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Ashes (Men of Hidden Creek Book 1) by HJ Welch (19)



Kris was asleep when Remi got back to the house after his shift and gone when Remi woke up. He wasn’t too surprised, but he had hoped to see Kris before his big meeting with PJ. He’d just wanted to wish him good luck.

At least, that’s what Remi kept telling himself.

He was full of restless energy. He scrubbed the bathroom and put in a load of both his and Kris’s laundry. Then he made a meal plan for the next several days and decided to take himself off to JJ’s to stock up on groceries. After the success of his mom’s macaroni and cheese at work, he figured he could maybe cook a few more things. Besides, wouldn’t it be nice to have something good for Kris when he came home?

There was only so long Remi could distract himself watching recipe videos online. Eventually, he got in the car to head to JJ’s, alone with his thoughts for the drive. Even the radio turned up loud couldn’t drown them out.

Everything kept coming back to Kris. Remi had known it yesterday evening at the firehouse and he knew it now.

There was a painfully obvious reason why Remi wanted to come out to Kris. Why he wanted to tell Kris all his news first and was planning special meals for him and staying up late working on his proposal with him and worrying about his meeting today.

Remi liked Kris. Leon’s little brother, Kris. His baby bro. The kid he’d known since he was pretty much a baby. Where Leon had been, Kris had been in the background, singing Disney songs wrapped in a feather boa or crying with a skinned knee or cramming for a trig test.

Remi remembered Kris coming out of the closet after his and Leon’s asshole dad left. Remi had always wanted to ask him why he’d waited until then to burst like a butterfly from its cocoon. But now he understood. Kris and Leon’s dad would never have accepted someone as fabulous as Kris under his roof. He had been ten times the jerk that Travis was.

The idea that anyone would hate Kris for being so fearless and fabulous made Remi’s heart ache. How could they? Kris was dazzling and inspiring and made Remi’s heart sing just by being close to him.

Remi sighed and finally picked up one of the lettuces he’d been staring at for several minutes. An older lady tutted as she leaned over and plucked one from the display herself, muttering about young people with nothing to do all day. Remi ignored her and tried to concentrate on what was next on his list. But it was as if his mind wouldn’t rest until he’d tackled the subject of Kris.

Remi had a crush on Kris. He wasn’t in the background anymore. As far as Remi was concerned, Kris was now the star of the show. This wasn’t the excitement of making a new buddy. This was that dizzy stage of realizing you really liked someone. That you wanted to kiss them.

Maybe find out if they’d like to get naked with you.

The mere thought brought heat to Remi’s cheeks. Jesus. His bisexuality had always been theoretical until this point. An acknowledgment that his heart fluttered around certain guys or his tongue got tied. But damn. The more he thought about Kris sashaying around in his little booty shorts his friends had given him, or those cute crop tops he’d made himself, the more Remi’s cock woke up. He wanted to run his hands over that smooth creamy skin.

He wanted to taste it.

He cleared his throat and stomped off to the freezer section. A few minutes looking at ice cream with the door open calmed down the excitement in his pants and he was able to think straight again. Or, not, ironically.

The problem was, now he’d worked out why he’d been going so crazy over Kris, what the hell was he supposed to do? Flirt? That didn’t seem right. Kris was a guest in his home. He didn’t have anywhere else to go. Well, he probably did. He had a lot of friends. But for some reason, he had chosen to take up Remi’s offer for a place to stay and Remi wasn’t about to make him regret that decision. If he told Kris he liked him, it could backfire if Kris didn’t feel the same, and then it would be awkward and uncomfortable.

What if he does feel the same? a seductive voice whispered at the back of his head. How would Remi know unless he asked?

“I always dreamed you’d be my hero.”

That was what Kris had said to Remi when he’d pulled him from the fire. Remi was quite convinced Kris had no idea he had said that. But…did he mean it?

Kris flirted with everyone, though. It was just his language. He hugged people and kissed their cheeks and told them they looked gorgeous. Since they’d gotten closer over the past week or so, Kris would drape himself over Remi when he was tired or smack his ass when he was being playful. How could Remi tell if that was just Kris being Kris or if it was an invitation for more?

Still, those seven words played in Remi’s mind. What if Kris was interested in Remi from before the fire?

He looked down at his basket and realized he’d finished his shopping. He sighed. He would have to concentrate on the drive home. Otherwise he was going to have an accident.

He made himself read the trashy magazine headlines while he waited in line to pay for his goods. By filling his head with nonsense gossip about who was pregnant and who had gotten fat, he left little room to worry over Kris. That was, until he reached the checkout.

“Oh, hey,” the guy said as he started scanning Remi’s things. He was kind of small with dark hair and green eyes that had gotten wide at the sight of him. Remi had seen him around the store a lot over the past couple of years, but he didn’t think they’d even spoken. “You’re Remi, right? Kris’s friend?”

Remi blinked and looked around the store. But no one else was paying attention to them. Why would they? Still, having been so preoccupied with thoughts of Kris, it was a little eerie to hear his name spoken aloud by someone else.

“Uh, yeah,” Remi said, nodding.

The clerk smiled, bagging up Remi’s veggies. “I’m Chase,” he said. “Kris’s friend from the bar.”

“Oh,” said Remi in realization. “You guys had brunch the other day, right?”

Chase nodded. “Does he like his new clothes? He’s still living with you, isn’t he?”

“Yep,” said Remi. He wondered if he was blushing. The simple question had made him feel fluttery. But the idea that Kris could be living with him like they were a couple popped into his head, and he almost knocked over the magazine stand with his elbow. “Uh, yeah, yeah, he loves the clothes, thank you. There weren’t exactly many things me or his brother could offer him.”

Chase chuckled. “Yeah, you’re Leon’s BFF, aren’t you? Nice of you to help him out so much, dude. Me and Kris’s other friends really appreciate it. He’s lucky to have you.”

Chase’s gaze lingered a little too long on Remi as he packed some more boxes. He had this small smile playing on his lips. “Uh, yeah,” Remi said awkwardly. “Well, Kris is a great guy. I’m happy to help.”

“He is one in a million,” Chase said knowingly.

Remi frowned and did his best to smile back. Was there something he wasn’t getting here?

“You probably already know,” said Chase casually as he bagged the ice cream and other final items, “but Kris is definitely single. Just FYI.”

“Huh?” Remi spluttered.

Chase grinned and called up the total with a ding on the cash register. “That’ll be twenty-three seventy-five.”

“Oh, right,” Remi said. He fumbled in his pockets for some bills, pushing them into Chase’s hand. In a flash, Chase had his change and was helping Remi gather up all his bags.

“You have a great day now,” Chase said. He waved at Remi, then turned to the next customer behind him.

Remi felt like he had no choice but to take his groceries and head back to his car. What had Chase meant by that? Why would he point out that Kris was single? That was obvious, wasn’t it? Remi had been living with him for a couple of weeks now and there was no hint of a boyfriend. Why would Chase bring it up?

Had Kris said something about Remi to him?

His heart skipped a beat as he made his way across the boiling parking lot back to his car. Was Chase trying to tell Remi Kris was single so he could take a shot?

“Oh, hey, man,” a voice called out.

Remi looked up as he placed his bags on the roof of the car to retrieve his keys from his pocket. He expected it to be one of his buddies from the firehouse or school. But instead, it was the guy that ran the vegetable stall for the Miele farm. Remi had bought carrots and strawberries off him several times. From the large box in his arms, it looked like he was making a delivery to the store.

“Oh, hey,” Remi said in confusion. “Um, am I in your way?” He wasn’t sure why the guy had made a point of saying hello to him.

But he shook his head. “No, you’re fine,” he said. “I just wanted to ask if you’d say hi to Kris for me. I hope his work pitch went well today.”

Remi blinked. “You’re…Kris’s friend?” he asked dubiously.

The guy nodded. “I’m Gabe,” he said. “You’re Remi, aren’t you?” He winked. “We’ve heard a lot about you.” Before Remi could think of anything to say, Gabe shifted the weight of his box. “I’ll catch y’all later. Have a nice evening,” he called over his shoulder as he headed inside JJ’s.

Remi realized his mouth was open and closed it with a click.

Warmth rushed over his skin, but it wasn’t entirely unpleasant. Kris had been talking about him. Gabe was another one of his brunch buddies. Remi was sure he’d heard that name mentioned before. And he and Chase had both made a point of saying hello to Remi.

He could feel his heartbeat picking up. Did this mean he might actually have a chance? That Kris might actually like him, too?

After almost driving off with the groceries still on the roof of the car, Remi had to concentrate extra hard as he made his way back home. Kris still wasn’t there when Remi let himself in. Good. He had some more thinking to do.

It was no longer a case of if he was going to come out to Kris, but when. And with that now came the added pressure of finding the right way to hint that Remi thought Kris was just great. Awesome. Cute.


“Hey, Kris,” he said out loud as he peeled potatoes. He could hear the nerves in his voice. “So, uh, you feel like eating a film later while we watch dinner…no, wait.” He gritted his teeth. “Hey, Kris. You know how we’ve hung out a ton and did all that romantic stuff. Well, I think I was accidentally dating you. Or trying. It’s not a date without a kiss, right?!” He cleared his throat and hit his palm against his forehead a couple of times. “Uh, would you maybe, uh, like to Kris me – kiss me? Damn it-”

The key turned in the door just as Remi started dicing some chicken. Remi’s heart rate shot through the roof.

“Okay,” he whispered to himself. “This is it. Showtime.” He washed the chicken off his hands as the door creaked and wiped them on a towel. “Don’t fuck it up.”