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Assassin's Bride (SciFi Alien Romance) (Celestial Mates Book 9) by C.J. Scarlett (24)

Chapter 6

The end of the two weeks spent with the Ak-hal arrived. All of us but five had been chosen as mates—the ones who had sat at the table every morning, alone—they had never been claimed. I just wondered—what made them undesirable? They were gorgeous—model pretty. They had accepted their fate stoically, in silence. Were those not things that the Ak-hal prized?

Their execution was to come before the mating ceremony. We were awoken in our temporary, dormitory-style rooms early in the morning, hours before the sun would rise. I walked into the bathroom, where I found Clara waiting for me. She greeted me with a smile. This was the first that I had seen of her since the day of my arrival.

“Congratulations, princess,” she said warmly. “It’s good to see you again.”

“And you,” I replied, clasping her hands warmly. “Where have you been?”

“With my mate,” she responded. “When you don’t need help in dressing for formal events, then my duties are with him.” When I glanced around at the group of women gathered in the room, she explained. “Those who aren’t mated to nobles assist them. After this day, many of the others will be in my position.”

“Can I trust you?” I whispered. “Or are you like Sarita?” She looked me in the eye solemnly, so that I knew that she was telling the truth.

“You can trust no one here, princess. This is the world of the Ak-hal.”

“Thank you,” I replied. Her truth confirmed my suspicions—I could trust her to tell me the truth. But if it came down to me against the Ak-hal, I would be on my own. I couldn’t expect her to risk her life to side with me. I didn’t blame her. To survive was our goal here. I steeled myself as she helped me prepare. I was deeply anxious about many parts of today. I looked about me as the tub I sat in filled.

In the corner, the five girls who were to be executed trembled, tears coursing down their cheeks. I had noticed that the only Ak-hal who had paid them any attention was Rakharo. He loved it when the woman to whom he spoke was terrified. He seemed to feed off it. I hoped that he would never find a mate. The poor woman would suffer her entire life. The mood in the room was tense. No one seemed the least bit excited. Libba, of course, merely seemed pleased. She had been mated to one of the nobles. She resented me for my title as princess, but she was pleased to have status, I believe. After today, she would live out her life, dripping with jewels. She held her chin high as she stepped into her bath.

Clara washed and dressed my hair. Today, it was done up in an elaborate pouf, with curled tendrils artfully falling out. The headdress I wore was heavy. Two women dressed in black silk carried it in in ceremony on a velvet pillow, both holding it as they placed it upon my head. It was tall and spindly, an elaborate crown with gold flowers and spires that mimicked the castle of the Ak-hal. The dress that I wore was of cream-colored brocade, decorated with a gold pattern. At the neck and the sleeves, it was lined with Kamani pelt. It had a tight bodice, and long sleeves that flared at the cuffs, covering my shaking hands. I might not have been dying, but I could feel the sand in my hourglass running out, grain by miniscule grain.

Clara painted my face with foundation that made my complexion white—pearlescent, like the Ak-hal. Gold eyeshadow rimmed my lids, bringing out the hazel shade of my eyes. My lips were painted bright crimson—a shade that reminded me of Jenny. The two women returned, each holding a black velvet box. Clara opened the box held by the woman on the left. It contained an intricate gold necklace, with rubies set within its netting. She placed it around my neck, where it hung heavily. She turned and opened the box held by the woman on the right. It held a pair of large ruby earrings. The rubies were shaped like large, bloody teardrops. They tugged on my earlobes.

The effect of the bloody gems and the ornate crown and the makeup was striking. I looked completely foreign to myself. I had, in the space of two weeks, become a creature of this strange, arctic planet. Shakal, I reminded myself. I had shifted into an alien to my own self. Clara’s face smiled at me proudly. The door to the bathroom opened, and Sarita entered, wearing her own version of the crown that I wore. Hers was far more ornate, set with deep-blue stones. Her makeup was more natural than my own. She smiled, and I loathed her entirely in that moment. It was her fault that I was here.

“You look stunning,” she said, pride evident in her voice. I kept my mouth closed, for fear of what might come out. “You look worthy of becoming the next princess.” My mind went blank as anger shot through me. I found my mouth free to speak my mind.

“You’re a bitch,” I hissed. The whole room went silent, the low buzz of conversation going silent in shock. I felt everyone’s eyes on me, something that had been happening far too often for my own introverted comfort. Sarita slapped me across the face, white foundation covering the palm of her hand. The skin of my cheek burned.

“If you have nothing edifying to say, you will remain quiet. Is that understood?” she yelled powerfully. I said nothing, glaring at her as I held my cheek. “My son deserves the best. From this day forward, you will endeavor to deserve him.” She turned on her heel, her shoes clicking on the tiles of the floor. Clara immediately patched up the foundation on my face. She said nothing, for which I was grateful.



The sound of drums was loud in the cold dawn. They were deep, insistent, like the beat of my racing heart. The sun was rising, small and golden on the horizon. The five girls stood on a scaffold, set up in the main courtyard of the palace. I stood beside my betrothed, shivering in my elaborate dress. My neck ached from holding up my head while wearing the crown, and my tiny golden slippers pinched my toes.

The drums paused, and the five girls knelt down, placing their heads face down on the blood-stained wooden blocks. Their hair had been cut short, so it wouldn’t be in the way of the sword’s final blow. The Ak-hal had taken everything from them—their homes, their lives, even their last words.

As the sun rose, the shining broadsword in the executioner’s hand swept down, five times. I felt sick. But if I vomited, or showed any sign of weakness, then the Ak-hal might change their minds. There was more pressure on me, as a new royal. When the execution was over, the executioner stepped off the platform, leaving the gore behind him.

“Come,” Moranen said, holding his hand out to me. I placed my hand within his. I let myself be led inside, Moranen grasping my hand as we went in procession, following the king and queen inside the palace. We walked slowly. We followed them, straight up to the dais, where they sat in their respective chairs. The red lanterns had been removed from the ceiling, and now white ones hung in their place. White streamers and large bunches of the blue flowers dangled beside them. Golden sunlight gave them a warm hue. The floor was strewn with blue petals. I would have found it lovely, had my heart not been pounding in fear and dread. The other pairs to be mated waited in line behind us. The only thought in my mind was that there was nothing for me to do. There was no way out.

The shaman of the Ak-hal came up to the dais, and stood between Moranen and me. He was dressed in black robes. He had long, flowing black hair. He wore many golden rings on his fingers, and they clinked against a large golden goblet that he held. Around his neck, on a thick golden chain, hung a large chunk of what looked like amber, but seemed to be glowing, pulsating strangely. On his head, there was a large, ornate headdress, reminiscent of the crescent moon, a sliver balanced upon a golden cap on his head. His eyes were golden, and his pupils were black slashes—reptilian. He handed me the golden cup, filled with a dark, viscous liquid.

“You’re supposed to drink,” Moranen whispered to me.

“What is it?” I asked. He smiled and shook his head.

“Don’t worry about that.” I put my lips to the gold cup and drank. I almost choked when the acrid stuff burned my throat—it was thick, glutinous.

“It’s disgusting.”

“Quiet,” Moranen hissed as the shaman took the cup back. He placed my hand into Moranen’s. I looked up into my soon-to-be mate’s almost-human brown eyes. The shaman began the ceremony. As he chanted in the Ak-hal language, a feeling akin to a rush of endorphins surged into me, filling my core with ice. Whatever he was doing, in joining me with Moranen, it made me like the Ak-hal. Moranen smiled widely as he noted some outward change, and my heart stopped. I was numb, barely listening to what was going on, as the sound of my pulse beat loudly in my ears like the drums, counting down my last seconds as a mortal. The shaman placed a white ring in Moranen’s hand, made of mithrim, with a large, black gem clasped in an elaborate setting. He slid it onto my hand. It was over.

He led me to the side of the dais, to the left of his mother, where two white chairs were placed so that we could watch the rest of the mating ceremonies in state. I sat down, staring. Moranen leaned over, whispering in my ear.

“The ceremony will be complete as soon as we consummate it.” According to his Ak-hal nature, there was no emotion in his voice as he said those words. Dread filled me at his words. I would rather have stuffed my mouth with poison than have sex with this cold brute beside me. I hadn’t ever wanted to have sex, even with my human boyfriends. They would pressure me, and I would automatically withdraw from the relationship. I had never been ready. At twenty-one, or, as I had been in a coma for eighty years, one hundred and one, I was still a virgin. Jenny had been the only person to know for sure, even though it was a rumor in our small town.

The ceremonies went by slowly. The pairs were shuffled through the ceremony quickly. They were all exactly the same—human woman mated to Ak-hal male, their skin going luminous, and their eyes glowing with the immortal fire of the Ak-hal as the shaman worked his occult magic. My backside and my spine ached from how long I sat. The sun slowly changed its angle through the large, arched windows of the hall.

There was another dance, like the one that had taken place when we had first arrived. Although I was a spectator this time, I could make no sense of it. It was done with the sang-froid and military precision of the Ak-hal. I looked around for the source of the music, but still saw none. It sounded as though there should be a string quartet somewhere, but they were invisible. The door to the hall slammed open as the dance ended, and the couples arranged themselves in lines. They stood to the sides, so that there was a neat aisle through them.

People entered—people who weren’t the Ak-hal. I felt myself sit up straighter in my seat. Moranen noticed my sudden motion. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw him glance at me, askance.

The people were tall and muscular, their skin dark, mahogany. I watched them approach, spellbound. I knew that they were the Kamani, come to make a false bargain. They were dressed in large, handwoven clothing, thick and tawny in color. Their garb seemed to be a single piece—a jumpsuit. They had large, knee-high boots on in some snow-resistant shiny material. They were tall, the men’s heads closely shaved, and the women wearing their black, silken hair long and loose. Their eyes were almond-shaped, and their irises were a bright gold color.

Their leader, a tall, muscular-seeming man, wore a headdress of red. He appeared to be in his late forties. But I knew next to nothing about the Kamani, so he could have been any age. His headdress was almost like a turban, made of cloth folded in an elaborate manner. It reminded me of a van Eyck painting. My gaze fell upon the Kamani standing next to the leader. He looked back at me, his face open. His eyes were warm as he smiled at me, and I had the overwhelming ache to stand beside him instead of beside Moranen. I felt myself falling, while at the same time, I reminded myself that it was too late—I was doomed. I felt Moranen’s hand close possessively upon mine, like a vise.

Run. It’s a trap, I thought, unable to voice the words.

The Kamani cocked his head to the side, his warm, golden eyes studying me, as though he could hear me. Please, I thought. Do something. I felt something—an answer, coming from him.

The courtyard.


Meet me outside. I wanted to drown in his golden eyes. I could feel his warmth from across the dais. I had, for two weeks, sought a way out, and he had walked through the door, almost moments too late.

Meanwhile, the leader spoke to the king. They had a rather tense discussion. I focused on it for a moment, getting my bearings, which had become entirely unmoored by the entrance of the Kamani.

“We seek to make an alliance,” the Kamani leader said in the language of the Ak-hal. “We seek peace. We wish for the killings of the Kamani to cease. In return, we will give you access to the resources that you seek.” The king nodded, and I saw a wild light in his eyes. He smiled and stood.

“Your alliance is granted. Stay.” He waved his hand magnanimously. “We are celebrating the mating of my son.” The Kamani all bowed to him as he did to them.

“We are honored to be your guests,” the Kamani leader said. “We remain in good faith.” His face had taken on a hesitant look, however. I realized that the Kamani had likely communicated my warning to their leader. They were directed to seats along the side of the hall, as had been planned in the War Room. The Kamani were to leave here today with everything that they had asked, believing that the Ak-hal were no longer a threat. That wasn’t what was important, however. I needed an excuse to leave. This instant.

However, at that moment, Moranen grasped my hand tightly, pulling me to my feet. I found myself whisked to the center of the crowd of Ak-hal. They closed in about us, creating a circle with a five-foot circumference. My mind was in a flurry.

Focus. The voice of the male Kamani encouraged. You can do this. When he spoke to me, it was in my own language—I didn’t understand how this was possible. I accepted it as divine grace. I would be saved at the eleventh hour—all I needed to do was get out. Now.

Moranen’s hand went to my hip, while the other pulled my hand up to about shoulder height. The strange, seemingly sourceless music of the Ak-hal began again. I had been instructed that this would happen. I had been dreading it. Out of the corners of my eyes, I could see the crowd of finely dressed Ak-hal and their human mates. They blocked out the Kamani entirely, but I could sense him. He was like a magnet, his force field calling out to me, even as I was paraded around by the Ak-hal, who was technically, my husband. He told me to be calm. I was in charge of my destiny for the first time in eighty years.

With that realization, my brain functioned for the first time since my abduction. I was smart. I had always been the straight-A student, the teacher’s pet, and then, later on, the teacher. I had a way out, I just needed to get myself from point A to point B. I placed my foot, in its tiny gold slipper, firmly upon the hem of my dress. As Moranen forced me to the side like a life-sized doll, my skirt tore loudly. He paused, his eyes going wide. He looked enraged.

“What did you do?” he snapped as there was a large intake of breath from the crowd.

“I… I slipped,” I said, truly embarrassed, as my Spanx-like underwear was on display in front of a large crowd of people. I could hear them all whispering—it was the sound of many bees, whose hive had been breached. My face flushed red with all the negative attention.

“Go fix it.” He turned away from me in disgust. He looked to his parents, who also seemed quite upset. Clearly, I had prevented the ritual from moving forward as planned. Perhaps they were finally getting the idea—I wasn’t an ideal mate. I never would be. Even though my body had obeyed, my mind had been fighting for two weeks. My departure from Ak-hal custom and etiquette had been preordained from the start.

I lifted my skirts as I ran for the door, feigning to comply in complete embarrassment. Relief flooded me as I fled down the hallway, quickly making my run for freedom. My tiny gold slippers clicked on the stones of the floor. I heard footsteps behind me, and my heart dropped. I turned to look, finding the Kamani male running after me.

“Go!” he yelled in English, enough to almost make me pause. “Keep running!” I did as he said, reaching the door that led out to the main courtyard. I pushed at the heavy door. He ran up beside me, throwing his full weight against it. It opened, slowly, and we forced our way out and into the arctic cold. I gasped.

“We can’t stop now,” he said, taking my hand in his. It was warm and smooth. Even though I wasn’t yet in the clear, I felt safe for the first time since I had left Jenny’s party. He led me part way through the courtyard. He let go of my hand and took a few steps away from me. I stood, watching him. He removed his strange jumpsuit. I stared. Naked, he was beautiful. His whole body was muscular, yet sinewy, graceful. He was too perfect to be human. There was much of the alien about him—similar to the Ak-hal, yet vastly different. His cock was enormous. I felt warmth in the pit of my stomach, desire.

At that moment, he shifted, the sound of bone and sinew snapping, and a large white bear stood before me. His eyes were golden fire, and his fur was thick. He was elegant and enormous, like any true predator, noble in mien. He snorted, hot breath steaming the air around his face in a large cloud.

Get on my back. We have to go now.

Okay. He cocked his head to the side, confused by my response—it was a word that he didn’t know. Yes, I told him. He nodded his large head, crouching to let me climb on. I clambered on, my dress inhibiting my range of movement. I sat awkwardly on his back, side-saddle. I wrapped my arms around his neck, entangling my fingers into his soft fur.

There was the sound of yelling, glass breaking. I turned to glance back at the castle. I saw a large, reptilian head rise above the crenellated towers. Its huge maw opened, and flames shot into the darkening sky. It screeched, a loud, prehistoric sound cutting the air.

The fight is beginning. We must go. His consciousness was a calming press against my own, a light touch, like a warm hand. When roused, the Ak-hal are fierce.

Yes. He took off, lumbering at a high speed. I held on for dear life, shivering in the icy wind. Night was coming on. I had been inside at the ceremonies all day. Behind us, the sounds of battle rang out between the Ak-hal and the Kamani.

I thought you came to make peace, I said to him, testing out this connection between our minds.

We came to rescue the humans. We cannot trust the Ak-hal. We never will. They have been killing us for our pelts for over a century. They have plans to take over control of our planet as soon as they have added more numbers to their population. If they are allowed to continue, they will wipe out the Kamani and destroy Aman.

What is Aman?

This land. This planet.

I see.

They have abducted many humans this time. Far more than ever before.

A loud rumbling rang out in his large bear chest. I leaned in, wrapping my arms around his great neck. If I leaned in closer, I got more of his warmth. He smelled musky, and I found myself burying my face in his fur.

He sped across the tundra. Everywhere I looked I only saw luminous snow and darkened skies.

Why is it dark, so soon?

The Ak-hal chose the shortest day of the year, so their mating ceremony would end after dark. The sacrifice of the unwanted must happen at daybreak, and the conclusion of the mating must occur after moonrise.

Sacrifice of the unwanted?

They require a blood sacrifice before their ceremonies. It has something to do with making their human mates immortal. Did they not give you an elixir to drink?

Yes. My heart stopped, and my stomach roiled queasily. I drank blood?

Mixed with other elements.

Have they… changed me?

A bit. Nothing that cannot be remedied, little one.

Little one? I bristled a bit. It was too soon for pet names.

Compared to me, you are tiny and young. I felt then the weight of his years—he had been living far longer than I had—he was slightly ancient. It was strange. As I looked over his enormous ursine head, I saw a dark line along the horizon.

What is that?

Ice caves. We can stay there until the others join us. Then we will go home.






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