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Going Green by Celia Kyle, Erin Tate (9)


Rhea wasn’t sure what to expect when they returned to Ikkim. With the way Erudan spoke of the trading station and the memories of dark alleys, she expected an unruly mob fighting over fish and silk scarves. She could have totally handled fierce shoppers snatching the last pair of six/seven shoes. She was a card-carrying survivor of ten Black Fridays, after all.

Ikkim teemed with people, groups sliding past each other like swirling lines of bodies. But they weren’t the rowdy crowd Erudan described to her. In truth, it was nice to be among people—well, aliens—for a change. A relief from the tension that strung taut between her and Erudan. It was like a rain-heavy gray cloud, biding its time to burst and soak them.

Erudan, on the other hand, wasn’t comfortable at all. Oh, he still moved with the loose-limbed confidence of a male who knew he could best any challenger. He didn’t give off the vibe that he was afraid in any way. He simply hated the crowd.

It didn’t take her long to realize his reaction to the mass of bodies was due to his need to protect her.

He glared at anyone who strayed within six feet of her. Those glares turned into growls if they didn’t get the hint the first time. She wondered if he’d resort to biting.

It was almost laughable. And then she did laugh, attempting to stifle the sound with her hand when he sent a doddering old humanoid—who had more arms than tufts of hair—skittering away.

His protectiveness went beyond a normal guard doing his duty into some other stratosphere. Some women would have been turned off by his behavior. Annoyed, too. As for Rhea… She didn’t mind. After spending so many hours looking over her shoulder, wondering when the Department of Population would strike, it was nice to be able to put her trust into someone else. At least for a little while.

The warm, fuzzy sensation stayed with her as they wandered through the crowd until they meandered into an area that seemed familiar. Her attention drifted across the dirty, metal space. She spied one shop window she recognized and then another sign she thought she recalled. Yes, these were the streets she’d raced through the night before when chasing the thief. They appeared different by day, open storefronts and the lively pedestrian crowd banishing the sense of danger in the light.

Bright textiles were displayed every few feet, the flashing colors beckoning her.

“Oooh.” Something almost lighter than air and electric blue waved at her from the back of a hovcar being used as a mobile store. She changed direction, intent on getting her hands on that filmy cloth.

Only to jerk to a sharp stop. Fear shot through her, adrenaline flooding her veins in a subconscious rush as she realized she’d been grabbed from behind. Someone had grasped the back of her top, pulling her shirt tight against her chest. The grip caused the bottom to ride up and flash her belly to God and everyone. Well, not God. She flashed the Vians’ gods.

What were their names again? Dammit, she should know this! The one time she needed the information she’d studied and panic made her forget everything.

Or maybe it hadn’t been in her head to begin with? She’d tried to cram it all in during her travels. Really. But worry over being chased by her father and the Department of Population had sort of made that difficult. AKA: Impossible.

Names of gods aside, someone—something—snared her.

Visions of being hauled back to Earth by her shirt consumed her mind. The different punishments and her long, drawn-out future as an incubator overtaking any rational thought.

No. She wouldn’t go down easily.

Rhea knew that the only way someone could have gotten their hands on her was if they did something to Erudan. So that meant she was on her own.

Well… Rhea balled her hands into fists and screamed. “I’m gonna kick your ass!”

She twisted in her captor’s grip and swung her fists in a blind arch. She sought flesh and bone, intent on beating her captor and breaking free. Then she’d see how she could help her downed mate.

“Touch my mate, will you?” she snarled.

Whoever had grabbed her released a low, masculine grunt when her elbow connected with something soft and squishy. It was a grunt that sounded suspiciously like it belonged to

“Ma—Rhea! Calm yourself.” Strong arms banded around her, pinning her elbows to her sides. Erudan restrained her so efficiently she released a grunt of her own while she fought down her embarrassment. Had she really believed she was strong enough to fight herself free?

Her face burned hot and all she wanted to do was hide behind her hands. She wiggled her arms so she could bring her palms to her cheeks, but her hands fluttered in the air like a pathetic imitation of a T-Rex.

Erudan chuckled. Or at least she thought he did. The huff of breath across her ear could have been anything, but the vibration in his chest had to be laughter.

“You are a fierce female. Thank you for trying to defend me again.” His voice was so close… So deep and sexy as hell.

Rhea shivered as a tendril of desire snaked its way down her spine.

“Are you chilled?” He hugged her closer.

Chilled? Not so much. But she’d take hugs and cuddles. She snuggled closer and closed her eyes, reveling in the feel of his arms. The bustling market was colorful and fascinating, but she wanted to savor

Erudan relaxed his arms and released her to stand on her own power. Dammit.

With a sigh, she tucked the memory of his embrace to the back of her mind. She’d definitely be taking that one out again later. Way later. Like, when she was alone and wouldn’t be interrupted while she imagined him touching her all over.

Oh, she liked that fantasy too. Except a bellow and babbling in some alien language reminded her they were out in the open in the middle of Ikkim station.

Groaning, she pried her eyes open and found Erudan staring down at her, studying her like she was some odd scientific discovery.

The corners of his firm lips twitched with the beginnings of a smile and she narrowed her eyes. “What’s so funny?”

His smile widened and… were those dimples? She was a goner for dimples. Forgetting her mortification, she reached out and gently teased one of the tiny indents. That was when Erudan’s amused expression changed, turning warm with… interest?

Yup, that was definitely the beginnings of desire in his eyes before a double-blink banished the emotions.

Rhea froze in place, hand hovering a hair’s breadth from his face as uncertainty assaulted her.

The rumbles of the market faded to a low hum as her gaze flicked between Erudan’s stare and her tentative reach.

The truth was that she wanted to touch him. A deliberate, skin to skin caress. One that existed for the pure, simple pleasure of learning the warm texture of his skin. It hurt her heart to know that even though Celestial Mates deemed them a perfect match, Erudan didn’t want it—her.

Well, he wanted her, but he didn’t want to keep her. The feel of his hard cock against her lower stomach and the hunger in his eyes proved his desire.

He wanted her touch, wanted to kiss her, wanted

Which was the most maddening thing about this mess. He wanted, but he decided to deny himself. Deny them both.

Rhea took a deep breath and fought to calm her heart.

And her raging libido.

She wouldn’t force him to accept her. Not even if meant she would have to return to Earth.

Earth and a living hell.

Except forcing and tempting weren’t the same, were they? Because she could totally do tempting. There weren’t any rules that said she couldn’t show a male what he’d be missing due to being a stubborn ass.

Rhea tried to recall all of those Earth magazines she’d read. The ones she’d consumed in the name of research.

Wasn’t the first step to luring a reluctant male something about taking away what they longed for?

She stifled her sigh, telling herself she had to think of the long game instead of immediate results. She lowered her hand. Before she’d moved too far, Erudan engulfed her wrist with his long, thick fingers and guided her palm flush to his cheek.

“Oh.” The puff of a word burst past her lips before she remembered she was supposed to play hard to get. Or something.

His stare heated as if that single word was dirty talk and not a simple exclamation of surprise. Dirty talk wasn’t her usual thing—though virgins didn’t really have usual things, did they? But if she did, she didn’t think dirty talk would be on her list.

Those breathy, porn vid, “ooh baby, ooh baby” phrases always seemed so awkward and fake. Though maybe with Erudan

All those naughty thoughts and corresponding phrases bounced to the surface of her mind and didn’t seem silly at all. Especially if saying them out loud made him continue looking at her like that. As if he could eat her.

In the very best way.

She feathered her fingertips at the corner of his lips and her own wanted to shape the words that made her blush. Words like kiss me, touch me, lick me

He parted his lips and touched his tongue to the center of his bottom lip as if he’d read her mind. As if he was ready to do exactly as she desired.

Did Vians have mindreading abilities? What else had she missed during her speed-reading session on the Celestial Goruza?

She brushed the thoughts aside and focused on absorbing every detail. Erudan’s skin was smooth, no hint of the sandpaper feel of an adult human male’s face. But it wasn’t soft, either. No part of Erudan was soft. Hell, the way his cock constantly strained his pants, she wondered if that part of him was ever anything but rock hard.

If not, that was fine with her. Juuust fine. She had enough softness for the both of them and she was more than happy to give him a free pass to enjoy all of her softness. In fact, if he kept looking at her like a starving male, she might just beg.

The connection lasted no more than a single moment, but she was good at cramming a lot into a little. Typically, those abilities manifested during study sessions or cramming clothes into a tiny suitcase, but she made it work for her. She cataloged a billion sensory impressions into the space of a breath before someone hailed Erudan.

A friendly shout shattered the sensual spell between them and they both jolted in place, breaking the touch.


Erudan’s grip on her wrist tightened once, and then he released her. He took a step back, putting space between them and fully breaking the seductive spell.

Which left Rhea torn—insulted at the quickness he’d dropped her like a hot rock. But that was balanced against the warm fuzzies that still lingered from their unexpected connection. It didn’t hurt that Erudan released her only to shift his grip to her waist. He tucked her against his side and raised his other arm to return the greeting.

“Friend of yours?” Rhea leaned in as she asked the question. If he was going to lower his walls, she’d take the opportunity to climb on over.

Erudan frowned, and while he considered his response, she couldn’t help noticing all the other friendly looks and smiles that came their way. She found herself smiling back at the rainbow of aliens, all of whom seemed to know her mate.

Yes. Her mate. She just had to work on a way to convince him. And not only because of the whole back-on-Earth mess.

She wanted to be part of this life. The life where she could stand in a busy market, gazing into her mate’s eyes while people embraced life around them.

A few of the strangers furrowed their brows when they realized she responded on Erudan’s behalf. Okay, more than a few. Most seemed to put two and two together and she blushed as pleasant smiles turned into knowing grins. One alien even blinked a half-dozen eyes in what she assumed was a wink.

“Uh…” He frowned and blinked, his brow furrowed when she finally had his attention. “Yes, I believe that was a friend.”

Oh, sweet male. She hugged him, sliding her arm behind his back and around his waist. “You sound surprised.”

His gaze caressed her face. “I am not a male who has friends.”

“Uh-huh. If that’s true then the people of Vialea have the worst manners.” At his puzzled expression, she tipped her head toward the surging crowd. “They’ve all decided to crash the friendship party.”

He tore his attention from her and scanned the market as if seeing it for the first time. Even with the greetings she’d intercepted, there were still more who reached out to him with smiles, a kind word, and even a pat on the arm.

Erudan gradually relaxed, his own smile making a brief appearance through the thundercloud scowl he usually wore. They strolled side by side, and even his tense body softened along with his expression.

Okay, maybe softened wasn’t one hundred percent right. With every brush against him, she was more and more convinced he was a yummy, rock-solid male right to his core. But he did seem to lose the roughest edge of hardness.

He also held Rhea gentler, which was the best part of all. And also, the worst, because if she had to endure—enjoy—one more minute of his torturous caress on her hip, she was going to climb him like a hewo in front of everyone.

It wasn’t long before his hand fell away and he reached for a flowing fabric curtain. Tiny bells tinkled with the movement and she realized they’d somehow walked to a shop while she hadn’t been paying attention.

“We will find you clothing here.”

She nodded and stepped toward the opening, but a flash of bright blue caught her eye, stopping her in her tracks. “Can I ask you a question?”

“Of course.” His expression told her he was mystified. Like she was a weirdo for asking to ask.


Rhea reached out and ran her fingertips down the length of slippery blue fabric. “Why did you grab me like that earlier? When I wanted to look at that scarf.”

“When you approached the open hovcar displaying its wares?”

She nodded. “Yeah, that.”

He grimaced and lowered his head, placing his lips against her ear. “This is an open trading post. All are permitted to display their wares. Some do not care to share space with merchants of different species. They separate themselves.”

“Uh… okay?” Was he saying he was a speciesist? No way. He couldn’t

“I prefer to support a shopkeeper who is happy to share and embrace all regardless of the impact on their business.”

Rhea arched her brows. “You go out of your way to buy from shops who welcome everyone. They’re the minority in Ikkim, aren’t they?”

“I ally myself with those who need allies.”

Yup, she melted into a puddle. She gave him a quick, impulsive kiss on the cheek and entered the shop without hesitation.

The space was packed, cluttered in all the best ways. Everywhere Rhea looked she was met with color. So much she wanted to leap into the stacks and racks as if they were autumn leaves raked high.

Low, exotic music came from somewhere. The rhythm balanced between seductive and lively and she swayed her hips, unable to remain still while she dug through clothes.

“Love it!” She turned to another rack. “This is so much better than pawing through the trunk of a hovcar. Thank you—oh!”

Two compact little aliens no higher than her waist burst through a different bell-decorated curtain. They giggled like mad as they raced toward her. Instead of two arms like humans, they each possess several tentacles that waved wildly in their excitement.

“’Dan!” One of the young ones squealed as it flung its tentacles around Erudan’s legs.

“’Dan! ‘Dan! ‘Dan!” Both took up the chant.

Their nickname for Erudan made her smile so wide her cheeks hurt in what she thought was the best ache ever. Then he hunkered down to their level and gathered them close in an affectionate hug.

Right there, her ovaries exploded.

She’d always been indifferent when it came to kids. The Department of Population’s breeding program turned reproduction into a law. It didn’t make sense to dream of having a family. Anyone who wanted kids needed a mate. Otherwise they could give birth and hand the child to someone else.

When her ex popped the question and put a ring on her finger, Rhea had finally allowed herself to imagine life as a mother. That was part—one of many—of why her father’s deceit and her ex’s betrayal hurt so much. She’d allowed herself to dream and their collusion had stomped that dream out of existence.

Could Erudan put it back together?

Rhea looked on while Erudan answered a barrage of questions fired at him in two high-pitched voices. Up until that moment, she’d attributed her heartbreak to… well, heartbreak. But now, watching Erudan with the young aliens, she wondered whether there hadn’t been a different reason for the pain. Maybe losing her ex hadn’t hurt her heart, but losing her future.

The children’s curtain tinkled again, someone else emerging through the swath of fabric.

Rhea’s eyes widened as she got her first look at who could only be the children’s mother. Like her young, the female had tentacles in place of arms. They glinted with thin bands of gem-encrusted metals, the way a woman would stack rings on her fingers or bangles on her wrists. She was dressed in a filmy, flowy garment that made Rhea think of old fairytales and gypsy curses.

Rhea knew it was rude to stare, but she couldn’t seem to make herself stop. In short, this alien female was beautiful.

The newcomer clucked her tongue in the human fashion of admonishment and said something in a language Rhea didn’t understand.

Erudan glanced up, wearing a grin that made Rhea stare with her mouth hanging open. “Making them give up their favorite toy so soon, Zav?”

Zav had to be the name of the shopkeeper and mother. Rhea slowly pulled her gaze from Erudan before she drooled on the shop floor. All that sexiness playing with and teasing two kids… Who knew her growly Vian warrior had a playful, indulgent side?

“No. I am teaching them the value of good customers and respect for their Teon.” The words were stern, but her tone was gentle. There was enough amusement that Rhea knew the adorable squid-like children got away with plenty.

Rhea loved her instantly.

Erudan flashed a mock-pout and Rhea’s eyebrows crawled all the way to her bangs. He squeezed the young pair, whispered something to them, and then rose. They watched the children scurry off and then turned their attention on… her.

She hadn’t been expecting to be the sudden recipient of two pairs of eyes and squirmed beneath their stare. She blushed, realized her mouth still hung open, and snapped it shut.

She offered Zav a sheepish smile. “Good morning. Your children are adorable.”

Zav chuckled. “They are spoiled by their Teon.”

Teon? Zav had used that word twice now. Rhea opened her mouth to ask for a translation, but Erudan moved close.

He touched her elbow, speaking before she could. “Zav this is my… Rhea. She requires new garments.”

“Does she?” Zav emitted a vibrating sound that Rhea would call a thoughtful hum. The alien’s eyes twinkled as she spoke. “Would these be formal garments she requires?”

Rhea wanted to put the brakes on the idea of formal wear. Except for political events and press conferences, Rhea didn’t do formal.

Her horror must have shown because Zav laughed. She glided forward and wrapped one tentacle around Rhea’s shoulders. “I see. Come, I have many things for you. I will not allow you to leave unprepared for the world you will enter.”

Was it that obvious she was new to Vialea? Had she already done or said something rude and newbie-ish?

Rhea nibbled her lip as Zav led her on a tour of the shop, pointing out styles Rhea might like.

Zav chatted with a mix of friendly warmth tempered with professionalism. Without even realizing it, Rhea found herself sharing details of her travels on the Celestial Goruza and her arrival. When Zav gasped in horror at mention of the thief who’d stolen her belongings and shot a small glare at Erudan, Rhea winced.

“It wasn’t his fault.” She rushed to defend Erudan, scrambling for a story that wasn’t a total lie. “Uh…” Couldn’t she think of anything? “There was some confusion about the Celestial Goruza’s schedule. There was some mix up with the staff and maybe they were in a hurry.” Rhea forced a smile to her lips. “Erudan stepped in as soon as he could.”

“Stepped in?” Zav emphasized the words as if the phrase was strange to her.

Which, Rhea figured, it probably was. She just kept messing up.

“Uh, let’s just say things got a little hairy. You know how people get when there’s a full moon and all.” She waved her hand as if that full moon hovered above them at that moment.

Shrieks of laughter and a crash from the front of the shop distracted Zav, saving Rhea from even more fumbling. Zav encouraged her to explore the fabrics before rushing off to investigate the sounds.

Everything was so soft and beautiful. She wasn’t much of a shopper since most of her wardrobe was handled by her father’s people. Here she relished the tactile experience. She lost herself in running her hands over the cloth while she moved around the shop. She swayed her hips to the music and grinned at Zav’s joy-filled, energetic kids.

“You have not made any selections. Is this shop not to your liking?”

Rhea jumped and squeaked when Erudan’s voice filled her ear. She’d been so distracted by Zav snagging her kids, using tentacles to secure their wiggly bodies, that she hadn’t sensed his approach.

She whirled, hand over her startled heart. “Don’t sneak up on someone like that.”

He frowned. “I did not sneak.”

“You totally snuck.”

“I did not sneak. Only thieves do this sneaking.”

She stifled a grin. “In my world, that was a full-on ninja creep. But if you want to call it a thief move, maybe I should check your pockets to make sure you’re not trying for a five-finger discount.”

She narrowed her eyes and gave him her best suspicious visual scan. She let her gaze rove over him. His tunic was snug and well-fitted across his shoulders and chest. There wasn’t room for anything except his powerful form beneath that tight top.

In the interest of being thorough, she continued her examination southward. Erudan’s defined abs tensed as though he responded to a physical touch.

Then she was touching him. Her fingertips grazed the hard ridges of his stomach. His heat reached through the layers of his clothing. Would he burn her if she edged her hands beneath his tunic and explored the texture of his skin? The way he’d allowed her to caress his face?

Just as her touch strayed down, drawn toward the thickness that had her so curious, he groaned and trapped her palm against his stomach. She snapped back to awareness and remembered their surroundings. Mortification swept over her and she tried to tug her hand away from his, but he held her trapped a moment longer.

She stared at their nearly joined hands, half-wishing it was the first hints of their bodies joining. Because they would totally get down and dirty in the middle of the shop. They’d use a soft pile of blouses to make a luxurious bed.


Erudan released a strangled sound. “You must stop.”

“Um, okay.” Probably not a good idea to tell him she didn’t think she could. She slowly released a shaky breath and peeked at him, about to suggest he be the one to step away first. She wasn’t sure she was capable of movement. Like, ever again.

A breeze through an open window fluttered a curtain, letting the light in just so. The beam played over his arms, neck, and face, making it look like sun dappled through leaves. It gave him the illusion of changing colors in a rippling pattern of green. It wasn’t the first time she’d witnessed his skin changing color. In his kitchen that morning as he’d leaned over her, their bodies so close, the same thing happened.

“Your skin is green,” she blurted without thinking.

Erudan’s face tightened. “It is irrelevant.”

“It’s not always green, though. Is something wrong?” She rolled her eyes. “Of course, something’s wrong. You’re not usually green and now you are,” she mumbled to herself and then took a step back. “You know, your glare is kind of scary. Well, not scary-scary. You’ve never made me afraid of you, but you look…”

She was babbling and she knew it. Rhea sucked in a deep breath and tried to calm herself. Erudan did look defensive, suspicious, angry, and… turned on? Yes, he looked all of those. His face revealed an unending mural of emotions that didn’t mesh very well.

She reached for him, helping herself to another touch as she laid her hand on his cheek. His gaze shifted from something behind her and focused on her eyes.

“What’s wrong?” She kept her voice low, soothing. “Please tell me.”

He inhaled and shook his head roughly, like a puppy shedding water. His expression eased, but she could tell the relaxation was forced. “It is nothing. We must focus on you. You need clothes. Do you have a problem with this store? Do you wish to shop elsewhere?”

Rhea wrinkled her nose. “What? No. Why would I want to… oh.” She recalled his reasoning for redirecting her from the first vendor to this small shop and she shook her head. “This place is perfect. I’m happy you gave me the opportunity to meet your friend and support her business.”

His cheeks darkened. Was he embarrassed? He tugged on the collar of his tunic as if it strangled him and then nodded at the display behind her. “Good. The day grows late. We still have much to do. I will send Zav to assist you.”

Oh, right. His to-do list, which included putting her on a spaceship back to Earth. Her heart sank.

The metallic bangle of bracelets tinkled as Zav swept into view. Her tentacles were piled high with a mountain of garments.

“You insult me, Teon. I am well aware Rhea needs me and now I am here.” Zav beamed at Rhea and waved a free tentacle toward a nearby bank of doors. “Come, let us replace your stolen clothing with a wardrobe befitting a

Erudan coughed. “I will see to the children.”

“Ah-ah, I think not.” Zav glided away, pausing long enough to shake the tip of a tentacle at him in an admonishing way that only a mother could. “Rhea will want your thoughts about her choices.”

Rhea found herself agreeing with the alien woman. “Yes, please.”

Why she wanted the opinion of a male intent on throwing her away, she didn’t know, but she did. She was an independent woman capable of making her own decisions. That didn’t banish the desire to please Erudan.

Every last inch of her was deeply aware of Erudan’s overwhelming presence as he silently followed them.

“Teon, you shall remain here.” Zav pointed at a padded bench. Without waiting for a response, the woman ushered Rhea into a spacious fitting room.

The clothes Zav chose were a mix of basics—pants and blouses—as well as a few dresses that looked way too elegant for Rhea’s needs while on Vialea. And then there was the lingerie

Cheeks hot, Rhea tried to refuse the latter two. “I don’t think I’ll be needing any of this. I have a few changes of underwear and panties, and I usually sleep in a t-shirt.”

Zav’s tentacles undulated in a patter she recognized as an objection. “No, no, no. When a male looks upon a female the way Teon looks at you, you will not want to wear something as ugly as underwear.” Zav shuddered. “These will enhance the firez.”

Zav lowered her voice to a purr when she said that last word, which was unusual enough to snag Rhea’s attention. She opened her mouth to ask about it, but Zav was quick with all those tentacles. She was already out the door and pulling it closed behind her, leaving Rhea alone.


Sighing, Rhea stripped to her underwear and stared down at the panties that’d served her well. Okay, they were a bit older and more than a little on the homely side. She’d chosen them for comfort during her travels over the good lacy stuff in her stolen suitcase. Not that anything she owned could hold a sexy candle to Zav’s selections.

Rhea avoided the sheer, filmy garments like they might bite her fingers off and reached for a pair of pants and fitted top, neither anything like what she would have bought for herself. The fabric clung to her body, tight and outlining her every curve from top to bottom. No, this stuff wasn’t her style at all.

She reached for the hem of the top and tugged it up, but the sound of Erudan’s voice made her hesitate. His deep murmur and the way his voice rose at the end made her think he asked a question. About her? About seeing her in Zav’s clothing? Before she could talk herself out of it, Rhea threw open the door and walked out to face the great big alien.

Erudan sat sprawled across a bench, long arms stretched along the back, thighs splayed wide in what was apparently a universal man pose. His attention remained on Zav, who stood nearby folding garments, but the moment Rhea appeared, he fell silent.

Literally, the split-second he realized she was present, he shut up. He was mid-sentence, but the instant his gaze touched her, his voice cut off.

Her plan had been to tease a compliment out of him, ask him what he thought of her outfit, but his expression told her more than words ever could. A spark of heat in his gaze morphed into an inferno of need, and her mouth turned as dry as a desert.

Slowly he leaned forward and planted his elbows on his thighs. His gaze caressed her from shoulders down, eyes lingering on her collarbones, of all places. Her exposed navel seemed to be of particular interest, too. He stared long and hard, so long she squirmed beneath his intent stare.

“Uh, there aren’t any mirrors…”

“Turn around.” Zav twirled a tentacle.

Erudan released a rough groan. “No, do not. I have seen enough. This is unacceptable.”

Rhea jerked and blinked. “What?”

He swallowed hard, throat bobbing as his Adam’s apple made a slow glide along his neck. He sat back and folded his arms across his chest, biceps bulging. “You cannot appear in front of other males in those garments. Remove them.”

She put her hands on her hips, weight shifting to her right leg as she cocked her hip. “Seriously?”

The question was pointless because his expression told her he was very serious. His jaw resembled chiseled granite and his skin had changed to green. There weren’t any stray beams of sunlight through windows this time, which meant the color shift wasn’t some random trick of the light.

It was him.

Zav interceded and swept Rhea right back into the fitting room. Her eyes twinkled as she spoke. “I believe you have found your first new articles of clothing.”

“What?” Rhea was already yanking the top over her head, anxious to get it off. “You heard him. He hated it.”

“No, he loved it.” The alien chuckled. She snatched the shirt with a tentacle before Rhea could toss it aside and then shoved another at her. “Did you not see how deeply he colored? You made him burn. You are very fortunate to have a male so near his firez. I have heard the passion is indescribable. Here, hold out your arms.”

Rhea’s head spun and so did her body. Zav whipped a length of sheer silver fabric around her upper body. She used a couple tentacles to manipulate the cloth and a couple more to spin Rhea around. By the time Zav stopped and slid back to examine her handy—er, tentacle-y—work, Rhea was dizzy as hell and seeing double.

Zav gasped and covered her mouth with her tentacles. “I knew the instant I saw you that you would be magnificent in this. Go, tempt your mate again.”

“I don’t think… wait, what? Tempt?” The eager look in Zav’s eyes made Rhea gulp. Maybe this was her first language barrier. Was tempt actually the Vian word for infuriate? Because Erudan sure as hell hadn’t looked tempted before.

She was ready to grill the alien woman, but between one heartbeat and the next she found herself shoved out of the fitting room to face Erudan. Except he wasn’t where she’d left him. No, he now paced back and forth in front of the bench, his steps brisk and body tense. It took him a few seconds to finally recognize her presence and he stuttered to a stop the moment he spied her.

This time she didn’t get a single word out before he cursed beneath his breath and pointed. At her? At Zav?

It didn’t really matter since what he said next could apply to either of them. “No.”

Zav huffed. “You are being ridiculous, Teon.”

He really was.

Then Rhea turned and spied a mirror she hadn’t seen before, and looked at herself for the first time. “Eep! Zav!

The “top” was basically a shiny, silver bandage. Wrapping the see-through fabric into layers made it opaque, but it still hardly left anything to the imagination. It was so fitted it was a wonder her racing heart wasn’t visible.

Zav went to Erudan, leaning close, and the two exchanged words in low tones. They both threw so many glances her way, she was tempted to hide beneath a bench and never come out again. Which she totally would have done if Erudan’s domineering, alpha-male behavior hadn’t tweaked her last nerve.

On one hand, holy shit. His growling when he saw her… She preferred to think of it as possessiveness, not hatred of the clothing. His reaction was strangely exciting, reaching into her and luring desire to come forward.

On the other hand… Dude, who did he think he was? She wasn’t a pushover to be, er, pushed over, dammit.

Just to be stubborn, she straightened her spine, pulled back her shoulders, and spoke loudly enough to interrupt their whispered conference. “I love it. I’ll take it. Do you have it in any other colors?”

Like all of the colors in the rainbow. Ha!

Zav cheered and clapped her tentacles. “I knew you would! I will search for other colors. For now, let us try the next garments.”

Rhea glanced at Erudan, noting that his green complexion was darker than before. And it continued to darken with each outfit she tried on despite the fact that they were tamer than the first two she’d worn.

She wasn’t sure how long she spent whipping clothes on and then off again, but by the time she was finished, exhaustion had a firm grip on her. “I’m never shopping again.” Rhea huffed and leaned against the wall of the dressing room. At some point, she’d have to get moving, but maybe she’d rest just a little longer. Like, a million years. “Zav, I can’t keep up with you.”

“I have three loves,” Zav sighed and smiled. “My wee ones, my mate, and fashion.”

Rhea chuckled. “I can tell.” She licked her lips, nibbling the lower one while she worked up the nerve to talk about more than fabric. “Can I ask you something?”

“Of course.”

Rhea took a deep breath. “Earlier, you used the word firez. What does that mean?”

Because she was pretty damned sure it hadn’t been in any of her files and her implant wasn’t supplying the translation.

Zav’s eyes widened. “You do not know?” She lowered her voice and eased closer to Rhea. “Firez is very special. Very exciting, especially when shared between true mates.”

She scrunched her nose. “But what is it?”

“It is a Vian male’s annual time of need.” Zav gave her a meaningful look. Unfortunately, Rhea couldn’t catch the meaning, which made Zav roll her eyes. “Intimate need. Your next several nights—and days—will be very exciting.”

“Oh.” Rhea’s face flushed hot and her stomach rolled, nausea creeping through her. She wouldn’t be around to experience those exciting nights—and days—but Zav didn’t know that and Rhea wasn’t about to enlighten her.

Oblivious to the churning inside her, Zav continued. “I am very happy for you and Teon. He is a good male who deserves his true mate.”

Guilt joined the queasiness. It felt wrong to let Zav believe some fairy tale.

Rhea lowered her voice so little ears and Erudan couldn’t hear her. “We’re not like that.”

“Like what?” The alien woman frowned. “Of course, you are mates. If you were not, his firez would respond to any female, but it does not. His color only changes for you. You will see for yourself.”

“I don’t…”

Zav shushed Rhea and gave her a wink with a half-dozen eyes. “Put on your new clothes. I will have packages waiting for you.”

Rhea stared at the door, eyes tracing the random pattern of grain in the wood. Zav’s words bounced around her mind, the alien’s statements colliding and fighting with what she knew about Erudan. Not just what she knew, but also what he’d said to her since her arrival. Her thoughts and emotions tangled and knotted together, overloading her mind with recent events.

Had she really only arrived on Vialea the night before? It seemed like so much had happened in such a short time.

As if the drama llama she’d experienced on Earth hadn’t been enough, it had to follow her to Vialea as well. She reached for the outfit she and Zav had set aside—a flowing top and fitted pants—and tugged them on. Hopefully they wouldn’t set Erudan off on another snarlfest. She wasn’t sure she could keep herself from snarling right back.

She emerged from the dressing room into the now crowded shop and wove her way toward the front. She dodged other shoppers and scooted out of the way when the children raced past her. She arrived at the front just in time to hear Zav argue with Erudan.

At least Rhea wasn’t the only one who gave the big bad alien a hard time.

“No, no. This is too much.” Zav pushed something across the counter.

He pushed it right back. “It is fair, Zav. If you will not accept it for yourself, use the funds to make a deal for someone in need.”

Zav released a heavy sigh and relented with a smile. “May Alea bless you, Teon.”

“You should speak of me as if

“You are a man worthy of respect and honor. This is an old argument and it is my turn to win.” Zav smiled at him and Erudan glared at the woman in return.

Rhea cleared her throat, drawing their attention. “How much do I owe you, Zav?”

Erudan frowned and then narrowed his eyes, glaring at her as if she’d done something to offend him. “It is my privilege to provide for you.”

Zav nodded. “He is correct. It is a male’s honor to provide for his mate.”

And a heavy silence fell over them, neither Rhea nor Erudan saying a word about their mate-status.


Zav’s children saved them by bursting from behind a rack, candy and toys filling every one of their tiny tentacles. Once again, they changed their nickname for Erudan, circling him as they jumped and shouted.

Zav pushed their purchases into Erudan’s hands. “You do too much, Teon. Again.”

Rhea glanced at Erudan. “Is Teon a nickname of some kind? I’d love to

Erudan shook his head and grasped her hand. “We must go now.”

She rolled her eyes and grumbled at the snarly male. “Okay… moody much?”

Yeah, he was cranky and snarly, but who wouldn’t be after a night spent folded up like an origami crane on the couch. Still, regardless of his glares and mumbles, she had something she wanted to say and he wasn’t going to stop her.

She got her chance when they stepped out of the shop and had to pause to let a hovtruck pass.

She pushed to her tiptoes, leaned close, and whispered so only he could hear. “I heard you talking to Zav. You’ll never convince me you’re dishonorable if you keep spoiling babies and overpaying to help out a stranger.”

As for Erudan’s response? He just grunted.





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