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The Heir (Kelderan Runic Warriors #3) by Jessie Donovan (13)

Chapter Thirteen

At this time of day, Keltor would normally go over his daily reports and submit questions.

However, he had to admit that having Azalyn in his quarters, asking him to make her forget about everything else going on, was far more appealing.

But as much as he wanted her with each breath, he wasn’t about to determine the future for her.

Lightly stroking her cheek, he murmured, “I want to, but I don’t want to make the same mistake as when we were younger. There could be consequences, Aza. Even if age and injuries have reduced the chances, you could end up with child again. Abstinence or a fairly involved hormone treatment are the only forms of birth control that work with members of the royal family when it comes to potential destined brides, due to genetic modifications over the decades. Since you haven’t had the hormone treatment, I can’t guarantee you won’t become pregnant.”

She smiled. “So you have super sperm?”

“Aza,” he growled. 

“Okay, okay. But just know I’ll tease you about it later.” She tilted her head. “Well, I think the bigger question is if that’s what you want?”

The simple fact she thought of his wants and didn’t anger at his logical question made him want to kiss her and take her right then and there. “Despite the handful we’ve recently discovered, I still do.”

As she pressed further against him, he groaned at her hard nipples against his chest. “Then I’m willing to risk it. Kiss me, Keltor. I’ve waited long enough.”

At her pleading tone, he crushed her lips against his and placed a possessive hand on her backside.

While every fiber of his being screamed to be careful and take things slow, Keltor ignored them.

Azalyn was his chance at a future he wanted, not one forced upon him. It was time to let go.

He stroked the inside of her mouth as he caressed every inch of her rear, her back, and her side. But the material of her dress stood in the way of what he really wanted—to touch her skin.

Stepping back, he barely noticed Azalyn’s swollen lips or flushed cheeks. Not even the flashing red of her markings—denoting desire—distracted him from his task. Gripping the front of her dress, he ripped it in two, tugged it off, and the material fell to the floor.

At the sight of her bare breasts, round belly, and shapely thighs, his cock pulsed in anticipation. “More beautiful than I remember.”

Her hands instantly went to her lower stomach. Sensing the action important, he zeroed in on her hands and said, “Show me all of you, Aza. I hunger to memorize every inch of your skin.”

She didn’t move for a second, but then slowly let her hands fall away to reveal a long-healed scar and several stretch marks. Lightly tracing the scar, he met her gaze. “There is no reason to hide such badges of honor from me, zyla.” 

Her cheeks flushed. “Don’t be ridiculous. It’s just a scar.”

Kneeling, he gently kissed the knitted line on her skin. “You sacrificed so much.” He repeated the action over one of her stretch marks. “I am forever in your debt.” He slowly traced another with his tongue. “I will work to deserve you.”

Her breathing was ragged as she said, “Keltor tro el Vallen, if you really want to do that, then claim me. I’m still waiting to see the unrestrained side of you again.”

Glancing up, he never broke eye contact as he took one of her breasts in hand and kneaded. “It will forever smash your image of the restrained prince.”


With a growl, he stood and took her lips again. He lifted her bottom, and she wrapped her legs around his waist. The feel of her heat through his trousers only made him deepen the kiss. Stroking, tasting, exploring as if this were the first time all over again.

Except this time, he took every sigh and groan and teased out more pleasure from his female. 

As he stroked and battled for control, he somehow managed to maneuver them to the sofa without incident. Releasing her, he laid her down on the cushions and instantly pinned her wrists above her head with one hand as he undid the fastening of his trousers with another. The second his cock sprung free, he moved a hand between her legs. He groaned at how wet and swollen she was for him.

A noble male would resist the urge to take her, and instead would kiss slowly, driving his female wild before thrusting.

But an uncontrollable need—or maybe want—coursed through his body. Azalyn had always been where he’d belonged. And after so many years, he wanted her more than anything. 

Hell, he’d gladly give up his crown and moved to a deserted outpost if it meant he could have Azalyn as his bride. Because life without her was lonely and not worth living.

And now he had over two decades to make up for.

Positioning his cock, he murmured, “Forgive me.”

“There is nothing to forgive,” she stated firmly. “Here, right now, I’m yours, Keltor. Claim me.”

With a growl, he entered Azalyn to the hilt. She arched her back, and he stilled. His impatience must’ve caused her pain.

Just as he began to retreat, Azalyn gripped his arm and dug in her nails. “Don’t even think of stopping.” She circled his hips. “Never hesitate with me, Keltor. All I want is you, unrestrained and free.”

The words were a trigger, and he began a steady rhythm with his hips, changing his movements at Azalyn’s little moans or sighs.

Each one urged him to find the best ways to bring her to orgasm. 

And if he had anything to say about it, he would spend the rest of his life doing just that.

As much as he loved watching the emotions play out on her face, the tight points of her nipples called to him, as if to remind him that in order for Azalyn to find orgasm, he needed to pay attention to them.

Leaning down, he took one of her hard buds between his lips and suckled. Each gentle nip of his teeth, stroke of his tongue, or even slow breath on her wet flesh made his female squirm more beneath him.

He could lick every inch of her body for hours, and he’d never tire of her taste.

Moving from one breast to the other, he continued his attention. Never once did Azalyn try to free her hands and take the reins.

For a brief moment, Keltor was in complete control of his life. No duties or responsibilities beyond pleasuring his female.

And one day, his bride.

Desire pounded through his body. He needed to see Azalyn, and include her in this moment. Raising his head, he met her gaze. She smiled at him until he tweaked and gently twisted her hard buds with his fingers. 

Biting her bottom lip, she moaned. “Just a little more, Keltor. I’m so close.”

A memory of long ago, when he’d bitten her neck as he twisted her nipple and she came for him, filled his mind.

It had only been the one night, but his female had liked it a little rough. Time to see if she still did.

He played out the scene again, first licking her neck before sucking the flesh between his teeth. Azalyn’s breathing quickened, and he knew she was about to come apart.

Timing another nibble with the pinching of her nipple, Azalyn screamed. As her core squeezed and released him, Keltor increased his pace, the sensations pushing him over the edge. He stilled as he called out Azalyn’s name, the cry as much a claiming as his release inside her.

Once she’d wrung the last drop from him, he released her wrists and collapsed on top of her. 

They lay that way, breathing but not speaking, for minutes. As much as Azalyn wanted him to not hold back, too many emotions threatened to burst through. It was almost as if decades of self-control were about to come crashing down, all thanks to the soft female under him.

Azalyn kissed his jaw and he finally met her gaze again. 

Her smile made the world brighter. She murmured, “Not bad, prince.”


Azalyn wasn’t one to hand over the reins and simply let someone else take control.

But as soon as Keltor had pinned her wrists over her head, she’d sensed that he’d needed her at his mercy in that moment.

And so she’d let him.

Amazing didn’t begin to describe the strong male above her, adjusting his movements to make the claiming better than she could’ve ever imagined.

However, as much as she loved the orgasm that had crashed over her, Keltor laying on her, as they breathed in unison, was a memory she wasn’t likely to forget anytime soon.

The strong, formidable prince was clay in her arms, and she could sculpt him if she so chose. Azalyn may have had coworkers and an adopted family, but in a way, she’d been lonely, too. Pretending almost half your life had never existed wasn’t an easy thing to accomplish.

Keltor, on the other hand, understood exactly what that meant, if not more so.

Even though she didn’t want to break the spell of them lying in bliss, hearts pounding, confirming they had each other, she couldn’t resist kissing his jaw, darting out her tongue, and tasting the saltiness of his skin.

Her prince rose his head, his hair disheveled from her fingers. The hunger and want in his eyes made her heart skip a beat.

If only she knew their future was certain.

Wanting to lighten the mood, she smiled and said, “Not bad, prince.”

“Don’t,” he whispered as he cupped her face. “Don’t push me away just yet.”

She placed her hand over his. “I’m not, zylar. Teasing is a form of affection, and you’d better get used to it, because I can’t help myself.”

“I love your teasing. You’re one of the few people who will do it around me. But, Aza…”

His words trailed off, and she placed a hand on his back, stroking to calm him. “You can tell me anything, Keltor. What is it?” He hesitated, so she narrowed her eyes. “Now who’s holding back? Maybe I should try pinning you to the ground and demanding some answers.”

Amusement danced in his eyes and Azalyn’s heart melted a little. Keltor had so little joy in his life. She wanted to give it to him.

His voice snapped her out of her thoughts. “You can try later, though you won’t be successful.” His face sobered. “I just want to say I’m sorry, Azalyn. Claiming you again only reminded me of what I’d realized all those years ago—you are where I belong. I was a coward not to go after you before. But when I heard how you were betrothed to another, it almost reinforced the fact I was destined to be a monarch and nothing more. I convinced myself that it was the best path for everyone involved, to allow you to marry a commoner and not me.”

At the sincerity of his tone, emotion choked her throat. She pushed past it to say, “Keltor.”

“It’s true, Aza. Even though we’ve only been reunited for a short time, the world melts away when I’m alone with you. So know this—no matter the odds or the obstacles, I’m going to find a future where we’re together. Because going back to the isolated life, without your spirit and teasing, is unbearable and one I wouldn’t wish on anybody.”

Her heart rate kicked up at Keltor’s words. Between him earlier kissing her scars and then him saying he would find a way for them to be together, Azalyn was falling for him again.

Reaching up, she pulled his face down to hers. “As long as you let me help make that future, zylar. No more facing tough times on your own.” He nodded, and she rewarded him with a brief kiss. “But before we face reality again and start working toward that future, just hold me for a little while, Keltor. I think we both need it.”

He didn’t hesitate to roll onto his back and settle her on his chest. She listened to his heart under her ear as she traced the marking near his nipple. She’d been too consumed with lust and desire earlier to notice if his markings had changed color from their current dark blue. 

She had no idea how long they lay there, simply taking strength and comfort from one another. But Keltor’s voice finally broke the silence. “I want to stay with you here, forever.”

“But you can’t,” she finished.

He sighed. “No. I need to ponder what to do with the Sulanis.” He hugged her tighter against his chest. “Now more than ever, I don’t want them to rescind their offer and take our chance of being together away from us.”

Raising her head, she propped her chin on his chest. “Will you let me help you with them? I’ve spent a better part of my life negotiating prices with vendors, not to mention I know how the Sulanis operate.”

His brows drew together. “If it were only me, I would happily take your help. But the problem is with my councilors.”

Her heart fell at his statement. No matter what Keltor believed or how he may value her opinions, the outside world still viewed females as a nuisance to governing and politics.

Taking her chin between his fingers, Keltor said, “Don’t have so little faith in me, zyla.”

Scowling, she said, “I somehow can’t imagine you tossing them all out on their rears and doing your own thing.”

The corners of his mouth ticked up. “Not quite. I was thinking more of replacing most, if not all, of them.”

She blinked. “What?”

“While you’re a part of why I want to do that, it’s not the full reason. The councilors are my father’s choices. I’ve been propping up his methods and ways, wanting to give him space. But as I will soon be king, and am already ruling in all but name, I think it’s time I fill the council with my own choices, don’t you?”

She tamped down the hope bubbling in her chest. “Can you do that even though you’re not king yet?”

Keltor shrugged a shoulder. “Who will stop me?

Running a hand through his chest hair, she said, “How about we visit your father and talk with him? That may make overhauling the council easier, especially if he agrees to the plan.”

“I somehow don’t see him helping with the transition,” he murmured.

“You never know. After all, you said he’s changed since learning of his illness.” Keltor frowned and Azalyn pushed. “Besides, I still have yet to meet this great king. Do we have enough time to do that without angering the Sulanis?”

“Perhaps. It is still night on Jasvar. In addition, Toralyn shouldn’t be missed until work in the morning, I think.”

“And Ervan would’ve contacted you if there was a problem with her, too. Let’s visit King Kastor. I’m no longer afraid of him as I once was. Give me the opportunity, and maybe I can get you two to talk and agree on something.”

He snorted. “Just like that?”

“Why not? I have quite a bit on the line, after all. A possible lord, and with time, maybe even a relationship with our twins.”

And, if luck were on her side, another child.

Not wanting to get her hopes up, Azalyn raised her brows. “So? Shall we go?”

“Has anyone ever told you that you’re determined and stubborn?”

She grinned. “All the time.”

Chuckling, he caressed her cheek with his thumb. “Well, then let’s save some of it for my father. However, I think a quick wash is in order, first.”

Before she could do more than open her mouth, Keltor was up with her in his arms. “I can walk.”

Grinning, he leaned down and whispered, “But this is more fun.” He jostled her closer to his body. “Besides, I’m not ready to sever contact with your skin.”

Playing with the stubble on his chin, she said, “Me, either.”

He entered the cleansing room, and the spray engaged as soon as they were in the shower.

Not that Keltor paid much attention to it. He slid her slowly down his body, the friction of his hard muscles against her soft stomach and breasts making her pulse between the thighs once more.

Lightly caressing her back, he moved a hand over her hip and down her thigh. He gently lifted her leg and wrapped it around his waist. He kissed her slowly before saying, “A prince must always multitask. I see no reason to stop now.”

Running a hand down his chest, she continued the path until she could lightly caress his hard cock. He hissed, and Azalyn took advantage of the moment to guide him to her entrance and arch her back.

She’d barely had a second of the wonderful fullness before Keltor kissed her again and moved his hips. 

It wasn’t long before she screamed his name again. And to his credit, the prince managed to also wash her before the daily allotted amount of cleansing solution ceased spraying.