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The Throne by Samantha Whiskey (12)


Butterflies flapped chaotically in my tummy, reminding me so much of those times when I was a girl, anxious and desperate to see Jaime.

Only now, after everything we’d been through, after Xander and the girls and Parliament and the distance, now…we were finally here. Finally ready to take the last step, one that would bind us together…forever.

I smoothed my hands over the dress of my dreams—it was like I’d fallen into the fairytale I’d fantasized about as a child. White silk and lace and yards of luscious fabric that trailed behind me as I clicked toward the giant double doors that concealed the ballroom. My stepfather, clad in an all black-tux, kept my arm steady as I figured out how to walk in the weight of the dress.

My mother had clasped a sapphire necklace on me before hurrying to sit with the Queen, who’d flown back from America for the occasion. She hadn’t been surprised when Jaime and I had told her our decision, and a part of me was beyond grateful for our history. The Queen and I had always gotten along well, and I was overjoyed that she was happy for us.

Music filtered through the cracks in the closed doors, two staff members dressed in simple yet elegant suits waiting for me to give them the signal to open the door. My heart raced against my chest, the blood rushing in my ears, threatening to drown out the gorgeous violins calling me toward my future. Toward the only man I’d ever loved.

Sophie stood just outside the doors, looking stunning in her gorgeous gown of blue, her hair up off her shoulders. “You’re beautiful,” she said, filling the silence as everyone continued to wait for me to give the signal.

“Thank you,” I said, wishing for a moment that I could hug her one more time before we entered, but the fairytale dress was incredibly heavy and hard to manage. “You’re the image of perfection.” I beamed at her. “The best maid of honor anyone could hope for.”

She grinned. “I’m so glad you’re officially going to be my sister.”

I held back the tears threatening to ruin the simple yet eye-popping mascara Georgia had insisted I wear today.

“Darling?” My stepfather asked, gazing down at me after I’d stood frozen for a few moments longer.

One nod of my head and everything would change.

I’d become the Queen of Elleston, the role I’d been raised to assume.

I’d officially be a Wyndham like I had planned for so many years of my life.

And while I was thrilled about the changes I knew we could make as King and Queen, I was more excited about Jaime.

About making him mine, and me his.

The rush that filtered through my blood at the thought of being tied to him for life fueled the slight nod of my head toward the staff members, and they swung the open doors.

Sophie gracefully swept into the room ahead of us, and as I saw her reach the center of the aisle, I took the step I’d wanted to take my entire life. The one toward him.

Hundreds of Elleston’s finest lined the rows of pews that had been brought in special for this occasion, all made of solid mahogany, my favorite. The guests each rose as I clicked inside the room, my stepfather holding me steady as the long train gracefully trailed behind me.

The thin veil over my head didn’t hinder the impact of the grand ballroom which was decorated beyond compare. Gardenias kissed every available surface—petals on the marble floor, bunches tied with white lace at the end of each pew, hundreds lining the walls in swooping cascades—all leading me toward the breathtaking man…King…awaiting me at the end of the aisle.

Jaime…he was earth-shattering. There was no other way to describe how he looked in his tux, the way the fabric cut to his body. The smile on his face made my heart double in size, but the primal look churning in his eyes made my skin heat beneath my dress.

Sophie had taken her proper place next to Brie, across from him. Xander stood behind him. He looked handsome in his suit, too, but nothing could compare to Jaime. To the way his hair was the perfect combination of wild and tame, just like him.

I wanted to sprint the last three steps to him, but with cameras flashing and too many eyes to count watching, I kept hold of that calm demeanor I’d been raised to control. It was much harder than I’d experienced. I wanted to bounce up and down with the bubbles that were flowing through my veins like champagne. I never knew I could be this happy. Never knew I would be allowed this secret dream—to have him and be the woman I’d always wanted.

It was almost too perfect as I finally made my mark, handing off my bouquet of gardenias to Sophie before facing Jaime. The second he slipped his hands over mine, those tears I’d held back made my eyes glitter. He flashed me that signature Jameson smirk, the one that had the power to make my knees weak, and I gripped him a little tighter.

The priest motioned for the guests to sit, and then launched into the longest ceremony in the world. I loved every word of it—I always had loved the traditional words at Elleston’s royal weddings—but I was ready to be with my husband.


Another burst of heat shot up my spine and I, once again, wondered how I’d gotten so lucky to own the heart of a man like Jaime.

“You may now kiss your bride,” the priest said, and a breath of relief rushed through me so fast I thought I might faint.

Jaime lifted my veil, his own eyes glittering and churning and speaking volumes to me without ever opening his mouth. He inched his lips toward mine, the pressure behind the kiss much too light and much too tame for what I knew him capable of, but with all the eyes on us, it was the perfect kiss to seal our marriage.

Xander whooped behind Jaime, whistling and clapping him on the back as we turned to face the crowd as man and wife. The queen and Sophie and Brie all clapped, and I smiled at them all, wishing so hard that Willa could’ve been here to see this. A pressing deadline and the first trimester kept her back in America. I would fly to her soon because the woman deserved the most epic of thank yous ever. If she hadn’t taken Xander in during that snowstorm in New York, none of this would’ve been possible.

The thought at how differently my life would look if she hadn’t threatened to rob me of the bliss currently curling around me as Jaime led me down the aisle, so I forced the thoughts away. None of that mattered now. What mattered was I was now Mrs. Jameson Wyndham. And he was mine.

* * *

After Oliver and his team had properly secured the reception area, Jaime and I took our rightful places at the center table that sat on a raised platform in the formal dining hall. The rest of the tables had been arranged around an open space turned dancefloor, but we weren’t due for our first dance for a good hour. For now, I could rest my aching feet. I loved these white satin pumps, but they were the devil.

Jaime’s hand found my thigh, and I leaned toward him. “You had to pick a dress that had a million yards of fabric?”

I chuckled softly. “All the better to hide what’s underneath,” I teased.

He cocked an eyebrow at me. “I’ve seen what’s under there, and I can assure you I’ve thought of little else since.”

I bit the corner of my lip, grazing his cheek with my nose. “Trust me,” I whispered into his ear. “What I’m wearing under all this fabric? Will be worth the time it will take to rid me of it.”

A shiver trembled his body that was so close to mine but not near close enough. “You are a tease, Charlie.”

I kissed his cheek, situating myself back in the seat as guests flocked to the table to congratulate us. “You asked for this, Jaime.”

He laughed, lacing our fingers together under the table. “All my life.”

Again my heart filled my chest so much I had a hard time breathing, and as words failed me, I squeezed his hand instead.

An hour, what felt like three hundred smiling faces, Jaime’s and I first dance, and three flutes of champagne later, we were down to the last guest at our table.

“Prime Minister,” I said, raising to stand and shake his hand.

“Your Highness,” he said, taking my hand and planting a soft kiss on the back of it. “You look radiant.”

“Thank you,” I said, smiling as Jaime stood by me to greet Damian, too. He shook his hand after letting mine go and arched a brow at Jaime.

“You mind if I steal the bride for a dance?” Damian asked.

“You don’t need his permission,” I answered before Jaime could say a word. I flashed him a sultry smile and stepped down to loop my arm through Damian’s. “After all,” I said as Jaime followed us, a wildly amused look in his eyes. “I owe you for your help with the bill that allowed Jaime to not be forced to marry.”

Damian winked at Jaime as he escorted me through the other couples dancing. He stopped in the center and kept an acceptable distance from me as he whirled me around to a slow waltz. “It was the least I could do,” he said, his royal blue suit making his eyes pop. He was certainly the most attractive Prime Minister I’d ever seen, though nothing could compare to Jaime. “Jameson is a better man with you beside him.” He grinned as I glanced across the way to where Jaime spun Brie around. She looked incredible in her backless, red silk gown. “And he’ll be more agreeable now that he is no longer fighting for your heart.”

I laughed. “All my life,” I said, mimicking Jaime’s earlier words.

“All right,” Jaime’s voice was at my ear and a warm shiver raced across my skin as we halted our dance. “That’s quite enough,” he teased Damian, taking my hand and offering him Brie’s.

“Your Royal Highness,” Damian bowed to me, then Brie as he took her hand and rested his other one much lower on her hip than he’d dared on me.

“You’re a little scrumptious for the PM, don’t you think?” Brie said, and I almost pitied the man the length of the song as the pair whirled away from us. I quickly lost all thought as Jaime slipped his hands around my waist, pulling me much too close for a waltz, but I didn’t care the slightest.

“You were laughing,” he grumbled into my neck as he practically breathed me in.

My stomach dipped, a craving much deeper than hunger begging to be addressed.

“He was funny,” I managed to say.

“You’re mine,” he whispered in my ear, and I trembled against his hard chest.

   “Yes.” That was never a question, but now it was official for the world to see. And they would see, especially after we were crowned as King and Queen in a couple of weeks. A flare of apprehension and pure excitement raced through me at the thought of my husband as King.

Of course, Jaime had always held all manner of power over me, my heart, my soul, my body.

“Have we put in enough face time?” He practically growled in my ear.

 “You are the King,” I said, my heart kicking up again with the thought of being alone with him. “You make the rules for the most part…”

“Oh, is that so?” He pulled me closer, his teeth grazing the soft flesh of my neck before he pulled away too quickly. “In that case…” he swiped a strong arm behind my knees, effortlessly cradling me to his chest as I squealed. “Excuse me!” He announced over the music and chatter that filled the room. “My wife and I are exhausted. Thank you all for attending, and please continue to enjoy the reception as long as you’d like.”

With that, he walked us through the room; my insanely long dress trailed over his arm and behind us. Oliver cleared the way, even going so far to check the hallway and Jaime’s room before giving us the thumbs up. At least the man took his job seriously, but at the moment, I just wanted to be alone with my husband.

Once the door to Jaime’s bedroom closed and locked behind us, I took a full, deep breath, the air filled with his scent.

“Jaime,” I cooed as he set me gently on the bed. “Thank you.” I cupped his face between my hands, never breaking our gaze.

He tilted his head within my grasp. “What ever for?”

“For the wedding of my dreams to the man of my dreams.” I swallowed the emotions clogging my throat. “For giving me a choice and for choosing me.”

He crushed his lips on mine, stealing the words from my lips. “Charlie,” he said, drawing back enough to speak. “You were always, and will always be my choice.”

I slipped my tongue between his lips, showing him just how much I loved him, just how much I loved the way he made me feel more like myself than I ever had before. And now we had a lifetime to spend together—a lifetime of days to make up for the ones we never got to have in our past.

I pushed at the center of his chest, wiggling out of his grasp to step off the bed, and flashed him a seductive smile. “Stay,” I said, and he cocked an eyebrow at me but didn’t move a muscle from where he sat on the edge of his bed…our bed. I spun around, giving him full access to my back. “Untie me?”

“That’s a lot of ribbon,” he said as his warm fingers found where the silk was tied. He started unbraiding it, gently but at a rapid pace like he couldn’t wait to see what was underneath.

The dress gave around my shoulders as he found his way to the small of my back, and I took two steps away from him, holding the dress on with my arms as I turned to face him.

Slowly, I let the mounds of fabric slide down my body, and oh-so-carefully stepped over the pile of silk and lace. I wanted to save that dress forever, maybe even for our daughter one day. The thought of carrying Jaime’s child sent another thrill through my body, and I took another step away from the heap, my pumps still on and clicking against the hardwood floor.

Jaime growled, following my every move with his eyes, his body shifting on the bed to follow my path, too.

I smoothed my hands over the tight, white corset that pushed my breasts up for full display, and glanced down at the white garters and stockings that glided over my legs.

“Charlie,” Jaime sighed. “Tell me I can move now.” The words were almost pained.

 I smirked and shook my head, clicking toward where he sat on the edge of the bed. I captured one of his hands, guided it under the corset and between my thighs.

 He hissed, his fingers rolling in what was already hot and aching for him. “Just the garter belt?”

 I released his hand, content to give him free reign to touch me, feel me. “You said you liked them,” I said, smiling as I raked my fingers through his wild hair as he gently teased me. “Now you don’t have to worry about taking them off.”

The smile on his perfect lips was better than Christmas morning. Any nerves I may have had disappeared with that look. Jaime loved me in a way I never knew possible—wholly, fully, deeply. And I’m sure it was mirrored in my own eyes as my lids fluttered as he slipped a finger inside me.

“Jaime,” I said, my knees trembling where I stood before him.

He bolted off the bed, towering over me as he cupped my face, kissing me with a fierce passion. “Say it again,” he demanded as he nipped at my bottom lip.

“Jaime,” I practically purred.

“God, Charlie,” he whispered, pressing his forehead against mine, holding our bodies flush, so close I could feel his heart racing. “I’ve dreamed of my name on your lips for as long as I can remember.” He slanted his mouth over mine, stroking my tongue with his, pumping and pulsing in the most delicious way. “Don’t ever stop saying it.”

 “Never,” I said, sliding down to my knees, unzipping his pants and slipping off them and his sleek black briefs. He stepped out of them quickly, kicking them to the side to rest by my huge pile of a dress.

 I was eye-level with all of Jaime’s glory and my mouth watered. I flashed my eyes up to him for only a moment before I softly, teasingly kissed the tip of what was rock hard in front of me. He was so large I had to hold the length of him with both hands as I took him in my mouth, flicking my tongue over the sensitive spot.

“Charlie,” he growled.

I hummed a response while he was in my mouth, and a shudder trembled his whole body. He quickly locked his muscles, holding absolutely still while he allowed me to discover him. I don’t know why I’d constantly been nervous about intimate things like this—with Jaime everything came from some deep, primal instinct roaring in my soul.

“You,” he said, sighing and gripping my shoulders enough to push me back enough to lose him off my lips. “Have to stop.” He tugged me upward, kissing me quickly. “If you don’t, this won’t be a proper honeymoon.”

“And what?” I challenged. “You’re only going to make love to me once?”

 He smirked, arching a brow at me. “Oh no, Charlie. I plan on worshiping you several times tonight. As much as you can handle.” He slipped his fingers into my hair and freed the pins that had been holding it off my shoulders. My locks tumbled down, tickling my skin.

My heart skipped a beat. “If that’s the case,” I said once I could find my voice again. “We’ll take it slow on the next one. I want you inside me, now. Hard and fast. And bare.

He tilted his head, his eyes questioning. “Are you sure?”

“Give me what I want, Jaime,” I teased. “Nothing between us. Just you. All of you.”

He slid his hands down my bare arms, over the sides of the corset, and jerked my hips against him. A wild smirk and he’d grabbed two handfuls of my bottom, hefting me upward. I locked my ankles around his hips, biting the shell of his ear and moaning at the way his hard cock slid against my slickness.

He claimed my mouth as he walked us across the room, gently pressing my spine against the farthest wall. Holding me up with only one arm, he moved his free hand downward, shifting until he’d grabbed his cock and teased me with his tip. He smoothed it over that horribly sensitive bundle of nerves before circling my aching entrance, always grazing it, never going in.

I sucked his tongue into my mouth, kissing him like my life depended on it because I thought I might die from the torture. I arched my hips against him, squeezing my thighs around him in a desperate attempt to draw him in.

“Tell me,” he demanded, breaking our kiss. “Tell me what you want, Charlie.” He kissed my puckered breasts, his lips so damned hot on my skin.

I threw my head back as he slipped inside me just an inch, before pulling back. “God, Jaime. You…please. I just want you inside me. Now. Always. Over and over. Hard.” My words came out between gasps of breath as he worked me with his lips and his cock, revving me up so much I was sure I’d explode the second he entered me.

He froze, holding me in pulsing, pleading agony as he locked eyes with mine. That devilish grin swept over his lips before he grazed them over mine. “I’ll always give you what you want, Charlie. All you’ve ever had to do was ask.”

I wondered how it was possible to love another soul so damned much it hurt.

With one, easy stroke, Jaime pumped inside me, filling me. With no condom between us, it was a damn revelation. My walls hugged his hard cock, and I rolled my head back. “Oh. God. Yes.” I moaned as he pumped, both hands now on my hips as he fucked me against the wall.

My eyelids fluttered shut as everything that I was became a live wire. Pure sensation—sparks and shocks and trembles and hunger for more.

This was love. This was primal. This was brilliant.

I clawed at his back, meeting his thrusts with all the leverage I had as he controlled the pace.

“Charlie,” he said, a demand in his tone. I was powerless against that gravelly voice, and I snapped my eyes to him. “Stay with me.”

“Always,” I said, keeping my eyes on his as he claimed me again and again.

He kissed my breasts. “So damned sexy,” he growled, never ceasing with his pumping that was making me keen.

“Jaime,” I begged, feeling the swirling tension coil tighter, lower.

“Fuck, I can feel you,” he said, a wild grin on his face. “So damned tight. Slick. Perfect.”

I clenched around him, using my muscles to make him shake.

“Fuck,” he hissed again.

“Stay with me?” I asked, mimicking his earlier plea. I clenched around him again when he hesitated. When he thought about telling me no.

He smirked. “Anything you want,” he said, and shifted our position, somehow pressing closer to me, pumping harder and hitting the small bundle of nerves at the same damn time.

I trembled around him, a slow shake that quaked every single one of my muscles.

“Jaime!” I screamed as I came, exploding around him, shattering again and again with each of his brilliantly placed pumps.

He growled a deep rumble that shuddered his entire body. He grew harder inside me, drawing out another explosion of pure lust and sparks and tingles that I swear shocked my soul.

I dropped my head over his shoulder, still pulsing around him long after he’d found his own release inside me. He held me to him, flush and tight. How was the man strong enough to keep us upright when I was now the consistency of melted ice cream?

After we’d caught our breath, he slowly pulled out of me and walked us to the bed where he gently laid me down. A wink and he’d hurried to the bathroom, returning with a soft cloth, and proceeded to clean us both up. The way his fingers worked with the cloth, the delicate way he handled my oversensitive flesh, only made me want him all over again.

I arched my hips into his touch, a reaction that was purely selfish, purely instinct. I wanted him on every single level.

“Already?” He asked, a laugh in his voice as he discarded the cloth.

I raised up on my elbows, eyeing his already growing erection. I arched an eyebrow. “Already?” I teased and then flipped over on my tummy, lifting my bottom up enough to show him the tie that would release the corset.

“Untie me?” I asked, glancing at him over my shoulder.

His eyes flashed, and he ripped the tie free.




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