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A Gift for the Commander (Terranovum Brides Book 3) by Sara Fields (3)

Chapter Three



Olivia paced the room she had been brought into, hugging the towel around her body. She was still naked, but she felt like she had been alone for an hour or two. Vanilla and lavender aromas assaulted her senses, leftover scent from the shampoos, soaps, and oils Wes had used to bathe her. She hadn’t been able to stop thinking about the man since he had left her to attend some sort of meeting.

His scent still ingrained in her memory, she brought the towel close to her nose, still smelling a hint of male strength, huskiness, and dominance. She shouldn’t be thinking about him so much. He had been a brute, turning her over his knee and spanking her bottom until she had cried, but after that? He had been so much more. He had touched her like no man had before, bringing her pleasure instead of just taking his own, massaging her gently once she had quieted from her spanking. She shivered at the thought of what Lord Nero and his men had done to her when she’d been his prisoner. Never had any of those men been caring enough to give her pleasure, instead just worrying about themselves and their selfish desires. She’d sported many a black eye after their attentions, learning quickly that fighting would only result in cruel punishment.

Wes was different. There was something about him that haunted her thoughts. He was incredibly dominant and in control, yet so caring a second later, massaging her tears away exactly when she needed him to. Sure, his spanking had been hard and painful, but the next second, he had given her pleasure. Then, he had bathed her with such caring and sweetness that she had practically melted into a puddle of goo.

His touch had been gentle, almost loving in a way, but when she had met his eyes, she had seen something else in his icy blue glare; something dark, angry, and if she wasn’t mistaken, a bit sad. She wondered what story hid behind his eyes, and if he would ever tell her about it.

Looking around the room yet again, she glared at the metal table, complete with leather cuffs chained to each of the tall legs. There was a large sort of gynecological chair in the corner, and the stirrups sticking out of the front gave her no questions as to its use. There was little doubt in her mind what was going to happen in this room as soon as Wes arrived.

She was going to be examined, her whole body on display for Wes to explore at his leisure. Would he come alone, or would he bring someone else to perform such a humiliating procedure? She blushed just thinking about what was to come.

A door down the hall creaked, and her head snapped toward the sound. Someone was coming, footsteps sounding on the wooden floor outside the medical room. Her throat suddenly seemed totally dry, her tongue like a strip of cotton in her mouth.

The lock clicked open, and she watched as the doorknob slowly turned clockwise. She watched, her eyes lowered as dull gray boots walked into the room. Dark jeans encased thick legs and a lean waist. A black shirt covered his chest, barely hiding the bulging muscles underneath. His large corded biceps flexed as her eyes met his. Wes had finally come for her. And he looked determined, and if she wasn’t mistaken, happy to see her.

That look on his face made her back up a step, and her backside bumped into the metal table behind her. There was no escaping him.

“Please don’t.”

“Don’t what, little dove?”

“Whatever it is you plan on doing. I won’t stand for it!”

There was a quiet knock on the door, and both of them turned toward the sound.

“Come in,” Wes said, his voice calm, yet authoritative.

A woman walked in, dressed in a red sheer garment the human slave population wore. She was tall, had straight chocolate-colored hair that reached her hips, and pretty brown eyes. In her hands were the makings of an enema kit. The woman bowed her head and left the objects on the nearby counter before she quietly exited the room.

“You can’t mean to…” Olivia squeaked, her eyes big as she took in the contents the woman had left.

“Oh, yes, I definitely mean to.”

“I refuse!”

“Then you and I, Olivia, are about to have another discussion. I won’t hesitate to bend you over that table and paddle your backside until you decide to obey me. Now, get up on the table and get on your hands and knees.”


“Do you want a spanking?”

“I don’t want you to put anything in my bottom!” she exclaimed, stomping her foot on the floor.

“Fine, have it your way,” he said, his tone ripe with warning. In a second, he was inches from her, and his hand reached around and whipped the towel away from her body. Olivia reached to grab it back, but in what seemed like a matter of a heartbeat, Wes pulled a chair into the center of the room, seized her, and planted her straight over his knees. Naked, she became hyper aware of how vulnerable she was. Her sensitive nether cheeks, still slightly sore from his spanking earlier, tingled in nervousness and anticipation.

“I don’t want a spanking either!”

She jerked her head up as she heard a drawer open close to her head. Wes reached inside and grabbed something.

“What are you doing?!”

“I can see I need something a little firmer to teach you to behave, is that right, kitten?” His hand held some sort of wooden object, and he moved it forward so she could see it. It was a paddle, about the size of a hairbrush. The wood was thin, and dark cherry in color. She suddenly became very nervous at the sight.

“You’re such a bully!” She wiggled her body, trying to escape from his hold, but to no avail. His other hand clapped down on her waist, effectively restraining her from rolling off his lap. Next, he maneuvered her so that she was between his thighs, and his legs locked her into place so that she couldn’t kick. She was trapped.

“Now that you’ve decided to fight me, instead of just getting an enema, you’re going to get paddled first until you apologize, and then, you’re still going to get the enema.”

“Please! Wes!” she begged, still trying to wriggle away from him. Her bottom clenched and her thighs pressed together in some sort of defense, but she knew it wouldn’t help for long. Instead, she felt the coolness of the wood brush against her skin, and whimpered at the promising message it sent.

She pressed her hips into his thigh, her core beginning to heat to a molten state. Her body warmed, but her mind resisted. What the heck was happening to her? Why was she getting so excited over a spanking and the threat of an enema, for god’s sake?

“Fine! Whatever! I don’t care what you do to me!” After she said it, she could have smacked herself. Apparently, her mind had a death wish, and it was writing checks her bottom was not ready to cash.

“Olivia, I think you most certainly do care. And I’m going to enjoy teaching that you will submit to me whenever I wish it, no matter what is going to happen, whether it be for a spanking, an enema, or something else. Am I understood, young lady?”

“I don’t have to listen to you,” she said, her voice defiant, yet she could feel her body continuing to betray her, her pussy clenching in response to his demands.

“Kitten, I think you do…”

She pressed her lips together in a hard line. There was no way she was going to submit to him this time. The threat of something going inside her bottom was nerve-racking enough. Unfortunately, she didn’t have much time to think about the idea when the paddle began to bite into her vulnerable flesh.

The sting of the paddle was instantaneous, much more intense than the punishing bite of his palm. Over and over he thrashed her bottom with the dreaded wooden implement, each spank concentrated into a single point of awfulness. It didn’t take long at all for pain to become overwhelming, and tears to begin rolling down her cheeks.

He spanked all over her bottom, her upper and lower buttocks on both sides, and her backside quickly felt as though it had been stung by an entire hive of angry bees.

“You’ve been a very naughty girl, Olivia, and now, you’ve been disobedient enough that I have to paddle your quivering cheeks in order to make you behave.”

“Please, sir! Don’t spank me anymore, I’ll be good!” she cried out, regretting her choice to backtalk and challenge him, especially now that he had a very stingy paddle to punish her with.

“I believe you, but I have to make sure you will feel this lesson tomorrow. Every time you sit down, or touch your naughty bottom cheeks, I want you to remember that I had to paddle you like a bad little girl in order to teach you to listen to me. So arch your back, I’m going to spank those sensitive sit spots so you won’t forget me anytime soon.”

Olivia cried out loud as she followed his instructions, only to be met with several hard swats to the place where her upper thighs met her bottom. Wes’ hand tightened and angled under her waist, helping her to present her backside, even higher it seemed, for his punishment.

Again and again, Wes spanked her sit spots, even spanking a bit lower so he didn’t neglect her upper thighs. He held her close and spanked her hard until she began to sob, her body finally becoming pliant. She had no more fight in her when he finally threw the paddle to the floor and spanked her ten more times with his palm, each one landing hard and sending his message home. She cried as he patted her bottom softly, rubbing and massaging her very well punished backside.

“Do you have something to say to me, Olivia?”

“I’m sorry, sir,” she whispered. “I won’t fight you anymore.”

“Will you climb up onto the table and receive your enema like a good girl now?”

“Yes, sir. Please, don’t spank me anymore.”

“Here, let me help you climb up onto the table. I want you on your knees and elbows. Show me how bad little girls who need to be spanked make up for naughty behavior.”

Wes was true to his word. He practically lifted her onto the table, and she knelt on her knees. She leaned down so that her elbows lay on the table.

“I want your knees at both corners of the table. Spread your legs so I can see just how wet your weeping pussy is.”

As soon as she did as he commanded, she knew her body had betrayed her once again. Her arousal had begun to drip down the sides of her thighs, and she could do nothing to hide it. She whimpered; even as her tears dried on her cheeks, she wanted him. Her need quickly began to overwhelm her. She wished he would touch her, play with her, please her, and it was the only thing on her mind. Her hips seemed to have a life of their own, quivering with her unmet yearning.

Instead, she felt his hands trail along her scorched bottom flesh and then he pulled her cheeks apart.

Gasping, she knew he was looking right at her bottom hole. The entire exchange had felt so naughty, a little wrong, but she couldn’t deny the state of her trembling body. She liked that he had spanked her, and she especially liked that he was gazing down at her tight little star, a place where no one had ever explored before. There was a small part of her that wanted him to do it, wanted him to delve deep inside her and show her a pleasure entirely foreign to her, but there was an even bigger part of her that remained nervous and unsure of such wanton behavior.

Dear gods, what was she thinking?

She felt Wes press his thumb over her tight rosette, spreading a slippery liquid lubricant over her little rim of muscle. Deliberately, he pushed against her bottom and she whined at the intrusion, his thumb firmly persistent against her naughtiest hole. It felt strange and slightly painful, but oddly arousing.

“Relax, Olivia. It will be easier for you if you do. Press back against me and it won’t hurt as much. The more I train you here, the more you will begin to crave my touch, and before long, you will even beg me to take you here with my cock.”

“There’s no possible way!”

“With training, my sweet one, anything is possible.”

She groaned as his thumb pressed inside her bottom, easing past the muscle that fought him every step of the way. At first, her body protested, stretching painfully at the strange invasion, but soon after, her body warmed, relaxed, and took his digit inside. He pumped his thumb in and out, until she couldn’t help but push her hips back to meet his thrusts.

He spread the lube all around her bottom hole, until he removed his finger with a loud pop that made Olivia blush with embarrassment. He lifted her elbows and slid a soft towel underneath them, taking away the chill from the hard metal table. Closing her eyes, she heard Wes rummage around behind her, and she guessed he was setting up the equipment for her ‘oh so thorough’ cleansing. Before long, she felt a plastic nozzle press up against her backside, and squealed as Wes slipped it easily inside her. After the thickness of his thumb, her bottom hole didn’t protest its intrusion and the nozzle slid a few inches into her channel.

She heard him release the clamp, and suddenly, a steady flow of warm water began to pour into her. At first, the feeling was comforting, but before long, as more and more water began to flush into her insides, she began to feel strangely full, until at long last, her stomach started to cramp.

She cried out at the feeling as more liquid pumped into her, the flow seemingly never ending. Wes rubbed her back as she trembled, taking in more and more until she thought she couldn’t take anymore.

He whispered sweetly into her ear and she calmed, her panic ebbing away at his soothing words. “Don’t worry, little one. You’re strong. Just a little more and you’re done. Then all you have to do is hold it until I tell you that you can let go.”

“It hurts…” she whined, her voice no higher than a whisper, hoarse with the strain of taking the enema.

Finally, she felt the tide of warm water slow to a stop, and Wes was right there beside her, urging her, letting her know she was safe and protected. Her muscles cramped twice, but Wes was right there to massage the hurt away when she cried out.

It seemed like forever, but finally after about twenty minutes, she guessed, Wes took her into his arms, pulled the nozzle out from her bottom hole, and led her into an opened door off the side of the medical examination room. He helped her to sit down on a nearby toilet before moving away.

He stood at the door and crossed his arms. “Olivia, you may release the contents now.”

She hid her face as her insides emptied, her face red as he stood there hearing every single sound. Helpless, she could do nothing to stop it, until she felt finally, entirely hollow. With haste, she cleansed herself and stood when she was ready, keeping her eyes on the floor, embarrassed. He took her hand, helped lead her back to the medical room, and groaned inwardly as he helped her up into the awaiting chair. He situated her feet in the stirrups, just like she would have at a gynecologist’s office back on Earth, only this time, he cuffed her ankles into place. Next, he buckled a leather strap around her thighs and waist. Finally, he took her wrists and cuffed them high over her head, and she whined at her confinement. Whatever was about to happen next, she had little choice.

Wes looked her up and down before placing his hand directly over her pussy. She trembled at this blatant act of ownership. Her mind wanted to fight him every step of the way, but for some reason, her body didn’t. Throughout this entire ordeal, he’d been nothing but supportive, and because of that, she began to feel the slightest bit of comfort in his presence.

“What a good girl for taking your enema so well. Now you only have to get through your examination, and I will put you to bed. I’m sure you’re a very tired kitten, and I have a very comfortable bed to put you in.”

“What’s going to happen to me?”

“Let me call the doctor in. We have to make sure you are healthy, sexually responsive, and capable of carrying a child. This process is usually done in public as a precursor to the auction, but I have bigger plans for you.”

“I’m perfectly healthy, you don’t have to do this.”

He moved closer to her before pressing his palm to her cheek. His expression was soft, almost gentle as he looked down at her. Something deep inside her moved, and her hardened heart fractured just a little bit. Why was he having such a strong effect on her?

“It’ll be all right, don’t worry, Olivia. This is going to be the easy part. I promise you. Then, I will wrap you up in a blanket and make sure you fall asleep. Trust me.”

He reached to a table near her side, picked up a glass full of water, and held it to her dry lips. She drank greedily as the cool liquid poured down her throat.

“Good girl.”

For a second, her heart soared. There was something about those words that drove her crazy with happiness, and her body quivering with blatant need for him. Sitting in the chair, her legs splayed open to his view, her pussy becoming wet as the cool air caressed her naked skin.

He lifted the cup away from her mouth when she finished, and placed it on the counter beside them. A stray hair flew into her face, and Wes brushed it aside, his finger touching the delicate soft hairs on her skin. It took everything inside her not to lean into his fiery touch, the electricity buzzing across her flesh.

Another gentle knock rapped on the wooden door, and Wes turned toward it. Calmly, he told whoever it was to come in, and Olivia watched nervously as a man with yellow eyes entered the room. Impossibly tall, he walked with a strong and confident gait, a white lab coat extending to his knees. Underneath, he wore a cream-colored shirt, which did very little to hide the bulge of muscle underneath. Messy chestnut brown hair sat atop his head, and a cool and steady smile glimmered at the corner of his lips. Narrowing her eyes, she studied the man, noting that he looked oddly familiar. She looked to Wes for reassurance, and he placed a warm hand on her shoulder. Her breathing calmed at his comforting touch.

“Long time no see, doctor.”

“So this is the human you are training?”

“Yes. Her name is Olivia. Beautiful, isn’t she, Kade?”

His yellow irises raked up and down her body, and she shivered and pressed her face into Wes’ hand. Even though he had smacked her bottom and had made her take an enema right in front of him, there was something about him that made her feel safe. She wished with all her might that she could just curl up in his arms as he held her. Not daring to meet the doctor’s eyes, she kept them on the floor, only looking up when she heard movement.

Kade pulled up the chair that Wes had sat in not long ago, the chair that she had just gotten spanked in. She swallowed past the lump in her throat as Kade place his warm fingers on her left thigh. For a moment, she stared at him, before coming to a stark realization. She knew this man with yellow eyes. She remembered him.

“I know you!”

The doctor’s gaze moved back to her, and he grinned.

“That’s right! I remember now. You’re the stowaway in Nero’s air ship! I wondered what became of you.”

She smiled slightly, her nervousness ebbing away somewhat. That man had been nice to her, covered her up when he had found her naked, and allowed her to fly him into the capital. He had shown her nothing but kindness in their entire exchange. She hoped whatever was about to happen, that he would be gentle with her.

The man turned toward Wes and began to speak.

“Now, Wes, I need you to bring her to orgasm. It will make examining her pussy and her bottom much easier.”

Olivia’s eyes widened. Kade reached into a nearby drawer and pulled on a pair of gloves. Next, he began to prepare a table with various instruments, one of which she recognized as a speculum. She glanced up at Wes, who suddenly had a hungry, if not voracious look on his face. His eyes narrowed and a smirk touched his lips.

“I would like to use the chair then, Kade. Why don’t you move aside and observe the reaction this submissive tiny human will have under the attentions of my tongue.”

“You’re going to do what?” she squeaked when Kade moved aside, and began struggling against her bonds.

Wes didn’t respond; instead he took the seat that the doctor had recently vacated. He slowly pressed his fingers against her thighs and began to kiss her left knee, moving steadily up her thighs. His lips branded her skin with heat, each kiss lingering and smoldering with fire. She felt her nipples harden into tight peaks, and he smiled, reaching his hands up to squeeze her perky breasts, his fingertips grazing and pinching her nipples firmly.

Arching her back, she let out a soft sigh as his lips left her left thigh and repeated the same treatment on her right. Every time his skin touched hers, her insides pulsed with electricity, shooting straight to her clit as it throbbed with need, and he hadn’t even come close to touching her there yet. Closing her eyes, she threw her head back, unsure of how to deal with the multitude of emotions crashing through her system. She shouldn’t be enjoying this, but her body wanted to, needed to. She was hungry. Aroused. Passionate. Wild with her desire.

“Olivia, look at me.”

Opening her eyes only a sliver, she forced herself to look down at him, to watch as he moved closer and closer to her dripping arousal. Bringing his lips down to meet her clit, he kissed her there. With excruciating slowness, his tongue flicked forward, scraping against her needy bud. If she could have squirmed away, she would have, because the intense bolt of pleasure that shot through her in that single act almost tipped her over the edge. Her body tensed as he repeated the act, and she felt her arousal dampen her already wet folds even further.

“Oh, please, Wes! I can’t take it!”

A resounding slap filled the room as his hand cracked down against her inner thigh. Crying out at the sudden pain, she panted, before the sting turned into something more, and a strong sense of lust raced straight to her core.

“You will take what I give you, kitten,” he smiled as he continued, “and you are to refer to me as sir, or master if you like, from now on. Consider this rule one in your training.”

“Humph,” she said, her eyes narrowing. He repeated the slap to the other thigh this time, only it stung even more, and she bit her lip in order to prevent herself from crying out. His smile grew wider. How could he be so harsh one second, and so sweet the next?

“Choose: sir, or master?”

“I don’t want to,” she challenged boldly, her bottom tingling as her pussy clenched down around empty air. She wasn’t thinking before she spoke, and clamped her mouth shut. There was little explanation for her behavior, other than desire throbbing deep in her core, which only increased with her defiance.

“I think this one is enjoying herself, don’t you think, Wes? And, I can tell that she has already been spanked today just by the pinkness of her bottom cheeks. I recommend a bedtime spanking tonight. If you like, you can borrow that paddle,” Kade offered as he smirked. “My Morgana has a name for that one. She calls it her bad girl paddle, and I’m sure it wouldn’t surprise you that she got it just the other day.”

“I think I just might follow your advice, doctor. I certainly love turning that little bottom of hers a pretty rosy red.”

“That’s not fair! You’ve spanked me twice already,” she said, glaring at him stiffly.

“Olivia, of course it’s fair. Had you only behaved and done as you were told, you wouldn’t be in danger of getting another spanking before bed tonight. And let me point out that I do believe you enjoy the thought of being taken in hand. As we speak, I can see your sweet nectar coating your thighs, and see your pussy clench every time I mention the word spank or paddle. You cannot hide your desire from me.”

Scowling at him, she knew he was right. No one had ever noticed that before, or even questioned her. Remembering back to her time on Earth, she pondered over his words. Since she was a young girl, she’d been curious about spankings, bookmarking pages in novels where a strong sexy man would take a woman to task with his hand, belt, or even a hairbrush. She’d once seen another man take a woman over his knee when she was young, and had been fascinated ever since. Her dreams often featured a firm, no-nonsense alpha male, who would bare and smack her backside until she promised to behave. She didn’t know why the thought arrested her fantasies, but it did. Until today, she had never been spanked, and she wasn’t sure what to think yet, but her body apparently had a lot to say.

“Olivia, tonight, before I tuck you into to bed, you’re going to lie over my thighs like a well behaved human should. Then I’m going to spank your bottom for your disobedience, and I will not stop until you submit to me and call me master. Then and only then will I put you to bed.”

She moaned as she stared down at him, unable to help herself as his wicked breath caressed her moist flesh. Boldly, she threw her head back in ecstasy, her fantasies finally coming to life. Wes latched onto her clit and sucked, flicking and swirling around it with his tongue. It took a matter of seconds for her world to come apart in a blinding flash of pleasure.

Shattered, she trembled as wave after wave of passion crashed over her, unable to escape the lust that so thoroughly claimed her. She couldn’t get away, lashed to the medical chair like she was, her legs spread open by the stirrups, the leather straps binding her tight. But, upon further thought, she hadn’t wanted to. The sight of seeing Wes between her legs was incredibly erotic and intoxicating. Unbelievably, her body tightened once again as she met his eyes, and a second, more powerful orgasm broke over her.

Her body was white hot, a crescendo of sensual pleasure and arousal firing off across every nerve of her body. She couldn’t think, she could only feel and scream out her desire.

Once her body finally calmed, she panted, her throat dry from the quiet moans that she eventually noticed she was still making. She closed her eyes and laid her head back against the plush headrest. Her heartbeat sounded loud in her ears as the blood rushed through her limbs, residual aftershocks causing her muscles to tremble almost violently.

“Well, there’s no question that she’s sexually responsive. You were right, she’s a natural submissive. I’m sure she will fetch a high price because of it. Come, let me finish the exam, and you can take her back to your quarters to begin her training.”

She heard the chair creak as the two men moved about the room. Exhausted, she didn’t fight when she felt slick cool metal at her entrance. Only able to moan in response, her hips arched of their own accord as the speculum slid into her. One click, then two, and her pussy was spread, the chilly air caressing her very wet nakedness. She felt a finger move deep inside her, probing at her cervix, and along her inner walls. With a groan, she realized her body was beginning to warm again.

“Wes, she is excited by being examined as well. You should take note of this.”

“Oh, believe me, I most certainly am.”

A few seconds later, Olivia felt the speculum retreat from her moist channel and listened for the distinctive metal sound as he set it on the nearby counter.

“She will have no issues being bred either. I note no obvious concerns. Now the only thing left to test is her bottom hole’s receptiveness.”

“Oh, please! Don’t touch me there,” she cried out, her voice no longer holding the strength she tried to put into it. She was exhausted from being spanked, being cleansed inside and out, and from being examined. She didn’t know if she could take anything more. Her wide eyes took in the doctor, spreading lubricant on his finger. It didn’t take long for him to press his finger against her tight hole, and she did everything she could to fight it. His fingertip pushed firmly into her backside, breaching the rim of muscle that would have prevented his entrance. She clenched down hard, trying to stop him.

Kade looked back at Wes with a raised eyebrow. At that moment, his finger popped inside her bottom, and she cried out in dismay.

“She hides it well, but I think she enjoys when someone touches her here, in her naughtiest hole. If you would come observe, I believe if I pinched her clit right now, she would come all over me with her honey.”

Olivia turned away, knowing the doctor was correct. She could feel her arousal dripping from her as his finger began to move deep inside her. She wanted to hate it, but found that she couldn’t. Feeling Wes’ hand touch her once again, she calmed. His hand traveled first across her shoulder, and then across her breast, down her stomach, until he stopped over her throbbing bud of pleasure. He slipped easily over her wetness and circled it, pinching it firmly.

“Come, Olivia.”

She obeyed, with everything she had. Her muscles tightened and her back arched as much as the leather straps allowed. Her mouth opened wide and she screamed with pleasure. Her world turned white hot, pulsing with heat and passion. Her bottom, stretched by the doctor’s finger, clenched around it. Wes squeezed and caressed her clit, prolonging her orgasm and bringing it to new heights that left her throat feeling hoarse from her screams of passion. Gradually, her body began to relax and she slumped back into the chair. Wes began unbuckling the leather straps that held her there and Kade removed his finger from her. She groaned as Wes enveloped her in a blanket she hadn’t seen before, and nearly cried out in relief when he picked her up into his arms.

Sated, she placed her head against his shoulder as he turned to the doctor, who said, “She passes my examination. You may take her to your chambers now.”

“Thank you, Kade. I will see you tomorrow.”

“Of course. Enjoy your night, commander.”

Olivia barely noticed as the two men exchanged smiles, but she didn’t care. She was safe at the moment in Wes’ arms and that was all that mattered. His arms held her with strength and purpose, and for some reason, it comforted her. One moment, he was harsh and stern, and the next, he was sweet and kind, and that softness was slowly melting the hard edges of her heart. Maybe, just maybe, she could learn to trust this strange man.




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