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Wild Child by Bella Jewel (5)


“So, you haven’t seen him again?” I ask Steph, taking another sip of my wine later that night as we sit on her front porch.

She shakes her pretty head and sighs. “No. He hasn’t called. Hasn’t even acknowledged me. It makes me wonder how a person can become so ... cold. When you stop caring, about anyone or anything, then something has gone seriously wrong in your life.”

I ponder that and realize she’s right. What could have happened to him to make him so bitter? No one is just born with that kind of attitude, right? I mean, something had to happen to form him the way he’s been formed. Is it Ryder’s mother? Did something happen with her? Maybe she passed away? That would explain why he’s so ... empty.

“Do you think it has to do with Ryder’s mother?” I ask Steph.

She looks over to me and purses her lips. “That whole situation is weird. I can’t figure it out. He’s never spoken about any other woman, Ryder has never spoken about any other woman, and he calls Slade by his name.”

“You noticed that too, huh?”

She nods. “Yeah, it’s all very strange. He’s also really protective of Ryder. Like super protective. You can’t say a word wrong to that boy and he’ll flip his switch.”

I frown. “Yet at the same time he lets him wander off into the woods.”

“He’s only allowed to go just on the edge, though,” Steph tells me.

“It’s weird. I wonder what happened to his mom.”

Steph shrugs. “I asked about it once and he literally acted like he couldn’t hear me. I got the point loud and clear. He did not want to talk about it.”

“Do you think she’s even still alive?” I ask.

Steph shrugs again. “I don’t know. I think she is, just from conversations I’ve overheard.”

“Maybe she broke his heart ...”

Steph exhales slowly. “I think so. Whatever it is, it made him so bitter and guarded.”

“Are you OK with everything that happened now?” I ask her, sipping more wine.

This is exactly what I needed. Time out and girly conversation.

“Yeah, I didn’t really have any feelings for him, I just liked the company. There is another guy I’ve been talking to at work.”

I wiggle my brows and lean forward. “Share!”

“He’s super cute. His name is Tim. I must admit, he seems like a really good guy.”

“Has he asked you out?”

She flushes and nods. “He asked me if I wanted to go for coffee.”


“I freaked out and didn’t say anything, I just nodded and rushed off. I’m never usually shy, but he brings it out in me. Now he probably thinks something is wrong with me.”

I giggle. “No, I don’t think so. Just go up to him when you go back to work and tell him you’d love to. I’m sure he’ll be happy to hear it.”

She smiles. “Yeah, I think so. I’m glad you moved in. It was getting awful lonely around here.”

I beam. “Me too. I’m starting to think I made the right choice coming here.”

“You should come out with me and a few friends tomorrow night. We’re just going to the local bar, but you might meet a handsome man.”

She wiggles her brows now, and I laugh.

“I’m not really up for meeting any men, but I’ll definitely come!”

“Awesome, they’re coming to pick me up at six tomorrow. Just come over my place and we’ll go together.”

“Sounds awesome.”

I have a few more glasses of wine and then wish Steph goodnight and head back toward my cabin. Ryder comes barreling out the front door as I pass Slade’s place and skids to a stop in front of me. “Hi, Rachel! Guess what?”

I laugh. “What, buddy?”

“I got this new Pokémon game today. It’s so much fun. You should come and check it out.”

I look up and see Slade standing on the porch, beer in hand, shirtless. My mouth goes dry. God damn. I could swear every time I look at him, he gets better and better.

“Ah, it’s probably too late and—”

“Slade doesn’t mind, do you?” Ryder asks, looking at the big man standing, staring so intensely at me it makes me squirm.

“No,” Slade murmurs.

“Well, OK, I’ll come in for a second.”

I follow Ryder up onto the porch and brush past Slade, trying not to meet that penetrating stare. Once we’re inside, I look around. I haven’t been in his cabin. As predicted, though, it’s similar to mine and Steph’s, only this cabin is a total man cave. From the furniture style, to the pictures on the walls, to the color scheme. It’s definitely a bachelor pad. But a nice one.

“Come on,” Ryder grabs my hand, tugging it toward the living area where the game is flashing on the screen of the television.

I sit on the sofa next to him and listen as he tells me all about the game then proceeds to show me how it works. I laugh, it’s hard not to—his enthusiasm is addictive. He’s such a great kid. The entire time, Slade stands in the kitchen, drinking a beer, just watching me. He’s so intense, it’s hard to know which way to look or what to think when he’s just standing there ... staring.

After about half an hour, I squeeze Ryder’s shoulder carefully and tell him I have to go. He gives me a high five and gets back to his game. I turn to Slade. “Thanks for letting him show me. I’ll get out of your way.”

“Want a beer?” he asks, not moving from his spot in the kitchen.

I think about it. Part of me wants to say no and run, because the way he makes me feel is ... strange. But I know I need to be on his good side, because, well, he is my neighbor and I can’t spend the next few months fighting with him. So I do the right thing. I smile and say, “Yes, thank you.”

He turns, opening the fridge. He pulls out two more beers and nods toward the front door. “We’ll sit on the porch.”

I nod, walking out and sitting on the top step. He comes over, hesitates, and then sits down beside me, handing me a beer. “Thank you.”

“You and Steph are getting along, yeah?” he asks, breaking the top off his beer and taking a sip.

“Yeah, she’s a nice girl.”

“She is,” he murmurs, staring straight ahead.

“But not enough for you to want a relationship with?” I dare to ask, glancing at him quickly before staring straight ahead too.

“I like her, but I’m not looking for a relationship.”

I can’t really argue with him on that, at least he’s honest, even if he should have broken it off with her the moment he saw her getting closer. Still, I’m not here to argue with him. I remind myself that over and over.

“What about you?” he asks, his voice so low and husky it makes my skin tickle. “Any boyfriend?”

I shake my head and embarrassingly let out a little snort. “Gosh no. I’m sworn off men.”

He grunts. “Care to share why that is?”

“I just can’t seem to meet a good one. They’re all ...”


I nod.

“Fair enough.”

“I just came out here for my job, and that’s it. I needed to get away from the city. I just ... wasn’t happy,” I admit.

“You got any family or friends out here?”

I shake my head. “No, I don’t. It’s just me.”

“Big thing, to start on your own again.”

“Yeah,” I say softly. “Yeah, it was, but it’s worth it.”

“Takes a lot of courage, good for you.”

“What about you? Do you work?” I ask, glancing at him.

God. His profile. Perfection. He smells incredible, too. The urge to shuffle closer, just to feel more of the awesome head radiating off him is intense. I stay where I am, though, and try not to stare too much.

“Yeah, I fix cars.”

“A mechanic. Nice. In town?”




“What about Ryder? Does he visit his mom or something while you work?”

The look Slade gives me, has my mouth slamming shut. It’s a look that says, do not ask another word. Steph’s right, he doesn’t like talking about it, and from the piercing glare I’m getting right now, that isn’t about to change.

“Sorry, that was rude.”

He looks back into the distance, but the way he’s holding the top of his beer bottle, the way his fingers are going white around it, tells me that I’ve pissed him off. That wasn’t what I wanted to do, dammit. Now I feel terrible.

“Sorry, Slade. I really didn’t mean to shove my nose in your business.”

He still doesn’t say anything.

I think that’s my cue to leave. I stand, placing the beer bottle down.

“Thanks for the beer.”

I walk down the front steps, feeling so stupid my entire body tingles.

“Rachel,” Slade says when I reach the bottom.

I look over at him.


With that, he stands and disappears inside.

I want to shrink away.

I’m such an idiot.



I need breakfast.

The sun is out, it’s a gorgeous Saturday morning, and I’ve decided I’ll head to the local diner and get some breakfast instead of making it at home. After showering and getting dressed, I head out to my car. Ryder is on his way over to my cabin, baseball bat in hand, hat backward on his head. I raise a hand and wave. “Hey, buddy.”

“Morning, Rachel.”

“What are you up to?”

“I was just waiting for Slade to get back so we can play ball, but he’s late.”

He left his kid alone?

I frown.

“Where did he go?”

“Just to the store. He told me not to come outside.”

“Then you should probably go inside,” I point out.

“I wanted to say good morning. He doesn’t mind. He knows I won’t get into trouble when he’s away.”


“Well, I’m just headed out to breakfast, but maybe we can catch up later?”

“Can I come?” he asks, eyes lighting up.

“I don’t think Slade would like that.”

Ryder shakes his head. “He doesn’t mind at all.”

I stare at the little boy.

“Do you have his phone number so I can ask him?”

Ryder shakes his head again. “No, but I can write him a note?”

What’s the harm? If Ryder leaves him a note, I’m sure he won’t mind me taking the little boy to breakfast. So long as he knows where he is, right? Gosh. I don’t have kids. He doesn’t really know me, either. I ponder it, but figure if I leave a note, and my number, he will be okay with it.

“OK, well, run over and write him a note telling him we’re going to the diner and we won’t be long. Also, write my phone number down.”

I pull out a slip of paper from my purse and a pen, and I write down my number, then I hand it to the little boy.

“I won’t be long!” he cries happily, running back to the cabin.

Ten minutes later, he returns, all ready to go. “Hop in,” I tell him, and open the car door for him.

He hops in and we head out.

“Did you leave the note somewhere he could find it?” I ask.

“Yes, right on the table, and he won’t mind.”

I hope not.

We arrive at the diner, and the two of us head in and take a booth. Marlie is working again, today. She’s hobbling a lot, like she’s sore, poor girl probably needs a break.

“Hi, Marlie!” Ryder calls, waving to her.

“You know Marlie?” I ask him.

“Everyone knows Marlie. She’s famous, you know. She got away from a killer!”

Poor girl. Literally everyone knows her story, even kids.

“Hey, champ,” Marlie says, stopping at our table. “What brings you here?”

“I’m having breakfast with my new neighbor Rachel.”

I wave and Marlie smiles.

“Rachel, nice to see you in here again. How are you settling in?”

“I’m getting there. How are you?”

“Good thanks. What can I get the two of you?”

We order our food and then chat about Ryder’s Pokémon game the entire time we eat. It’s fun, and the more I spend time with Ryder, the more I like him. I was never that great with kids, but I’m starting to see it isn’t so bad at all. I really like the little guy, and he certainly makes me laugh.

When we’re done, and Ryder has filled up on pancakes and a milkshake, we head back to the cabin. I see Slade’s truck out front when we pull up. “Slade’s home,” I tell Ryder.

Ryder jumps out of the car when we get there, and I follow close behind. We’re halfway to Slade’s cabin when he comes storming out. The second I see him, I know, I know even before he opens his mouth that we made a massive mistake. The rage on his face is terrifying. But there’s something else there, too. Fear. Pure, raw, fear.

“Who the fuck do you think you are?” he roars, not screams but roars, at me.

I stop dead in my tracks, and Ryder stops beside me. My heart pounds, my hands start shaking, and my mind spins. No one has ever spoken to me like that before. Not ever.

“Pardon me?” I whisper.

“What the hell were you thinking taking my kid out without permission?”

I blink.

“Slade,” Ryder says. “I asked her to take me and—”

“I didn’t know where he was,” Slade bellows, ignoring the little boy. “I didn’t fuckin’ know where he was.”

Oh, God.

I fucked up. I fucked up in a huge way.

“We left you a note,” Ryder squeaks.

Slade’s eyes swing to the little boy. “Inside. Now.”

“But, it isn’t her fault ...”

“Now. Ryder.”

Ryder drops his head and walks inside. I feel so terrible. Not only is he in trouble, but I made a huge mistake. I shouldn’t have taken him out. I didn’t realize it would be such a big thing. The way Slade is looking at me, it hurts. He was afraid. He was scared something had happened to his little boy. That’s my fault.

“I’m sorry, Slade. He asked if he could come. I made sure he wrote you a note, and left my phone number. I didn’t realize ...”

“You do not ever fuckin’ take someone else’s child without permission. What the fuck is wrong with you?” he barks, fists clenched by his side, chest rising and falling as he pants.


“You stay the fuck away from him. Do you understand me?”

I flinch as he roars the words at me.

He turns and storms into the cabin, slamming the door so loudly it echoes through the trees. My knees tremble, and tears build and fall down my cheeks as I stand there, feeling and looking pathetic. My hands shake and I slowly turn and walk into my cabin. The second the door is closed, I press my back to the door and lower down, crying.

I didn’t mean to make anyone upset, I certainly didn’t mean to get Ryder into so much trouble. I drop my head into my hands and take a few shaky breaths.

Someone knocks on my door.


It’s Steph.

I push to my feet, and with trembling fingers, open the door. The second she sees me, she throws her arms around me. I let her. I need it.

“I saw what happened, are you OK?” she asks.

I step back, swiping the tears from my cheeks. “Yeah,” I whisper.

“He had no right to treat you like that!”

“He did,” I say, my voice shaky. “I took his son and he didn’t know where he was.”

“Even so, he had no right to react like that.”

I swallow the thick lump in my throat and try to nod, but nothing happens.

“It’s going to be OK, he’ll cool down,” Steph assures me. “We’ll get you out tonight, forget all about it. That man needs to get control of his temper.”

“Poor Ryder, though,” I say, feeling so terrible for the little boy.

“Yeah, I do feel bad for him. But he’ll be OK, honey. He will.”

“If I had known he’d get so upset, I would have never taken Ryder out. I honestly didn’t think it would be a problem.”

She squeezes my shoulder. “It’ll all be OK, when he calms down you can go over and explain yourself.”

But will that do any good? I’ve seen people get angry in my life, but I’ve never, not ever, seen someone get so upset. I’ve never seen so much fear in a persons’ face. He was afraid, and he was afraid because of me.

I feel awful.


I am just not making a good impression on people around here.




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