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Arranged: An Array Novel (Book #1) by Hazel Grace (19)


Chapter 19

I entered my study in the best mood I had been in years, whistling the song that played when I held her in my arms. I smiled, thinking back to her begging me to participate in a pie eating contest, something we both had never done before. The excitement she radiated was contagious, and I couldn’t deny her anything she wanted. She won second place, holding up a red ribbon with pride, pie covering her face. She never looked so adorable.

The rest of the night included her dancing with old Samuel, who was the only man I’d let her dance with, played cards with drunk men who ogled her, then taking her earnings and giving it to the children. Then she danced with me some more. That was what stuck out in my mind the most; her being in my arms, looking up at me with those green eyes. Her wild spirit and those velvety lips consumed me.

I was in trouble.

I couldn’t imagine going back to living my life where she didn’t exist to me, other than someone to look after. She took something from me, and I’m not sure what it was, but I wanted more of her. The need to have more time with her consumed my thoughts the whole night. To take her out of Telliva and show her what else the world had to offer, watching the awe and excitement in her eyes. I wanted to give her what she desired; to explore and be free from walls and guards. And I wanted to explore her.

Fuck. I was in big trouble.

A shadowed figure moved in the dim light of my study. Not wanting to alert the person that I noticed, I didn’t turn around, but waited for them to make their move.

“Out a little late, weren’t you?” the voice asked from behind me. Taking a chance on the distance the intruder was behind me, I swung around and punched him in the gut. Twisting him, I pulled out my knife and held it to his throat. His very familiar throat.

“Now...I know why no one has attempted to kill you,” George choked.

“You can’t sneak up on a man like that,” I growled, removing the knife and pushing him away.

George held a hand to his stomach and faced me. “Duly noted.”

Femme Fatale, I taught him better than that.

“What the hell are you doing in here?” Needing a drink to calm my adrenaline, I strode to my fireplace mantel.

“Where were you tonight?” George countered. He picked one of the chairs in front of my desk and sat. “Normally you are here, pining away with plans or playing cards with your guards.”

I shrugged, reaching for two glasses and the decanter of brandy. “Out.”

“Hence, why I asked where you were. Where?” He crossed his arms. “That important?”

“You could say that.” I place down my items on my desk, examining his stiff posture. “Was there something you needed?”

“Actually, yes.” He stretched for the decanter, not waiting for me, and poured himself half a glass, swigging it down before pouring more. “You fucking threatened Ava’s safety, which I strictly forbade her to leave without a handful of guards nearby.”

My jaw twitched.

So he was spying on me, eh?

I clenched my hands to keep myself from pulling my brother over this table and beating the shit out of him for questioning me. “She is safe.”

He sneered. “You’re a fucking idiot, you know that? Why didn’t you just ask me? I would have—”

“Said no, and there is this man called our father who would have shot that idea down as quickly as it was spoken.” He opened his mouth to speak but I beat him to it. “Don’t bullshit me and say you would have helped me. Even Ava knows—”

Don’t use her against me.” He slammed his glass on the table, brandy splashing over the rim. “She is here to be kept safe. So that I can make sure nothing happens. And now my brother is sneaking her out of the castle like a fucking—”

“She needs to be let off your leash once in a while, George,” I snapped, lifting the edge of the desk and crashing it to the floor. He was pissing me off, completely ruining my evening.

“It’s not a leash, it's her safety! I can’t afford to have something happen to her.”


“You know how much I care for her!” His eyes bore daggers into me, but I ignored it, sitting in my chair so I didn’t flip him out of his, or throw this expensive brandy across the room.

“Plenty, I see.”

“And why wouldn’t I?” he spat. “I’ve known her since we were children. She’s my—”

Ex-fiancée. Yes, I’m aware,” I ground out bitterly.

“Best friend,” George corrected.

“She was fine. I was with her.” I clenched the arms of my chair, attempting to keep my temper in check.

“Alone. With no chaperone, and you had no backup. Did you even have another plan?”

“I did.”

“And you would take the risk?” He exhaled a shaky breath. “I can’t believe you. You are always so careful and—”

“Maybe I’m tired of being vigilant all the time.” I pointed out. “Maybe I needed a night off.”

George was silent for a moment, biting his upper lip and rubbing his chin. “You carry a lot of responsibility on your shoulders. You received the short end of the stick. Next time you need a timeout, keep Ava out of it.”

“I’ll keep that in mind.”

George scoffed, gritting his teeth. “You aren’t listening to me.” He said it in a slow and grating tone. “I love her; nothing is going to happen to her while she is here. I brought her here to keep her safe. Which started out amazing, since we were attacked only three days into our journey. She is at risk, more so now that, not only is she the only heir, but possibly my bride.”

My mind froze, repeating his last word. Bride.

“What did you say?”

“Father has informed me...that if I don’t find another bride, it’ll be Ava who will stand beside me as Queen.”

My thoughts flashed to tonight. Ava was in my arms, just hours ago, as I ravished her beautiful mouth, wanting to take more of her with each passing second.

“Does she know?”

“She agreed to it.” That hit me hard. I’d never experienced a whirlwind of emotion like I had now. Confusion mixed with deception obliterated my perfect night. When I wanted to give her the world, she had another plan of her own—marrying my brother while her lips were—

“Garr,” George chimed. “I already know. Don’t worry about it.”

I closed my eyes. “Know what?”

I could hear the smile in his voice. “That you’ve taken a liking to Ava.”

My eyes shot open. “I’m not looking for a damn wife.” It came out harsher than I meant, but I wasn’t. Yes, I wanted to make Ava happy; it made me feel good. But so would being inside her. I wasn’t staying here. I was going back home to Aruna, and Ava made it quite clear she wasn’t going to be tied down either.

George shrugged. “Maybe you should be.”

“I already have Father trying to impose Sophia Chitwood on me. I don’t need you to start in on it as well.”

George’s face dropped. “Oh shit.”

“Oh shit is right.”



Finding Ava in the bustling kitchen was easy; her red hair stood out like a beacon, calling for me. Leaning over a white marble counter, her leg was wrapped around one leg of a stool, as she tapped the other on the floor. Mr. Liason was singing off-key, like he did every morning that I can remember. It drove the rest of the kitchen staff daft with irritation. I admired the man to keep his normal routine while the others wanted to rip out his vocal cords.

Her long fingers snatched a strawberry from his cutting board while her head swayed back and forth to his voice. No wonder he liked her so well; she could withstand his singing.

“Ah, mornin’, Lord Cranfield,” Mr. Liason greeted, his gray hair in disarray, a strand in his eye. He didn’t seem to notice or was too busy to care. Ava stood from her chair, chewing and covering her mouth.

“Good morning.”

Smiling, I strode toward her. “Good morning.” When I was but a few feet from her, she perched herself back on the stool. By her rosy cheeks and strands of hair loosely falling out of her braid, I knew she had just gotten back from her morning ride with George. “Enjoy your morning excursion?”

“I did.” She popped a purple grape in her mouth. She smelled of rosewood and fresh air from being in the woods. “Mr. Liason coaxed me into making it a short one. He promised me a lovely breakfast.”

“Did he now?” I looked at him. “I’ve never seen him make anyone a special breakfast since I’ve been here. Wasn’t it you that said you wouldn’t make me any blueberry muffins?”

Mr. Liason scoffed. “They weren’t in season.” He placed down his knife and started barking out orders to the merchants on where to place the food. I leaned in closer to Ava.

“I was hoping I’d catch you before you went.”

She eyed me before popping another grape between her lips. “You don’t take morning rides.”

“Yes, my observant one.” Still eyeing her lips, I continued, “But morning jaunts seem to interest me now.”

Her cheeks turned pink and she evaded my gaze. “Are you going on the rabbit hunt in a few days?”

I tucked my chin in to hide my smile. “No, I have plenty to do here.”

Reaching for a berry, I took a bite, licking my bottom lip and tasting the tartness. I wondered what it would taste like off her lips.

“Back to business, eh?”

I chuckled. “Unfortunately.” I pushed off the counter, leaning my hip against it to face her. “Unless you have another party you’d like to attend.” She smiled down at her hands, fidgeting with her fingers.

“Do you know of any?”

“I can ask John.” I inched closer to her. “What else can I do?”

She locked her eyes with mine, glinting in amusement. “Can you make me breakfast?” I tsked. Not the answer I had in mind, but I loved her wittiness.

“I’ll make you whatever you want. Can’t promise it’ll be good, though.” I kissed her forehead, lingering a moment longer because I wanted to feel her skin again. Rounding the counter, I observed Mr. Liason’s work. He was just cutting up fruit; I know he had more going on. Striding to the stove, I asked the cook if he was helping with breakfast. He told me that he was making eggs and ham for Ava. Telling him to double up on it because I was starving, I approached the counter to see her shaking her head at me with her arms crossed.

“You cheated.”

I tried not to smile. “I had a late advantage, food is already being made.”

She raised a brow. “Can you make coffee?”

I held up my index finger. “That I know what to do.” Searching around for a kettle, I began to open up drawers, peeking inside a few with no luck.

Ava burst into laughter. “We may have to check your eyes, Garr.”

I squinted at her. “Why, is it out already?”

“Behind you.” On one of the other stoves sat a full coffee pot. Swearing under my breath, I grabbed us each a mug and the pot. “Need help finding the cream and sugar?” I peered over my shoulder, narrowing my eyes while I shook my head.

Ava was pouring the hot liquid into our cups, hers all the way to the top.

“Didn’t sleep well?” I asked.

“Was out late.” She locked eyes with me for a brief second before spooning out some sugar. I pulled up another stool, bringing it close to her.

“Anything else?” She hovered the spoon of sugar over my cup. “Yes, please.”

Dropping the white sweetener in my cup, she looked at me, her other hand on the glass decanter of cream. I nodded. Watching her movements, she gracefully poured cream in my cup, stirring it in with the spoon in her other hand. Placing down the decanter, she clinked the spoon against the rim of my cup.

“I want to hear about your night,” I pressed, clasping her hand. A small gasp left her throat as she nervously looked around, and I grinned. “Worried about gossips?”

She shook her head. “No. Just don’t want to be a topic of conversation.” I laced my fingers between hers, feeling the soft flesh against my calloused one.

“You already are, Avie. Once you stepped foot in that door, you were the highlight of everyone’s chatter.”

The side of her face scrunched. “Not a very pleasant thing to think of.” I rubbed my thumb along the inside of her palm, taking pleasure in touching her. This innocent part of her body made me think of not so innocent things.

“Let me give you something else to think about then,” I offered, adding more pressure. Her mouth dropped slightly, looking at our joined hands. Thinking that I was getting her mind to drift off in another direction, she surprised me when she brought her head up.

“You're a bad influence, Garrett Cranfield,” she scolded, yanking lightly on her hand. I kept my grip, touching her hip with my free hand. My knees were on either side of her, but she wasn’t as close I wanted her to be. Ripping her off that stool and having her pressed up against me still wouldn’t be close enough. My need to have her increased with every moment she was looking at me, laughing, and every second she existed.

I leaned closer to her, breathing in deeply. “Why would you say something so cruel to me?”

She grinned, picking up her glass, focusing straight ahead. “I’m sure you’ve heard much worse.” Bringing it to her lips, she took a sip.

“But it hurt coming from you.”

She glanced over with a raised eyebrow. “Why?”

“No man wants to look unfavorable in a beautiful woman’s eyes.” Twirling in her stool to face me, she opened her mouth to speak, but a loud clash of pots or pans crashed on the floor. Our attention witnessed Mr. Liason barreling into the kitchen, his face flush from running.

She jerked her hand out of my grasp. “What’s the matter, Mr. Liason? Are you okay?”

He struggled to catch his breath, looking at her with wide eyes. Two young maids dashed in behind him, blanched with teary eyes. Alarm rose within me, immediately standing, the wooden stool scraping against the floor.

“What is it?” I ordered harshly. My first thought was George, trying to remember what he had planned today. The looks of the staff set me on alert; it reminded me of how one of the butlers appeared when they told me George was almost killed by one of our guards. I needed to leave and find him. Turning on my heel, I made my way for the door until the next words halted me in my steps.

“It’s Lady Madelyn. She’s dead.”



“We’ll need a full investigation done on this,” Father announced, breaking the silence of the room. He removed his crown and placed it on the mantle, raking his hands through his gray hair. The four of us—George, myself, Father, and Cecilia—sat in the war room.  

“John is already on it.” I informed him. “We will interrogate all the cooks and maids in the palace. No one is allowed to leave until it is finished.” My attention was on how Ava was faring, and if the coffee had made her ill as well. Just as the news was given to them, Lucy showed up and I had ordered her to take Ava to her room, promising to be there soon. I wanted to stay with her, comfort her, kiss her into oblivion, but my duty halted me from such things.

Madelyn was poisoned, as well as a few others who drank from the same pot of coffee that morning, and I feared Ava was going to suffer the same fate. The notion turned my stomach in knots.

“Well done,” my father replied, nodding his approval.

“I want another taster,” Cecilia stated.

“You already have three, my dear,” he reminded her, and she shot him an incredulous look.

“Is there a limit on how far you have to go to keep your wife and Queen safe?” she questioned harshly. He sighed, but didn’t answer.

“Father,” I said. “Hara is travelling back home today. She should be here by early afternoon. I will need a few of your guards to intercept them, to make sure she arrived safely.”

“You will do no such thing!” Cecilia roared, standing from her chair. Father placed a hand on her shoulder and pushed her down to take her seat again.

“Take what you need,” he reassured me. “I want a guard at her room as well. When does your mother come home?” Cecilia seethed in her chair.

“I believe in the next few days. She said she would send me a messenger, so I know when to prepare.”

“No one cares if that whore lives or dies,” Cecilia growled. “You are putting the king and my son at risk by taking vital men away from their personal care!”

“Enough!” Father roared. Cecilia jumped in her seat in surprise. “If you don’t shut your mouth, woman, you’ll be personally removed from the room.”

“Mother, will you please write to...her family?” George asked. “Tell them what happened, and that she can be buried here or sent home.”

Cecilia reached her hand out to touch George’s. “Of course, my dear. Anything you need me to do. I’ll also respond to some letters I’ve received on the marriage matter.”

“What marriage matter?” George asked, pausing to take a drink of his brandy.

Cecilia straightened her gold gown and stood up regally. “I know it’s a sensitive subject right now. We can discuss it at another time.”

What marriage matter, Mother?” George asked, more sternly. I stepped behind his chair to show moral support. I rarely saw him snap at his mother. She had something up her sleeve. Big surprise. Cecilia looked shocked at her son’s outburst before she quickly recovered, which turned into a look of annoyance now that I was in her line of sight, but she focused her attention on her only son.

“Now that you are without a prospect of a wife, we’ll need to look for another one.”

George looked at her as if she had gone completely insane. “Another one?” George repeated in a dangerous tone. “Like she was just something I bought or traded for? She was a good human being!”

“She wasn’t ever going to be your wife!” Cecilia exclaimed. “That woman couldn’t handle a card game, let alone a kingdom. Your father told me that you would be rid of her.”

George looked back at me. “I hadn’t gotten a chance to tell her yet. When Ava and I—”

Cecilia smiled and clapped her hands together. “What a marvelous idea! Ava. We can make Ava your wife.”

“No!” George and I both said in unison. Father looked at both of us, baffled.

“We’ve already been through that.” George quickly said. “We aren’t doing that to her again.”

“She will do as she is told!” Cecilia bellowed. “You are the future king.” She looked at her husband. “Tell him. Tell him that it is what we want. You wanted it; we went through all the trouble of locking her away to keep her safe.”

“No,” George said flatly again.

“She was raised to be your Queen since she was a child. She already has the training and the—”

“I said no,” George snarled, glaring at her. Cecilia stood from her chair, her face red with frustration.

“I said yes. And as Queen, I demand it!” She took a step toward George and said, more softly, “You are upset. Madelyn was a lovely girl. But we have a kingdom to think of; a future. Ava would be perfect. She would birth you many sons, and—”

“No,” I warned, trying to keep myself from throttling her.

“I don’t remember you being invited into this room, bastard. This is royal business; you may see yourself out,” Cecilia seethed through her teeth.

“He will stay because his bastard ass keeps you alive, Cecilia. So, sit down,” Father replied, stepping beside her, daring her to challenge him.

“I want him out of my sight. It’s bad enough I had to have this unwanted child in my presence. Years upon years, I’ve watched him grow up with my son, challenging his position, challenging my son’s right to—”

“Leave!” my father exclaimed, pointing his finger to the door. Cecilia turned to face him.

“How dare you!” she yelled. “You fool! You think that he is trying to help us, but I think he is behind this whole radical plan of attacks.”

“If you don’t leave this room, Cecilia, I will have a guard drag you out by your hair.”

She went to open her mouth again, then shut it. Looking at me one more time with fury, she left the room. I had never been seen or heard my father protect me as he did now.  

He took a seat in Cecilia’s chair and motioned for George to pour him a drink. George did what was asked of him and lit a cigar for him as well.

“Now,” Father began, “I want to know what the two of you have been talking about.”

“Talking about?” George asked. I sat on the arm of George’s seat.

“Yes,” he said slowly. “The two of you have been discussing Ava, and I want to know what for. You both declined Cecilia’s offer of making her George’s wife. I want to know why.” He looked at George. “You and I spoke about this, only days ago. If you hadn’t found a new wife, Ava will fall to the task.” George took a deep breath and I shifted uncomfortably. “Did you find someone else?”

George shook his head. “No.”

“Then our original plan still stands.”

“This is ridiculous,” George bit out.

Father shrugged his shoulders. “It’s my wish, and the future of the Kingdom.”

“You’re forcing all of us in an awkward position,” I blurted. “Ava doesn’t want to be locked into this life. George doesn’t want to do it either.”

“And what is it that you want, son?” he asked, locking his eyes on me.

“Not Sophia Chitwood.”

Father chuckled and shook his head. “That ship has already sailed, Garr.”

“Father, you don’t want her anywhere near the crown. She’s a snake; something isn’t right about her. Who the hell wants to marry a bastard and not the prince?” George said. He looked over his shoulder at me. “No offense.”

“Lord Chitwood knows the way of things. He wouldn’t set his standards too high as to approach me about it. Everyone knows I love Garr as much as you. It’d be an honor.”

“I’m not honored,” I snapped. “She is a pain in the ass.”

The door slammed open suddenly, and John stumbled in. His face looked like Mr. Liason’s did; full of fear and concern.

“My Lord!” he exclaimed, trying his best to catch his breath. “It’s Lady Barlow.”

I dropped my glass and walked over to him. “What is it? What’s wrong?”

“She collapsed. I sent for the doctor.”

I didn’t hear anything else; I was already out the door. I ran down the hall and up a flight of stairs. I couldn’t think. I couldn’t fathom a single thought other than if she was well. I didn’t leave her long and she looked fine. What if—

She did drink some of the coffee. Oh God.

I busted through Ava’s bedroom door and searched for her instantly. She was laying on her bed with Lucy and Miranda sitting next to her, a wet towel on her forehead.

“What happened?” I asked frantically.

“She said she wanted some fresh air and went to open the doors to the garden. She suddenly fell to her knees and started to revolt all her food out, my Lord. After Miranda and I cleaned her up, she fainted. Thankfully, we had a good grip on her. She almost hit her head on the corner table by the bed.”

I appraised her; she looked like a ghost and her breathing was shallow. I didn’t know what to do. Memories of the night I found her, after she had been attacked, flooded me. I got through that scenario, but I didn’t how I would be able to help a sickness.

“How long has it been since the doctor was called for?” I asked, my voice shaking.

“Your man, John, called for him right away before calling for you. He was on his toes, knew exactly what to do,” Lucy replied.

I made a mental note to pay him more. John was one of the smartest men I knew, and the most trustworthy. I placed a hand on Lucy, to silently have her move aside, when the door swung open violently again.

It was George and my father, looking completely besides themselves. George beelined to Ava’s side and looked her over.

“Where is that blasted doctor?!” George roared. Lucy and Miranda flinched, and I stepped in front of him, blocking his view of Ava.

“He is on his way,” I replied as calmly as I could. The helplessness I felt overwhelmed me, and now my brother was being a tyrant.

“He lives in the palace; how long could it really take?!”

I looked over my shoulder to my father for assistance. I couldn’t calm George down without his help. George’s fiancée, well ex-fiancée, was dead, and now Ava was lying lifeless on this bed.

“Miranda, my dear.” I motioned to my brother. “Pour His Grace some brandy, and bring a chair over here, please.”

Miranda did as she was told, and I proceeded to relax my brother.

“Sit here,” I said to George, walking him to the chair. “And when the doctor comes, you’ll be readily available.”

George nodded and silently drank his spirits, leaving his loud voice at bay…for now.

The doctor showed up minutes later, in haste. He asked everyone to leave the room, but I insisted that myself and George stay. Father asked to have word sent to him immediately while he oversaw Madelyn’s funeral arrangements for George.

For moments, the doctor didn’t speak. I took the glass right out of George’s hand and swallowed the contents, needing courage. Ava groaned when the doctor pushed on her stomach, and both of us ran to the foot of her bed.

“What is it?” I asked. The old doctor looked at me and then George.

“You both need to leave.” He continued his examination.

“We will not leave, I—” George stuttered.

“I am not going to have the two of you gawking at me while I pursue my duties. I also don’t think the young lady would appreciate while I looked under her garments, with the two of you in the same room. Now…off with you.”

And with that, he silently dismissed us.



It was an hour of watching Miranda and Lucy run in and out of Ava’s room chamber. They went in with towels, basins of water, more towels, and more water. When they didn’t come out of the room after ten minutes, I started to worry. It was like clockwork, one would come out and go back in. Then the other would do the same. It wasn’t until Lucy came out with red-stained towels that I quickly approached the door.

“You can’t go in there, my Lord,” Miranda demanded. She tried to hide the blood on the towels that she held.

“What is going on in there?!” I said harshly.

“Shhhh…” she replied. “You’ll wake His Grace.” George was slouched in a chair, passed out from too much brandy.

“What is going on?” I asked, more softly but urgently.

“She…she is coughing up blood, my Lord.”

“Blood?!” I exclaimed. I tried to push past her, but the small brunette kept her stance.

“Shhhh! The doctor said that it is good for her to do so.”

“Is he crazy?! Coughing up blood is not—”

“She was poisoned, my Lord,” she interjected. “The doctor said that by her coughing the blood out, her body is rejecting the poison which is already in her bloodstream.”

“But she is losing blood. That can’t be—”

“The doctor is doing everything he can…to save her life,” she said gently.

I swallowed.

To save her life. She was dying.

“How bad? How bad is it? I have to see her.”

Miranda hesitated. “I’ll ask the doctor.”

“Will you do it now?” I asked, pleading with her. She looked at me and nodded, walking back inside.

I walked up and down the long hallway. I didn’t know how many minutes or hours it had been before Miranda came back outside to let me in. The doctor was washing his hands and glanced in my direction.

“She needs plenty of rest. I don’t want a parade of people in and out of this room. She has lost a lot of blood. She needs to be fed, later tonight. Some broth.” He dried his hands with a clean towel. “The word ‘rest’ is key here. I will be back in the morning to check on her.”

“Thank you, doctor. Will she…make it?”

The doctor paused, looking at his patient. “I won’t know until a few days have passed.”

Lucy escorted him out of the room, and Miranda tended to the dirty towels and water. I pulled up a chair and sat next to Ava, holding her hand. Both ladies in waiting noticed and looked at each other.

“We are going to take these downstairs and bring you up something to eat,” Lucy stated. I didn’t look at her, but shook my head.

“No, I’m not hungry.”

“My Lord, you will eat. You’ve been outside that door for hours. Miranda is going to wake your brother and get him to his room.”

“Good luck. He’ll come right in here,” I declared.

She chuckled. “You are probably right.”

Both ladies walked out of the room and left us alone. I knew I would only have a few moments of silence with her. Ava’s beautiful red hair was wet by her forehead, from the cloths the girls put on her. Her breathing was still shallow, which scared me. I faced many foes and dangerous situations, but nothing compared to this. The powerless feeling of not being able to control this ate at me.

I squeezed her hand and prayed. Prayed to whatever God or almighty power would listen to me.

George stumbled ungracefully through the door, half drunk and asleep.

“How is she?” he grumbled, stumbling to the bed.

“The doctor said she lost a lot of blood.”


“Your voice could wake up the dead, George, shut up,” I growled.

George lowered his voice. “What’s the verdict? When will she be able to get up?”

“We don’t know.”

“Well, I want to know!”

“I will personally escort you out of this damn room if you don’t shut up!” I promised, shooting him a look.

“I’m sorry,” George said. “I just don’t know how much more I can take.”

“I know, George. Everything is going to be all right. She survived one ordeal; she must make it through this one.”

“She will,” he agreed, as he pulled a chair up next to me and sat down.

“Father is taking care of the arrangements,” I replied, referring to Madelyn.

George cleared his throat. “I’m sure he’ll send her home. To be with her family.”

“Is that what you want?” I asked, looking at him.

“To be honest, I don’t care at this point. I’m numb. Numb to everything. I just want to fall asleep and not wake up until this is all over.”

“I don’t think enough brandy will wipe this out,” I replied.

“My God, I don’t know how you do it,” George said, rubbing his forehead with his fingers.

“Do what?”

“Handle this. Handle protecting everyone. And when something unexpected happens, that you can’t control, you can’t fix it. You just have to wait for whatever fate has planned.”

“I’m not handling this well,” I retorted. I wanted to punch something.

We sat with her for a while in silence, each lost in our own thoughts of the future and what laid ahead for us. Ava played a large part in both our lives; we wouldn’t survive her death.

Lucy returned as promised, with food. Two plates filled with cheeses, meats, and grapes. “Eat up, my Lord and Your Grace. You both need to keep your strength up.”

We ate some of their meal, talked about Ava, and then were issued back to our rooms by Lucy and Miranda. They promised to call for us if anything had changed. But everything changed now. I needed to get her out of here.



I didn’t remember when I fell asleep, or how. I found myself on the floor, with half my pants off and hands out of my sleeves. I had drank heavily, I remembered that. I paced the room, tried to read, but to no avail. I more than likely passed out.

I quickly got dressed and washed my face, ignoring the raging headache I had. I told John to reschedule my meeting with the captain of the guard to later in the afternoon; I had to go check in on Ava, and was greeted with no news. Ava was still unconscious, and her lady’s maids were at her side all day and night, which gave me small comfort. I found George and asked him to conduct the investigation with me, to which he agreed quickly. He didn’t look like he slept well either.

“We questioned everyone,” John reported, when the three of us were back in my study. “One of the men noticed a young maid acting strangely and interrogated her thoroughly. She babbled on about how a well-dressed man approached her and threatened her family if she didn’t poison Lady Stratford.”

“And Lady Barlow?” I asked. John shook his head.

“She was caught in the crossfire, my Lord. Lady Barlow wasn’t supposed to be harmed.”

“Kill her,” George blurted out, directing our attention to him. George was upset, but I’d never heard him act so mercilessly before.


“She took a life. She took the risk of getting caught. She was found out; now, she must pay.” George stood from his chair and walked out of the room, his word final. I sighed loudly.

“Hold off,” I ordered John. “He is upset; we’ll let him cool down.”

John bowed his head in acknowledgement and left the room. I felt emotionally drained, concerned with both Ava’s health and George’s sanity. George was normally so calm and collected, I knew he had reached his boiling point. I racked my brain, trying to think of how to make my brother’s life easier, but how could I? Until I killed the invisible men who terrorized my family, there was no rest or comfort.

A knock on the door sounded and I yelled for whoever it was to enter. I looked up to see a slim blonde enter my study wearing a dark blue dress, the sleeves around her upper arm and off her shoulders.


I groaned inwardly and felt my headache storm on.

“What is it?” I mumbled angrily. “I’m busy.”

“I’ve heard,” she replied softly. She walked to my desk and sat in one of the black leather armchairs. Concern masked her face and her true intentions of being here. “Is there something I can do to help?”

I raised a brow. “Oh, there is plenty.” Sophia leaned closer to the desk, exposing her pale breast.

“Anything,” she began. She looked at me as though I was going to say something she honestly could do to help. And she could, no doubt about it, but not in the way she would want.

“You can stop plotting to force me to marry you, for one.”

Sophia’s facial expression suddenly turned to one of anger, but she kept her composure in her tone.

“I wouldn’t dream of it,” she replied with a small smile.

“Then I will just do it my way,” I countered. She sat back in her chair and crossed her legs.

“And what would that be?”

“Don’t want to ruin the surprise.” I started organizing my papers across my desk. Sophia crossed her arms and stared daggers at me.

“I wouldn’t bother putting too much effort into it, my Lord, when you can put effort where it is welcomed,” she replied in a seductive tone. I didn’t bother to look up; she offered nothing, and I didn’t want anything she wanted to give.

“You?” I let out a light laugh. “Why bother putting too much effort into someone who, clearly, on several occasions, has stated they didn’t want you. Really, Lady Chitwood, are you that desperate?”

 Sophia slammed her hand on the desk and stood. “I am a charitable woman, Lord Cranfield. You need ‘giving.’ A good woman who knows how to keep you happy; someone who also knows how to…make you happy. You don’t like me. Maybe it is because I am outspoken, and you are not used to that. I know Lady Barlow probably follows you like a lost puppy, holding onto every word dripping from your sexy lips. I am not a dog, but I will get on my knees to—”

“Enough!” I bellowed, pushing my chair back, almost knocking it over. “You are that blind that you don’t see or comprehend that I don’t want a manipulative whore as my wife! I wouldn’t pawn you off on my worst enemy! Cease your imaginings of us being tied together. It is not going to happen."

Sophia brought her hand back and slapped my face. My face stung, and I knew I had a red hand mark painted on my cheek. She started for the door and, with her hand on the doorknob, she turned back to look at me. “Insult my character all you want, my Lord, but I get whatever I matter the consequence.”




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