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A Gift for the Commander (Terranovum Brides Book 3) by Sara Fields (11)

Chapter Eleven



Olivia woke up a long while later, after sleeping fitfully. Her dreams about the terrors she had suffered under Nero’s hands and the special brand of torture she had undergone when she was his slave had been lifelike. With a soft sigh, she brought her fingertips to her throbbing forehead, an ebbing reminder of what he had done to her in the courtyard not long before. Yet, despite the ache in her skull, she remembered Wes’ face, steeped with concern and fear, when he had grabbed her and taken her away.

Groaning, she pushed herself up to a sitting position. Her muscles protested this small movement, and she pressed her back to the headboard. Looking down, she realized she was naked, except for a pair of soft lacy blue panties. She looked around the room; she was alone, except for one person, Wes. His body was slumped to the side in the nearby loveseat, his head leaning against the armrest, his breathing even. With a smile, she realized that he was sleeping.

Silently, she managed to climb out of bed, and knelt before him. Softly, she placed her hands on top of his. His eyes slowly opened to meet hers, and they crinkled with joy as he looked down at her.

“You’re awake,” he murmured as a smile broke out across his lips. He rose to a seated position. “You’ve been asleep for more than a day. I was beginning to seriously worry about you.”

“Has it been that long?”

“Whatever Nero did to you out there, it took a toll on your body. I can’t get your screams out of my head.” A growl of angry frustration escaped his teeth as his face took on a tenseness like she hadn’t seen from him before. His brow furrowed as he looked down at her, the sadness apparent in his eyes.

“It was awful.”

“Whatever made you think you could take on an entire army, Olivia? You put yourself in terrible danger because of your foolishness, and I cannot abide by that.”

She felt like a cold bucket of water had been poured over her as a chilly shiver raced down her spine. This was it, she had finally overstayed her welcome, and he had decided to get rid of her. Swallowing hard, she prayed that he would sell her to a kind man, and not someone who would hurt her, someone who didn’t care for her wellbeing and saw her only as a slave. She didn’t want to hurt anymore.

“Shall I return to the human cells, sir?”

“What?” he asked, raising his eyes from whatever he had been staring at on the floor with such utter determination, only to suddenly look confused at her words. She opened her mouth, the words flowing without thinking. Pouring out her soul, she kept staring at her fingers, not willing to meet his commanding gaze.

“You mean to sell me for being a bad slave. After what I’ve done, putting myself in danger like I did, you can’t mean to keep me. I just wanted to protect everyone, protect my new friends and my new home. I have a name here, other than girl, or just human. I wanted Nero to go away, and I thought if I could use my piloting skills, I could take him down.”

Silence crept over them, until the only thing she could hear was the rustle of wind outside the windows and the thunderous beat of her heart pounding in her skull.

“Olivia, do you want another master?”

Another cold shiver passed over her as she rose to meet his eyes. Softly, she shook her head as she whispered the words, “No. I don’t want any master other than you.”

He rose to his feet, her still on her knees before him. His palm brushed her hair out of her face, his expression warm. Smiling, he gazed down at her.

“I want no other submissive other than you. I have fought tooth and nail just to try to prevent you from getting under my skin, yet at every turn, your face is the one I see, no longer Emma’s or anyone else’s. It’s only you. I love you, Olivia, and because of that, you’re mine. And I must punish you in order to teach you that I, and I alone, will be your master, forever and for always.”

Giving her no time to react, his hand fisted her hair into a tight knot and pulled her upwards and onto her feet, as he crushed his lips onto hers. Her response died on her lips as she met his kiss, his mouth devouring hers with a hunger like never before. A soft moan faded away, deep in her throat, as his tongue explored her, dragging along the lower curves of her lips, down her chin, and across the sensitive skin of her neck.

The pain of him pulling her hair melded with the pleasure that was beginning to course through her body. His kiss ignited an electric current under her skin, and deep inside, she began to buzz with it. Each time his lips touched her skin, she pulsed with her arousal, and she could feel her wetness begin to pool between her legs. Slowly, they backed closer to the bed, and he gently pushed her down onto it, her bottom pressing into the soft quilt beneath her. Finally, Wes paused for a moment and stared down into her eyes. Her chest heaved with her unmet need as her moisture trickled down over her inner thighs.

“I owe you a very red backside for what you pulled yesterday.”

“You don’t have to do that…” she said, looking up at him with the biggest pout she could muster. Knowing it was a mission doomed to fail, she hoped he would ignore her and put her over his knee anyways. She wanted to know he cared, wanted to know that he would protect her no matter what, and most of all, she needed to know that he was the one in charge. Her blood began to boil at the thought of her future punishment, as the image of her pale globes quivering under his touch, only to turn first pink under his initial spanks, and then red as her chastisement continued, took over her entire being.

“You, my dear, do not get to decide when you will get punished. I do. So, I plan to turn those delightful bottom cheeks of yours a fiery crimson, before I claim you in more ways than one. I’m going to spank you and fuck you hard, and by the end of the day, you’re never going to question me again, kitten.”

Her pussy clenched at his words, achingly empty of his cock and doomed to be lonely until she was thoroughly spanked under his hand. As she watched, he pushed himself off the bed and walked over to the armoire of implements. Eyes wide, she swallowed nervously as he picked up a long supple leather strap. The wooden handle was long, and the leather was a muted burgundy color. Even though she was a bit uneasy, her gaze was glued to the implement that was soon to be caressing her naked bottom cheeks.

He set the tool down beside her and sat down next to her. “Stand before me, kitten.”

Knowing fighting this would be useless, she pressed her feet onto the floor and slowly pushed herself to a standing position. Even slower still, with an increasing sense of dread laced with aroused excitement, her pussy tightened as her juices continued to seep from her very wet channel. Her panties were likely soaked by now.

Moving to stand between his thighs, she looked down at her toes, fidgeting as her nerves started to get the best of her. Her body didn’t seem to be thinking the same thing as her mind; instead it seemed to be craving to be over his knee, yearning to feel his punishing hand smacking away at her naughty backside, so much so that her skin tingled in anticipation. Her head told her that she didn’t want this, but her body was clearly telling her otherwise. If she wasn’t over his knee very soon, she felt like her blood would boil out of her skin. She was so hot right now.

She wanted to be defiant, to fight this, but she knew better than that. She knew she deserved to be punished. Because of the foolishness of what she had done and missing a critical step in her mission, she had been captured and tortured by Lord Nero. She could still feel the tendrils of his evil power pounding through her skull and she wanted to be rid of it forever. Instead, she focused on the raw desire coursing through her veins beneath her skin. Letting it overwhelm her, she moaned, desperate to feel her master’s touch, her Wes’ touch.

Her fingers itched to touch her own needy skin, wanted to feel herself and relieve the little bundle of nerves between her legs that begged for the man before her.

“Olivia, tell me why I’m going to punish you.”

Taking a deep breath, she began to speak as she trembled before him.

“I put myself in danger, and didn’t think about the consequences. I should have talked to you first before deciding to do anything so rash. I’m very sorry and I deserve whatever punishment you decide for me, master.”

His fingers traced the sensitive flesh of her inner thigh before dragging across the fabric that caressed her very slick folds. She moaned again at the sudden assault of his touch, and her body hitched forward before she caught herself on his shoulders. Her knees weak, she nearly sighed in relief when his strong arms took hold of her hips, twisting her body so that her stomach lay flat over one thigh. His other leg draped over the back of her legs, effectively holding her in place. His palm caressed the lower curves of her bottom before it centered between her two bottom cheeks, directly over the top of her pussy. She had to do everything in her power to not arch her hips back toward him and beg for him to touch her there, to grant her the relief she so desperately wanted.

“Please,” she whispered, unable to help herself.

Wes lifted his hand, dragging his nails up her thighs and she squeaked in both shock and desire. Without warning, his palm smacked down on her right bottom cheek, the sound filling the room. With a sense of astonishment and disbelief, the sting of the spank hit her seconds later. He repeated the same treatment on the left side.

As she yelped at the sudden assault on her posterior, Wes began to spank harder and faster, thrashing all over her bottom, including the spot of her backside that centered right over her arousal-drenched folds. Before long, he paused and his fingers grasped the thin lace that protected her already pink skin.

She whined as he dragged her panties down her bottom till they rested at about mid-thigh; she knew not only was the pain of the spanking about to increase, but he would be able to see everything between her legs. He’d know exactly how wet she was. His fingers kneaded her sore flesh, moving closer and closer to her drenched folds. Tensing, she moaned when his padded fingertips brushed against her lower lips, gliding over the juices that continued to seep out of her. Mercilessly, he reached for her bundle of nerves, and she jerked slightly the moment he brushed against it. The electric jolt that raced through her was intoxicating, and she wanted more.

His touch left her and returned to caress her sore bottom cheeks. She moaned at the feeling of pleasure rushing through her and cried out when the next spanks began to fall. He spanked her hard, his hand cupping to deliver stern blows to her naughty backside. The longer he spanked her, the sorer she became as tears began to edge out at the corners of her eyes. She knew that when Wes was through with her, she would be a very well punished submissive.

Arching her back, she took every blow, wanting his punishment in a way she would never fully understand. Craving each spank with a need so great it overtook her entire sense of being, her fists clenched the quilt beneath her with a desperation she didn’t think herself capable of. He laced his arm under her hips, bending her up even further before he began to pay attention to the tops of her thighs and the lower curve of flesh where her bottom met the muscles of her legs. It didn’t take long at all for the ache to take thorough hold of her. She couldn’t think of anything else but his hand smacking her bottom, and it became her entire world. She had no idea when tears had begun to stream down her cheeks, but she didn’t care. Needing him, craving this, it was everything she had ever wanted. Him as her master, and her as his submissive. The moment that thought passed through her mind, her body relented to him completely.

He spanked her sit spots hard five more times on each side, and her cries increased in intensity. As much as it hurt, the moment he paused, her arousal broke through with the power of a tornado, causing the pain to mesh into an intense world of pleasure.

Lifting her without so much as a grunt, he laid a few pillows on the center of the bed before laying her body hips down over them. Picking up the leather strap he had laid beside her, he looked down at her and she, up at him. Smiling softly, she laced her fingers under her chin and arched her hips back slightly, encouraging him to finish her punishment.

“How did I get so lucky to find you, little one?”

Nearly purring, she placed her head down on her hands, and he laid the leather over her bottom. It felt cool and soft and wonderful all at the same time. Its gentle caress as he pulled the implement away was heavenly, until a line of fire replaced it, the thud of the blow lashing deep into her flesh. Again and again the strap fell, each stroke feeling as though it branded its mark into her, yet it wasn’t terrible in the slightest. Instead, the second it began to fall, her mind cleared, and the only thing that she could think about was the lash of the strap, how it was meant for her and made her feel whole. She felt as though she was flying in the clouds, set free in her submission, and granted the freedom of not having to be in control. It was glorious.

Her tears dried, and the only thing in the world that mattered was the continual fall of the lash. Gradually, the strap began to fall at a slower pace, its bite each time a little less, until it stopped altogether. With a heavy sigh, she closed her eyes, feeling as though her head was trapped in the depths of space. The bed creaked beneath her as Wes sat down beside her, his hand rubbing and massaging her lower back, his touch keeping her anchored.

“Such a good girl,” he whispered, placing a kiss on her upper back between her shoulder blades. A chill raced down her spine and she moaned, not willing to open her eyes to the world yet. She wasn’t ready.

“You’re glowing, brighter than ever before, kitten,” he murmured, the rough pads of his fingers dragging across her sensitized skin. She begrudgingly opened her eyes and stretched out her hands beneath her face. What he had said was indeed true; her skin was glowing bright white, light shining from every inch of her naked flesh.

“What’s happening to me?”

“I don’t know, my sweet. The light began when you were over my knee and got brighter when I was strapping you. The second your body submitted to me, you began to glow. It’s almost magical in a sense,” he muttered thoughtfully.

“Wes? I need you to fuck me now.”

He smirked down at her as the skin around his eyes crinkled with amusement.

“Tsk tsk. Just spanked, and already with that naughty mouth of yours. I know just how to handle a wicked submissive like you.”

Without another word, he flipped her onto her back, and she drew in a shallow breath as her sore bottom pressed into the soft mattress beneath her. Her scalded flesh stung at the sudden pressure, but she didn’t think about it for long as he knelt between her legs.

When he pulled his white cotton shirt over his head, she was left to admire the hard muscles underneath, bulging with each movement. Gulping down her rampant desires, she appreciated his firm chest as it led down to sculpted abs, tapering even further to a narrow middle. His hipbones veered down, carving down into a V shape that disappeared in his dark pants. His hands made their way down to his waistband and pushed down, freeing his cock.

Her eyes glued to his hardness, its thick ridges pulsing under the intensity of her gaze. His smirk grew when he realized where she was staring, as he placed his hands on either side of her head, leaning down and catching her line of sight. Feeling herself flush at being caught, she whined softly, yet couldn’t help but smile back at him.

“Like what you see, kitten?”

“Just fuck me already, master,” she replied, unable to stop herself from giggling under his firm scrutiny, the sexual tension between them creating an alluring, yet magnetic attraction.

“I can see you have a lot to learn, saucy minx. Good thing I know just what to do with smart mouths like you,” he paused, his grin contagious as his right hand caressed her collarbone, then dragged across the hard peak of a nipple and ventured down in between her legs. She ground into his fingers as he rubbed her wet folds, pressing in and out of her slick channel until she felt wild with need.

When he pulled his hand away, she protested with a soft whine and the rocking of her hips. Instead, he pressed his fingers, slick with her own arousal, against the soft curve of her lips. His every movement mesmerized her.

“Open. I want you to taste yourself before I claim you as mine, both in your snug wet pussy and in your even tighter virgin ass.”

Gasping at the raw dirtiness of his words, she opened her mouth and obeyed him without question. She sucked at his fingers, thoroughly cleaning her sweet honey from his skin. There was something about this act, so wild, so wanton, that made her body ache for him. Her channel clenched in response, loving every second of it.

“Oh, Wes,” she moaned as he pulled his digits from her lips, and in one swift motion, she felt his cock edge against the entrance to her pussy. Rolling her hips, she encouraged him, letting him know that she was more than ready for him to take her. The head of his hardness nudged her, wet and ready, before he grabbed her hips and slammed into her in one smooth motion.

With the feeling of being stretched wide by his cock, she cried out at the initial pain before her body quickly adjusted and intense pleasure built within her. His cock was so big, stretching her channel wide with each thrust. A ball of tension began to build deep inside her, and he was the only one who could give her what she needed. Her cries sounded throughout the chambers, her screams for more echoing off the walls. His fingers dug into her hips, gripping her tight as he slammed deep into her, again and again, his cock sliding slickly through her wetness until at long last, her body approached the precipice, longing to hurtle off headfirst into an all-encompassing world of pleasure.

Almost as if he could read her thoughts, he leaned toward her, his expression dark with his own arousal. “Come, bad girl. I want you fully ready to take my cock in your naughtiest hole.”

Olivia’s world broke apart at hearing his words, and then, all she knew was pleasure. The constant buzzing under her skin grew to impressive proportions, her skin blazing with the powerful feeling of desire that ricocheted through her. Her muscles tensed and she screamed with her release, arching her back away from the bed beneath her. Her hips rocked, taking him in deeper with every stroke. When her body finally calmed, she blushed and looked up at him, feeling, if anything, a tiny bit shy. She knew what was coming next, yet couldn’t believe it. His cock, massive and so large that it stretched her pussy wide, was about to sink deep into her bottom hole, and by the look on his face, he was definitely looking forward to the occasion. Squirming a little, his shaft still deep inside her, she tried to keep herself calm. Wes would never hurt her, and he would never do anything she wasn’t ready for. She kept telling herself that as he began to move.

His cock pulled out of her pussy, leaving it feeling empty and bereft. She didn’t have long to think about it before Wes grabbed her hips and flipped her around like a ragdoll, pressing her chest to the bed, so that she was kneeling with her bottom high in the air. This position made her feel entirely vulnerable as she tried to clench her cheeks together to hide the unobstructed view he must have of her pussy and tight rosette.

With a sudden gasp, she tried to look back as she felt the rough pads of his fingers drift down her wet lips to settle on the little bud between her legs. He flicked it back and forth and she moaned, unable to keep her buttocks clenched together. As he nudged his leg in between her thighs, her knees spread wider on the bed, opening herself to him whether she liked it or not.

He continued to circle her sensitive bundle of nerves, and she bucked back against him, wet and needy. Her body, perpetually hot, warmed even further as he brought her to the edge over and over again until nothing else mattered. He would work her up to the verge of release, and then back off, again and again until she became frantic. Her pussy, achingly empty, called for his large cock to take her once more, only this time, she felt him begin to touch her bottom hole.

Something wet and cold spurted onto her there, and she gasped as one of his hands continued to work her clit and the other spread the liquid around her rim of tight muscle. She tried to concentrate on the foreign feeling as her hips swayed in tune to the movements of his deft digits, until his thumb began to breach her backside.

“Oh, my, please!” she cried out.

“Please what, Olivia?”

“Don’t make me say it,” she whined.

“You know what I want, kitten.”

“Master, please fuck my bottom hole,” she replied, unable to hold back her groan of distress, yet her body sang with want. She shouldn’t crave this, but it was clear she needed it. Her mind fighting a losing battle with her desires, she felt something within herself begin to yield to his touch. As she relaxed the tenseness in her bottom cheeks, his finger pressed deeper into her tight rim, and she realized that it began to feel good, especially as his other hand continued to attend to the nub of pleasure between her legs.

Wes pressed first one finger into her bottom before he began to work a second inside her, all the while making her arch and buck against him after he edged her closer and closer to orgasm. The more he played with her, the wilder she felt, almost like a metal coil wound up so tight that she could spring apart at any second.

By that point, she realized that he had worked three fingers inside her bottom hole, and he withdrew them, slow and steady until she heard them spring out of her with an embarrassing pop. More cool liquid was spread across her tight little star, and before long, she felt the head of his cock begin to nudge at her backdoor. Whining, she squirmed slightly and stilled once he began to speak.

“Bad girls have to take their masters deep in their ass, isn’t that right, kitten?”

“Yes, master,” she cried out as he pressed into her, stretching her bottom like never before. In a slight panic, she tightened around him, clenching her cheeks shut, and was rewarded with a few harsh slaps to her recently punished backside.

“Relax, little one. Bear down and let master inside.”

His words calmed her, and she was finally able to push back against him. The head of his cock was the most difficult part for her to take, stretching her bottom painfully wide, but his hand found her clit once again to help her through it. He pushed hard against her nub, causing the coil inside her to snap as her release overtook her. Once she let go, the head of his cock finally slipped inside her bottom, and he pressed his length inside her, deeper and deeper as she cried out.

Her bottom, full of his cock, enhanced her pleasure like never before. Once he was fully seated inside her, he began to pump his hips against hers, slowly at first, and then faster and faster. Her orgasm seemed never ending as he fucked her bottom hole, as he reached around and worried her bundle of nerves. Once one rollercoaster of pleasure ended, another was there to take its place as he rode her hard, stretching and filling her bottom, claiming her as his in all ways. She had never felt so full ever before in her life.

This was a wicked way to enjoy pleasure, and she should hate every second, but she couldn’t. She loved it, relished it even, and wanted more of it. He grabbed her hips and fucked her even harder, until she felt his hot seed spurt deep inside her bottom. He groaned as he emptied himself into her, and the hotness of his semen hurtled her into yet another orgasm. Fiery hot pleasure burned through her, her blood boiling and erupting like a volcano of passion inside her body. Finally, she began to come down off the high and found herself curled up in his arms, his cock still deep in her bottom. She was truly and utterly his. He had taken her where no man had before, and she couldn’t wait to do it again.


“Yes, master?”

“I love you,” he said, his voice stern and commanding, yet warm with emotion.

“I love you too, master.”

He pulled out of her bottom then with a resounding pop, and she was almost sad to not be full of his cock there anymore. She smiled as she felt a soft cloth wipe away the evidence of their lovemaking, and sighed with happiness when he pulled her back into his arms.

She was where she needed to be, safe in her master’s arms. Noticing the light of the setting sun was beginning to fade through the open window, she closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep.




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