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Assassin's Bride (SciFi Alien Romance) (Celestial Mates Book 9) by C.J. Scarlett (6)

Chapter 7


~ Haden ~

Walking back across the ship, electing to take her through only areas that were cleared, Haden thought about the miscommunication they just had. Drones were programmed to use the term my queen as an acknowledgement of the female’s superior status over his. It was a way of communicating he would obey her orders. Since she was the only queen in the room at the time, the expression had come easily to his lips.

How could a human female possibly think a drone could just claim them with a simple verbalization? If that were true, every single drone on his planet would already be mated. Stopping to double check information on his handheld, he felt the storyteller press herself up against his side, peering around his shoulder.

“Why did you stop? Are we lost?”

Smothering a smile at her innocent questions, he replied quietly, “We are not lost, I can assure you. I wished to make sure the next area is fully cleared before we proceed.”

“Can’t we just take the ventilation shaft like Donella used to get us down here?”

Turning to face her, he explained. “That was a poor idea. If we were faced with an enemy in the tight confines of a ventilation shaft, there would be little room to maneuver in a fight. I will not risk you, my queen.”

Her eyes lit up when he used her title. Haden had to admit it felt good on his lips, especially now that he knew what she thought it meant.

“I don’t mind to wait with you.”

Tucking his com device into his vest, he looked down at her smiling face. “You should not be so giddy. We are war, my queen.”

The smile slipped from her pretty face. “There is always some kind of conflict or war going on somewhere in the ‘verse. If I wait for—”

Quickly interrupting her, he put his hand on her shoulder. “Forgive me, my queen. You are correct. One must snatch moments of joy where we can find them, especially during times of war.” Against his better judgement he felt the corners of his mouth draw up a tiny bit and she followed suit. All the drones were given specific orders and his presence was not required anyplace else at the moment. It was difficult to accept, but that’s just the way drones made war.

“Aren’t you glad you brought me along?”

Caught off guard by her question, he stammered, “Yes no maybe?” Shaking his head, Haden hardly knew why he was so unsure of himself. He felt for all the world like an awkward adolescent again, still growing into his antennas.

Her hands slid up his chest and cupped the shell of each ear. “Your ears have tiny points.”

A low hum with a slight buzz to it escaped his throat and he almost dropped his sword.

“Was that a happy sound?”

It was a mating sound, but he was reluctant to say so. Instead of speaking, he lifted his chin in a tiny imitation of a nod.

“You skin is really soft here.” Smoothing her hands down his neck and back up to his ears, she whispered, “Can I touch your antennas?”

His breath caught in his lungs and he lowered his head enough for her to reach them. He shoved his blade back in its scabbard, leery of having it out while she was being so hands-on with him. Her soft hands exploring his headgear was more arousing than he’d imagined it would be. She sifted her hands through his hair.

Haden straightened as she drew her hands back. Realizing that his appearance must be terrifying, he asked quietly, “Does touching me make you less fearful of me?”

Nodding, she quipped, “Putting away that huge blade went a long way towards making you seem less threatening.”

“I would never…” Trailing off, he would have liked to say he would never threaten a queen. Unfortunately, that was a claim he could no longer make. Glancing away, he waited for her to take her hands off him. Screeching sounds emanated from his communications device. It was his brethren telling him the ship was now fully secured. They were speaking in Maruvian.

The storyteller’s expression brightened. “That’s great news. We can go anywhere on the entire ship now, right?”

Since she’d had the translation bacteria, she’d understood the message perfectly. Haden realized they were standing in a pose normally reserved for bonded males and their queens. He still had his hands on her arms and she was standing with her body pressed to his and her hands resting on his chest. It was totally inappropriate for someone like him to be this close to a fertile human queen. Her soft alluring mating scent made him want things he had no business even dreaming about.

Lifting his hands, he quietly stepped back out of her reach. “We should return to the others.”

“Of course we should.”

Turning on his heel, Haden returned to the loading bay with the storyteller at his back. Turning the corner, he saw one the freed Golugua standing at the end of a long corridor. Something about the creature’s presentation was off. Haden stopped short, bringing his hand out to shove his queen behind him. He was gratified that she allowed him to act without objection. Staring at the huge creature, he struggled to understand what was different. The Golugua was taller than Haden, even standing on all fours. Standing on his hind legs, as they sometimes did, its head would touch the ceiling. With his wings unfurled and his head tilted down, it looked for all the world like a fighting stance. Glancing down, he saw the creature’s hind claws scratching at the floor.

Stepping out, Haden unsheathed his weapon. Not daring to look over his shoulder, he whispered. “If I fall, the Golugua will rend my flesh from my bone. While he is occupied run to the loading bay and report what you see.”

“Give me a weapon. I can help.”

Knowing she could never hope to lift his blaster, he pulled a small laser pistol from his boot. “It is small but neither of my weapons will be particularly effective against a Golugua.”

“Understood, I’ll use it only as a last resort. Head up, we have incoming.”

Turning to face off with the beast, Haden spoke. “The queens will settle their grudge by rite of conquest. There is no need for us to fight.”

“You think me loyal to a queen?” Taking a step closer he continued. “Think again.”

“You do not like queens, even human ones?” Haden asked as he positioned the grip on his sword for maximum efficiency.

His eyes went to Venice, who was peaking around his shoulder. “I care not for them one way or the other.” Shifting his eyes back to Haden, the creature moved closer. “It is drones I hate, for they have been the instrument of our destruction.”

Venice spoke. “Queens command and drones obey. Hate the puppet master, not the puppet.”

Haden was fuming. Why did the storyteller have to get involved? Drawing the creature’s ire was not safe.

Tucking its wings behind his massive body, the creature growled, “It is a good saying, from one such as you.”

“What the hell is that supposed to mean?” Venice’s indignant voice really got Haden’s attention. Why was she baiting the dangerous animal?

The Golugua’s rough growly voice bit out. “It means that whatever you are, you are weak. Using words as a weapon suits one such as you.”

“You know we freed you because we are allies. Donella told you all about how the Golugua are free on our new home world.” The little human queen was still trying to reason with the useless beast, and it was worrying to Haden.

Snorting a derisive laugh, the large animal glared at her. “Queens lie and drones uphold them in their lies. If you think me foolish enough to believe your pet Golugua, know that I am not so easily deceived.”

“Donella is not my anything, except friend. At least give the drones a chance before you start tearing into them. Jesus, you don’t know any more about how things operate around here than I do.”

“I know that many of our great houses have been killed off, all due to of the treachery of drones. Even when it was within their power to protect us, they did nothing.”

Haden answered quietly, “Until very recently I was you.”

Tilting his head, the large creature stared at him. “Were you kept in a cage?”

“Of sorts. Our old queen fitted me with a transponder. I was forced to do her bidding.”

“You are here without such a device now?”

“A human queen defeated us, freeing drones and Golugua alike.”

“Such is the way with queens. They are manipulative, always giving with one hand and taking with the other.”

Venice stepped out. “You are just about as paranoid as Donella of the House of Zardon.”

Charging towards, he screamed. “You lie.”

“What?” Backing up again, the storyteller looked terrified.

“You are not fit to speak the name of our royal line.”

Haden swiped wide with his sword, cutting a long gash down the Golugua’s face. Unfurling its wings, the creature flapped them, lifting from the floor slightly. One swift pass of his claws and Haden felt a sear of pain in his shoulder. Just as he lifted his sword to lop off the offending hand, something large rolled into his opponent.

“Enough, you will both stand down.” Donella’s aggravated voice filled the corridor. “An entire war is raging around us and all you two want to do is fight over nothing.” Venice ran to Haden, ripped part of her cloak off and held it over his wound.

Donella turned to Venice and snarled. “Get your male to the medical bay.”

“I won’t leave you danger.”

“Your dedication is touching, little storyteller. However, this is the third time I’ve saved your life. Between the two of us, I am not the one who requires constant protection. Now go, before I remove your head from your useless shoulders.”

Shaking her head, Venice frowned. “Sometimes, I honestly don’t know why we’re friends.”

“Your drone is losing a lot of blood. You should see to that.”

Venice looked down at the male Golugua she was currently crushing under one large clawed foot. “What of him?”

“He is Golugua. I will see to him.”

Grabbing Haden, she made for the door, grumbling, “That creature is twice her size.”

“The Queen of the House of Zardon is quite capable of handling her own. The medical unit is just ahead.”

“You called her queen.”

“She acts like a queen; therefore I treat her as such.”

“She’s not your queen.”

Haden thought the pretty storyteller sounded annoyed. It took him a minute to realize she still thought herself his queen. He had never thought a female might feel possessive towards him. Then again, he never thought a female might choose him.

Staggering through the door of the medical unit, several healers jolted forward. “Are you well, my queen?”

Haden almost smiled when his new queen appeared momentarily confused. “I’m not your queen. I’m his queen.”

Looking forlorn, the older healer responded. “I don’t understand.”

“There are many human females aboard your vessel right now. One human queen leads them. She is mated to our commanders. Our queen is still battling your queen for control of both vessels and all the drones.”

The older drone looked annoyed. “The subordinate queens are all supposed to be in detention. You should not be here, little queen.”

Haden’s raised voice held a note of warning. “We do not detain queens. You know this, my Maruvian brethren.”

“Donella came with Golugua and demanded all the human queens be kept in seclusion. We assumed there was some type of massive rite of conquest going on. You are covered in blood, so I thought you were the victor.”

Haden spoke before his queen could respond. “Donella is in charge of nothing. The human queens do not conquest. They have come to be mates for our family units.”

“What are family units?”

His queen’s angry voice interrupted their conversation. “Now is not the time for twenty questions. My drone is injured and has lost a lot of blood. I want you to see to his wounds.”

Several healers rushed to different computer panels and a hovering table lit up.

The older healer pulled Haden over to it and murmured, “Sit on the healing platform and I will remove your uniform.” Shooting Venice a quick glance, he asked, “This is truly your mate?”

Nodding, she tried to help him off with his shirt. “Kinda, maybe… yes.”

“You do not seem sure of your selection. This drone is injured. You have the right to trade him out for a healthy one if you wish.”

His queen’s face morphed into a shocked expression. “What? Humans don’t trade their mates out for getting mangled. Jesus, what kind of women… I mean queens are you all used to?”

Taping a medical device against his palm, the healer eyed her suspiciously. “Harsh ones. I do not believe you are a queen.”

Gasping, Venice hurled around to face off with the healer. “How’s about I flash you my queenly bits later and you get your ass in gear healing my drone?”

“Perhaps you are a queen after all.” Glancing over his shoulder, he spoke to one of his assistants. “Luven, scan the holding area and see if the queens are killing each other.”

An angry female voice sounded off. “I swear to goodness, it feels like I’ve slipped into a parallel dimension where up is down and down is up.”

As two healers moved forward and began working on Haden, the one called Luven reported from his console across the room. “All the human queens are present and accounted for.”

The older healer spoke in a calm voice. “We scanned over a hundred queens. Your home world must be mounting a gigantic offensive of some kind to require so many ships.”

Haden grumbled. “Human queens are not like the queens you have known. Some few are capable and willing to lead our drones in battle. Most prefer to join our family units.”

“What are family units?”

Venice interjected. “I’ve got this one. On the new Maruvian home world, all the drones have separated themselves into small family units. Each family unit gets to choose their own queen.”

The physician’s eyes sketched his brows, glancing at Haden. The embarrassed drone made the gesture for reversing something. It was a common hand gesture that all drones recognized. The older man shook his head before mumbling, “I suppose we can all just go there and choose ourselves a queen?”

“Honestly, I don’t know how all that works. Some women don’t like family units, so they get picked by single drones. I read all about it in informational packet that Queen Carolyn sent us.”

“Queen Carolyn?”

Venice’s anxiety had clicked down since they were using the dermal healing units to close most of Haden’s wounds. “She is the human queen ruling our new home world.” Digging through her bag, she pulled out the data-pad and found an image of the queen with her insectoid king at her side.

The man snorted a laugh. “She chose a common drone as her mate. How very egalitarian of her.”

Haden sighed. “Human queens seem to select mates randomly based on what strikes their fancy.”

Glancing between Haden and Venice, he responded crisply, “Clearly that is the case.”

The fierce drone was growing tired of the older male’s prattle. “I meant to say they do not judge us by age, rank, genus classification or physical attributes. Even our elder drones draw age mates.”

The older drone finally began paying attention. “There are age mates for elder drones on this ship right now looking for mates?”

Venice nodded. “I counted twelve of them. They seemed real nice. Most came with their daughters.”

“You are well, drone. Return to your duties. I will evaluate the human queen now.”

“I don’t need to be evaluated and my drone is not going anywhere without me.”

Haden moved off the platform and scooped her up in his arms. “I must insist you been seen, my queen. You were not properly processed. I wish to ensure you are healthy before we discuss a proper mating schedule.”

“She is fertile now. You should breed her.”

Haden responded coldly, “Any drone with a nose is aware that my queen is in her fertile phase. Human queens do not like to discuss their fertility cycles. Most mated drones respect their wishes.”

“Very well. Lay back on the healing platform, little queen.”

“You two are unbelievable.”

Easing her back with one hand on her chest, Haden hovered close. “You can be angry with me all you wish, cast me aside, or even trade me out for another drone, but I will see you properly cared for when entrusted to my care.”

He noticed his queen’s eyes grow warm and her expression seemed pleased. “May I hold your hand?”

“Whatever pleases you, my queen.”

“You have pretty eyes.”

Glancing away, he murmured, “I am marred with many battle wounds.”

Reaching up she ran her hand down the brutal scar on his cheek. “Why didn’t the healers close this wound like they did the ones on your arm earlier?”

Avoiding her eyes, he answered quietly. “Out former queen did not think it necessary to waste medical care on low status warriors. We are born to die.

Sliding her hand around the back of his neck, she pulled him down and kissed the scar. “Not anymore, my sweet. Now drones are born to have mates and young of their own.”

“You seriously wish one such as me?”

Nodding, she whispered, “No more scars. From now on I wish every single scar to be healed. We can keep this one though. It makes you look fierce.”

Running his nose up one side of her face and down the other side, he stepped back and held onto her hand. Being so close to the lovely compassionate queen made his chest hurt.

During the last part of their conversation, he heard the other drones making noises of shock and some disagreement. He watched with a wary eye as they checked her over and used a dermal regenerator to heal some scratches on her arms.

“You are well, little queen.”

Snagging the unit from them, she asked. “Can I borrow this handheld healing unit?”

“Of course. We have many such devices scattered in medical kits throughout the ship. You can access any you choose, or take this unit with you.”

Slipping it into her bag, she gave the older healer a dazzling smile. “Thanks for taking care of us. I really appreciate it.”

They exchanged com signatures and Haden eased her out the door. Keeping a firm arm around her waist, he headed back to the loading bay. Touching his queen felt very right, though his mind told him he was doing wrong by encouraging her infatuation with him. He was not fit to mate a queen and every drone on this vessel knew it. As they approached the loading bay, Haden’s grip got tighter, causing his beautiful queen to look up at him questioningly.

His antennas were drawn down tight against his head, appearing as green eggs sitting on his head. It was humiliating to display that kind of anxiety in public, but Haden was long past caring. The thought of giving up his sweet queen was tearing him up inside.

As they stepped over the threshold, several of his brethren approached.

“The battle is won, sir. The commander and their new queen defeated the Maruvian queen. We are ordered to make the queen comfortable aboard our vessel while repairs are being made.”

“I heard the message come over my com, while we were in the medical bay. Were any of the quarters set aside for our queens damaged?”

“Very few sustained any significant level of damage, since most of the fighting was on the aft side of the ship.”

“Escort the queens to the quarters and ask them to remain there until we can affect major repairs. I do not wish injury to any of our queens or their precious children.”

“Yes, sir.” Glancing at Venice, he queried. “What of the storyteller? She was not processed and was never assigned quarters.”

Without stopping to think, Haden stated, “She can stay in my quarters for now. I will stand guard in the hall when I am not attending to my duties.”

Bowing slightly, the other drone murmured, “Very well, sir.”