as an anime character dressed in a slutty Sailor Moon outfit. But her favorite was Hope as Wonder Woman, which had been very cool, especially because he’d made her tall and curvy instead of vertically challenged and simply cute.

Either he or Cam walked her to her car after work, and Cam had started arriving earlier in the mornings so she didn’t have to walk up the stairs to the office by herself. She hadn’t received any flowers, treats, or notes. Just blessed quiet.

Today she’d turned thirty, yet she couldn’t say she felt any differently than she had yesterday. The day had been mostly uneventful, with the exception of Cam’s surprise birthday cake for her during lunch and his gift certificate to a trendy dining spot she’d had her eye on for a while.

“Any plans for tonight?” Cam asked as they wrapped up for the day.

“Noelle and I are going out on the town.”

“Nothing with J.T.?”

She shrugged, swallowing her disappointment. Again. “We’re not joined at the hip.”

“Ah. Well, happy birthday. Just one more appointment today, and you’re free to be thirty.”

“Gee, thanks, Cam.”

He laughed.

“Joe Gregory should be here in another twenty minutes.”

He nodded and went back to his office, humming “Happy Birthday” along the way.

No, Hope and J.T. didn’t need to spend every waking moment together. It had surprised her that he hadn’t mentioned doing anything tonight. They’d spent the last two weekends together. And though they hadn’t seen each other every night this week, on those evenings he had a late appointment, they talked before bed.

She’d gotten used to her pretend relationship, which J.T. continued to tease her about. She didn’t know how to handle him, exactly. As they both well knew, the reason for them coming together had been to convince her mother that Hope wasn’t as immature as she knew herself to be. Her lame rationalization to stay together afterward, to make it convincing when they broke up, was embarrassing. But that didn’t explain why he’d agreed to remain an item. Or why he called her more on the phone than she called him.

Yet on her birthday, he hadn’t said a thing other than for her to have a great day. He knew she and Noelle were going out, but not where. Noelle hadn’t told her, wanting it to be a surprise. And J.T. hadn’t even asked if he could come.

“Hope, you should celebrate with family, with your best friend. I’d only be in the way, and we’re keeping it casual, right?” he’d said while getting ready for work. “I mean, me hanging with you on your special day feels a little off for what we have.”

“Good points.” She’d faked a smile, waved goodbye, and left for the day.

She tried not to feel hurt about it, but she couldn’t help it.

Even her family was doing something nice, everyone congregating on Sunday for brunch to celebrate. With that in mind, Hope needed to get her act together. No time to freak out on her mother again, not when it did no good to try to convince Linda that Hope had her own mind.

Ten minutes later, she looked up when the door chimed.

“Hi, Hope. I have an appointment with Cam at four thirty.”

She smiled and buzzed Cam to let him know Joe had arrived a few minutes early. The owner of a small IT firm making its mark had been smart to get Cam to help invest for his personal retirement. Slender, funny, and a nice-looking man in his mid-thirties, Joe had been someone her mother had talked about setting her up with. Fortunately, Cam had intervened before Linda had all his single male clients lined up to take Hope out for a test drive.

“We’ve been looking forward to seeing you again, Joe. How was Hawaii?” They made small talk as she walked him back to Cam’s office.

As she left him, she caught Joe looking at her breasts before he glanced at her face and smiled. “Thank you.” He turned to meet Cam, who extended his hand in greeting.

Hope shut the door behind them and went back down the hall, confused. Joe had never before given her any kind of weird looks, but he’d for sure been staring at her chest.

Perhaps…he was her admirer.

She had a mini freak-out, then did the math. Joe had never been anything but pleasant yet aloof in the six months he’d been a client. Cam really liked him. Plus Joe had been in Hawaii when she’d received the flowers. True, he could have ordered those, but a man had ordered her a pastry in person. Unless he’d hired someone to order it at the store?

What kind of man could look a woman in the eye, yet not admit he was leaving her gifts? Following her around, knowing her routine?

Hurrying off to the bathroom, Hope did her business and was washing her hands when she caught sight of herself in the mirror. A piece of pink fuzz from her sweater sat smack-dab in the middle of her chest. She plucked it off and threw it away.

She had to laugh at herself. “I am such a moron.” Just because she liked her looks, and J.T. happened to feel the same, didn’t mean every man wanted to do her. Or buy me flowers.

The rest of the day passed quickly, and before she knew it, she’d gone home, changed, and met with Noelle at a popular nightclub downtown. Dressed in a slinky black skirt, a dark-red top with a plunging neckline, and risky black heels, Hope felt pretty, sexy, and thirty.

She sighed, toying with her drink.

Noelle looked fabulous, dressed to kill in a short green dress that made her already long legs look even longer. “Isn’t this dress great? I got it at a consignment shop for twenty bucks. Go, me.”

Hope laughed. “You truly are the bargain shopper.”

Noelle held up her glass. “A toast to my dress and your birthday. To us.”

Hope clinked it and took a sip of a cosmopolitan done just right. “So what’s the plan?” Noelle had told Hope to do nothing but enjoy herself. Hope had taken the bus so as not to have to drive home, and had shown up content to let her best friend make magic happen with the rest of her night.

“I have a private room reserved for us in the back.”


“Yeah. You’re going to love this.” Noelle grabbed her by the arm and took her back down a hallway. “This is just for you, Hope. Happy birthday.”

Noelle pushed them through a door and closed it behind her. A raised platform had been set up at one end of the small room. A minibar sat at the other end, and small tables and chairs faced the stage. On the table closest to the stage, a cake with candles sat. A glance over the doorway showed a HAPPY BIRTHDAY, HOPE banner.

“Aw, Noelle. This is so nice.” Hope teared up.

“Stop! You’ll ruin your mascara.”

Hope laughed.

The door opened, and a bunch of her friends filed in. Amber, Sarah, Collette, more buddies from the gym and a few of her past jobs. They made small talk before the girls grabbed some seats. Ava and Zoe arrived soon after, looking around with wide eyes.

“Happy birthday, Hope.” Zoe hugged her.

Ava grinned. “Wow. Thirty. Welcome to the big leagues.”

They chatted a bit. Then her cousins’ wives entered, along with Del and Rena.

“Wow. You really did invite everyone.” There had to be close to twenty women filling the room.

When a buff, shirtless man dressed in black dress pants, dress shoes, and a bow tie entered and took position behind the bar, Hope blinked in surprise. The club wasn’t a strip joint, and it didn’t employ half-dressed, gorgeous men either. Her friends immediately surged to buy drinks. Enough cocktails, and they’d be filling his tip jar with more than bills. Knowing her friends, the bartender would get a fair amount of phone numbers.

Yep. Collette hadn’t waited for the drinks. A business card already sat in his tip jar.

Hope had a feeling the night was about to get wild. “Ah, Noelle, did the bartender lose his shirt or what?”

“Eye candy, milady.” Noelle laughed. “Wait until you get a look at tonight’s entertainment.”

“Oh my God. This is a strip show!”

“Hell yeah. You only turn thirty once.”

Hope had a scandalous thought. “Please tell me J.T. isn’t going to strut his stuff onstage taking off his clothes.” Not that she wouldn’t mind seeing that—at all—but she didn’t want him naked around other women. And certainly not Collette.

“Now that’s one heck of an idea. I met him, you know, when we put this party plan together.” Noelle sighed. “If I wasn’t so into Jean-Luc, I’d fight you for him.” She checked her phone, then grabbed Hope and dragged her to their table. “Wait here. Cosmo, right?” She pointed at the drink Hope had set at the table.

“Yeah, but—”

Noelle left, and Rena arrived to take the unoccupied chair at the table. “Hi, Hope. Happy birthday.” Rena had put her hair back in a clip, and she looked different. Less cute and wholesome and more dangerous and seductive.

Hope blinked. “Holy cow. You look vampy.”

Rena grinned. “Thanks. I can do a look besides sweet. I’m trying it out here before I put it to good use later.”

“Oh? On who?”

“It’s whom, and I bet I know,” came a deep voice from behind her.

Hope whirled around to see J.T. standing there, in pants and a shirt, thank God. “Oh good. You’re wearing more than a tie.”

He raised a brow as he leaned in to kiss the breath out of her. A ton of whistles and catcalls from her friends made Hope blush. He handed her a single long-stemmed red rose, minus the thorns.

So sweet. “Aw, that’s so nice.” She blinked again, telling herself to stop getting so emotional over the simplest things.

“Have fun, baby. I’ll see you when you get home.” He left before she could ask him what exactly he meant by that. But the fact he’d shown up to wish her a happy birthday, with a flower, no less, made her so very happy.

Music started pumping from overhead speakers, and the lights flickered. A low male voice announced, “Everyone, the show’s about to start. If you could all please take your seats.”

Hope sat. Noelle hurried back, put drinks on the table, and rubbed her hands together. Multicolored lights flashed on the small stage, and the room around them darkened except for the slight glow back by the minibar.

“Noelle, seriously, tell me this isn’t some cheesy stripper show,” Hope whispered.

Rena nodded. “They stuff their bikinis with socks. So I hear.”

“Nothing cheesy about it or their bikinis.” Noelle grinned. “Shh. Enjoy the drink.” She put a stack of ones in front of Hope. “Happy birthday.”

Hope groaned.

“Ladies, may I present Turf. He’s a landscaper who likes to dance. And he’s crazy good at trimming bush.” The women groaned. “He’s also found that sometimes wetting down the bush makes it that much easier to care for.” The groans soon turned to cheers.

“That was horrible,” Hope murmured to Noelle.

Rena laughed along with several others.

When six and a half feet of oiled Turf walked onto the stage, those cheers became shouts. Nothing cheesy about the handsome guy with muscles to spare who smiled and asked for the birthday girl.

No, not so cheesy at all.

* * *

Hope caught a ride home with Noelle, having spent all of Noelle’s money. Fifteen ones, but it had been worth it. She’d gone to exactly one stripper show about five years ago, and it had been nothing like the one she’d seen tonight. The guys had been fun, could dance, and seemed to really enjoy the evening. It helped that her crowd hadn’t been too obnoxious; thankfully, Collette and the bartender had found a quiet place to enjoy themselves on his break.

The company had been grand, the show more than enjoyable, and the booze flowing freely, which had gone nicely with the cake.

Hope was still singing that last number Guns—Oh my God, his ass, and I’m not an ass girl—had been dancing to when Noelle parked in front of her apartment.

“You are the best friend ever.” Hope gave her a tight hug, only slightly buzzed since she’d spent more time dancing than drinking. The show had turned into a dance party at the end, with everyone laughing it up.

“I am. And I have a secret for you.” Noelle grinned wide. “Guns is Jean-Luc.”


“I know. Well, I have to go. He’s giving me my own private show in half an hour. Au revoir.”

Hope left the car and waved to Noelle. Best. Friend. Ever. But as she turned, a large figure loomed near the entry.

“About time you got home,” J.T. said as he walked into the light.

She let out the breath she’d been holding. “You scared me.”

“Good. From what I hear, I should be scared. How many ones did you shove down those manly G-strings, anyway?” But instead of scowling, he was smiling at her.

She laughed. “Oh my gosh. What a night. That was so much fun.” She squealed when he lifted her in his arms and swung her around. “I was afraid you might show up onstage.”

“Nah. I didn’t want to make Turf look bad.” He laughed. “That was my guy Grim in there. Did you see him?”

“Wait. Your guy?”

“He works at the studio. Hell of an artist. I had no idea he could dance until Noelle stopped by to mention her great idea for a gift for you.” He snorted. “I still say you only needed me up there, but since she was bringing family, no way I could shake my thing for you.”

Hope laughed harder, wondering if she maybe was tipsier than she’d thought. “Did you know Noelle’s guy was there? He danced at the end. What an ass.”

“I hope you mean he was really obnoxious.” He finally set her down and gave her a look.

“Oh, um, yeah. So rude. I can’t believe she’s dating that guy.” She giggled. “I think I’m a little loopy.”

His smile made the night brighter. “I think you are too. Come on, old lady. Let’s get you inside so I can give you my present.”

She sighed. “I’m so happy right now. I was really bummed out earlier when I thought you didn’t care.”

They walked in together, and she told him all about the party, especially about her friends’ antics, as well as the McCauleys in attendance drinking and dancing with abandon.

“I had no idea Vanessa could move like that. She’s normally pretty tight-assed. She tight-asses all over the place. Hmm. Is that a verb?”

“It is tonight.” He helped her inside and locked up after her. Then he led her down the hallway to her bedroom, where he’d decorated with candles and flowers. A wrapped package the size of a magazine lay in the middle of her bed. “Happy birthday, Hope.”

She couldn’t help it. She teared up. “Oh, I’m trying not to make my mascara run.”

“Too late.”

She hugged and kissed him, but before things got too steamy, he gently moved her back. “Not yet.” He cleared his throat. “Tonight is about you. Not me sexing you up, unless you want that, of course.” He grinned. “Open your present.”

She fetched it off the bed, wobbled, and realized she had yet to take off her heels. She would have, except that she wanted J.T. to see her in them, looking sexy, before she fell on her face. Carefully balanced, she started to open the present when she looked at J.T. and saw him frowning.

“What’s wrong?” she asked.

“I hope you like it.”

He seemed nervous, the cutie. So big, strong, and unsure that she’d like his gift. “I’ll love it, no matter what it is.” Like I love you.

She nearly dropped the gift.

“What’s wrong? You’re not going to be sick, are you?”

Doing her best not to hyperventilate and chalking up her amorous thoughts to her cosmopolitans, she shook her head. “Nope. Fine. I’m just so excited to see it.” It felt like a frame, like a picture.

He relaxed somewhat and stuffed his hands in his pockets. She stared, having never seen him so worried. “Open it already,” he growled.

Even more curious now, she tore open the paper. A framed picture looked back at her.

“It’s you,” he stated, as if she couldn’t tell.

He’d drawn her in the middle of an artistic explosion of color, beauty, and wonder. She marveled at his talent, that anyone could make her look so magnificent. Her eyes sparkled in the picture, and in them she saw images. Small pictures of so many things. Hearts, butterflies, flowers. In the background of her image he’d drawn a seascape and a deep-blue sky, the sun casting a glow over everything, especially her hair.

“This is…” She couldn’t believe he’d done this for her.

“I can do something else, if you want. Get you a necklace or something. I know you liked that sapphire one at that Green Lake jeweler last weekend.”

“No. This… It’s absolutely incredible. I love it.” She couldn’t stop staring at it. “How did you get so much detail into my eyes? And the images all over the place. They should be too much, but they aren’t.” She raised her gaze to his and saw him blushing. “I love this. Thank you so much.” She kissed him, deeply affected by the thoughtfulness of the gift.

Because in the drawing she saw that he’d listened to her. He’d put things into it that meant something to Hope. A fun trip to an aquarium she’d taken with family as a teenager. Her preference for summer and spring, flowers and butterflies, which she loved. She’d actually considered a butterfly for a tattoo, not that she’d ever followed through on it. All the tiny details came from things Hope had shared with J.T. during their many talks.

“This is the best present I’ve ever received.”

He seemed embarrassed at her admiration, which served to make it even better. He hadn’t drawn the art for praise, but for her. “I’m glad you like it, honey.”

“You know what would make my night perfect?” She carefully set the picture on her dresser and returned to him, placing her hands on his waist.

He put his hands on hers as well. “What’s that?”

“If my boyfriend made love to me in a room filled with flowers and candlelight.”

“Your wish is my command.” He stared into her eyes. “You get prettier every time I see you. How’s that possible?”

She grinned. “It’s magic.”

“Yeah. Magic.” He kissed her.

Lost in his taste, in his touch, Hope felt her dress slide down her body, followed by her bra and panties. Left in nothing but heels, she was at least a few inches taller and better able to meet J.T.’s mouth so he didn’t have to bend so much.

“You’re fucking gorgeous,” he said as he stood back to see her, his chest rising and falling, his body rigid. When his gaze met hers again, she was taken aback by the hunger there. “It’s so much more than your looks, Hope. It’s all of you. Man, you make me so happy.”

“I’m glad.” She reached for his shirt and tugged it up. He helped her take it off, and she ran her hands over his chest to his massive shoulders. “I love the way we look together.” Her lighter-colored hand over his darker skin.

J.T. could have been up on that stage tonight raking in the money. Or modeling for any fitness magazine. Heck, he could model for any vanity magazine as well. “You’re so pretty.”

“Hope, men are handsome. Not pretty.” He took her hands in his, lacing their fingers together. “You’re pretty. All over pretty.”

How could a girl not fall in love with a man who said things like that?

“My girl is hot and built like a goddess. You sure this is your birthday wish and not mine?” He looked her over with a smile.

She’d had enough. “Kiss me.”

Seeing her desire, he stopped teasing. J.T. drew her in to his body, their chests brushing, skin to skin.

She opened her mouth in a sigh, and he plundered. The kiss turned scorching from one heartbeat to the next. She followed where he led, her heart as much affected as her body. J.T. stroked her with tenderness and lust, and the emotional climax hit her well before her physical one.

Such feeling for this man in her arms. Hers. She’d claimed him, and even if he’d never know, she’d treasure tonight forever. She gave as good as she got, and by the time they were both naked on the bed, she wanted nothing more than him inside her.

While he sucked her nipples and ran a hand down her belly, thumbing her clit and sliding his fingers between her legs, rubbing that slick desire over her sex, she was losing herself in him.

“So good, baby. So right.”

She nipped his neck, felt him jerk against her, and grabbed his cock. He felt slick, and she loved knowing he wanted her with the same desperation she felt. “Inside me.”

He shook his head, his entire body taut. “No. Not without a condom. I’ll come in you tonight. I want you too much.”

“Then put one on, or I’ll take the choice from you.” She pumped him and saw his dark eyes narrow.

“Keep it up, I’ll come all over you.”

“Talk is cheap.”

He yanked her hands up and put them on either side of her head. “Keep ’em there.” Then he sheathed himself in a condom faster than anyone she’d ever seen do that. He returned, grabbed her hands to hold them pinned, and nudged her legs wider.

“In me,” she whispered and watched him watching her.

“I’m gonna fuck you hard. Balls deep. And I mean deep.” He sucked on her lower lip, and she arched up, brushing her erect nipples against his chest. “Oh, you’re asking for it.”

So saying, he positioned himself between her legs and gave her a tiny bit of him.

“Please,” she begged, nearly going over the edge.

J.T. stared into her eyes and shoved hard and fast.

She came on a gasp, her entire body one live wire of feeling, while he took her like a man possessed. He swore and told her how much he loved her while he sawed in and out of her, the fierceness of his taking matched only by the violence of her never-ending orgasm.

When he finally stilled inside her, she’d come to her end. His hands gripped her wrists so hard, but she didn’t give a damn, trembling under the man still jerking inside her.

They lay joined, connected in a way they’d never been before. Hope nuzzled his throat, planting soft kisses, and he released her wrists and propped himself on his elbows to see her.

“God, Hope. You get to me. You really do.” He didn’t smile. Didn’t look pleased. In fact, he looked a little angry.


He withdrew and left for the bathroom, then returned with a…paddle? “Don’t even think of falling asleep yet, birthday girl. Someone needs some birthday spankings. And not just one, but at least, say, fifteen. That is the number of ones you shoved down those strippers’ thongs, isn’t it?”

She blinked. “More?” Her gaze wouldn’t leave the paddle, because when she met his hard stare, she felt another climax promising to build.

“Oh yeah.” He chuckled, slapping the cloth-covered paddle against his hand. “So much more.”