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Sacking the Virgin by Ryli Jordan (24)




I hopped in the shower as soon as I got home and let off every bit of steam my body could produce. Julia had taken over her. I needed it bad, and I don't need women. Women need me. They go crazy over me. Every single time I walk into the room, there's one girl that just can't stop staring. They throw themselves at me, play power games with one another and go into fits of jealousy if one gets a chance to talk to me more than another.

I have been forced, time and time again to isolate myself from women, and surround myself with nothing but straight men simply because I can't handle the drama. I've become jaded. I've had many  of lovers. Why lie? I enjoy sex, and I thought I'd tried everything, every race, women of all sizes, shapes, and nationalities. They all melt when I walk into a room.

But Julia was different. She wanted it, but she could resist it, and that's what drove me crazy. She had the perfect milky white skin, and hair so soft I could run my fingers through it for hours. Then there was her infatuation with trying to understand people—their secrets, their dreams, and fantasies. Sex is a means to an end. Once you get a woman's clothes off, you tear away their inhibitions and find out who they really are.

This is a sacred process that must be approached without judgment or scrutiny, just pure admiration. I wanted to admire her. I didn't want to take advantage of her. That bothered me. I wasn't leading her into it. She knew what I wanted when she came with me. I didn't even try to hide it.

She was so closed off. Racing down the road showed that. At first, she tensed up like she thought she was going to die. We were obviously safe. Then, when she finally gave into it, it was like getting a glimpse into the real person inside.

I got showered and ready for the day. The board was going to forego their meeting for the morning, which meant I would have to get accustomed to my duties as the head of a major corporation. I wore a plain suit that morning, something that would make me seem relatable. Then I left early and arrived at the building as soon as it opened.

Nobody was there aside from the daily workers—the receptionists and cleaners, as well as the accountants and some interns. I moved quickly through the back entrance and took the elevator to my father's office.

He loved opulence. I like natural simplicity. The main lobby was black marble with gold-trimmed crown molding and pillars lining the halls. Part of me wanted to gut the whole place, but he took years designing it, so I decided to leave it the way it was. Besides, I loved the ocean view that revealed itself through the window behind the desk in his office.

I sat down in the old leather chair and started getting things started. We had to unlock the computers so I could get in. Then a technician came in to show me how to use the security systems, get ahold of the guards if I needed them, and how to run the phones. Once he left I sat and stared at the cameras.

I'm a people watcher. I love the idea of seeing what people do when nobody thinks they are watching. It's another way of removing their inhibitions and getting underneath their clothes. The receptionist at the front desk was interesting. She had a tablet in her lap that she used to play meaningless games when nobody was looking. I watched in high definition while she moved multi-colored blocks around the screen.

Then when the door opened, she scooted forward so nobody could see what she was doing. “Welcome to Valenti. How can I help you?”

“You're going to take me up to see Ray right now.” Julia's unmistakable voice came over the speaker.

The guard stepped forward.


“Oh, don't you ma'am me.”  She stepped up to the desk, bracing her hands underneath the counter.

The guard moved over to her side. “Miss, you need to...”

“I am not leaving until you take me to him right now!” The guard reached for his taser.

I moved fast, grabbed the receiver and got the receptionist on the line. “Thank you fo—

“Send her up now. Tell the guard.”

“Y-y-yes sir.” The receptionist was shaking.

The guard stepped back, looked up at the counter and nodded his head. “Right this way, miss.”

I watched as he escorted her into the elevator where she held onto the railings, then pressed her hands underneath the desk when she reached the counter outside my office. Then I got up and walked outside.

“You don't have to ambush the place, you know. You almost got tased.”

“I didn't have any other way to see you.” She stormed into my office, breathless and sweating. “I am so pissed at you right now. You have no idea. I could wring your neck. Why would you play with me like that?” She was facing the door, leaning back against the desk.

“I wasn't playing with you, Julia.” I stepped forward until I was right up in her face. Then I locked onto her eyes. “I want you.” I slammed my lips into hers. Then I picked her up by the thighs and set her onto the desk while I lifted up her black skirt, darted my hand inside and let my fingers move slowly around her lips.              

“You like that?”

“Yes.” She gasped.

“You don't mind?”

“Take me.” I wasted no time in tearing her panties off and throwing them behind me. Then I ducked down and spread her legs so I could worship her by moving my tongue over her clit, relishing her soft bubbly sighs that got louder when I dove my tongue in deep, swirled it around and pushed my hand up her shirt so I could pinch her nipple.

Women are delicate beautiful creatures, meant to be handled slowly. I pulled my hands up her thighs and began dragging her skirt down while I lifted up to plant kisses on her neck and chin. Then finally her lips, where the process of deflowering her really began. The best way to get to know a woman, and what buttons to press is to find out how to move your lips. She liked it slow, to ease her into the process. Then her lips finally parted and I slam my tongue in. She was hesitant but not closed off, and she liked the thrill it gave her when I bit her bottom lip.

Then something snapped inside her and she couldn't get my shirt off fast enough. She tore open the first three buttons in a frenzy. Then she ripped the whole thing off, and I erupted forward, tearing into her neck, basking in the sound of her frenzied cries. She was rippling, gasping and begging for more.

Then I pulled off her shirt and got my first look at the exposed woman. She was a real person, nothing but natural, pure beauty. That's who she was and she deserved to be worshiped. I needed her to know that, so I let my lips move down her neck and over her chest, while I unhooked her bra and threw it to the ground. She was perfect, with her nipples sticking straight up, waiting to be touched. I locked eyes with her and used one hand to move my finger up and down her clit, while I used the other to trace a soft ring around her areola.

“Dear Jesus.” My cock pressed against my jeans when her mouth opened up and she started whimpering.

“You like that, don't you?”

“Yes,” she gasped.

“Good.” I stepped back, while her fingers traced down past my shoulders, and stopped just above my crotch. I  unzipped my pants to whip out my cock. “You want this?” I grabbed it by the base and swung the thick meat up and down.                            


I stepped forward and traced her opening with the head of my dick, watching her expression carefully. Then I dipped down and nibbled on her nipple while I pressed it in just a little bit farther. It was so hot, like dipping the head of my dick into a vat of hot lava, so potent it sucked me in and sent me into a manic frenzy.

“God!” She was wailing, pressing in, only serving to further my desire as I drove in and out, piercing through her barriers until I had fully penetrated her. This was what I lived for, that moment of passion that reveals the true nature of a woman and she was perfect—clay to be molded and shaped. She wasn't a pile of neuroses and anger like the other women I'd been with. She was comfortable. She didn't mind letting me look her over, press inside her and every time I kissed her, she pushed into it, letting me worship her the way she deserved.

I thrust in and out, letting her slippery insides caress my shaft while I pressed my head into that perfect spot and pinched her clit just to get her to scream. And she did scream. She screamed so loud the receptionist, and everyone else in the office must've heard, but I didn't care. The only think I could think about was pushing forward faster and faster, driving her deeper into the state of ecstasy that was threatening to reach a crescendo. Her cries were growing louder, drowning out the sound of my balls slapping against her taint, mixing with the smell of hot sex and her vanilla perfume. Our bodies intertwined, her head dove back and I began nipping at her neck while the heat took over and surrounded us in one big ball of fire that was getting hotter and hotter with every thrust until, like a volcano erupting we both burst into a pile of wet bliss and collapsed on top of one another.