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Finding Life (Colorado Veterans Book 4) by Tiffani Lynn (7)


It’s been one hell of a crazy week. I got to work at five this morning to make sure I had enough time to finish my work and get home to shower before I pick Colby up for our date. I ended up working 65 hours so far this week and will probably have to put in a few more over the weekend. Despite being exhausted I’m more than ready to see her.

When she opens her door, I’m at a loss for words. Standing in front of me is the most gorgeous woman I’ve ever seen. Colby’s pretty in anything she’s wearing, even her mechanic coveralls, but this…this is like some kind of fantasy come true. Her golden hair is down in soft waves over her back and her fire-engine red lipstick matches her sexy dress perfectly. The top is kind of blousy, dipping low into her cleavage. The bottom is short and tight, showing off her shapely thighs, and I can’t wait to see what it looks like from behind. The strappy black high heels she’s wearing are so hot I’d love to see her wearing nothing but those.

“Do we have to go out?” I ask, my voice automatically dropping an octave or two. I’m only half joking.

“Why? Do I look weird?” She fidgets as she looks down and fusses with her dress. “Am I dressed wrong? I had no idea what to wear and Dana thought this would work and

I kiss her to silence her, not wanting to hear her say anything else that’s not confident. When I pull away I stay close enough to look into her eyes as I confess, “With you looking this fucking hot, I’ll either A, end up in a fight with some dude looking too long at you, or B, try to pull you into a janitor’s closet for a quickie. I don’t think either were on your list of scenarios for this evening.”

Her cheeks flush pink. “You like it that much?”

I nod my head. How can she even ask that? She looked in the mirror, right? “Yeah, I like it that much.” I kiss her again. I’m sure I’m fucking up her lipstick, but damn, I can’t help myself. When I step back I pause for a second because I know if I don’t slow this down we’ll be rolling around on her bed in a few minutes instead of having an actual date. The chemistry in that kiss and the dreamy expression on her face confirm it. Although staying here and exploring a more physical evening sounds like the better deal, I can tell she put some serious effort into looking good and should get a chance to show that off.

“You should probably fix your lipstick and then we should go,” I say.

She licks her lips and nods a little before turning back toward the bathroom to fix her lipstick. When she returns, she grabs her purse and keys. I lead her out the door and wait as she locks up behind us. When I open the door of my car for her to slip inside, she says, “You don’t have to open my door for me.”

“Yes, I do. It’s who I am.” My mom didn’t do a lot for me, but she made sure I grew up with Southern manners. She was born and raised in the South and was determined that I grow up to be a gentleman. It nearly killed her when I went into the Army; she said it made me gruff, but that’s not a comment I get from anyone else so I ignore it.

On the ride to the club we talk a little about her work, and despite feeling relaxed with her I’m a little nervous about taking her here. The last time I took her to dinner it blew up in my face. Of course, the people at the Spanish-American Club are my people. Ones I’ve known for years, who respect me and want me to be happy, not crazy uppity business people who look down on everyone. So that should make things a little easier.

When we walk through the door into the main ballroom I swear all conversation stops. I’d be uncomfortable if I didn’t know it’s because of Colby in the red dress. She’s beyond beautiful in it; she’s sex on heels with a flash of class that doesn’t normally accompany that ultra-sexy look. She glances at me, her eyes wide, like she’s ready to turn and run so I move my hand from the small of her back to around her waist and pull her in close under my arm. “You are stunning and everyone in this room wants to either know you or be you. Smile—it’s going to be a good night.”

“I don’t know,” she stammers quietly, her eyes never leaving mine. Before I can say anything to reassure her, Javier and Valerie approach us. I still haven’t let her go when Javier leans in to place a kiss on her cheek.

“Colby, you look beautiful,” he tells her. Then he steps back and motions to Valerie. “Colby, this is my wife, Valerie.” They shake hands and God-love Val, she looks Colby up and down and says, “Javier misspoke; you look amazing! If I could wear your dress that well, I’d never take it off. It’s nice to finally meet you. I’ve heard wonderful things about you.”

Colby’s entire body relaxes instantly. “Thank you. You look beautiful too and it’s nice to finally meet you. Javier has been saying for a while that he needs to introduce us.”

After some brief conversation they invite us to join them at their table. Unsure of how to respond I pause for a second. Although I’d love to have dinner with my friends, I don’t want to do anything to screw up another date with Colby.

“I’d love to,” she answers in my silence and then turns to me. “Is that okay? I mean, if you want it to be just us, that’s fine too.”

My smile is genuine. “I’d like to join them but didn’t want to put any pressure on you.”

She rises on her toes and kisses my cheek. “Such a gentleman.”

“Alright, let me tell our server we’re switching to a four-top. We just got here and only ordered our drinks so it’s perfect timing,” Javier tells us.

We follow them to a table for four next to their other table and everyone has a seat. We spend the next hour in easy, fun conversation and I’m enjoying being relaxed for a change.

“Have you seen Victor dance?” Javier asks Colby.

“No, as a matter of fact I can only picture him doing moves like the sprinkler and the running man.”

We all bust up laughing at that and then I tell her, “No, not quite the sprinkler. More like ballroom dancing. The waltz, cha-cha, swing, foxtrot, salsa, that sort of thing.”

She laughs nervously this time. “Really? Never heard of a Green Beret who waltzes.”

“Val, you should show her your competition routine,” Javier says.

“Competition?” Colby’s head swings back to me and her eyes are as wide as saucers.

“Yeah, when Val was in the middle of her divorce we joined a dance group that met every week and did a couple competitions before she and Javier hooked up.”


I can’t tell if she doesn’t believe it or is trying to figure out our weird dynamic. I don’t want to dive into that story in the middle of a nice dinner so I just nod and say, “Yes, we even won one of them.”

“Oh, I have to see this. I can’t picture it at all. I’ve seen pretty-boy Victor and hiking-badass-medic Victor, tamale-annihilating Victor, super-gentleman Victor, but dancing Victor… My brain can’t even conjure it.”

Javier doesn’t wait to hear the rest of the conversation; instead he leaves us as he makes a beeline for the deejay booth. When he returns, he tells us, “Get ready, you two, because it’s coming on next.”

I’m a little surprised at his eagerness to have me dance with Valerie. He usually gets a little jealous when it comes to her. It’s one of the reasons Val and I stopped partnering after they got together. The other reason is because he can dance just as well and would prefer to be her partner.

“I guess we’re up,” Valerie says as she stands. She leans in to kiss Javier’s lips before walking to the dance floor. I follow behind her until we get to our normal starting place on the far side. It’s the end of a California swing so we warm up with that a little until the music changes.

The first notes of the music spill out of the speakers and muscle memory kicks in. Our feet, hips and torsos are in sync. Her honey-colored hair is flying with every spin and her laughter can probably be heard around the room as we do this old routine. I can’t lie, I love dancing. It’s always been a relaxing, fun release for me. The routine ends on a dip, where she’s so far back her hair almost touches the ground. The room ignites in applause and when I bring her up she’s laughing. She reaches up to hug me. “God, you’re such a great dancer. I always loved having you for a partner.” I smile and spin her one more time and we take a bow. When we return to the table, both Javier and Colby are standing and applauding.

“If my woman didn’t look so damn hot out there, I’d probably be a little jealous,” Javier kids. I’m glad he can joke about it now since he wasn’t able to when they first got together. We actually came to blows one night over her.

“Victor, that was amazing! I’ve never seen anything so fluid, so beautiful.”

“Thank you. I do love to dance. Would you like to try it?”

“I’m not following that. You guys were amazing. I have two left feet!” Her horrified expression makes me laugh.

“Come on, I’m patient. Let’s at least try.”

Valerie joins in, “He really is a great teacher. You should at least try it once.”

Javier pulls Valerie to the floor while I’m waiting to see if Colby’s going to try this or not.

She wrings her hands together in front of her as she decides. “Yes, I’ll try it, but you have to be really patient with me. I’ve always had two left feet and I’d hate to be responsible for killing your feet with my clumsiness.”

“It will be fine. Come on, let’s try. If you hate it, I won’t say another word about it.”

Once I have her in my arms and explain how she should hold her body, I give her verbal directions first. Then I lead her slowly through each step, not in time to the music yet. Her body is tense and her eyes are squinted in concentration.

“Relax. Try to feel the music and let me guide you.” Her breath feathers out along my neck as she exhales, trying to relax. She’s stiff and a little awkward, but we make it through and I even manage to spin her a couple of times. I enjoy the sound of her giggles as we attempt and successfully execute a few twirls. When the song is over I lead her back to our seats. Javier and Valerie continue to dance their way through a few more songs.

“So what did you think?” I ask as I wave our server down to bring us fresh drinks.

“I think it’s fun, but I’m terrible at it. I hate doing things I’m not instantly great at.”

“I’ve been dancing since middle school. My mother, along with Javier’s mother and a couple of the other guys’ moms forced us all to take classes, hoping we’d dance with the girls at their quinceañera parties. We all learned to dance but none of us used our moves until later in high school when we realized that it impressed the ladies.”

Her hearty laughter fills the space between us. “Figures.”

Twice more I’m able to get her out on the dance floor and she’s still stiff and awkward but I think she has a good time and that’s all that matters to me. At the end of our evening I trail behind her to her door, taking in the curve of her ass in that amazing dress one last time. When she stops at the door and turns toward me it’s all I can do not to pin her to the wall and slide my hand up under her dress to grip the rounded curve of her ass.

As she stares up at me there is a different emotion swirling in the depths of her sapphire eyes and I’m praying it’s the same one I’m feeling. God, it’s been so long since I was with a woman and the one in front of me does things to my libido I haven’t felt since I was a teenager.

This is usually the awkward part of any date, especially if you’ve only been out a couple of times, but I’m going to go for it instead of standing here fidgeting. I take her chin in between my fingers and hold it steady, moving in slowly. When I get close enough to feel her breath I pause for half a second, giving her a chance to send me on my way, and when her eyes close and she eliminates the distance between us, I relax and slip my other arm around her waist. Her mouth opens for me and our tongues mingle and stroke each other in a dance much smoother than the one we had at the club. I remove my hand from her chin and let it slip down between our bodies, grazing the outside of her breast slightly until I reach her waist. A little mew escapes her throat and she presses her body closer to mine. Almost as if they have a mind of their own, both of my hands slide down and over to cover her delectable ass and squeeze slightly. We both moan, her weight shifts and she lifts her leg up to my hip and wraps it around me. God damn, she’s ready. Hell, I’m ready and but there is one problem.

“We’re on your front porch.”

Her leg drops and she shifts her weight. “Damn, I got carried away.”

I glance down at my raging hard-on and back at her. “I’m not complaining, but I doubt your neighbors want a show.”

“Come in,” she says as she fumbles in her purse for her keys. The red dress is still hiked up higher on the thigh she lifted, exposing more creamy skin, and I have the almost uncontrollable urge to push it higher.

Once she gets the door open, we step inside and she drops her purse on the floor while I lock the door. When we face each other she practically dives for me. Her kiss is aggressive and her leg returns to my hip. This time I hook it with my hand and hold it steady. “Hop up here, baby,” I tell her.

She wiggles for a second, trying to get her footing, and then bounces enough for me to catch her other thigh and pull it up on the other side. Her ankles lock at my back and she grinds against me, causing me to throb more. Her fingers slip around my neck and dig into my scalp as I kiss my way down her neck, the scent of her perfume driving me crazier. I tug on her dress a little to pull it above her ass and grip the firm naked globes. Fuck! She’s been commando this whole time under the dress. My dick throbs harder between us as she pants and rolls her hips against mine. I take two big steps and press her back to the wall. Her hand slips down into the tight space between us to stroke me through my slacks, and my eyes practically roll back in my head.

“I’m going to embarrass myself if you don’t stop,” I half pant and half growl.

“We can’t have that now, can we?” she says as she wiggles out of my grip and slides to her knees on the floor. Her eyes lock on mine from her place below me as she works my belt, button and zipper open and I stare at her dumbfounded. I can’t remember the last time someone put their mouth on me. I know I should stop her. A gentleman would never allow himself to get off before his date, but I’ll be damned if I can say a word right now. It was hard enough walking away after the last date. That’s not even a possibility tonight.

I reach down and stroke the top of her silky blond hair. It’s beautiful and so are the swollen well-kissed lips that are lingering dangerously close to my cock as she releases me from the confines of my slacks.

“You don’t need to do this, Colby,” I say, but I doubt I sound very convincing.

“I want to. I’ve wanted to do this since I saw the outline of your cock in your wet gym shorts when we went swimming after the hike.” Her dirty words cause a bead of moisture to appear on the head of my cock and my knees almost buckle when her tiny pink tongue darts out to lick it off with a gentle swipe. I groan and she grips my balls with her left hand just tight enough to show me she means business, but not so tight that it’s not pleasurable.

Her other hand strokes the length of my cock several times before she takes it into the warmth of her mouth, brushing against her soft lips while she sucks. She continues to move on me, her eyes closed as if she’s enjoying each bob of her head while moving lower down the shaft with each pass. When my cock hits the back of her throat and her nose touches the lower portion of my stomach I groan and grip the back of her head. Holy hell, she feels good. My instinct is to hold her there, but I fight the urge, letting her control the situation. Her fingernails scrape lightly over my balls as she goes back to working up and down my length. Oh my God, this is the best fucking blow job of my life.

When I’m close, which sadly doesn’t take long, my cock begins to pulse. “Colby, I’m gonna come!” She sucks harder and just as I go, my hands hold tight to the back of her head while she swallows every last drop of my seed. She cleans me up with her mouth and pulls away.

My knees are weak at this point and it’s all I can do to keep from lying down right where we’re at in the entryway. “Holy shit,” is all I can think to say and she smiles as she wipes the corner of her mouth with her fingers. I help her up and surprise her by lifting her all the way up into my arms.

“Bedroom?” I ask, my voice husky and spent.

“Down the hall, second door on the left.”

I carry her in and set her down next to the bed. Then I drop my pants and boxers the rest of the way to the floor and tell her, “Sit on the edge of the bed, spread your legs and put your heels by your ass.” She moves into the position I instructed while I remove my shirt, and this time I drop to my knees in front of her.

Before I start, I run my palms over the smooth skin of her legs, from her knees to down over the inside of her thighs, pressing them farther apart. The light is dim but bright enough to see her beautiful, bare, glistening pussy practically begging for my attention. I swipe one finger gently through the folds and she whimpers. When I reach the center, I push inside so that my middle finger is completely enveloped in her sweet, wet heat. I pull it out and suck her arousal from the digit. Then, knowing I can’t wait anymore, I lean in and sniff her sex. Damn, the scent is perfection. I spread her folds gently and lick her, teasing and taunting until her thighs grip my head and shake with amazing force. She’s close.

When her clit swells, leaving me certain she’s going to blow, I latch on lightly with my teeth and listen as she practically screams the walls down. Her right leg slips off the bed while the other rests against the side of my face. I continue to slowly stroke her with my tongue until her muscles fall limp and a contented sigh escapes her lips. Then I wipe my face on the back of my hand and stand in front of her. My cock is back to full-size and ready to go again. Shit.