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Torn (Deathstalkers Book 8) by Alexis Noelle (11)

Chapter Twelve






I wake up in Storm's arms, and it feels right. When he showed up last night, I thought I was dreaming at first, but he said everything I needed him to. I close my eyes not wanting to get up yet. My alarm starts to sound, and I groan. Storm reaches for my phone turning it off.

“You gotta go in today?”

“Unfortunately.” I sit up and look down at him. “Did you mean what you said last night?”

“Every fucking word.” He pulls me down to his mouth and kisses me. “How about I take you out tonight?”

I nod, “that would be nice.”

I get up and pick out some clothes for today while Storm just lays in my bed. "You know you're making it harder to leave by making my bed look so comfortable."

“Maybe you shouldn’t leave then.” He winks at me and laughs.

"If only, I'm going to get dressed" I walk out of my room and head to the bathroom to get ready for work. When I come out, Storm is standing in the hallway dressed.

"I'll see you later?" I nod at him. He pulls me against him, and I feel like I could stay like this forever. He places a kiss on my lips, "see you, Angel."

I smile, it's crazy how in the matter of a few days your entire life could change. I've heard people say that the minute they started talking to their husband that they knew, and always thought they were crazy. I can feel this insane connection between us, and it's nothing that I can even explain. He calms me when I'm upset and makes me feel safe when everything seemed to be crumbling around me.

When I walk out to leave Sara is there. “So what happened last night?”

"He apologized and said he had just had a crazy day and when I showed up he wasn't himself. He said nothing I told him mattered or changed the way he thought of me." I can't help but smile at the fact that things seem to be falling into place.

"Okay, I guess that means I don't have to rip his balls off then." She shrugs and starts to walk away.


"Oh, also night I told him I'd rip them off if he upset you anymore." She laughs, and I cannot help but laugh too.


Work goes by quick, and I've heard from Storm a few times. He's going to pick me up later, and we are going go to dinner. My phone buzzes as I walk out to my car, it's Pat. We haven't talked since that night.

“Hello?” I see another rose on my car and smile as I grab it and the note that’s with it then climb in.

“Hey, I have stuff I need to talk to you about. I looked up this guy’s club. They are into some serious shit. Do you even know—“

“Stop, I don’t want to hear it.”

“You have to at least hear me out. You have no idea—“

"No, I don't have to listen to you. Anything I want to know about him or the club I will ask, and we can talk about it. I don't need you playing detective and getting into the middle of everything. Can't you just accept the fact that I'm happy? Don't you want me to be happy?" I sigh, I'm so over arguing with him all the time.

"Of course I was you to be happy. You're my sister, and I love you. But I also want you going into a situation with your eyes wide open. You trust people so easily, and not everyone deserves it." He sounds tired, and I almost feel bad.

“You need to let me be the judge of who I trust. I won’t have this conversation with you again. Love you brother.” I hang up the phone before he can argue with me anymore.

I smell the rose letting it bring a smile to my face. When I open the note, I laugh it says,

You look good enough to eat today A

I thought his nickname for me was weird at first, but now I'm starting to love it. Looking in my rearview mirror, I catch a glimpse that looks like someone standing behind my car. It's gone before I can be sure though. I shrug, it was probably just someone running on the track or one of the kids.

I drive home to get ready for our date, I only saw him this morning, but it feels like forever. I grab a shower and throw on a skirt from my closet with a cute tank and a jean jacket. I'm slipping my wedges on when he knocks on the door.

I open it to see him standing there with a big bouquet of pink roses. Taking it form him I lift up to kiss him. "Pink instead of red huh? Changing it up." I smile at him, but his look of confusion stops me.

“What do you mean red?” He walks in shutting the door behind him.

“I mean the red rose you’ve been leaving on my car every day.” I shake my head at him and walk into the other room to grab a vase.

When I come back in Storm looks like something is wrong. "Angel come here." I walk over, and he pulls me down to sit next to him on the couch. "What are you talking about with the roses?"

I look at him in confusion. “Every day since the first night we met someone has left a red rose under my wiper for me.” I pause and study his face. “Oh God, were they not from you?”

“No, has there been anything else?”

“There was a note today.” I’m instantly nauseous as I think about what the note said. I run for my purse and grab my phone to call Pat. He answers after the first ring. “I think he found me.”

He doesn't say anything for a few seconds. "I was just about to call you." The tone of his voice hits me, and I know this is bad. "They don't know where he is or how long he's been gone." My legs give out from underneath me, Storm catches me at the last second.

This can’t be happening.