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Dragon Warrior's Heart (Dragons of Mars Book 5) by Leslie Chase, Juno Wells (7)



The data just kept coming in now that Ashley had a way to see what was happening. For a few days technicians had swarmed around her and the stardrive, a bustling hive of work as they took advantage of the diagnostic displays. The best bit, for her, was that Kosar spent more time in the room with her, translating the alien script.

Most of it was a recitation of things that were broken, and often the terms meant nothing. What was a 'median hyperflux modulator' anyway? But at least it was progress. Now they could see what they were doing.

The problem was the guilt. All the technicians congratulated her and Kosar had a pleased, almost smug, look that said that he'd known she'd achieve something. For a moment at least she was the star of the Imperial Research Center, which made her plan to steal from them feel even worse than it already had. Only Cooper didn't seem happy with her, watching with a petulant expression as she became the center of attention.

"Taking risks like that isn't science, it's reckless," he told her once he managed to catch her alone. They were in the center's cafeteria, both late to lunch, and there was hardly anyone in the huge room.

"I'm not a scientist," Ashley reminded him with a sigh, dropping her spoon into her bowl. She had no idea what the food was — it was produced by the dragons' almost magical foodmakers, and all the meals were alien foods. What she did know was that it was delicious, and she resented the intrusion into her mealtime.

"Which is why you should run ideas like that past me first," Cooper said, pulling out a chair and joining her. "This is my area of expertise."

"Would you have said yes?" Ashley asked, resigning herself to not finishing her lunch.

Cooper made a little exasperated noise. "Maybe, after due study. Taking the appropriate precautions. Not just... yanking the jammed panel open and hoping it worked."

"Bullshit," Ashley said, trying to keep her hands from balling into fists. Maybe she should watch her tone around him, but she was tired and had better things to worry about. "How do I know it's bullshit? Because I sent you an email about the idea days ago and you haven't said a thing about it."

Cooper's face went red and his mouth worked silently for a second before he answered. "Look, I have a lot of things to deal with here. You don't appreciate how busy I am: your email is on the list."

"Yeah, well, I guess that's one less thing for you to worry about," Ashley told him. "I don't want to tread on your toes, but this is exactly the kind of thing I'm good at. You're better at reading the data we're getting than I am, and that's the important thing, right?"

Let's see if a bit of flattery will help, she thought. It was partly true, even. He did have a good eye for the data and working out what it meant, but that was meaningless without any data to work from. If he had his way, his 'Baby' would sit in the Grace of Herendar unsullied by any attempts to actually use it.

Cooper didn't seem to notice any insincerity, though. He preened under her praise, his soft face flushing slightly as he basked in what he imagined to be her adulation. Ashley was torn between annoyance and amusement at how pathetic he looked and tried not to show either.

"I suppose it's true that you've given me a lot to work with," he said, patting her hand. It took an effort not to flinch from his clammy touch. "But it was too big a risk to the Baby. So, don't do anything like that again, okay? We've got data enough for years of simulations from what you've done already."

That's as close to a thank you as I'm going to get, I expect. Ashley leaned away from the scientist unconsciously, trying to think. She didn't have years to wait for him to finish with the data she'd uncovered. Weeks maybe, months perhaps, but Michael would be dead before Cooper felt ready to authorize more tests. If he'd ever feel ready.

"Come on, just think about how famous you'll be when you crack this," she said, trying to appeal to Cooper's vanity. His chest swelled as she spoke and a smirk spread across his face. Good signs, so she pressed on. "Surely that's worth taking a little chance for?"

Nope. Even that was too far. His gaze hardened, and he looked at her as though she was a saboteur or something.

"It's not worth taking any risks for," he said in a quiet, dangerous voice. "There's no competition for this. No one else can beat me to the finish line. The only way that I fail is if you do something to damage the Baby and steal my chance."

Or if you never take any chances and waste years going through what you already know. But Cooper wasn't going to listen to her, that was clear. And it wasn't really her job to help him, she reminded herself. All she needed to do was get the data he already had and get out. Somehow. The quantum communicator couldn't handle that much data, and there was far too much to get onto her phone. Sneaking anything out of Center was an exercise in futility. The doors scanned her each time she left, and if she had unauthorized data storage on her, it would be detected.

Her thoughts were interrupted by Cooper as he leaned in close, smiling what he seemed to think was a charming smile. His ruddy face glistened with sweat but at least, this once, he was making an effort to keep his eyes on hers, rather than letting them drift down to her chest.

"That's not what I came here to talk about, though," he said. "I wanted to congratulate you on what you did manage to achieve. We ought to celebrate, don't you think? This evening at mine, perhaps?"

Under the table, his hand brushed her thigh. Ashley froze.

Oh god.

"I'd rather not," she said, suppressing her instinctive reaction. That was torn between leaping backward and hitting him, neither of which seemed like good ideas. Tempting, yes, but not helpful. She needed to keep this job and keep access to his data. That put a limit on how hard she could react.

Cooper's gaze hardened, and he made no move to back off. His smug smile faltered just a little and then twisted into a sneer. "Don't play hard to get, Ash. It's just a waste of my time."

His hand moved up her leg, and without making a conscious decision she grabbed his wrist.

"My name is Ashley," she said firmly, surprised at how calm she sounded. "Now take your hand back or I'll snap it off at the wrist, okay? If I want you anywhere near me, I'll tell you."

Not smart. I need him. But there were lines she wouldn't cross, and letting this sleazebag feel her up was one of them. If he makes trouble, I'll find a way around it.

It was grimly satisfying to watch his eyes as he tried to resist her grip. He wasn't weak, exactly, but a lifetime of clambering into ruins and hauling damaged goods back out had left Ashley with more muscles than he'd expected. His face grew redder and then he snatched back his hand, standing up and towering over her.

"Don't you talk to me like that," Cooper snarled. "You're done here. If you don't apologize right this minute, you're finished!"

Ashley stood, her heart pounding, trying not to show her fear. His rage was sudden, intense, frightening, and she wished that she had some witnesses or something, in case he became violent. The canteen was still empty, and she had no idea if someone would hear a cry for help.

But there was no way in hell she was going to apologize to this man.

"You aren't my boss," she said, taking a careful step back and getting a little distance. He was between her and the door. Of course he was. "You can't fire me. And if you try, if you make anything of this, the fuss won't do your reputation any favors. Maybe the dragons won't let you keep working on your Baby anymore. Why don't we just both get back to work? You get to be famous for your discoveries, that's what you want, right?"

Narrowing his eyes, Cooper took a step after her and then paused. The anger warred with caution in his eyes. That's what Ashley'd been counting on — this was a man who wanted fame and wouldn't take a single chance to get it. Would he risk his place here to get revenge on her for turning him down?

Yes, she realized. Yes he will, but not right now and not right here. I'll have to watch my back from here on out.

"You think you can talk to me like that, just because Kosar's sweet on you?" Cooper shook his head, disgust showing, but he turned away. "I'll show you. I'll show you both, don't you worry."

Great. Now the scientist sounds like a mad scientist. Ashley carefully let out a breath as he stalked away. That was another pressure on her to get her work done and get out. As if she'd needed more pressure.

Time to get back to work.