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Truly A Match (Rocky Mountain Matchmaker Book 4) by Tamra Baumann (2)

Chapter Two

A man bearing gifts can be hard to resist.

Rachel stared at the phone in her hand, using all her innermost strength not to throw it across the room. “I hate when Marcello does that. Tosses out the plan, and then hangs up so I can’t have a say.”

Lori struggled to contain her amusement. “He wants to court you? Like flowers and wine? What’s so bad about that?”

Rachel laid her phone on the coffee table before she called him back and said things she’d regret. “Just because he’s changed his mind, doesn’t mean our problems have disappeared. At least I got him to agree to let his publicist spin this. She’s the best, so maybe things will be okay. When he gets here tomorrow night, I’ll set him straight.”

“You need to be honest with him, Rach.” Lori scooped up some of the popcorn she’d made for herself to eat while she watched the fireworks. “Tell him about your major trust issues because of Dad, so if he’s got any secrets, he needs to spill before you’ll let him ‘crown’ you.”

Rachel smiled. Marcello didn’t try to speak perfectly with her, and his occasional lack of understanding of American slang was amusing. But she vowed she’d never let any man break her heart. “I can’t be with a man who keeps mistresses.”

“Agreed. But if the mystery money gets cleared up, maybe you should give his way a try.”

Rachel closed her eyes and laid her head on the back of the couch. He’d cut her soul in half when he’d told her he hadn’t been ready to be a full-time father. Her heart couldn’t take another slice of the knife. “Sometimes when he calls to check on the kids, we talk for hours. For being so famous, he leads a lonely life, always on the road. Not knowing who he can trust, he has few true friends.” She threw an arm over her eyes and moaned. “Most women would think I’m nuts for not just falling in line with whatever he wants, but there are children involved . . . along with my heart.”

“A tender one encased in Kevlar.” Lori snuggled closer. “Is it better for your kids to have two happy parents and live in a fishbowl, or to have one semi-happy, always-tired mother who told me the other day that she’s feeling overwhelmed? That maybe you weren’t doing your job or the kids justice? Who reluctantly admitted you might need a nanny because maybe you aren’t superwoman after all?”

Rachel grunted. “You should’ve been a lawyer too. That was a good argument. But I don’t know if he can really change. Or if I want to take him back, for that matter. I refuse to rely on any man for my happiness.”

“Obviously. You don’t even like to rely on me for anything. But it just so happens you light up like a kid about to eat cake whenever you speak of him. Cake makes the world a better place. Marcello makes you smile. You don’t need either one, but why not choose the treat without calories and indulge a little?”

Leave it to her sister to make sense out of Rachel’s mixed-up emotions. “Marcello said something weird, though. He said no sex. He only wants to date. Why, if the sex is so freakin’ fantastic, would he say that?”

Lori stood and stretched her arms above her head. “For a smart woman, who secretly reads romance novels, I might add, you can be pretty clueless.”

“Hey. I told you about those books in confidence.”

“Twin code still intact.” Lori held up her hand as if giving an oath in court. “I’ll never tell, but I have the right to tease you about it when we’re alone.”

“Fine.” Rachel crossed her arms. “I like to see other people enjoy fun dates in my books, but those are characters. Not real, like me.”

Lori’s brows arched. “What makes you different from the women in your books?”

“My life is real.” Rachel shrugged. “Dating seemed like a waste for the little time Marcello and I had to be together when we met up. We couldn’t go out in public, so we got room service, or holed up in a private condo for whole weekends, had amazing sex, watched classic movies, and talked for hours on end about nothing in particular. They were the best dates ever without being real dates. Then when our few days were up, we’d make plans to meet up the next time we were in the same country.”

“I always said you should’ve been a guy when it came to dating.” Her sister shook her head as she picked up her purse. “And don’t give me the ‘same country’ line. You put a major dent in your airline points when he was stuck on locations. You went to great lengths to be with him and vice versa. Marcello’s trying to make you see he’s more than a pleasurable bed partner.”

Marcello was more than that. He was the one she liked to talk to before she went to sleep at night. The only one she could talk about the kids with without boring him to tears. But love? She’d never been in love before. “Make me a date for next Friday, please. Marcello thinks he can just waltz in here and sweep me off my feet after choosing his career over us, but I have a life too. I’m not sitting here pining for him.”

“Yes, you are, but you’re too stubborn to admit it.” Lori crossed her arms. “Let’s see what he has to say tomorrow about the money and secret kid. After that, if you still want me to set you up for a date, then I will.”

Lori was the one person she couldn’t fool. Their souls held a lifelong bond. Her twin was the only person Rachel fully trusted. “Find me a guy the opposite of Marcello, please.” She didn’t need any reminders. If Marcello wouldn’t come clean, she’d tell him to take a hike.

Lori laughed. “Okay, so someone blond, short, a little chubby, not charming in the least, with crooked teeth, and a very small—”

“Stop! I should have never told you about that.” Rachel couldn’t hold back her grin. “Weren’t you just leaving?”

“I was.” As they walked down the hallway, Lori grabbed her coat and then leaned close and whispered, “Good luck tomorrow. I love you even though you never say it back.”

“But you know I do, so why make me say it?” She smiled at her sister’s eye roll as she opened the front door.

“Because I live to annoy you.” Lori dug her keys from her purse as the cold February breeze whooshed inside the foyer. “By the way, Marcello’s going to cave on the no-sex thing after he gets one look at you with those new sexy curves. Call me and let me know how it goes tomorrow, okay?”

New sexy curves?

She’d forgotten that she used to tell Lori that she’d looked even sexier after she’d had her baby.

Rachel’s eyes stung with tears. She had the best sister in the world. She always knew the right thing to say. But she didn’t like talking about emotions, so instead, she kissed Lori’s cheek. “I’ll call as soon as I boot him out. Drive safe.”

“Will do. Night, tough guy.”

“See ya, bleeding heart.” Rachel crossed her arms to fend off the cold as she waited until her sister was safely in her car. While Lori pulled out of the driveway, Rachel lifted a hand, then closed the door behind her.

Her sister wasn’t wrong. Being tough was essential when dealing with the most charming man in the world. Sometimes just staring into Marcello’s eyes made her want to do stupid things. Like give up her job, which she loved, and follow him wherever his job took him. Nope. She’d never give any man that much power over her. Besides, it wasn’t just her anymore. Ian and Hannah depended on her to be practical.

She locked the door and then switched off the lights before heading to bed. But not without a stop to check on her kids.

She slowly opened the door to the nursery and crossed to Hannah’s crib first. She lay on her back, her pink onesie contrasting with her light skin and dark hair. She had a hand tucked sweetly under her chin. When she sighed in her sleep, Rachel’s heart sighed right along with her.

Rachel covered her daughter up and then peeked into Ian’s crib. He looked exactly like his father. Dark-haired, olive-skinned, and he slept all akimbo, just like Marcello. She dug out Ian’s blanket that had been shoved between the slats and laid it over him again.

She’d never imagined she could love anyone as much as she loved her children. Different from the way she loved her sister and family, because she loved them more than she had words to express. Literally. Why could she tell her kids she loved them every day but struggle to tell her family how she felt? And Marcello. But what she felt for him was so much more complicated. It gave her a headache sometimes when she tried to figure it out. Was it so much to ask that he be truthful with her?

Shaking her head, she closed the bedroom door behind her and hoped he’d have some straight answers for her tomorrow. If not, she’d move on. For good.

Marcello wrangled one golden retriever puppy under his arm and then dove back into the car for the other. The pups were wiggly, happy, and fat. How could anyone resist falling instantly in love with them? He’d never been allowed a dog growing up, but his children would have them. Hannah and Ian would have anything their hearts desired.

Now how to grab the flowers too?

Tucking one of the pups closer to his chest, and getting licked in the face in return, he picked up the flowers and then kicked the Porsche’s door closed behind him. The cold wind sent a shiver up his spine as he jogged toward Rachel’s front door. Using his elbow, he rang the doorbell.

Not sure how he’d eat dinner later with his stomach tied up in knots, he drew a deep breath for courage. He hoped Rachel would like the restaurant he’d had Stella buy out all the reservations for. The photographers were all waiting and had been told they’d not be allowed inside. The whole world would finally know that Rachel was the love of his life. It made him grin.

The door swung open, and Rachel appeared wearing a silky green dress with the diamonds he’d bought her last Christmas sparkling at her neck. How was it possible she looked even more beautiful than the last time he’d seen her? Except for the panicked expression on her face.

“Puppies? Are you kidding me? Not happening, Marcello.” Rachel slammed the door closed in his face.

Okay, so maybe he should have left them in the car and gone in with the flowers first. He contained the squirming puppies and managed to poke the doorbell again. When the little wooden peephole door flew open, only her pretty green eyes were visible. “I’m barely holding it together with two babies. Puppies on top of that would push me over the edge. And I’m still mad at you, remember? The puppies aren’t helping.”

“They were Stella’s idea. She needs a picture of you and the puppies to spin this. We’ll keep the kids secret for now. It’s what you asked me to do, remember? When I was apologizing for my genuine slip of the tongue? And begging you to give me a second chance because I love you and miss you so much it hurts? You look lovely, by the way.”

“Thank you. I don’t recall you mentioning anything hurting yesterday, and you look very nice too.” Rachel’s eyes narrowed. “So they aren’t staying?”

“Well . . . ” He hadn’t thought the possibility through in his excitement to see Rachel and the kids.

The little wooden door started to close, so he said, “Wait. Fine. I’ll figure something out.” He laid the flowers on a bench, then held both puppies up to his cheeks. “But how can you reject these beautiful, homeless little creatures? They need your love as much as I’ve learned I do, Rachel.” Both dogs whimpered right on cue. They should be in the movies too.

Her eyes closed, and she huffed out a breath. “You’re impossible.” Rachel slapped the little door closed and then opened the front door again. “Take them out back right away. I don’t want any accidents in my new house.”

“Thank you, bella. Hello.” He laid a gentle kiss on her mouth. Her tightened lips slowly softened, opening for him, and he kissed her properly. Taking his time about it, nibbling on her bottom lip, he hoped to show her how much he’d truly missed her.

Her hand slipped around the back of his neck to pull him closer, and it took all his restraint not to go for more. Instead, he leaned back and whispered, “Admit it. You miss me too.”

She whispered, “I do. But I wasn’t the one who decided—”

One of the puppies took the opportunity to escape his grasp, slowly slipping down his leg, and then he plopped to the floor. The dog took off down the wooden hallway, his little claws madly tapping. Rachel swiveled on her tall heels and took off after the pup. “Oh, no you don’t. Get back here.”

He turned, retrieved her flowers from the bench, and closed the door behind him. He followed the sounds of baby laughter to the den. His twins were on their stomachs, on a blanket, giggling at the squirmy little puppy rolled on his back between them. Rachel knelt right beside them like a mama bear, ready to intervene if she had to. It made his heart melt in a very unmanly way.

“See?” He glanced at Rachel, who was fighting to contain a smile. “They like the puppy.” He put the girl pup down beside her brother. “One for each. I read it’s good for children to take care of a dog. Gives them responsible.”

Makes them responsible. When they’re ten and old enough to take care of them.” Rachel crossed her arms. “I can’t, Marcello. There aren’t enough hours in the day as it is.”

“But it makes the babies happy. I want to make them happy too. I never get the chance.” He held out her flowers. “These are for you, but their beauty is faded and washed out compared to yours.”

“They’re lovely. Thanks.” She buried her face in the exotic blue flowers and took a deep breath. “But charm isn’t going to get you out of this one, buddy. I’m not changing my mind about the dogs.” The doorbell rang. “That’ll be Lori to babysit.” Rachel punched his arm lightly when she passed by to answer the door.

The playful tap on the arm was progress. She was probably caving a bit, about the puppies and hopefully about him too, and if so, she’d be mad at herself. She prided herself on being tough, but she had a heart as tender as they came.

When she plopped the flowers onto a hall table like they were her car keys, not $400 worth of flowers, he withheld a sigh. Rachel had asked him to stop giving her expensive gifts years ago and only reluctantly accepted them on her birthday or for Christmas. She’d never been one for romance. Most men would love a pass when it came to conjuring up romantic gestures for their women. It made him more determined to win her back.

He knelt on the floor and laid kisses on his children’s foreheads. “Ciao, my babies. Your papa loves you. And your puppies will love you. I’ll talk Mama into keeping your new friends. You’ll see.” He reached out and ruffled the fur on one of the puppies, sending her onto her back as well. The kids were all gummy grins and drool, wriggling closer to touch the soft, gentle pups.

When Lori walked into the room, her hand flew to her mouth. “Marcello, are you crazy?” Lori dropped to her knees, and the puppies raced for her lap. She was all smiles and giggles now too. “They’re awfully cute, though.”

Rachel’s hand tightened on the back of his collar, and she tugged. “You have some serious ’splaining to do over dinner.”

He stood and brushed off his slacks. “ ’Splaining?”

“It’s . . . never mind.” Rachel slipped into a long, black leather coat. “We won’t be late, Lori.

“Okay.” Lori glanced around. “But I’m going to have to call in some reinforcements. No way I can watch all four alone. Do you mind if my kids see Marcello?”

That made his jaw clench. Not even all her family knew about him. She was that determined to keep him a secret and their children out of the spotlight that shone so brightly on him.

He answered for Rachel. “It’ll be fine, Lori. We’re announcing Rachel’s existence to the world tonight. Just need one selfie.” He held his hands out to Lori for the puppies and placed one in Rachel’s arms. “Big smiles, please.” He lifted his cell and snapped a few pictures of them.

As Rachel posed, she said through her forced smile, “We’re not releasing this picture until you and I talk.” The tough-lawyer voice was back.

“Let’s take the pups out back while Lori makes her call, and we’ll talk.”

He tucked his phone away and then leaned down to Lori’s level. “I haven’t said a proper hello. Thank you for watching our children tonight. I’m forever in your debt.” He kissed her cheek.

Lori always blushed when he kissed her. It was endearing.

“My pleasure. I mean. Watching the kids, not the kiss.” Lori fumbled in her purse and finally pulled out her phone. “Ignore my babbling. I’ll make the call, so you guys can get going.”

“Thank you.” He laid his hand on Rachel’s lower back, resisting the urge to splay his palm over the swell of her gorgeous rear end as he accompanied her out of the den. Her shape was more voluptuous than it had been before the twins. He looked forward to when he could explore her curves properly.

“See?” Rachel lifted her thumb over her shoulder. “Even my sister, Wonder Mom, admitted she couldn’t watch two babies and the puppies too.”

“Perhaps the nanny I’m sending tomorrow will help?” Rachel had looked tired lately when they called on the computer. His assistant had been interviewing for weeks to find just the right person. Little did she know it was for his children. She thought it was for a cousin’s.

“If I decide I want a nanny, then I’m going to have a say who that is, Marcello. We don’t allow the spoiled superstar act around here. We’re not like your yes-man assistants, always at your beck and call.”

Rachel opened the back door, and they set the puppies down onto the stiff winter grass to play. It was cold enough to see their breath. He was glad Rachel had put her coat on. His suit wasn’t enough to stave off the chill. Give him California over Denver any day.

But, spoiled superstar act? He wasn’t that way. Was he?

“What’s beck and call?”

“It doesn’t matter.” Rachel placed her soft, warm hands on the sides of his face. “Marcello, I know you always have good intentions and that you have a big heart. Maybe too big sometimes. But, I’m a grown woman who got along just fine before I met you. Just because I’ve given birth to your children doesn’t make me suddenly incapable of making my own decisions. Please stop treating me like a damsel in distress.”

That expression he understood. The leading lady in his last movie was described as one, and Rachel was anything but that. He should’ve asked her before he’d hired the nanny. And bought puppies for the kids. She was right. He never had to ask permission for anything anymore. He snapped his fingers, and it was done for him. “I apologize. If the nanny isn’t right tomorrow, you’ll send her away. And I’ll take the puppies to the pound, like the man said to do if I changed my mind.”

“The pound?” A deep frown creased Rachel’s brow. “You mean the breeder, right? Where you bought them?”

“He told my assistant no returns. He had too many he couldn’t find homes for.” His assistants would take them in, but the breeder had said that.

Rachel turned and studied the two fur balls happily wrestling in the yard. “I guess they could stay out in the garage until I find homes for them. Maybe Lori’s kids would want one of them.”

“Very kind of you.” He quickly touched his lips to hers. “Now, what’s on your mind?”

While on the drive to her house, he’d mentally run through the list of demands she’d made the last time they’d discussed their future.

He’d put aside his fear that he’d be a monster like his father and grandfather when they’d become angered. Abusive and cruel to their wives and children. Not to mention the atrocities they’d inflicted on others in his tiny village simply because they’d owned the factory where most of the townspeople were employed. Things that should have put both of them in jail. That was the very reason he’d never intended to have a wife and children he could hurt. His biggest fear was that it would run in the family like the books he’d read said. But he could be stronger than his cruel relatives. Had to be.

No matter what Rachel asked of him this time, he’d do what it’d take to convince her to give him another chance.

Rachel stared deeply into his eyes and whispered, “I know you’re keeping secrets, Marcello. I can’t be in a committed relationship with you unless you spill.”

Her words were like a punch to the gut. He’d do anything for her . . . but confess those.




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