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A Drackon Christmas by Maia Starr (82)

Chapter 2



I took my work at the alien relations agency very seriously. I had made my way up the ladder and had worked hard to get where I was. I had made it the position of President of the Communications Department and I was excited about it. They placed a lot of trust in me, and I was bound by that honor. I would do anything to get this mission right.


I was an intelligent woman with a background in the medical field. It was this background that led me to alien communications, even though it seems like that is a strange climb. You see, I had studied medicine and human anatomy, but when the aliens first became known to us five years prior, I began to study their anatomy too. Once I began to study their anatomy, that quickly led me to studying their brain, and the brain then led to behavior. After that, the way they communicate was my next area of study. So, I became a leader in the science of these Zenkian aliens. That was how I became president of the alien relations agency communication department.


Then, something amazing happened. After many raids by these alien Zenkian soldiers, the humans finally had enough. We could not fight them because they were twice our size and they were far more advanced in military terms. So, the humans of Earth began to talk about how we could possibly strike a peace accord with these Zenkians. They wanted to conquer Earth for our resources and enslave us. We, of course, did not want that to happen. So we would try to strike a treaty to share our resources with them if they agreed to stop raiding us and fighting us. This was the plan, and I was the one that was going to deliver this plan to them.


So amazingly I went from President of Alien Relations Communications to an astronaut. We set out from space and headed to the Zenkian planet of Anvin where we were expected by the Waysaw Zenkians.


Upon arriving on the planet of Anvin with my team of four, to speak peace with the invaders known as the Zenkians, we were all very nervous.


“Miranda, there it is,” Brad said to me. He was the pilot of our small ship. We were dropping down into the city of Waysaw.


“Yes, that is it. That is where we land,” I said looking at my instructions that were sent to us from the Zenkians. We were landing on a giant X, like a helicopter pad. There were Zenkians waving us in.


As far as we knew, there were two sects of Zenkians. The Waysaw Zenkians from the region of Waysaw were thieves, and they had red skin. They constantly invaded Earth, stealing resources and women. The other sect of Zenkian was the group known as the Grantsions who were from the Grantsion mountains on Anvin. The Waysaw Zenkians called the Grantsions the rebels, though we weren’t really sure why on Earth. We were still learning about these alien invaders after five years of them invading us.


“I will never get used to seeing them in person,” Trevor said. He was part of my team and my assistant.


“No, neither will I. Look at their red skin. It’s so unusual,” I said looking at the Zenkian warriors guiding our ship’s landing. They wore military-style black uniforms but their quarter sleeves left their forearms exposed. You would see their toned arms and smooth red skin. It was as red as an apple. Other than that, they looked fairly human, except for their extremely tall nine-foot heights and exceptionally strong bodies.


“I heard the Grantsion Zenkians are blue-skinned,” Captain James said. He was the Captain of the ship and knew a lot about space.


“I’ve never seen one in person,” I said. “Only in photos and video.”


“All right. Landing successful; permission to turn off the engine?” Brad said.


“Permission granted. Are you ready for this, Miranda? President?” he said looking at me.


“Yes and no. But we don’t have a choice. We have to get out there. If we don’t, they will think this ship is a bomb or something,” I said moving toward the door.


“Um, and they have normal air like on Earth, right?” Trevor asked.


“I believe so. That is why they want Earth, because it is like Anvin,” I said looking out the windshield.


Outside I could see a vast city. There were very tall skyscrapers. Flying cars sped around the bustling place. In the far distance, I could see grey mountains. It was very beautiful. The sky was blue with clouds, and I could see trees and plants dotting the cityscape.


“It does look a lot like Earth,” Captain James said.


“It is uncanny. I can’t believe that we are really here,” I said.


“I still have a bad feeling about this. Is it too late to change our minds?” Brad asked.


“Yes, it is,” I said. We all looked at each other. This was the moment of the unknown. We were about to be the first space mission to set foot on an alien planet. This was not your standard everyday occurrence. I was very excited about it. I had been completely fascinated by these Zenkian aliens ever since I first learned they existed. Some could even say that it was an unhealthy obsession.


“Well, are we going to do this or not?” I anxiously said as I moved to the door.


“Right, open the door, Brad!” Captain James said.


The door of the ship slowly opened. A rush of fresh air hit me. I inhaled a big breath. “I think it is good. Actually, it might be the cleanest air I have ever breathed in,” I said to my team. Yes, they were my team. Captain James was in charge of the flight, but I was in charge of the mission. I was a president, after all.


“Let’s do this then,” Captain James said.


I gathered all my courage and stepped outside onto the ramp of the ship. I looked around in the bright sunlight. Then I walked down the ship ramp onto the ground where we landed. There were three Zenkians, one looked like an official in a long red robe that almost matched his skin, and the other two were soldiers. They were armed with blaster guns in their holsters and shields and swords.


My team followed behind me. We were unarmed. It was part of the deal in coming here. We were to bring absolutely no weapons and that included not using a military ship to come to Anvin. We of course abided by their requests. They had the upper hand here. We were just visitors, and we were on their terms. Earth had very few options when it came to the terms. We wanted peace, and to share our resources instead of being conquered in the future. As I approached the Zenkians, my adrenaline spiked. They were our enemy, and they wanted us humans dead. The element of danger was exciting to me, but also frightening. I stepped in front of the three Zenkians, and my team stood behind me. It was all very ceremonious. It was thrilling.


“Hello. My name is Miranda. I am Communications President at the alien relations agency on Earth. Thank you for allowing us to come and speak peacefully with you,” I said nodding my head in greeting.


“Yes, Miranda. My name is Leader Rangellis. We are honored to have you here. Please follow me,” he said.


He turned and walked. I looked at my team, and we followed. It was a short greeting but what did I expect from such brutes? As I followed the leader with my team, I looked around. Anvin truly was a beautiful planet, and this area seemed a lot like a beach city, like Miami. There were towering buildings, like skyscrapers, and massive long buildings. The air was just like Earth, and I could see why they wanted our resources, our planets were so much alike. In the distance, I could see a white-sand beach outside the city with crystal water.


“It’s like Miami,” Brad whispered to me. I nodded my head in agreement.


“Please follow me into the war game complex. I will introduce you to your Zenkian escort. He will show you around and be your appointed Zenkian,” Leader Rangellis said.


“War games?” I asked as we entered a massive tunnel on the side of a long building that looked like a football stadium.


“Cool,” I heard Trevor whisper.


“Yes. It is what we do to keep our soldiers in the best shape possible,” Rangellis said.


“I see. Forgive me, but I thought we could start our talks as soon as possible,” I said. Rangellis stopped and looked at me. He did not like my defiance; that was evident.


“In due time, Miranda. For now, let us establish some trust. I want you to see the ways of the Zenkians,” he smiled a fake smile that made my blood run cold. Then he continued walking. I looked at my team confused.


We followed him, and soon the war game complex opened up to a massive field with stadium-style seating. We followed the leader to the sidelines where there were many Zenkian soldiers that all stared at us.


“Watch and observe,” Rangellis said as he stopped on the sidelines and turned us toward the field.


There were about twenty soldiers on the field engaged in some kind of game that required swords and shields as they tackled each other and ran up and down the field. I did not understand it, but it was interesting to watch. I had to admit that I found myself mesmerized by being surrounded by all these alien soldiers. I knew a lot about anatomy, and these god-like bodies of these alien men fascinated me.


They were the ones that I compared every man to. I wondered what was underneath those tight uniforms they wore out on the field. It was always forbidden fruit. But I had to put that desire aside and focus.


I watched them tackle and fight each other. It was like some warrior video game come to life. I was fascinated as I watched the strong bodies fight and collide. I even found my mouth watering a little. A sound pierced the air, almost like a whistle, and the soldiers stopped. Then they all lined up facing each other on either side of the field once more.


But as I looked at them and scanned over their faces, I found that one was looking directly at me. I sucked in a sharp breath of air. He was breathing hard, and his strong chest was going up and down as he stared at me. Then he grinned a brilliant white grin. His long black hair was just above his shoulders, and it was messy and rugged. His eyes were a light brown, like an amber color. His black latex uniform hugged his muscular, tall body.


I started to feel nervous as he stared at me. Why the hell was he looking at me like this? His grin was as if he could see me naked, and it was making me uneasy.


“This might be the coolest game I have ever seen,” Trevor whispered to Brad.


“Yeah, none of us would last two seconds out there. Not even our most skilled soldiers would last out there,” Captain James added in.


They were right. These Zenkian soldiers were making extreme and brutal battle into a game. No wonder they were not afraid of real battle, and were excellent at it. This was an everyday occurrence.


The soldier with the black hair and amber eyes was still looking at me. I felt a flush of heat over my body and I had to look away. I was so embarrassed, and I did not know why. But my body was betraying me, and I felt myself growing moist between my thighs. I took a deep breath and tried to focus on the ground around my feet. Then the loud whistle blew. I looked up.


The soldiers screamed at each and ran at each other full force. Clash! Swords banged together, and shields clashed. They were fighting real combat, not with laser guns. It was brutal. But I could not take my eyes off the black-haired soldier. He was skilled. He was the best one out there. He would take on two fighters at a time. My mouth fell open watching him. Damn, he was good. Damn, he was sexy. Shit.