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Wait For Me (A Military Romance Book 1) by Phoebe Winters (11)


He begged her with his intensified gaze as if luring her through some type of sorcery.

“Caleb, I don’t know. This is still all new and moving kind of fast. Maybe we should slow down.”


Erin released a haggard breath. “I don’t know. Maybe because I don’t even know if you’re staying for good or not. I can’t get too close to you again knowing you may not be here after the summer.” Erin shook her head.

“We could still be together. I won’t be overseas forever.”

“Caleb, you just don’t get it. This thing you’re doing, was never my life, never in our plans, and never something I wanted to get used to. I get that you can’t change the past, and now that it's happened, you may have to leave again. But you’ll have to leave me behind also.” She saw the strain in his gaze. “I’m sorry,” she finished.

“What if I can’t.”

The song changed again as they continued to peruse each other. Erin licked her lips needing to wet her mouth. Really, she needed a drink because this conversation couldn’t get better. Could it?

“I need to get back to the station.” She pushed lightly off his chest and turned to walk away, but Caleb caught her by the arm. Erin tossed a glance back over her shoulder.

“Dance with me through one more song, then I’ll let you get back to it.”

He tugged at her fingers, not giving Erin a second to think longer about his request. She went back to him, settling into the warm of this towering frame. Caleb’s arms slipped around her, and his eyes covered her face before holding steady on her lips. When he glanced up, there was a slight nod to his head that Erin almost missed from the simplicity of it. When the song changed this time, it was Kelly Clarkson’s, “A Moment Like This” that drifted through the speakers.

A gasp flew from Erin’s mouth as she stared into Caleb’s all-pervading gaze. It was the same song they’d dance to on prom night. The last song to be exact. What was he trying to do to her, she wondered? Caleb held her close and Erin’s breath tickled his neck. The warmth from her mouth sent a buzz crawling down his chest diving right to his manhood. As the memories from prom night crept through him, Caleb couldn’t help but wonder if Erin was still a virgin. To be fair, he wouldn’t be surprised if she weren’t. They hadn’t been a couple for three years, but if she wasn’t, it would kill him all the same. He let out a slow breath and tried to shift his thinking.

It didn’t work. Now all he could think about was if someone else had been favored enough to have their hands on his Erin. The question was on his tongue, but Caleb held back not wanting to sound like a jealous, possessive ass. That didn’t mean he wasn’t. Minus the ass part. As they moved, Erin found herself placing her head on his shoulder. Her eyes closed, and her breath remained calm as she also attempted to quiet down her spirit. What are you doing Erin? Being with Caleb like this was dangerous for her heart; and still, she wanted to go home with him. When the song faded, it was as if the world resurfaced. Erin removed her head from his shoulder and pulled back taking a step.

“I have to get going,” she said. “Monday morning I’ll call Wounded Warriors and find out what needs to be done to enroll you in the program.” She smiled tentatively.

“Are you scared of me, Erin?”

The question seemed to come out of nowhere.


“You heard me,” he said closing the tiny gap she’d created in front of them. “Do I scare you?”

Erin opened her mouth to speak, but nothing came out. She closed her lips as if keeping herself from stammering like a stuttering buffoon.

“You don’t have to be scared of me, baby. I’d much rather kill myself than hurt you again.”

Erin’s brain tousled. Why was he saying this? She couldn’t listen to it. Runaway Erin. Without a word she turned and fled the dance floor. Her feet had never moved so fast without taking off into a sprint. But there she was, bolting like the devil was on her heels. Erin made it to the stairs and took the steps faster than she’d ever done before. If there was a fire in the building, she wouldn’t be able to trot that fast. But the fire was within. Building inside her like volcanic sulfur on the verge of erupting at any moment. Her heart sprang in her chest. She made it to the banister and disappeared into her office in record time. Caleb had never seen anything like it, neither had Amy. They both watched as Erin made her getaway. From the bar, Amy’s eyes traveled from the balcony to were Caleb stood in the crowd. The look on his face made Amy’s brows raise in suspicion. Something was definitely going on between the two, and whatever it was, Amy hoped for Caleb’s sake that it was a good thing.

She had already bet on him not breaking Erin’s heart again, so if he did, she’d kick his ass like the soldier she was. Caleb had a look of determination on his face. Without waiting another second, his legs moved across the floor with confidence in his stride. He grabbed hold of the banister and took the steps two by two.

“Damn,” Amy caught herself saying. When Caleb disappeared into the station, Amy wished she was a fly on the wall.

Caleb marched through the room, and Erin twirled quickly then took a step backward, but it only made her bump into the wall. The fortitude in his gaze held her captive. As if she’d been cornered like prey, Erin braced herself and unknowingly held her breath. He brought heat with him, and it coated them as he reached one hand around her neck and the other wrapped around her waist. Caleb hauled her to him, while simultaneously dragging her soft body up the rigid length of his own.

There wasn’t a second between the moan that escaped Erin’s lips and the capture of her mouth. It was like Caleb had gone mad. Kissing her the first-time last night had awakened his entire being and seeing Erin in this sexy dress tantalized him from the moment he strolled through the door. He meant it in every way when he told her he didn’t want to spend another night without her in his arms. And if he had anything to do with it, tonight she would not escape him. Caleb prodded her mouth open with his tongue to get another taste of her sweet palate.

She opened to him and Caleb devoured her while holding her firmly in his arms. A snowstorm of energy twirled around them, causing chills to drive across Erin’s skin making her nipples harden painfully.

“Oh…” she panted. The second she’d open her mouth wider, Caleb inhaled her, cascading a swarm of passion right down to the hardest part of him.

The hand he held around her waist dipped over the curve in her ass filling his palm with the softness of her derriere. He squeezed firmly, and her body torched and yearned for him altogether.

Deciding to give her room to breathe, Caleb released her mouth but kept his lips hovering inches from hers. “If you’re not coming home with me, then I’m going home with you,” he said.

Erin’s nerves were all over the place, she could barely put together a proper sentence, never mind speak with coherent words.

“I mean it. Unless you tell me straight out that you don’t want me to.”

Their breath mingled as they stared each other down.

“Tell me, baby,” his deep voice drummed.

Erin’s throat felt clogged, but somehow, she managed to slip the words out of her mouth. “I… I want you there,” she said, completely astonished by her own admission.

He reclaimed her lips. It was all the confirmation he needed. Erin met his hungry rapture head on as their lips danced in an exotic tango. She pulled her hands to meet up firmly on his chest stopping him. Caleb released her mouth albeit unhurriedly.

“Slow down, baby,” she said.

Caleb dropped his head. “I’m sorry,” he said, “I’m trying but…”

Erin smiled softly and glanced around. “Okay, let me see if I can get Amy to close for me and then we can leave.”

A slow grin spread across his face. Caleb lifted her hand to his lips and kissed her softly on each finger one by one.

“You would do that for me?”

“It seems, I would do a lot for you,” her eyes dropped, and weariness covered her face.

Caleb lifted her chin. “I promise not to make you regret it this time.”

Erin looked for any trace of deception, but he appeared genuinely sincere. It didn’t make it any less difficult to believe him.

“Come on,” she said deciding not to reply to his promise. What would she say? Erin slipped her hand into his and walked them to the phone. She moved quickly, making arrangements for Amy to close the club. Of course, Amy didn’t let her off easy. But Erin promised to talk to Amy later in detail. Amy seemed satisfied with that and before Erin knew it, she was in her car driving across town with Caleb following her in his own. There was a frightening thrill that buzzed around her and Erin tried desperately to shake it off.

When they arrived, she put in the code that lifted her garage and parked on one side while Caleb parked on the other. They left their vehicles and reconnected on the two-step landing that led to the inside garage door. Erin entered her key and together they strolled through. Caleb matched Erin step for step as she led him down the hallway to her bedroom.

Once there, they helped one another out of their clothes with Erin unbuttoning Caleb’s shirt and Caleb unzipping Erin’s dress. He paused, and she peeled the fabric off his broad shoulders revealing his athletic build and washboard abs. A shudder cruised down Erin’s skin just as her hands dropped to his pants and her fingers fumbled with his belt. It worked its way loose, then she unsnapped his jeans and the zipper ground as it drove down. While she went about her task, Caleb kept a close eye on her movements. Her hands trembled, and he covered them with his own. Erin looked up at him slowly.

“You’re nervous,” he pointed out.

She didn’t deny it, only pulled her bottom lip in with her teeth.

“Have you been with…” Caleb paused. Erin knew what he wanted to ask but didn’t help him out. Caleb let loose a breath and took a hand down the back of his head. “Are you still a virgin?”

She saw it. Caleb inhaled but didn’t release a sigh. It appeared she wasn’t the only one nervous, but it did tug at her heart to think it worried him.

“Would it bother you if I wasn’t?”

She had to toy with him a little, and by the way his face drained, Erin could guess she’d done just that.

“I’m just kidding,” she said. “I’m still a virgin.”

His arms slipped up her shoulders in a grip. “You’re not messing with me?”

Erin couldn’t help but chuckle. “Not about that. I’ve been waiting for you.”

Caleb took a step forward and his forehead sank into hers. The breath he’d been holding was released and he pushed a kiss against the bridge of her nose.

“There is no one else I’d want to share this moment with other than you, Caleb. No matter what we’ve been through.”

She’d barely gotten the words out when Caleb seized her mouth. His arms engulfed her tightly and with minimal strength, he lifted her off her feet. The twirl was unexpected. Caleb’s excitement was contagious making Erin smile with a wholehearted glee.

“If you make too much noise you’re going to wake up George,” she said panting lightly as he sat her back on her feet.

“We’re going to wake up George anyway, so you should probably close the door.”

Excitement heated Erin’s skin and she giggled as she skipped to the bedroom door. With a soft sway of her hand, she pushed it closed then reached for her shoulders pulling the dress down over her flesh. Caleb watched her disrobe. With each unveiling of another part of her silky skin, his gaze seemed to turn another shade of night. When she’d peeled it down to her ankles, Erin stepped out of it and kicked the dress to the side.

“Leave them on,” he said, referring to the heels she wore. Erin did as she was told and unclasped her bra at the same time Caleb’s pants hit the floor. Seeing her round areolas hardened his shaft and it pressed against the fabric of his boxer briefs.

A grin tapered across Erin’s face. She’d yet to remove the bra though it had been undone. Her movements paused the moment she saw him in his all-white Hanes. Caleb looked like she’d envisioned. Toned thighs and a dick print that appeared as if it would escape at any moment.

Caleb strolled to her in a slow prowl. Erin’s hands fell as he approached and with them so did her bra. His eyes took her in- long neckline, smooth skin, perky nipples. Though his tongue was wet, it felt as if his mouth had run dry and his thirst for Erin increased. When Caleb moved again, it was to his knees, carrying his hands over her warm flesh. Erin shivered, and a gasp tore from her throat when Caleb’s warm mouth sucked in her nipple.

“Oh…” she moaned, with her hands clasping the side of his head.

His tongue circled around her distended areola then sank into the fullness of her breast swallowing it completely.


Erin’s head fell back, and her knees weakened to the point where she fell. But she didn’t go far. As if expecting her response, Caleb caught her and swooped Erin into his arms as he stood and strolled with the will of a lion to her queen-sized bed.

He laid her down and moved between her thighs to kiss her lips. When their tongues danced, his hand drifted to her panties and with the tip of his finger he circled lightly around her clitoris. Another shudder coaxed from Erin and her body turned into a furnace.

“Caleb…” she said pulling back from his glorious mouth.

“Yes, sweetheart.”

“I can’t wait any longer.”

Erin felt like a horny teenager. She’d only been waiting what felt like a lifetime to get it on with him. Caleb grinned.

“Are you sure you’re a virgin?” his thick voice teased.

Erin lifted her head and took her mouth to his chin biting down roughly. A guttural growl fled from him and it surprised her that he didn’t retreat from her spicy nip. Removing her mouth, Erin kissed the place she’d bitten softly.

“Nah, you’ve had your way now. My turn,” he said.

Something akin to fear flashed in her eyes as Caleb moved down her body to perch on his knees. Grabbing the sides of her panties he pulled, and Erin not only felt, but heard it when they ripped.

“Oh, dear God,” she said.

Caleb tossed the material to the floor and brought his head closer to her peach. “No need to call on God now,” he responded sinking his mouth between the folds of her vagina. A sharp intake of air nearly knocked her out, but what held her in bondage was the blissful lashing his tongue took against her labia. Caleb tasted her completely, and it was like the meal he never had. An outcry shrieked from her and Erin’s body trembled as her feet dug into the mattress and her hips lifted into his mouth.

His tongue glided slowly from the door of her womb to the peak of her clitoris where he pressurized his tongue making Erin come immediately.

“Oh shit!” she screeched. Her body trembled, and Caleb held on to her peach with his masterful mouth. “Jesus!” Erin screamed, and her eyes crossed. Without thinking, her hands reached down for his head. She needed desperately to get him off her, but Caleb wasn’t done with her yet. In fact, he’d just begun.

When he finally released her mound, another outcry shrieked from Erin. Her body was a constant vibration and her ears buzzed and popped as if she’d reach abnormal elevation.

“You taste… so sweet.” He dropped down to her ankles and kissed her legs twice on the left then switched over to the right. “Like strawberry shortcake.” He moved to her thighs laying his warm mouth against her flesh.

Erin’s body continued to shiver. Her hands gripped the sheets as he climbed her, kissing the inside of her thighs and across the apex in her center.

“You’re like a craving, and I have an unquenchable thirst for you.”

His lips sank into her belly and around her navel. Erin’s hands left the sheets and gripped his shoulders. Her quivering remained as Caleb’s thighs spread hers the closer his altitude became on top of her. When his lips pressed against the underlay of Erin’s breast, Caleb rode her sensitive skin with his mouth, taking her nipple in fully. Erin’s hands gripped his shoulders and she braced herself for his entry. But he hovered over her taking in the euphoric glaze in her eyes and feeling the trembling in her body.

“How do you feel?” His thick voice drummed. He kissed her collarbone while caressing her body with the other hand.

Erin swallowed slowly. “Blissful.”

A smile trekked across his mouth and Caleb moved to her lips.

“I don’t have a condom,” he whispered.

“Do we need one?” she heard herself say. What the hell Erin?

She shut her eyes and tried to think it through, but right now all she wanted was him.

“The only reason we would need one is if you’re seeing someone else. Are you?” she asked.

“Hell no.”

Her lips curved into a smile, then she shrugged. “Well…”

Caleb moved, dipping his hips between her thighs. His lips sank into her as he applied pressure to her entrance. As Erin lost her breath, Caleb took it in then gave it back to her just as quickly. He submerged slowly with profound penetration. Her eyes widened and the more her mouth opened the more Caleb filled her womb. She accommodated his girth with a natural ease that molded around his shaft like a fitted glove. She took every inch of him, and Caleb feathered warm kisses all over her mouth.

“You’re okay,” he promised, peppering more kisses down her neck. “I’ve got you.” He moved out and slipped back in with a driving force that rocked Erin’s world and made her toes curl. The intensity of his thrusts almost tossed her overboard tingling her spine and causing a storm of heat to coat her skin.

“Caleb…” she panted, hiding her face in the crook of his throat.

“Erin…” he responded kissing the sides of her head and arch in her neck. “Do you want me to stop?”

“No,” she said quickly. “Never.”

Caleb continued to kiss her skin, fueled by the fact that she enjoyed their coupling. They found a rhythm, full of passion and reckless abandon. Caleb’s grip on her thighs and rock of his drive, strengthened, and they lost themselves in one another. They made music which each slap of their meeting, penetrating the walls. Erin clawed at him; her fingers digging into his shoulders.

“Oh my God,” she panted.

His plunges connected with her G-spot, again and again, as he drilled to the depths of her bottom in extended colossal strokes.

“Damn girl,” his deep voice beat, and he kissed the side of her mouth as his grind into her.

It started with a warning quake. Erin couldn’t stop the cataclysmic rupture that consumed her. With a wanton purr, she came in a rushing orgasm and Caleb devoured her mouth as he rode the wave with her. Together they bonded, like they’d never bonded before. It was something magical mixed with an enormous amount of serendipity. They gazed at each other with awe as they sailed back to earth trying to catch their breaths.

“This is real?” Erin questioned stuck in the lure of his smoldering stare.

“As real as it gets, sweetheart.”

The smile that covered Erin’s face made Caleb’s heart beat double time. He covered her in his arms and coached them to their side. The embrace was as snug as a locking mechanism and their bodies hummed from the sexual energy.

“Stay with me,” Erin crooned.

Caleb smirked. “I hadn’t planned to go anywhere.”

They both laughed, and Caleb caressed her thighs with his hands.

“Are you okay?”

Erin nodded sleepily, and she drifted right off in his arms into the deepest slumber she’d ever been in.