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Angels: A Guardians Series Military Romance (The Guardians Book 1) by Beth Abbott (58)

Chapter 58 – Niko

 Niko studied the women as they distributed the food amongst themselves, watching as everyone took only one of everything to make sure it was shared out evenly. Only once everyone had something did any of them start to eat.

Niko felt tears at the back of her eyes and turned away from them.

She wondered if those women hated her right now as much as she hated her brother.

Did they still blame her for everything?

Before she could sink into even more of a funk, Niko felt her phone vibrate in her pocket.

She stepped away from the group and pulled it out to read the message.

“In position, two minutes away. Will keep watch until we receive your signal.”

Her signal? Her signal to do what?

They hadn’t told her the plan, so how the hell was she supposed to know when the right time would be to signal them?

Niko glanced over at Roman, who was sitting with his favourite people, H and Ken, and her heart flipflopped in her chest.

His safety was the only thing she ever truly worried about, and it had been with a hope of getting Roman away from the dangers of being around Ilya and his men, that she had first reached out for help.

Wasn’t it ironic, that only after she realised her plans were coming to fruition, had she actually met men she trusted enough to protect him.

She watched Roman climb up on Hollywood’s lap, and he automatically wrapped his arm around her son’s little frame, pulling him up higher so he wouldn’t fall off.

She half-smiled, guessing that Hollywood hadn’t even realised what he was doing.

So much for the big macho Marine, acting tough in front of Ilya’s men.

Then again, she thought, when you looked like Hollywood, Kellen, and the rest of their team, and carried those huge frames with confidence, you really didn’t have to try and act tough at all. Macho hung around them like an aura, flashing a clear ‘don’t fuck with us’ message.

“I’ll try and get Roman clear first, then I can help you get the women out.” She typed back, wondering how on earth she was going to get him outside without Ilya’s men noticing or following her.

Hopefully, as plans went, that would be good enough for her contacts.

Niko pulled a bottle of water out of a pack and took it over to her son.

“Here, baby. Have some of this.” She watched as he took it from her and gulped some back. When he finished, Roman wiped the back of his hand across his mouth, before letting out a loud belch.

She glanced around the group of men who suddenly couldn’t meet her eyes.

“Do I need to ask which one of you taught him how to do that?” She asked, more amused than cross.

“H does it loudest.” Roman smiled up at her. “But Evan can make his last a really long time.”

“I see.” Niko couldn’t bring herself to scold him. “Well, what I think H and Evan should have told you, is that belching like that is something guys do together. They don’t do it in front of ladies.”

“Is that because ladies suck at it?” Roman looked up at her innocently.

When the guys started laughing, even Niko was hard-pressed not to chuckle.

“No, sweetheart. Ladies just don’t think it’s as funny as men do.” She explained. “We have quite a different sense of humour.”

“I know, mama.” Roman nodded. “Uncle Ilya told me he knows many ways to wipe the smile off a woman’s face. Is that because he burps louder than H?”

This time nobody laughed.

“Maybe.” Niko leaned over and kissed his head. “Come on, I’ll take you outside to go to pee before bedtime.”

“We’ve rigged up something he can use behind the van.” Kellen pointed in the opposite direction from the entrance to the shed. “It’s probably safer to take him over there than try and take him outside.”

“I think the fresh air might do us both some good.” She smiled, but her tone said she was going to do what she wanted, not what they said she had to.

“Honey, if one or more of Ilya’s men follows you out into the dark, it’s going to be hard for us to protect you, while still keeping the women safe. Splitting the team leaves only half the protection.” Hollywood pointed out, standing up to stop her walking away. “You really need to work with us on this one.”

Shit! How the hell was she supposed to get Roman outside?

Before she could figure out the answer, her phone vibrated again, and she pulled it from her pocket. It was a call from an unidentified number.

“Ilya?” Hollywood glanced at the screen.

“I don’t know. I don’t recognise the number.” She replied honestly.

She accepted the call, turning her back on Hollywood until she knew who the caller was.

“Niko, can you hear me?” She could barely make out the man’s voice.

“Who is this?” She asked, turning back to Hollywood. This was nobody connected to her escape plan, she was sure.

“Niko, it’s Drago! Can you hear me?” Why did he sound so strange?

“Drago? Where are you? You sound weird, like you are miles away from the phone.”

“Niko, listen to me. Ilya is on his way back to you in one of the vans.” Drago’s voice was muffled. “He’s off his head on coke again, and he’s driving like a lunatic. I dared to complain about his driving again, and he went into one of his rages. He had a couple of his men throw me in the back of the van.”

“Are you Ok?” She asked, worried for Drago’s safety. She knew her brother’s temper was legendary. Add in a few grams of coke, and God knows what he was capable of doing.

“Niko, there are two vans heading your way, containing your brother and another half dozen men. I don’t think we can be more than a few minutes out.” Drago said quickly. “You need to be aware that the deal he did today was for a huge consignment of arms. Niko, the vans are packed with guns and grenades. You have to tell your people. Do you hear me? You have to warn them now!”

“Warn my people?” She hissed. “What do you mean, Drago? Who are my people?”

Before he could respond the line went dead, and Niko was left staring at her phone.

“Niko, you need to tell me what that was about.” Hollywood grabbed her arm gently and shook her. “Niko talk to me. What the hell is going on?”

Niko looked up at Hollywood. Was he one of the people Drago had been talking about? Or worse, did Drago know what Niko had been planning all along?

“We’re waiting Niko.” Kellen moved closer. “What’s going on?”

“That was Drago.” She confirmed. “Ilya is on his way here, high on coke, with a van full of newly acquired rifles and grenades. Drago tried to calm him down, and he got thrown in the back of the van for his troubles. He didn’t sound too comfortable, so we can’t be sure he isn’t tied up. He said to warn my people that Ilya is only a few minutes away, so I guess he means you guys.”

She watched Hollywood and Kellen glance at each other.

“Finally!” Kellen breathed a sigh of relief.

Hollywood grinned as he pulled her in for a hug.

“Angel, you have no idea how good it is to hear you say that.” He whispered into her hair.

Niko stood frozen to the spot, watching Logan, Evan and the Russian brothers grinning at her.


Why did she have the feeling that name had more meaning than when he called her honey, or sweetheart?

Shit! What the hell had she got herself caught up in now?