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Alpha's Ride: An M/M Shifter MPreg Romance (Texas Heat Book 4) by Aspen Grey (6)



As I blasted naked through the night with my fated mate slung over my shoulder, Killoran’s blood still dripping from my lips and teeth, I couldn’t even begin to contain my excitement.

My fated mate! The phrase kept running around and around and around in my mind as I pulled off the highway and onto Cedar Creek road, a quiet old drive outside of Austin where I was staying. It was a small house, not much, as I was banking my cash for a bigger move when the time was right, and as I slowed down and wheeled into the driveway, I couldn’t help but think that the time had come.

I killed the engine, kicked the kickstand, hopped off the bike and made my way up the old steps to the front door. I unlocked it and stepped inside, Percy’s scent dripping over me like the sweetest perfume. It was doing countless things to my body.

First of all, I was flushed—hotter than Hell despite the wind blowing over me on my ride home. My heart was racing, although I guess that could have been leftover from the fight, but then there was what was happening…downstairs.

My dick was in full breeding mode, hard as a rock, standing out straight from my body like a triumphant flag pole ready to plant its seed in fertile ground. And Percy was fertile, I could smell it on him.

All my life’s assumptions had been flipped upside-down the second I’d smelled him back at Bottom’s Up. Not only had I given up on the idea of true love, but I’d sworn off even thinking about it. It was just one of those things you read about in those cheesy romance novels you’d find by the carts and newspapers at the grocery store.

Of course I’d heard of fated mates. Every shifter had. But actually believing in it, to me, was like believing in ghosts. There was just no way. But then I’d smelled him. It. The scent of my fated mate, and everything changed. I’d been possessed in a way I’d never been before, racing off after him and risking my life to save him—an omega I’d never even met before. And now, as I lay the beautiful boy down on my worn leather couch, and gazed down at his cherubic features, I knew I had made the right choice.

He’d fainted, but the way he was lying there…it was so peaceful, quiet, like a Heavenly creature had drifted down from another realm of pure beauty and landed right in my lap. Mushy fucking thoughts were running through my brain in a way that I was not accustomed to, but the responses my body was having were a little easier to understand.

The poor boy had his pants down at his knees when I came in, then shifted and tore right out of them. As such, he was lying naked on my couch and my cock had noticed. Big time. I glanced down at my massive erection and almost felt bad for a second. He wasn’t even conscious and I was about to bust a nut from just looking at him. So, I went to the closet and grabbed a spare sheet and draped it over him, giving him a little modesty. It was the right thing to do.

His wrists were both bleeding, one worse than the other, and I quickly went to the bathroom and came back with some gauze and medical tape. I wiped them gently to clean them, and bound them to stop the bleeding.

“Look what they did to you…” I muttered angrily to myself as I looked at the wrappings around his wrist. After a moment, Percy’s eyes fluttered and slowly opened. I smiled as they focused on me, and when our gazes met, it was like a thousand fireworks going off inside me. It was that feeling you get when you hit the open stretch of highway with the throttle wide and no destination in sight. Pure love of life, freedom and romance. A dream. It was everything good I’d ever felt multiplied by a hundred—more.

“Hey, you,” I said gently as he blinked quickly, did his best to get his bearings.

“Hi…” he replied, his voice barely a whisper. “Where am I?”

“You’re safe,” I told him, taking his hand in mine and squeezing. “Those bastards are far away nursing their wounds.”

He looked around my living room, taking it all in, then brought his eyes back to me. “You—you saved me.”

“Of course I did,” I nodded, squeezing his hand tighter, feeling the warmth of his body flood into mine. “I had to. You know why, don’t you?”

I looked at him. We both knew the answer to my question, but I saw the hesitation in his eyes. It was like we were stuck in a magic moment, indescribable in its importance, and simply discussing it might shatter it like the most delicate glass. His eyes smiled at me, but then he tucked his head sheepishly away in the pillow.

He’s shy, I thought with a smile. Don’t press him. Not yet.

“How’d you get mixed up with those idiots?” I asked him. “Those boys are not anybody you want to know.”

“They came into my bar,” he groaned, shifting against the couch. “Started trouble instantly. I tried to fight back, but—”

“They could have killed you,” I interrupted. “Don’t blame yourself for the actions of assholes.”

That put a tiny smile on his lips. “How did you end up there?”

“I smelled you, of course,” I told him, as though nothing more needed to be said. His cheeks went red and he tried to lower his eyes from mine, but I slid a finger under his chin and raised them back to mine. “I knew I just had to find you.”

And with that, I leaned in and kissed him.

Somewhere inside of me, a nuclear bomb went off. The fallout was incredible. Every muscle in my body began to tingle as the sensation spread from my lips to my limbs and everywhere else. My dick twitched and I just knew I was leaking precum.

He kissed me back, hungrily, opening his lips to accept my tongue as I pressed inside. I wanted every inch of him. I wanted him more than I’d ever wanted anything in my life and felt compelled by some universal truth that we both understood.

I moved closer, wrapped my arms around him and pulled back the sheet, exposing his beautiful, milky body. He was firm and soft at the same time as I ran my hands across his skin, exploring every nook and cranny with my fingertips.

He moaned softly as we kissed, and I moved closer to him, taking some space on the couch beside him. I slid a hand around his lower back and felt two dimples just above his plump little bubble butt.


My primal nature was calling out as I caressed him, and when he pressed back against me, and I felt his hard omega cock press against my abs, I hit a high I’d never known.

“Do you want me?” I asked him, barely pulling my lips from his as I whispered into his mouth.

He nodded vigorously. But that wasn’t enough for me.

“Tell me.”

“Yes!” he gasped.

“Yes, what?”

“Yes, I want you!” he said passionately.

“Yeah?” I asked him, relishing in the moment as I took his hand and moved it to my cock. When he touched it, a shot of pleasure ran through me that drove me wild. I could feel my precum spilling onto his fingers as he began to stroke me. I couldn’t wait to be inside him.


“You’re my fated mate,” I told him, finally allowing myself to say the words. They flowed out of my lips like a golden wind bringing truth to the world. I felt his smile against mine and then he nodded.

“I know,” he whispered back, his hand moving slowly on my hard dick.

“I need to be inside you,” I told him.


“I’m going to put a baby in you.”

“Yes!” he repeated eagerly, his hand moving faster on my erection.

“But first,” I said, pulling back so I could look him in the eyes. “First I want you to suck me.”