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Going Green by Celia Kyle, Erin Tate (12)


Erudan snarled at Corr’s message on his digicomm, lip curled and fiery glare on the small device. He squeezed the metal and plastic device until the satisfying crack of the housing reached him. But even that was not enough to vent his anger. He drew his arm back and launched the device at the wall, satisfied by the shower of debris when it hit the metallic surface.

Rhea emerged from the cleansing room, flushed pink and skin dewy from her warm shower. Her gaze danced over him and focused on the mess near the wall. The frown and worry on her beautiful, trusting face transformed his utter fury into unbreakable determination.

There was nothing he would not do to keep his mate safe.

“Come here.” The words came out a garbled mess of growling and snarling.

She turned her attention from the discarded digicomm to him and tightened the drying cloth wrapped around her body. She padded across the room and he tugged her close, his mate melting into his waiting arms.

She melted. For him. And without the slightest hint of hesitation, despite the anger flooding his body. He indulged himself for a moment, marveling at the power his mate had over him and sending a silent prayer of thanks to Vi and Alea both. That they had gifted him with Rhea… He did not have the words. That they would trust him with such a beautiful, luscious, delicious female who… Erudan reluctantly released her and stepped back. If his thoughts continued in that direction, they would return to the bed. Again.

“We can crawl back into bed and forget about everyone a little longer.” Rhea ran a finger across the top of her breasts, her touch lingering near the tucked corners of the drying cloth.

Both pride and desire filled him as well as awe. How quickly their bond had grown. To the point that she could pick up errant thoughts with such ease.

“You do not know how badly I wish to accept your invitation.” Droplets of water dripped from her hair and clung to her collarbone. He watched a single tear-shaped drop slide down her chest and disappear between the valley of her breasts.

“Why can’t you?” Her lower lip poked out in that pout he’d slowly begun to love. He wanted to nip and tease the small bit of flesh before he forced her to part her lips and

Now was not the time.

“While I would very much enjoy going back to bed with you,” he cupped her cheek, meeting her stare while he tried to convey his emotions, “your health, well-being, and happiness are my responsibility. You need time to recover after yesterday’s events. Passion can wait. It is time to care for your body and heart.”

Her breath caught. She gave him a tender smile. “You are so special to me. Mind-reading can’t even tell you how much.”

“I believe I have a good idea.” Because she was already equally precious to him.

Exercising what little willpower she left him with, he turned away before she dropped her towel. He could not allow himself to be further distracted by her body and the pleasures to be found within her curves.

Plans. Erudan had plans to put into action. He retrieved the offending digicomm and moved to the central living area, already typing before he’d even left the sleeping chamber. His intent was for his plans to be in motion by the time Rhea joined him.

Erudan would be Teon before the day drew to an end.

But first, he would deliver his mate from danger and confront the mistakes of his past.

“Erudan?” Rhea’s soft voice saved him from delving into his two emotional companions for the past year—dark thoughts and recriminations.

Turning, he drew her into his arms and buried his nose in her damp hair. She cuddled into his embrace so easily, as though she had been created for him—to fill his life with her humor and warmth.

How had he ever believed himself able to return her to Earth? She belonged to him, a fact her father would soon be made aware of.

After giving him a hard squeeze, she leaned back and turned her attention to his face. “You’re all edgy, still. I thought maybe you’d calm a little more while I got dressed. Can I help?”

“No, my mate. This is a matter that

Rhea narrowed her eyes. “If you say it’s a matter that doesn’t concern me, I’ll… I’ll…” She glared harder. “I’ll do something.

Erudan did not believe Rhea would appreciate it if he laughed at the moment. Fierce, indignant Rhea was too adorable for words.

“I have no intention of lying. This is a matter that concerns you. I was going to say that it is a matter that is my privilege to resolve and shield you from.”

Worry flitted across her features. “Shield me? What’s going on?” She stepped back and frowned at his digicomm. “Did something happen? Is it Ahlan?”

“No, the boy is safe.” He rushed to assure her of Ahlan’s health. “Corr advised me that your father and—” he could not even utter her former, near-mate’s name— “his team have convinced the peacekeepers to double their numbers and escalate the search for you.”

Her stricken look gutted him. Erudan cupped the back of her neck and kneaded gently. “Do not worry. Your safety is my life’s mission.”

When her face paled further, he realized those words might not have helped his cause. A thought reaffirmed when her next words were hardly a whisper. “Do you think this is a life or death thing now?”

Silently, he cursed his poor choice of words, even though the sentiment was accurate. Her stricken expression turned to one of horror. Desperate to erase her distress, he rushed to reassure her. “No, there will be no violence.”

Unless someone attempted to take her. In which case, he would dismantle the universe itself if that was what it took to protect her and their future. “I contacted warriors who are loyal to myself and Vroe. They will arrive soon and provide us an escort to private transport.”

“When you say escort, do you mean a police escort? Like, armed and ready to do battle? Erudan…” She slowly shook her head. “Don’t you think that’s a little overkill? I mean, he’s my dad.”

“He is a male with great political strength who believes his continued power is tied to your mating a weak human male. He has resorted to bribery and allying himself with a Rargar.” His words were hard and his tone aggressive until he noticed the glistening tears in Rhea’s eyes. He forced himself to calm and soften his speech. “I am sorry to upset you, my mate, but you look to your father and see the male who raised you. I see a male who wishes to take you from me.”

She drew in a shaky breath and nodded. “I know. I just… an armed escort?”

“Rhea, my one.” He enveloped her in his arms, holding her gently. “This is for the best. We are newly mated and my firez is not yet a distant memory. I cannot predict how I will respond to a threat to our bond. An escort is for the protection of all, not just us. They will stand between my fury and your father should he attempt to intervene. Perhaps thinking of it in that way will ease you.”

He hoped.

“Okay, I guess I can think about it from that angle. I’m just not excited by the idea of having my own personal army, you know?” Offering a smile, she turned her head and pressed a kiss to his arm. “Regardless, I’m ready when you are.”

Erudan glanced at his digicomm. “When the guards are near, they will…” He paused as the alert came through. “Ah, they have arrived.”

“What?” Rhea pulled out of his embrace and padded to one of the ports. She peeked out and gasped. “Seriously? All of these warriors are for me?”

“They are for Teon and Taems.”

She tore her gaze from the scene outside. “Taems?”

“The title of the Teon’s mate.” He hesitated and cursed himself for his cowardice. Even though they had discussed what being Teon of Vialea meant, he had not informed her of his plans to resume his position. And drag Rhea with him.

“You didn’t mention that last night.” Rhea glanced at the window once again, bottom lip stuck between her teeth. “We can’t exactly talk about it right now.” He had her focus again. “But we definitely will later.”

Relieved by the short reprieve he had been granted, he nodded his agreement and went to the door. “Of course. It is nothing bad.”

“Right, I didn’t think it was anything bad. It’s just that when we left off last night, you were still debating on returning.” She gestured toward the window. “I guess all those guys being here means the debate has been decided? I wish I’d been part of that decision, is all.”

Erudan internally winced and paused with his hand on the door latch. He looked down at his mate and hated the wounded expression covering her features. If he could kick his own ass, he would. In that instant, he decided the escort could wait while he repaired the growing rift between them. He took her face in his hands and gazed into her eyes. One of the things he had learned from his brother’s relationship was the importance of acknowledging his female’s feelings and owning his mistakes.

“I will not make excuses, Rhea. I am sorry I did not include you or prepare you for this. I will not make the same mistake again.”

The deepest lines of her sadness eased and she wrapped her hands around his wrists and gave him an affectionate squeeze. Despite her upset, a teasing smile played at the corner of her kips. “You won’t, huh? That’s a big claim.”

Erudan grumbled at himself. Her words were true. “Forget that promise. Simply know that when I do make an error, I will apologize and rectify my mistake.”

The smile that had threatened to emerge now blossomed across her lips. She rose onto her tiptoes and brushed her mouth across his. “Thank you, Erudan. Let’s get out of here. Our space-chariot awaits, and who knows how long before it turns into a pumpkin.”

Erudan made a mental note to discover the meaning of chariots and pumpkins as he led the way to their escort.

Despite his year of self-imposed exile, he fell back into the role of Teon as though he had never ceased being Vroe’s second in command. The warriors—Vroe’s warriors—gave Erudan and Rhea the respect due the Teon and his Taems and formed ranks to escort them to the transport.

Given the cramped nature of Ikkim’s residential areas, the transport was forced to land three blocks away from his dwelling. In the midst of wider byways and with a decreased chance of being blocked in by an enemy force.

During the brief march, he held Rhea close, all senses alert and his body prepared to defend her from any threat. It wasn’t until the transport came into view that the threat manifested—two human males and a dangerous Rargar near their destination.

A strangled gasp escaped Rhea and she clutched his hand. “How did they even know we were leaving?”

The nearest warrior answered her question. “Word of our arrival must have spread quickly.”

Erudan caressed her palm with his thumb, rubbing soothing circles as he projected what calm he could muster. He lowered his lips to her ear. “I know you believe the guards perhaps betrayed us and accepted bribes from your father, but that is not the case. These males are honorable and loyal to the royal house—to our house.”

Rhea stopped gnawing her bottom lip in order to smile faintly. She lowered her voice to a whisper. “You said ‘our.’”

With a start, he realized she was right, but there was no time to contemplate the ease with which entwining their lives and becoming Teon was returning to him. While he and Rhea talked, their escort had continued to press forward until they could go no further.

The transport was so close. Close enough for him to see the interior beyond the open door—if he peered over the heads of Rhea’s father, the Rargar, and the pitiful excuse for a male who had harmed her heart so badly.

The short, round human Rhea called “dad” drew himself up and thrust out his chest—and belly. “Rhea, I can see you hiding behind that… man. Get over here. I’m taking you home.”

“That male is her mate.” Erudan bit off every word. “She will not be going anywhere with you. Vialea is her home. Step aside.”

Her father mouthed the word “mate” and his face paled. Unfortunately fear only seemed to make him more foolish. While the other human and peacekeepers shifted uneasily, her father attempted to make himself look even taller and larger. “She is human and my daughter. She belongs with me.”

The Rargar muttered something and took a large step away from Rhea’s father. Some of the peacekeepers did as well. Good. They should all be second guessing their stupidity.

“On Vialea, a mate’s claim comes before a familial claim. You have no authority over Rhea. She came to Vialea by choice. We mated—by choice—and now you will stand aside by choice or I will force you to do so.” He paused, letting the words sink into the human’s mind. “Further, I grant you one standard hour to depart before I take further action. Because you are her father, I will refrain from banning you from the planet entirely so you might know our children someday. Might.” Erudan would not allow someone such as Rhea’s father to use his young. “You have used my mate for the last time. Your actions going forward will determine whether I trust you to interact with our young.”

Erudan shifted his focus to the human Calvin and bared his teeth. “You, however, are permanently banned. Vians do not suffer fools.”

Rage rolled off Rhea’s father in a heavy wave, making his eyes wild and the top of his bald head shiny and red. “Do you know who I am? You can’t treat me this way. As if you could ban me from the planet.” He scoffed. Sneering at Erudan, he stepped aside and looked past him. “Rhea, stop this foolishness. You’ve caused enough problems. We’re leaving. Now.”

Rhea shuddered and her scent changed. She had carried an air of uneasiness since they had left his dwelling, but now the stench of fear washed over her.


He reached out and tapped three members of their escort and signaled them to form a shield around her. The warriors moved without a word and he released his mate’s hand. He fought to project a calm reassurance through his mounting fury as he strode forward to confront her father.

Towering above the human male, he allowed the full force of his presence, the practiced haughty attitude and cockiness he’d perfected over the years as Teon.

His voice dropped low, menacing, and for the human’s ears only. “I do not care who you are. Your human status means nothing on Vialea. You should only concern yourself with this—” He thumped his chest. “I am a Vian warrior who has claimed his female. I would destroy worlds for her. Do you believe I would balk at killing one human to ensure her happiness?”

Around them, Erudan sensed the human’s entourage shrink away, removing themselves from the danger zone. Her father was not that intelligent.

The soft male sputtered. “Threatening a foreign official

Behind him, Rhea whimpered in distress and Erudan… snapped.

He grabbed her father by the front of his jacket and hauled the male up to eye level, leaving the older human’s feet flailing in the air.

Do not attempt to claim power on my world. There are only two males with that right and only one ranks higher than me. My brother would not condemn me for destroying you. He would commend me and host a parade in my honor!”

His muscles quivered with the force and heat of his rage, making the human’s teeth chatter. The human’s eyes widened and exposed the whites, sending a wave of satisfaction through him. Yes, he quite enjoyed scaring others. Especially those who sought to harm his mate.

Erudan sensed Rhea an instant before her small hand came to rest on his back. A growl rose in his throat and he pushed it down. Whichever of the guard permitted her to move closer to a threat

“Hush, Erudan, look at me.” She spoke in a whisper, but he heard her so clearly. Almost as if she spoke into his mind. He held her father at arm’s length, so the male could not reach his daughter, and shifted his gaze to Rhea’s.

“You should return to the safety of our guard,” he urged.

Her lips curved and she petted his arm as though stroking a cat. He would not admit to how good that felt. “And I’d rather stay right here with you.” She tipped her head toward her father. “Will you let him go? I’m not afraid of him. He has no power here.”

Rhea continued to caress him, his tunic blocking her from his skin, yet he could imagine the sensations of her palm on his back. He shuddered as she lulled him back from the killing edge, soothing the worst of his fury until the need to fight fled. He dropped her father to the ground and ignored the human male’s blubbering in favor of pulling Rhea into his arms.

Nestled against his side, she addressed her father and the younger male—the cowardly younger male who had remained silent and retreated from the confrontation.

“Dad.” Rhea took a deep breath. “Calvin. You should both do as you’ve been told and leave immediately. I’m happy here and I won’t be going back with you. Erudan is my mate and if you keep fighting that fact, you’ll cause an interplanetary incident. I’m pretty sure Vians are strike first and ask questions later when it comes to their mates. I love you, Dad, despite everything. It’s best if you go.”

Her father shifted uneasily, one hand rubbing his throat. “Rhea

“No.” She held up her hand to silence the male, and Erudan had never been so proud. He sensed her heartache and pain, but she stood strong in the face of emotional agony. “There’s nothing more to talk about. Maybe in time I’ll forgive you, but right now you need to leave.”

Rhea’s voice remained steady to match her resolve, but Erudan sensed what she didn’t allow anyone else to see—his mate’s pain at losing her family became his own. He held it close, attempting to shield her from whatever he could.

In that moment—as her father and his contingent backed down—Erudan resolved to be the family she had lost. He would surround her with his own. He would give her a brother and sister in Vroe and Jassa, a niece and nephew, and eventually, they would have their own young.

Provided Vroe welcomed his return.