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Trailed (A Cowboy Romance) (A Savery Brother Book) by Naomi Niles (55)

Chapter Eighteen



“And, up!” Lexie stood at the front of the class with her feet pointed out, her knees bent as she rose out of the plié. “And, down,” she instructed as she lowered herself.

Beth turned back to me with a huge grin. I gave her a thumbs up, ignoring the obvious stares from the mothers sitting on the side of the room.

“Good job, everybody.” Lexie relaxed her position. “I think that’s it for today. I want you all to practice as much as you can at home so we can put on a good show for your parents this weekend.”

I forgot the recital. We had it every month at the same time, and I completely spaced it. I was too busy thinking about Dwayne and our night at the club. I had to come back to the moment and forget all of that. The dance moms could smell weakness.

Lexie ended the class and the girls started grabbing their things. I went back to get a water bottle from the fridge under the lobby desk. When I turned around, Beth was standing behind me. “Well hello,” I said and knelt down.

“Hi,” she beamed.

“You know, I have to say, Beth, you are doing so good in class. I’m very proud of you.”

“Thank you. Do you think I’m good enough for the recital?”

“I think you’ll be the best one out there.”

“Really?” She gave me a hug. “And, everyone’s going to be there, aren’t they?”

“Yes, they are. All of the moms and all of the dads are going to be watching.”

“Are you going to bring your husband?” she asked.

“I don’t have a husband, but if I did, I’d definitely bring him.”

“You should get a husband and bring him so he can see me dance.”

“I’ll try.” I stood up.

Beth’s mother was there standing in front of the desk smiling down at us. “How’s she doing?” she asked.

“Don’t tell anyone I said this,” I looked around, “but she’s my favorite. She’s so sweet, and she’s an amazing dancer.”

“Thank you so much.”

“You’re welcome. Keep bringing her. She has a lot of potential.”

“I will.”

The other moms were gone, and I could finally rest. I took my water, and one for Lexie, back into the studio where she was changing out of her ballet shoes. “How are things going with Dwayne?”

“It’s amazing, Lexie. The man is a steed. He’s quiet until I get him alone. Then he turns into a monster.”


“I was going to chew you out for talking to him at the speed dating thing the other night, but it was exactly what we needed to push us together. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome. There are no issues?”

“Not with Dwayne, but Michael’s causing some trouble. He’s been making it very clear that he doesn’t want Dwayne to get with me. I’m worried he’s going to find out and cause a scene.”

“Michael has been bossing you around since you were a little kid. You’re a grown woman. Tell him how it is, and if he doesn’t like it, then tough shit.”

“I think you’re right. I should probably just lay down the law.”

“You should.”

“Beth said something kind of funny a second ago.”

“What was that?”

“She wanted to know if I was going to take my husband to the dance recital.”

“What did you say?”

“That I didn’t have one. Then, she said I should get a husband and bring him.”

“Maybe not a husband, but I’ll bet Dwayne would have fun. You should ask him to come.”

“That is a good idea. I think I will. I’ve been wanting to show him the dance studio.”

“What’s for lunch?” Lexie slipped on her shoes.

“I want a grinder,” I said.

“Then, come on. I’ve got a private lesson in an hour.” Lexie and I locked up and drove down to the sandwich shop to have lunch. Lexie ordered a meatball marinara, and I had them top my sandwich off with loads of banana peppers and olives, along with a splash of red wine vinaigrette. We took the sandwiches to a park a few blocks away from the dance studio and sat down on a bench next to the fountain in the center.

“It’s a thing now, isn’t it?”

“What?” I picked off a piece of bread and fed it to the pigeons.

“You and Dwayne, silly. I can tell. It’s not just sex.”

“I don’t know what it is.”

“Aren’t you a little worried?” she asked me.

“Why should I be?”

“He’s not just any guy. He’s your brother’s best friend and your high school crush.”


“So, that can get a little intense. You’ve got all those old feelings rolling around. That kind of thing doesn’t just go away. It could come up to bite you.”

“It’s been more than ten years, and I was sixteen. I think I can control my hormones.” I took a bite of my sandwich.”

“I keep warning you, and you keep pushing back.”

“You’re back and forth — worried we will get together, worried we won’t. I’m taking my time. I won’t jump into anything too intense. Besides, you don’t have anything going on. We both know you’re lonely. Maybe that’s what this is about.”

Lexie blushed and took a bite of her sandwich so I wouldn’t notice.

“What was that?”

“His name’s Rick.”


“Yeah, you remember, the guy from the speed dating thing.”

“Oh,” I gasped. “You’ve been hiding it this whole time. You little hypocrite.”

“I am not a hypocrite. We’ve only been out twice since the event, but I think it’s going pretty well.”

“Are you sure you’re not getting in too deep?” I chided. “You’re my friend, and I don’t want you to get hurt.”

“Fine. Fine. I’ll leave it alone,” Lexie conceded.

“Good, and we’ll both agree to be careful.”

“Definitely.” We finished our lunches and walked back to the studio to start our private lessons.