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Exes and Goals: A Slapshot Novel (Slapshot Series Book 1) by Heather C. Myers (21)

Chapter 21

Zach showed up at Harper’s apartment well into the evening. It took a few hours to book him, and since Newport Beach didn’t actually hold those they arrested unless they were stuck in a sober cell, he was transported to Orange County Sheriffs in Santa Ana. He was interrogated at Newport and the cops while firm were polite and cordial. He wasn’t even arrested save for the transportation process. At county, he was booked, and once that was all over with, he was finally able to post bail, catch a cab, and get dropped off at the Ice Palace where he could pick up his car and meet with Seraphina.

“How did that go?” Harper asked, gently chewing on the tip of her thumbnail. She couldn’t sit still while Zach was explaining everything so she paced up and down the the tiny living room that made up her apartment.

Zach, much to Harper’s disbelief, was completely calm about the entire situation. He sat on the couch, leaning forward with his elbows on his knees, his wrists hanging between his legs. He had that lazy smile on his lips and the mischievous sparkle in his crystal blue eyes. She wanted to throttle him, to be honest. How could he be so calm? How could he be okay with all that went on, with everything that he had to go through?

“It went as well as expected,” he said with a shrug. He looked up at her and leaned back, resting his ankle on his knee. “She was pretty pissed at the whole thing, but not because of me, because of Bryan and everything that went down.”

“So,” Harper said slowly, “she’s not angry with you?”

“Of course not,” he said with a crooked grin. “I didn’t tell her your history with Bryan. I didn’t think it was my place to say anything. But I did let her know he’s been harassing you for a while and I just lost it. Seraphina was very supportive in every aspect.”

Harper glanced at the hockey player sharply. “What’s that supposed to mean?” she asked, quirking her brow.

“I’m not going to lie, Harp,” Zach said, tracing circles on the inside of her wrist. It didn’t even appear as though he was aware he was even doing it. “I told her about us. At least, I told her how I feel for you.”

Harper felt her lips tug up but she managed to suppress it. For now. “And how is that?” she asked.

He grinned down at her. “I told her I was crazy about you, despite my best efforts,” he said. “I told her that I loved you, and what we have is still early and new, but I’m going to see where it goes, for as long as you’ll have me.”

“Despite your best efforts?” Harper asked, perking her brow. “Who are you? Mr. Darcy?”

Zach furrowed his brow at the reference but quickly brushed aside her concern. “Listen, Harp,” he said, sounding like an expert who just knew things most people didn’t. She contained a smirk but couldn’t keep the look of disbelief off of her face as she allowed him to explain his poor choice in words. “The whole love thing doesn’t come easily for me. Especially after what happened in Toronto. The fact that I can admit that to you is a big deal.”

“Admit what?” she asked. “I don’t ever remember you telling me you loved me. You’ve said you liked me and that you care about me, yes, but love never came up. And I would definitely remember it if it had.”

Zach gave her a look. “Of course I love you,” he told her, as though it was the most obvious thing in the world. “You made it so easy to love you, too. I’m normally guarded, is what I’m trying to say. I liked you. I liked having fun with you, but somehow, I fell in love hard and fast, much faster than I intended.”

Harper grinned but rolled her eyes. “You’re so romantic,” she teased but leaned forward and kissed him on the lips. “I’m glad you’re okay. You have no idea how worried I was when I saw them take you. I was livid.”

“You and me both.” Zach pressed his lips together. “I got notification that they’re going to drop the charges, though.” His blue eyes looked down at her, a question in them. “Why in the world would Bryan have them drop charges?”

Harper clenched her jaw. This was the part she needed assistance with. She couldn’t figure out the right words to say without upsetting him. Although, judging by the deep furrow in his brow and his lips pressed into a thin line, there was a good chance it didn’t matter what she did. She did something, and that was enough to set Zach off.

“What?” he asked. His voice was soft, a dangerous whisper. While he managed to control it, every now and then she detected a slight waver in his words. A hint of the temper he was doing a good job at keeping at bay. “Tell me.”

“I made a deal with him,” Harper said slowly. She tried to look him in the eyes as she spoke, but she only managed to get to the skin between his nose and his lips. She was a coward and she knew it.

“What kind of deal?” Zach asked. His entire body was tense. She saw the sleeves on his t-shirt twitch at the strain he was putting on it. “And don’t get cute, Harper. Be direct.”

Harper. He called her by her full-name instead of just Harp. This must mean he was mad at her.

“He told me he would drop the charges if I went on one date with him.” The words came out rushed and tight, and Harper inwardly winced, waiting for his reaction.

Zach pressed his lips together once more, his jaw popping as he clenched his teeth together. She could feel the tension radiate off of him in harsh waves, like the ocean in a storm, and she wanted to cower, she wanted to hide, because she knew she shouldn’t have meddled. She shouldn’t have taken this into her own hands. She should have trusted the judicial system to do the right thing.

Once again, her fear of Bryan and what he could do to the people she cared about won. She did exactly as he told her to.

“I” – Zach began but cut himself off and shook his head. He exhaled through his nose, a violent huff that reminded Harper of a bull at a rodeo, right before he charged. Finally, Zach picked up his head and looked at Harper. “I don’t understand.”

Harper took a deep breath. “Bryan said that there was a young assistant DA,” she explained, “looking to make an example of a rich guy who took the law into his own hands. Not that this matters, but apparently, the guy’s an LA Stars fan, and their fans are assholes, so it wouldn’t have surprised me if he used any excuse to mess with the Gulls’ starting lineup.”

Zach furrowed his brow. “Do you hear yourself right now?” he asked, taking a step away from her. “Some DA is going to lock me up for defending you just because I play for the Gulls? Do you believe everything Bryan tells you? Obviously, or else you wouldn’t have stayed with him for as long as you did.”

Harper felt like she was slapped and even Zach looked regretful of his words.

“That wasn’t” – he started but shook his head.

I know.”

Zach opened one eye, furrowing his brow. “What?” he asked, his tone flat. “You’re not mad?”

“I’m hurt,” Harper said slowly, quietly. “People don’t understand how impactful words can be, even when it’s not their intention to say what they say. But I get that you’re getting defensive right now because you don’t want me going in the first place.”

Zach opened his mouth, shut it, then opened it again. “I’m sorry,” he said. “I’ve just never dated a girl who had a reaction like yours before.”

“You mean a reasonable one?” she asked, quirking a brow.

“One where she didn’t turn it around on me,” he said. “I’m right in how I’m feeling but I made a stupid comment because I am upset that you’re even put in this position. Most girls would have jumped on that comment and made me feel bad for my mistake rather than admit that they’re wrong.”

“I’m not wrong,” Harper told him. “At least, I don’t feel that way. I would have done anything to get you out of your situation. For the team. For you. I care about you, Zach. I can endure one date with Bryan.”

Zach winced. “Can we not call it a date?” he asked.

Harper nodded. “Yeah,” she agreed. “But listen, I need you to understand this.” She locked eyes with him, and for a moment, put all of her attention into conveying a look that told him just how much she cared about him. It was hard for her to find the right words, but at the very least, she hoped he could read what she so desperately wanted to say off of his face. “Maybe I should have given his offer more consideration than I did. Maybe I shouldn’t have jumped the conclusion he wanted me to. But I would do anything for you, Zach. And I felt responsible for what happened. It’s not your fault that you’re wrapped up in this mess. I didn’t want you to be punished for my mistakes.”

Zach furrowed his brow and squinted his eyes. “What are you talking about, Harp?” he asked. “How is any of this your fault? Yeah, you dated an asshole. We’ve all dated people we regret. That’s what makes us grow. We learn from our mistakes and when we find the right person, our mistakes make us appreciate them even more. This isn’t your fault. Do you understand me?”

Harper nodded after a slight hesitation. “It’s just,” she said, “I know what you went through in Toronto. I don’t want you to have to go through girl drama here.”

“The situation in Toronto is nothing compared to what’s going on here,” Zach said. “Just like you said you would do anything to protect me, I feel the same way about you. I don’t like this, Harper. I don’t like that you’re doing this for me.” He paused and looked away. “But you have no idea what it means to me that you would do this. For me.”

Harper nodded, giving him a quick kiss on the lips.

“I’m sorry for what I said,” he told her.

“You don’t have to apologize,” she said.

“I do,” he told her. “I’m being an asshole. I just don’t want him to have the ability to manipulate you using me.” He breathed out a sigh through his nose. “I guess I felt responsible for that, and I was mad that he used the situation to his advantage and that you now have to go on this outing with him.”

“It’ll only last a couple of hours at the most,” she promised him, locking her wrists behind his neck. “And then it’ll be over. Then we’ll be free.”

“We are free,” he told her, pressing his brow up with insistence. “No person can determine your freedom. Only you. You’re free, Harper. Remember that.”

Harper’s heart swelled and she nodded, pulling him into another kiss, her lipstick be damned.