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Virgin for the Prince (Taken By A Trillionaire Series) by J. S. Scott (15)


Taken By a Trillionaire (J. S. Scott, Ruth Cardello & Melody Anne)


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Three New York Times and USA Today bestselling authors.

Book 1 of a wild project.


Taken by a Trillionaire is an escapism fantasy that was born at a party at RWA. Over cocktails, J.S. Scott, Melody Anne, and Ruth Cardello laughed as they plotted this book with the help of two industry friends, Chris and Brian.


If you are looking for a historically accurate representation of a monarchy or a serious depiction of how royals maintain their bloodlines, this may not be the book for you. If you love larger than life characters and fun storylines that take you to exotic places with sexy alpha men, then welcome to our imaginary kingdom: Rubare Collina. The men are insanely rich, the traditions are potentially deadly, and the sex will leave you craving a night on this dark isle.


If you’ve ever fantasized about what it would be like to be swept off your feet—or tossed over a prince’s shoulder and taken—then you’ll enjoy our trilogy.



Virgin for the Trillionaire (Ruth Cardello April 25, 2017)


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The wild ride begins with Virgin for the Trillionaire:


Prince Ballasare Stephan Demande needs a bride before his thirtieth birthday or he’ll lose his crown. Unlike their barbarian twin island, Rubare Virgina’s royal family is above kidnapping and murdering as a means of choosing their queens. Historically, they’ve cultivated their own selection, ensuring the purity and perfection of each. Prince Ballasare wants more, so he comes up with a plan. It’s genius really. He invites three hundred of the most beautiful and intelligent virgins from around the world to his island under the guise of attending a conference. Those who are willing to stay and participate in a series of tests are offered a chance to win one million dollars. He can only imagine the joy that the woman he chooses will feel when she discovers he and his title are the real prize.


Jessica Quincy is at a crossroads career wise. She hadn’t expected anyone to actually read her blog posts about her lonely life. She certainly hadn’t expected Virgin Territory to go viral. But who can stay a virgin forever? And what does a woman do when she’s no longer what she’s made a career out of writing about? She takes a risk, that’s what. Jessica attends a conference that promises to end with one participant winning a million dollars. Any ex-virgin could start over with that kind of money.


She makes him laugh.

He scares, infuriates, and totally turns her on.


Unfortunately, on Rubare Virgina, being chosen by a sexy prince can have deadly consequences if you haven’t updated your blog.


Like the first novella trilogy, Taken by a Trillionaire, these novellas are escapism fantasy. If you are looking for a historically accurate representation of a monarchy or a serious depiction of how royals maintain their bloodlines, neither trilogies are for you. If you love larger than life characters and fun storylines that take you to exotic places with sexy alpha men, then welcome to our imaginary kingdoms. The men are insanely rich, the traditions are potentially deadly, and the sex will leave you craving a night on this dark isle.



Virgin for the Prince (J. S. Scott June 6, 2017)


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Who ever said that money fixes everything? Well, I can tell you firsthand that they were dead wrong. I was born an only child to one of the wealthiest families in America, and all I’ve ever felt was loneliness and a sense that I may have been adopted. I don’t fit in. I never have. When all my mother wanted was for me to marry into another prestigious family, I wanted an education and to just be...normal. It’s not that I don’t appreciate having a roof over my head and everything my heart desires. Problem is, what I really want is something money can’t buy. I want to be loved for who I am and not how much money my father acquired before his death.


At the age of twenty-four, I’m still a virgin, and a freak among my peers because of my fascination with all things history and literature, my bad hair, my bizarre eyes, and my complete lack of style. When my mother wants to send me away to a house party on a little-known island nation, I jump at the opportunity. Hardly anybody from the outside gets invited to Rubare Virgina, and it’s rich in history. Sure, I realize that she’s aiming high and trying to marry me off to some pompous, obscenely wealthy prince, but I’ve decided I’d resolve that problem at the masquerade ball at the beginning of my stay on the island.

I’d lose my virginity to the first guy who would have me, making myself ineligible to be any royal’s wife on Rubare Virgina. Then I could just enjoy my stay in my own nerdy sort of way. Pretty simple. Until it becomes...complicated.


Prince Niccolino is nothing like I thought he would be. He’s real. He’s honest. And he’s hotter than Florida in July. He’s everything a woman could ever want or need, and he’s loyal to those he cares about and his country. But there’s just one tiny problem: I’m no longer the virgin he needs to marry. I’d forfeited my opportunity for more with Prince Nic when I’d given away my virginity at the masquerade ball to a complete stranger. Could it be that I’ve finally found my Prince and my heart’s desire only to have it torn away because of my one stupid indiscretion??



Virgin to Conquer (Melody Anne July 3, 2017)


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Robert has always been underestimated in his royal line. There’s already the heir and a spare so he has something to prove. With his two brothers finding the love of their lives, he decides to outdo them and join in with the outcast side of their family from the Isle of Rubare Collina. He wants to shock his civilized family by kidnapping a bride.


This all begins as a joke with a friend, though he plans on keeping the secret from his family so they truly think he’s gone to the dark side. The problem is that the woman he “kidnaps” isn’t the right one. His actress wasn’t there and he mistakes Izabella as his willing victim and halls her away.


Robert is out of his league with Isabella, or as her friends know her, Izzy. She’s a reporter and knows all about the customs of Rubare Collina and how they were barbarians who kidnapped their brides. She knew they were lying when they said the custom was dead, and now she’s ready to play along to get her story.


Sit back and enjoy the ride as another prince gets taken down in this fun novella by NYT’s Bestselling author, Melody Anne.