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Colton Farms by M.E. Parker (8)


I woke up lying on my back. My arm was around her and her head was burrowed in my chest and one of her legs was draped over mine. Her hair was fanned out behind her. I laid still watching her sleep. She looked like an angel lying there. I don’t know how long we had been sleeping, but the sun had set and the light from the other room filtered into the bedroom. I could feel her soft breasts against my skin and as I thought about being inside her, my dick hardened.

My mind was racing. I was feeling things I shouldn’t be feeling. I was thinking of things I shouldn’t be thinking about. The sex with her was unbelievable. I had never experienced anything like it. Besides that, she was undeniably gorgeous. But it was more than that. The more I got to know her, the more beautiful she became. I should be terrified that she asked me if she could stay. But instead, I was terrified that she might leave.

My initial impression of her was harsh. I thought she was just like Tiffany, spoiled and materialistic. But the more I got to know her, the more I realized that she was nothing like Tiffany. Everything about her seemed generous and kind. The girl had probably never cooked in her life and yet she went out of her way to cook for me, something that she thought was my favorite and it was incredible. Tiffany never cooked for me once, she always thought it Sarah’s job. It wasn’t just the cooking though, it was the way Claire seemed to find beauty in the old cabin that my Dad and I built. She saw the beauty I saw. Tiffany couldn’t stand to spend one night here, much less would she ever agree to live in this place. With her, sex was just going through the motions, there was no feeling or passion. No, Tiffany and Claire couldn’t be more different, which was probably why I was so attracted to her. But that didn’t mean she would want to stay. When I told her that my kind of life was not for most people, I meant it.

But now that she had given herself to me, that I’d had this little taste of her, I would do everything in my power to keep her. I couldn’t believe how lucky I was to be the first to touch her, to make her come, to be inside her. Taking her was better than I had ever imagined. I had never been with a virgin before. Tiffany had several boyfriends before me. But I had always imagined it would be awkward or painful, but it wasn’t, it was perfect with Claire. It was if her body spoke to me, telling me the way she needed to be touched. It was beyond anything I had ever experienced with any woman, including Tiffany. And there had been plenty. 

Her hand moving across my chest jolted me out of thoughts when I realized that she had woken up. I bent my head down and kissed her on top of the head. She moved her hand downward until I felt the warmth of her palm on my hard dick. When she moved it back and forth, every muscle in my body to tightened. I groaned, “Claire,” as she moved her little thumb across the tip of my cock as her fingers wrapped around me.

“You’re hard again.” She whispered with a little laugh under her breath.

I chuckled and then my body jerked as she tightened her grip around me. “You should probably get used to it, I’ve pretty much been hard since the minute I first saw you.”

“I like touching you.” She said as she began to stroke.

“Oh god, Claire.” I groaned as she quickened her strokes. I felt her body pulling in closer to me and then her warm, wet, pussy rubbing against my hard thigh.

“Can we do it again?” She asked smiling up at me.

“Fuck, do you have any idea how much you turn me on?” I said to her as I moved away from her and sat up on the bed. “Come here baby,” I said grabbing her arm and pulling her towards me. I pulled her on to me so that she was straddling me with her knees on the bed on either side of my legs. I slid my hands down the curves of her body until I palmed both of her lush ass cheeks. Squeezing them, I looked up at her, “You’re sure you’re not too sore?” She looked down at me with her blonde waves framing her face, her beautiful eyes staring into mine, biting her bottom lip and shook her head.

I grabbed her waist and pulled her down on me, nestling my hard dick between her folds. I wanted her to come once before I was inside her again. I pressed her up against me so that my erection was tight against her clit. “Do you feel that? Does that feel good?” I asked as I moved her back and forth against me. Damn, it felt good to be that close to her.

“Yes.” She said as she threw her head back.

“Rub against me, Claire. Get yourself off. I want to watch you come before I fuck you.” I looked at her face turning red and wondered if she liked me talking dirty to her because I fucking liked it. She didn’t say anything, but she looked at me as she started to move. I held on to her waist at first but then let go so I could hold onto her tits. I bent down to take one in my mouth as she began to rub herself against me harder and faster. She threw her head back and arched her back as I sucked on her nipple. I was overcome with arousal. I was afraid I might come if she didn’t finish soon. “Dear god Claire, do you know how good your wet pussy feels rubbing against my dick? Let go baby, I want you to come so I can get inside you.”

“Oh god, Oh god, Jack. Fuck!” She sounded like she was whispering and screaming at the same time. Her body started shaking and I knew she was coming. I didn’t want to wait for her to come down before I was inside her, so I lifted her up by the waist and lowered her back down on me pushing myself inside her. I could feel her pulsing around me. She let out a loud moan.

“Jesus Claire, you feel so good it hurts.” I was afraid I might come right away, so I stilled for a minute or so.  She put her arms around my neck leaning her forehead against mine trying to catch her breath. “Look down baby, look how perfect we fit together,” I said.

“Jack, I don’t understand how this can feel so good.” I smiled at her and then grabbed her waist and started to move her slowly up and down my dick. It wasn’t a few seconds before she took over. That’s what I wanted, I wanted her to take control of her pleasure. There was nothing sexier. My hands moved down to her ass and I squeezed it as I watched her fuck me. It was so damn hot. I couldn’t hold on for much longer, so I reached between us with my hand and pushed my finger against her clit. Her breath hastened, and I could feel that she was close.

“Come with me Claire,” I grunted out as I felt a tightening in my balls. She threw her head back and moaned as I felt her body quiver as I exploded inside her. It was almost a blinding sensation as I felt my come shoot inside of her. I didn’t think I could ever get enough of her. Not possible.

After, we laid down next to each other catching our breath. I looked over at her and smiled and she smiled back, letting out a little giggle. She was fucking adorable. “What?” I asked.

“I still don’t understand how it can be so amazing.” I rolled on my side and propped my head up on my elbow so that I could see her face.

“I’m not sure how is either. But it is.” I grinned at her.

“Can I ask you something personal?” Her face reddened.

“You can ask me anything.”

“Besides Tiffany, were there others?” I didn’t answer right away. Not because I didn’t want to tell her truth. I was always going to tell her the truth. But I was trying to sort out how to say it, I didn’t want her to think less of me. Before I could answer, she smiled at me. “It’s okay if you don’t want to tell me. I was curious, I guess. I mean, you seem to know what you’re doing.” She blushed and let out a little laugh.

I chuckled, “No. For some crazy reason, I want to tell you everything. But first let me say, if it seems like I know what I’m doing, it’s because of you. It hasn’t ever been like this with anyone—I think it’s the two of us together that makes it so amazing.” I watched her blush more as she looked me waiting for me to answer. “There were a couple of people during college while Tiffany and I were broken up for a while. But I’ll be honest, the year after Tiffany and I split up for good, I spent almost every weekend in Nashville. I have a couple of buddies that lived there. We went to a lot of bars, drank a lot of whiskey, and I had a lot of one-night stands.”  I looked over at her, hoping she wasn’t upset.

She laughed at me, “That sounds like a country song.”

I chuckled, “Yeah. I guess it does. But Claire, when I told you I had never been with anyone without a condom, that’s the truth. I swear. I don’t want you to worry.”

“I guess I’m glad to be your first something.”

I smiled, “Claire, I think you’re going be to a lot of first somethings for me.”

She laughed, “So, I get the whole condom thing with the others, but what about Tiffany, I mean, you guys dated forever.” 

I couldn’t tell if she was having trouble believing me or if she was just curious, but I wanted to be honest with her. “She was…I don’t know. You have to know her. She started talking about getting married when we were eighteen. The truth is, I guess I didn’t trust her not to get pregnant on purpose. That sounds shitty I know, but looking back on it, I guess I didn’t really trust her not to sleep with anyone else either. I just didn’t trust her.”

Claire raised an eyebrow at me. “But you trust me?”

I looked her straight in the eye. “Yeah. I do. I don’t know why. We barely know each other. But I do. You shouldn’t trust me either, Claire, but here we are. This is crazy, whatever this is between us, but it feels right to me. Are you feeling this too?”

She blushed and smiled at me. “I told you earlier, I knew it was right—so yes, I feel it too and I trust you. And yes, it’s crazy.”

I laughed and bent down to kiss her. Her stomach growled. “Are you hungry Freckles?” 

“Apparently so. I have no idea what time it is.”

“It’s midnight.”

“Holy crap. I guess we slept for hours.”

“You wore me out,” I said as I winked at her. “Stay right there. I’m going to get you something to eat and start a fire, so we don’t freeze tonight.”

I jumped out of bed and found an old pair of flannel pajama bottoms in the dresser and slid them on. She moved to get out of bed. “I’ll come with you.”

“No way. Stay there. And whatever you do, don’t put any clothes on.” She laughed and threw one of the pillows at me.

I came back in the room a few minutes later with a slice of apple pie that Suzie had sent from the diner. Her eyes lit up when she saw it. I fed it to her in bed, while she was naked. It was sexy as hell. I wanted to take her again. But I knew she had to be sore. So, we sat and talked for hours. I swear, talking to her was as fulfilling as making love to her. She was smart, kind, funny, and so fucking adorable. Part of me wanted to desperately believe that I wasn’t hooked on every single word that she said, that one minute hadn’t passed since I met her that I didn’t think of her, that I wasn’t mesmerized by her gorgeous eyes, or that our bodies weren’t destined to be together. But each second, I spent with her led me closer to the truth, she was everything I ever wanted and that scared the livin’ daylights out of me.

I woke up with her wrapped in my arms, clinging to her like I was afraid she might slip away. Her little fingers were wrapped around my wrist and she was tugging gently on it as she tried to move out of the bed. “Where do you think you’re goin’ pretty girl?” I rasped without opening my eyes.

She giggled. “It’s time to get up sleepy head. We have to go to work, remember?” 

I had totally forgotten that I promised she could “work” with me on the farm today. I opened one eye and looked at my watch and groaned, “It’s six a.m. and we don’t have to be in a hurry today.” I pulled her in closer to me.

“Yes, we do Jack, I thought we were going to feed the animals?” I could hear the excitement in her voice.  I realized I hadn’t texted my stable hand, Luke, to tell him I was going to take care of them this morning. If I didn’t hurry, he would be there before we even made it to the barn. 

“Are you sure Freckles? I could just show you around the farm later today and you could help me work another day. I’m due for a day off anyway.” I brushed some hair back from her face and kissed her on the cheek, then her jaw, then her neck. I didn’t want to stop there.

“No way Jack. Quit tempting me. We are working today. You promised!” She wiggled away from me and jumped out of the bed. “I’m taking a shower. I’m so excited to see the farm, I can’t wait!”  I watched her ass sway into the bathroom. There was no question, I was going to give her whatever the hell she wanted.

I grabbed my Blackberry from the nightstand and texted Luke.

Me: Don’t worry about coming in today, I’ve got it covered.

Luke: WTF???

Me: Everything’s fine. I’ll explain later.

Luke: Is something wrong?

Me: No Luke. Enjoy your PAID day off.

Luke: ????

I didn’t answer. But I knew what he was thinking, he was probably worried about his job. I knew I would need to call him later and explain. This wasn’t like me at all. I felt like I’d lost my damn mind. I treat my workers well. I think they respect me for the most part. But I sure as hell don’t go around giving days off with pay for no reason, there was always work to be done.

I didn’t want to show up with Claire down at the barn with Luke there. I love the guy, but he has a big mouth. I needed to tell her that the farm was mine, and that, hell, I owned most of the damn county. I needed to tell her that that big monstrosity of a house was mine. But I wanted to do it on my own terms. I didn’t want Luke blurting it out.

I heard the shower kick on. I couldn’t help but make my way to the bathroom. “Hey Freckles, you need any help in there?” I walked over to the tiny shower and opened the glass door. She turned around and let out a little yelp. I couldn’t help but watch the droplets of water pouring over her soft body. I couldn’t stay away.


“What?” I said, stepping into the shower behind her. She grinned at me. “Why not save water and time?”

She laughed and turned her head away, “Somehow, I don’t think we’ll be saving either of those.” I wrapped my arms around her and pressed my body into her hers.

“Mornin’ Freckles.” I kissed her on her neck. “How are you feeling?”

I felt her breath hitch. “Just right,” she whispered.

“You sore?”

“A little.”

“Let me wash you.” I took some shower gel and lathered it up in my hands and began massaging her shoulders and back. God, she was beautiful.  She let out a little moan. I could tell she was turned on and I wanted to wait to make love to her again, but I didn’t want to hurt her.

I moved my hands around her and began to rub the soapy water over her breasts. I played with her nipples, tugging on them and then caressing them. She pushed back against me. My erection was pressing against her back as I moved one hand down between her legs and kept the other on her breast. She moaned again, and my name spilled from her lips in a whisper.

“I just want to make you come this morning, that’s all.” Her breathing increased as I rubbed my fingers between her folds. I concentrated on her clit, rubbing it in circles. She squeezed her thighs tight together as I rubbed her faster and harder. She laid her head back on my shoulder and moaned.

“Oh god Jack, that feels…” She didn’t finish. I kept rubbing her clit as I played with one of her nipples, pulling one and then lightly pinching it, and then caressing it again. I could tell she was about to fall over the edge when she cried out. Damn, as much as I wished I was inside her hot body, I loved watching her come. It was fucking gorgeous.

I spun her around to kiss her with everything I had. Our mouths were devouring each other as the warm water splashed down on us. My erection was tight against her stomach. She pulled back and looked at me. “My turn.” She grabbed the body wash and poured it into her hands and started to lather up my chest, they quickly moved down my abs until she brushed over my erection and down to my balls. I lost my breath for a second at her touch. She wrapped her fist around my dick, grazing the top of it with her thumb, “I want to make you come.”

“Oh god, Claire—I don’t know.” I groaned as she began to pump me over and over. It was incredible to feel her soft hand on me with the soapy warm water. I had to brace my hands against the shower wall to keep standing as she slid her hand up and down my throbbing shaft. “Jesus Claire, I’m going to…” She reached down with her other hand and started massaging my balls and I felt them tighten. “Claire!” I growled as I felt my release spurting up, covering her soft, creamy stomach and breasts. I couldn’t catch my breath. The whole damn thing was so fucking hot. “Fuck. Claire, I’m sorry, I should have warned you.” She looked down as she moved her hands up to my chest and pushed against me connecting her mouth with mine.

She whispered on my lips, “God that turned me on so much, is that weird?” Her breath was heavy.

“I don’t know, but it fucking turned me on too. So, if it’s weird, we both are. I loved coming all over you. It makes me think your mine, is that weird?”

“No, because I am yours, Jack.” She said kissing me again.

“God, I want to believe you so much, pretty girl,” I whispered against her lips.

I washed her again and then washed her hair and conditioned it as she giggled. We traded places and she washed my hair. I was hard again before I ever got out of the shower. She looked down at me and laughed. “I told you Claire, you may as well just get used to this. It’s a perpetual state when I’m around you. You do this to me.”




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