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The Heir (Kelderan Runic Warriors #3) by Jessie Donovan (8)

Chapter Eight

Azalyn sat outside Keltor’s main conference room and tapped one of her feet. She was the type of person to arrive ten minutes early. Unfortunately, that meant more time to stress, worry, or fume over what was to come.

And considering Keltor had kept a big secret from her about what she was to him, back when they’d been much younger, Azalyn was impatient to find out the truth.

The door finally opened and three older males in long robes, which indicated that they were royal councilors, filed out. A few seconds later, Keltor appeared in the doorway. “Come in.”

She stood and followed him inside. Keltor took a seat at the long, oval table and motioned to the spot next to him.

Azalyn sat at the opposite, far side of the table because if she sat next to him, Keltor might be able to distract her from the purpose of their meeting.

To his credit, Keltor didn’t so much as blink an eye at her small act of defiance. He laid his hands on the table and asked, “What did you wish to speak to me about?”

Azalyn had never been diplomatic with anyone but a potential customer, so she spat out, “Why didn’t you tell me I was one of your potential destined brides?”

His brows furrowed slightly. “How do you know about that?”

“The how doesn’t matter. Why didn’t you tell me? If I’d known about how you could probably get me pregnant by staring at me, I would’ve been more careful.”

Keltor’s voice was calm as he said, “I hadn’t intended to claim you until we married. What happened between us was unexpected.”

She stood. Keltor was retreating behind his royal facade, and she wasn’t having it. “That’s all you have to say? That it was ‘unexpected?’” She walked up to him and pointed her forefinger. “All these years, I’ve felt guilty for not telling you about Kelzal. For almost begging you to claim me the night I took you to those old ruins. And you knew what that could’ve brought. If you hadn’t broken my heart already, this would do it all over again. Because despite knowing it was highly likely I carried your offspring, you didn’t find me.” Her voice lowered. “You abandoned me, regardless of consequences. Maybe you aren’t the male I thought you were.”

She moved to turn away, but Keltor was up and lightly grabbing her shoulders before she could do so. He gave her a gentle shake. “Look at me, Azalyn. I want you to see the truth in my eyes when I explain myself.”

Since she wasn’t a coward, Azalyn took a deep breath and met his gaze. If she’d expected to find emotion, it wasn’t there.

And that only wrenched her heart further.

Keltor spoke again. “The real reason I didn’t say anything is because I wanted you to love me for me. Not because I was a prince with a palace, in need of offspring. Not because one day I would be king. And to my surprise, you did fall in love with me for me, Aza. I was going to tell you eventually, once we had a date for the official claiming ceremony. But then the special night with you happened, and you were gone. My brother and father said you were betrothed to another. Logically, I knew there was a chance you carried my offspring even though I was careful and spilled my seed on the ground. But when I couldn’t locate you and the day of your supposed claiming ceremony came up, I decided either you hadn’t conceived or you thought it was from your intended lord. I had no way of knowing until recently that my father lied about your intended.” He leaned closer, and fierceness filled his gaze. “While I can’t deflect all the blame—I should’ve told you the full truth—we were both pawns of my father when it came to his vision of the future. I’m sorry I never found you. I’m sorry I never told you about being a potential destined bride. And I’m sorry I wasn’t strong enough to decline your offer to claim you. In everything else, I’m a rational and collected male. But with you, I can’t seem to control myself.” Keltor lowered to his knees. “I can’t change the past, but forgive me, Azalyn. I was a young fool and I hurt you. On pain of death, I vow to never do it again.”

At the sight of Keltor kneeling on the ground, begging for her forgiveness, tears prickled her eyes. Despite the pain and deception, she still wished they’d had a chance at spending the last twenty-three years together rather than apart.

Because with her, Keltor was a male and not a prince. He was merely himself, with all his faults on display.

And despite everything, she still cared for him. Maybe not love, but she definitely didn’t want him begging on his knees.

Foolish as it may be, Azalyn kneeled as well. “I agree we can’t change the past. But if there’s anything else I should know, tell me now, Keltor. Because if I find out you’re keeping more secrets concerning us—ones that aren’t kept secret out of planetary security or some other such important reason—I will keep our relationship formal and distant. I won’t have my heart broken again, which happens every time I learn of a new deception.”

She was aware of how hypocritical she sounded, considering the secret of Toralyn, but she would tell him as soon as Kelzal allowed it. The circumstance may not be as vital as protecting the planet in the grand scheme of things, but if Keltor’s son were to ever accept the responsibility of ascending the throne, trust would be required.

Cupping her cheek, Keltor murmured, “There is something else. I went looking for you. Once Kason told me the truth not that long ago, I donned a disguise and visited every Sulani merchant I could find. Every time I went in, pretending to have wares for sale, they’d fetch the acquisitions partner. My heart would thunder in my chest, only to be disappointed when someone other than you showed up. I had no idea you’d signed up for the new colony.”

Her heart rate kicked up. “You went looking for me?”

He smiled. “Yes. I had expected to find you married with children. Still, I wanted to apologize for what happened all those years ago.”

As Keltor strummed his thumb against her cheek, Azalyn simply gazed into his eyes. For him to don a disguise and go out alone was dangerous. Of all the things she could’ve said, she growled and whispered, “That was a stupid thing to do. You could’ve been killed and then where would Keldera be?”

Something she didn’t often see—humor—danced in his eyes. “Kason would’ve been forced to come back. I expect his human bride would’ve brought her dagger-wielding female warriors and scandalized the planet.”

She lightly hit his chest. “That’s not funny.”

He shrugged. “Finding you and apologizing was a priority because of how important you were to me once, Aza. Although I must admit, I’m glad to still be alive. And not just to help steer change on my planet, but because it means I found you again.”

Azalyn stopped breathing. Maybe she was reading too much into his tone of voice, but it almost sounded as if he…still cared about her. Maybe even wanted her.

The years melted away. It was as if she were still a teenager with her darling prince in front of her.

Her lips ached to take Keltor’s. But Azalyn was older and not about to chance her heart without certainty. 

Gripping Keltor’s wrist, she removed his hand from her cheek. Confusion flashed in his eyes. Before he could stand and walk away, Azalyn spoke again. “There’s much I want to say, but none of it matters. Even if we don’t kill each other and find a way to rekindle what we once had, there’s the matter of Keldera. You must take a worthy bride to secure peace, end of story.”

His expression turned hungry. “You want to rekindle things between us?”

“Let’s not play the what-if game, Keltor. It’ll only cause more pain for the both of us.”

Before she could do more than blink, he hauled her body up against his and leaned down to her ear. At his warm, muscled chest pressing against her, she had a hard time concentrating on his words. “There may be a way for you to become my bride, Aza. It even involves a little danger, which you love.”

Careful to keep her hope bottled up, she asked, “What are you talking about?”

“If you become a spy and help to save Keldera, no one would question me taking you as my bride.”


Despite decades of training and tutoring on what it meant to be the heir to the throne, as soon as Azalyn had hinted about maybe still wanting him, everything else fled his mind. For a chance to maybe get what he wanted, as well as to keep her from escaping before he could say what needed to be said, he hauled her up against his body.

And as soon as her soft body touched his, desire rushed straight to his cock. He could try pretending otherwise, but he wanted Azalyn. He always would.

Maybe, just maybe, he might be able to win her, too. 

So when she asked her question, he murmured, “If you become a spy and help to save Keldera, no one would question me taking you as my bride.”

“That is less than helpful, Keltor.”

He smiled at her dry tone. Azalyn would never bow her head and acquiesce to his every whim.

And that was exactly what he wanted.

Focus, Keltor. It’s time to fight for her. “I will explain in detail and answer your every question. But I won’t be able to think properly until I do this.”

Leaning down, he kissed her.

Without hesitation, Azalyn opened her mouth and accepted his tongue. Her encouragement stirred a baser urge, and Keltor devoured her mouth as he moved his hand to her plump rear.

At the movement, Azalyn hugged him closer and dug her nails into his back. Every time he tried to stroke and take control of her mouth, Azalyn fought back to do the same to him.

She wasn’t afraid to take what she wanted.

And it was glorious.

He would’ve gladly coaxed her to the ground and taken her, but his blasted communicator beeped three times, signaling a call. Azalyn broke their kiss at the sound. “That might be important.”

Nipping her bottom lip, he growled out, “It can wait. If it were important, it would beep five times.”

The corner of her mouth kicked up. “What if it beeped eight times? Does that mean the world is ending?”

Without thinking, he lightly slapped her rear. “Don’t be ridiculous. Six is enough. Those two extra beeps could spell disaster.”

She laughed. Watching the crinkling of her eyes lightened his heart in a way he hadn’t experience in years.

When she finished, Azalyn merely tilted her head and asked, “So care to tell me about this plan of yours? It’ll help me decide what to do next.”

At the playfulness in her gaze, he smiled. “I can’t wait to see what that is.”

Moving a hand to the nape of his neck, she lightly stroked his skin. At the soft touch, he wanted to bury his head in Azalyn’s neck, pull her close, and never let go.

But in order to ever have a chance at that future, he needed Azalyn’s help. “Computer, secure conference room. Level Ten.”

The computer replied, “Conference room secured.”

Azalyn raised her brows. “Now I’m intrigued.”

He didn’t want to let Azalyn go, but his knees were no longer that of a twenty-year-old and were protesting the hard floor. So he stood, careful to keep Azalyn with him, and moved them both to a chair. The second Azalyn sat on his lap, she wiggled her lower body. Keltor hissed and willed his cock to behave.

“Keltor.” He met her green-eyed gaze, and she continued, “No more stalling. Just tell me what’s going on. Because if there’s a way I could kiss you again, I might just take it.”

The long-buried urge to tease surfaced, but he pushed passed it. “Kason found an antimonarchy spy amongst the Kelderan colonists on Jasvar. And not just any spy, but a female one. We suspect there are more female traitors on this planet.”

She shrugged a shoulder. “That doesn’t surprise me, really. What better way to get information than to tempt a male to bed. Once you have his cock in your hand, he’ll say almost anything.”

Anger flared in his belly. “You say that with such confidence.”

She rolled her eyes. “Do I have a group of males following me around, begging to be with me? No. So just stop with the jealousy.”

He grunted and ignored the truth she’d pointed out—he was jealous of the males she’d shared her body with in the past. 

Bringing them back on topic, he continued, “At any rate, I need to know if the problem is widespread and if any of the antimonarchy leaders are female. My father has resisted placing informants amongst the enemy ranks, but I think it’s vital we start doing so.”

“Isn’t this something a branch of the army should be in charge of?”

Keltor shook his head. “I don’t know who to trust. Remember, not that long ago several previously trusted warriors mutinied against my brother. The few I do trust are now on Jasvar, helping with the new colony. Until they come back with the colony transport ship, this matter is completely up to me.”

Searching his eyes, she said, “Don’t take this the wrong way, but do you have any experience with this sort of thing?”

“Believe it or not, I do. And not just with searching for you. Before I ever knew the truth about Kason and my father chasing you away, I was using disguises to pinpoint hotspots of unrest.” She opened her mouth, but he pushed on. “I know you’re going to say that was unwise and dangerous, but I never attended meetings or went inside any establishments with antimonarchy-leaning sympathies. My purpose was to find them so I could send in others when I finally took over the throne.”

She tilted her head. “I would think you’d be doing that already. Technically, your father is still king. But by all accounts, he’s unwell. Or so I overheard when I was in the hospital.”

He took a long piece of her hair between his fingers and rubbed the silky strands. “I was thinking of how to start placing operatives when a certain female and her son popped into my life.”

Our son, Keltor. If you don’t start thinking of Kelzal that way, then you’ll never have a relationship with him.”

“We’ll discuss Kelzal at a later time. For now, I need to know if you’d be willing to go out in disguise and be my spy.” 

Frowning, she said, “Will that even work? Putting aside the fact I’ve never done it before, I’m sure my picture will be circulating amongst the media soon enough.”

“Your records were erased not long ago. I was puzzled about that at first, but now I think my father did it. Add in the fact I haven’t announced anything yet, and I think you’ll be safe enough. You’ve lived out amongst the people and can probably blend in far better than me. After all, Kason went looking for you shortly after you disappeared and couldn’t find you. And even as a teenager, he was good at finding people.”

Azalyn sighed. “That was a stroke of luck, more than anything. I was placed with an old Sulani auntie, who lived deep in the Dilsahn Forest. She was paranoid about everything, but the isolation made it easier to hide my pregnancy. As much as I’d love to help you, I’m not sure I’d be the best fit.” He opened his mouth to push for more details, but she beat him to it. “But before we discuss anything else, there is one thing I can do to help, Keltor. Vala Yarlen and I grew close during our captivity. If she knows someone within the Barren who can at least put an ear to the ground and pass on information that way, it would be a start. Too bad it’d take weeks to contact her and get a reply.”

Vala Yarlen had been kidnapped by an alien race known as the Tallarians, along with Azalyn and Kelzal. She currently lived on Jasvar with her lord, Thorin Jarrell.

Keltor refused to let Azalyn’s news about living with her aunt to deter him from finding a way to win her. “I can contact Vala much quicker than that. But before I do, just know that I’m determined to find a way for Keldera to accept you. Because if I can win your affections again, I’m never letting you go.”


Azalyn wanted to take Keltor’s words to heart and not question them, but she couldn’t. “Why the change and willingness to fight, Keltor?”

“Some females would say I was being romantic and might even give me a kiss.”

She raised her brows. “If you think I’ve changed that much, then there must be something wrong with you.”

Smiling, Keltor murmured, “And that, right there, is one of the reasons I want to win you again, Aza. You have no idea how nice it is to hear the truth. My sister used to do so, but she’s on Jasvar.” He tucked a few strands of hair behind her ear. “But in full disclosure, I’m also addicted to your taste.” He ran a finger down her cheek. “Your softness.” His hand brushed lower, to just over her heart. “And your passion.” Meeting her gaze, he whispered, “I just need to find a way to win you and protect Keldera at the same time.”

While hearing Keltor’s words caused her body to flush, Azalyn ignored it to focus on the bigger picture. “Is that even possible? Even if we root out most of the antimonarchy leaders, are you willing to risk taking an unemployed, forty-year-old female with an illegitimate child as your bride? It will shatter the millennia-long illusion of the monarchy as a higher-classed group of beings, ones that never display anything but the epitome of morality.”

“You say that as if a change in perception is a bad thing. I’ve already helped coordinate a new colony to ease our overpopulation woes. If I can also reduce the likelihood of civil war, then maybe the masses will see me as much a politician as any of the commoners’ representatives. If so, then they may start to believe I can effect change. Because if we don’t start doing so, I imagine things will only get worse as news spreads of the freedoms granted to the Jasvarian colony.”

She couldn’t help but smile. “So, in other words, no big deal.”

“Not if it means I have a chance with you again.”


“It’s true. But maybe if I state I won’t kiss you again until I’ve sorted this and proven my intentions, it will drive me to find a solution faster.”

“And if it takes years? I don’t like that scenario. So I have a better idea—you’re going to let me help you.”

“Let you?” Keltor echoed as he raised an eyebrow.

“Yes. You should feel quite honored, I might add. I was the best when it came to finding new products to sell. I even started a few trends. Finding a way to change Keldera for the better is exactly the kind of task I enjoy.”

The laughter in Keltor’s eyes made her heart sing. “Then, oh wise one, I think the first step is contacting Vala and setting up an informant or two inside the citadels.”

“You still haven’t told me how you can reach her quicker.”

He shrugged. “Kason just completed a long-range communications tower on Jasvar. He made the first call earlier, and they should still have enough power for another one. So, let’s put in a request for Vala.” He rubbed her back. “But to do that, you must disembark from my lap, my lady.”

Snorting, Azalyn stood again. “I see the Keltor I once knew is starting to come back to life.”

“He’s always been there, but only seems to come out for a certain merchant’s daughter.”

Azalyn should merely enjoy Keltor teasing her and seeking her opinion. But Azalyn couldn’t let the issue nibbling at the back of her mind to just sit there. “Is all of this because of me being your potential destined bride?”

“No,” he answered as he stood, too. “My instinct only informs me that you can bear my children and that I should claim you as soon as possible. It has nothing to do with emotions or feelings.”

She hesitated. The next answer could devastate her. And yet, she finally blurted out, “Is it still there? Because if you need more children to ensure peace, I may not be able to grant that.”

He lightly placed a finger under her chin. “It only matters if you want children, Aza, because that doesn’t matter to me. However, I have a feeling that’s what you were crying about near the fountain. Correct?”

She wanted to hate him for being so clever, but she couldn’t. “Yes. I just keep thinking about everything I missed. His first step, his first words, and even his first technological invention. I missed all of it. And yet, I don’t want Kelzal to feel as if he’s less to me if I had another child. It may have been from a distance, but I watched him grow up and treasured every single change and accomplishment.”

“Kelzal is a grown male, whether you like it or not. I think he would understand.”

“Maybe, maybe not. But I could be worrying for nothing after what the Tallarians did to me.”

Keltor searched her eyes before finally replying, “Part of me wants to keep a secret from you, but I won’t. Despite how much I’ve tried to ignore it, the instinct is still there. At least with me, there is still a chance for you to have a child, Aza, if that’s what you wish.”


For a split second, Keltor had thought about keeping the constant, low hum of his instinct from Azalyn. He may be forty-two years old, but deep down Keltor was just a male who wanted to be accepted for who he was rather than what he was or what he could provide.

But the uncertainty in Azalyn’s eyes had done him in, so he told her the truth.

Yes, he’d mostly been blocking the instinct ever since seeing her unconscious form in the hospital bed. At the time, he’d believed keeping his distance and burying himself in his work had been his only option for a future.

However, as soon as Azalyn had mentioned wanting another child, the image of a little girl running into his arms had flashed inside his head. Unlike his father who would’ve turned away and called one of the royal child caretakers, Keltor had embraced her, picked her up, and gently tossed her into the air. The imaginary girl’s squeals still made him smile.

Keltor may be a prince, but Azalyn could give him the greatest gift of all—a child to love and cherish from day one. Kelzal was his son, and he would work on the relationship, but Kelzal was a self-sufficient male who needed little help. Another child would rely on Keltor, and for once, he looked forward to being strong and providing for another person.

Much like he wanted to do for Azalyn.

Touching his cheek, Azalyn finally said, “It looks like I have a bigger reason to help you secure peace. And before you close yourself off to me and think I only want your seed, let me say this—I want more than your cock, Keltor. I want my best friend back, too. Please tell me he’s still there, and I won’t have to constantly battle to bring him out.”

Staring into Azalyn’s eyes, he murmured, “It will take some work and conditioning, but I’d like for him to at least come out without hesitation around you.”

She finally looped her arms around his neck, and his heart rate kicked up at her heat so close to his skin.

He was starting to think Azalyn should always be naked when they were alone so he could make up for lost time.

Her voice garnered his attention. “Then kiss me to seal the deal.” Moving his head, he kissed her jaw, and Azalyn growled. “That’s not what I meant.”

Keltor trailed kisses down her neck, to where it met her shoulder. Curious to see if the place still drove her wild, he lightly nibbled her skin.

Azalyn threaded the fingers of one hand through his hair and gently tugged.

He had his answer.

Keltor continued to nibble and lick the special spot, enjoying how Azalyn leaned more against him, and her breathing hitched several times.

Tempted as he was to kiss lower so he could take her nipple into his mouth, Keltor didn’t want to rush things. If he wanted to prove to Azalyn he would fight this time, unlike his younger self, he would put off claiming her until their future was secure.

She chose that moment to rub her lower body against his trouser-clad cock. He groaned. “Don’t tempt me, Aza. There’s too much to do. And not just for Keldera, but for us as well.”

Her movements stilled. Raising his head, Keltor nearly sighed in relief when he saw approval in Azalyn’s eyes. She murmured, “I almost want to get my hopes up this time.”

“But, you can’t.”

She shook her head. “No, my heart can’t take it.”

He kissed her lips gently before saying, “Then let’s contact Jasvar and set things in motion. Maybe my brother will have some ideas on how to help us as well.”

Azalyn pecked his mouth with a kiss. “I hope he does because if there is a possible future for us, I want to seize on it and start it sooner rather than later so we can erase the twenty years we were apart.”

Keltor wished he had the ability to go back in time and watch Azalyn grow into the confident, clever female she’d become. “We’ll see how it plays out. But I have to make one thing clear, Aza—in public and in front of others, I have to be distant. The last thing I need is for someone to recognize you as one of my weaknesses and use it against me.”

She raised an eyebrow. “I hope that’s not forever, because if—and that’s a big if—we find a way to secure peace for Keldera even with me at your side, I want to make clear that you’re off-limits to other females.”

He smiled. “And now who’s jealous of nameless females?”

“I learned as much as I could about the history of the Kelderan monarchy, and I know most kings took numerous mistresses. I won’t tolerate that.”

“As long as you don’t seek out other males, I think we’ll be just fine.”

Her eyes turned heated. “Then just make sure I have no reason to wander.”

Keltor should push Azalyn away and call his brother. But he deserved one kiss, so he took Azalyn’s lips. Worrying the flesh of her lower lip with his teeth before thrusting his tongue inside her mouth, he stroked and tangled until Azalyn was breathing hard. Only then did he sever contact. “Consider that a preview of what’s to come.”

Finally mustering the strength, Keltor took a step back. He wanted to clutch Azalyn’s hand and let the world know his intentions. However, he drew on decades of practiced self-control and motioned toward the rear of the conference room. “My secure comm unit is this way. Jasvar awaits us, my dear Azalyn.”

“As gallant as you’re trying to be in letting me walk ahead of you, I have no idea where I’m going. So, lead on, your highness.” Azalyn lowered her voice. “If you take off your formal robes, it’ll also give me the chance to see if your rear matches my memory.”

Yes, Azalyn was definitely different from other females in his life, even more so than Kalahn. He refused to believe his sister asked males to disrobe so she could ogle them. “I would, but my guards will be waiting for us, and I don’t want to draw attention. They will undoubtedly ask questions.”

She snorted. “Their expressions would be worth it.”

“Azalyn,” he growled in warning.

Putting up her hand, Azalyn replied, “Okay, okay. I’ll dutifully follow you and your flowing robes. Let’s get a move on.”

Not blinking at Azalyn’s order, Keltor complied by disengaging security and exiting the conference room to the main corridor of his living quarters. If not for the guards stationed at fixed points, he would shrug off his robes and enjoy her attentions.

While he couldn’t just yet, for the first time Keltor started to think that one day he could.




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