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Alpha's Ride: An M/M Shifter MPreg Romance (Texas Heat Book 4) by Aspen Grey (3)



The Galloping Jackals. Killoran, Harold and Trey. They wore black leather jackets and boots and were guys who were used to not taking orders from anybody, especially a business owner as young as me. They were here to collect. Killoran, who had long ratty black hair and was covered with tattoos, sniffed the air as he sauntered up to the bar.

“What’s that smell, boys?” he asked his companions. They were both just under six feet tall, Trey had spiked blond hair and Harold was scrawny but fierce like a coyote.

“I dunno, boss?” Harold grinned. “What is it?”

“That is some good boy-pussy,” he replied, locking his eyes on me in a way that sent a shiver through me. “I mean, here I was coming in for drinks and to collect, and I’d forgotten just how goddamn good looking Percy here was!”

Killoran put both hands on the countertop and looked at me with the look of a starving man eyeing a nice, juicy hamburger. Quickly, I took a step back and the man cocked his head at me.

“What’s the issue, sweet potato?” he asked, running a sickly tongue across his cracked lips.

“No issue,” I replied quickly, stepping back behind Johnny. “Johnny, why don’t you get these boys what they need.”

I turned to go, but the loud alpha called after me.

“Hold up there!” he cried out, coming up the bar towards me. “Where are you headed?”

“There are things I have to attend to out back,” I lied, anxious to be gone.

“Oh, I can handle your out back things,” he winked, reaching across the bar and taking me by the wrist. I struggled to pull away, but I was just an omega and he was a strong alpha with a grip like a set of vice grips.

“What, you don’t want to stick around and party?” Killoran asked, a fiendish smile twisted across his lips. “My boys and I could show you a good time.”

“Look, Killoran. I’m short tonight, okay? Business hasn’t been great and you guys have been draining me dry. But if you come back next week—”

Killoran pouted his lips and raised an eyebrow. “Are you asking us to leave? That doesn’t sound too nice. Your mommy and daddy know you talk like that?”

I glared back at him, biting my lower lip in an attempt to keep my temper at bay.

“Oh, that’s right!” he cackled. “You don’t have a mommy and daddy. My mistake!”

Killoran’s two buddies were getting a real kick out of their boss’ antics and were giggling and snorting to themselves as they both grabbed a stool. Johnny finally stepped forward and put a hand on Killoran’s and pulled his grip open.

“Let the kid go,” he said firmly. Killoran glanced up at him, an amused look in his eyes.

“You don’t want none of this, chum,” he spat. “Now get lost before me and my boys decide to get discourteous on your ass.”

“Get dis-what?” Johnny growled, taking a step forward. But that’s how it happened.

Killoran moved so fast I almost missed it. He snatched Johnny by the back of the neck and slammed his head against the bar so hard I felt the vibration in my feet. He was out like a light and toppled over to land in a heap on the mat. My eyes went wide and I darted for the back door, but Killoran was too quick for that.

I felt his fingers tighten in my hair and my neck almost snap as he yanked me back, up into the air and onto the bar. I flinched, expecting a slap or a fist to the face, but none came. When I finally opened my eyes and looked up, I saw Killoran smiling down at me like I was his new pony and he was about to take me to a show.

“You know what, boys?” he said, addressing his crew. “Percy here says he’s a little short on cash, but I think there’s another way he could pay us back, don’t you?”

“I think I know what you mean,” Harold said with a sneer.

“Why don’t we bring something to go, boss?” Trey, asked as he reached over the counter and grabbed a bottle of whiskey.

“That’s a great idea,” he replied, leaning in and pressing his thick nose against the skin of my neck. He smelled like stale cigarettes, sweat and beer all being brought together by the foul odor of gasoline.

“Get off!” I screamed, thrashing out with a knee towards the face of my captor. He blocked it with such ease it actually shocked me.

“Tsk, tsk, tsk,” he scolded me. “Don’t do that. I wouldn’t want to have to mark up that pretty little mug of yours.”

The door to the back slammed and I looked up to see Ron standing there with a fresh case of O’Doul’s and a horrified look on his face.

“Hey!” he shouted, dropping the case to the floor and rushing to my aid. “Get the Hell off him!”

He leapt at Killoran but the alpha quickly lashed out with a backhand. It connected and took poor Ron off his feet and sent him sprawling. He hit the floor behind the bar like a wet sock and I felt my heart break as his face contorted in pain. Killoran laughed like a devil as he grabbed me into his arms.

I tried to cry out as he carried me towards the door of the bar, but his hand slid over my mouth with ease and muffled my screams. I tasted rough callus and salt and tried to wriggle out of his grip, but it was hopeless. I was a tiny little prey animal in the claws of an enormous predator.

“You’re wasted here, my little dove,” Killoran whispered to me. “You’d be much more appreciated if you came with us.”

I looked across the lot to see two bikes parked next to an old white pack van and knew instantly where they were taking me. Again, I tried to scream. I tried to kick. I tried to do anything I could to get away, but his arms were like iron and try as I might, I could not break free. All I could do was watch in horror as the back doors opened and Killoran slid me inside.

“No!” I screamed, but it was too late. The doors slammed shut behind me. I lurched forward, tried to find the handle to pull them open, but there simply wasn’t anything there. The whole door panel was a mess, like it had been torn apart specifically to keep someone like me from escaping. And as the old van’s engine roared to life, a terrible thought entered my mind.

This isn’t the first time they’ve done this…