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Ashes (Men of Hidden Creek Book 1) by HJ Welch (22)



It was dark when Kris woke up, stiff and sticky and slightly sore. For a second, panic gripped him. Where was he? Who was sleeping under him?

But then it all came back to him. Remi. Remi had made a move and taken Kris to bed and it had been glorious.

At least, Kris thought so.

Kris hadn’t held back. He never did during sex. Life was too short to be coy. He liked his loving wild and free. But this was Remi. He said he hadn’t done this with a guy before, although he wanted to. Did that mean he was bi? Kris had said all kinds of filthy things to him. How was he going to feel about that when he woke up?

Kris bit his thumbnail. Yuk, there was a lot of dried cum between them. He should have taken care of that before passing out. Remi was going to think dude sex was gross. He looked around the dark bedroom for some tissues, but there weren’t any. What he needed, really, was a Wet Wipe, but he doubted Remi would have anything like that.

Carefully, Kris peeled himself off and padded naked to the bathroom. He used his hands to splash a bit of water on himself, giving his chest and cock a wipe-down. Then he found a facecloth that he dampened to bring back for Remi.

He was still sound asleep when Kris returned. Kris perched on the bed and gently wiped down Remi’s chest, getting rid of most of the mess. He had dark hair across the top of his pecs and down his sternum, past his belly button where the happy trail lead to a thick thatch where his cock and balls were nestled. It was floppy now, lying up on Remi’s belly, all innocent. Like it hadn’t given Kris a good hammering only a few hours ago.

Kris bit his lip as he lay down beside Remi. Now he was awake, it was a little too cold with the A/C on and no clothes. There was no way he was shifting Remi without waking him up to move the comforter, so he got up again and took a look in Remi’s closet. Sure enough, he found a blanket on the top shelf that he spread over both of them before snuggling down against the pillow.

He watched Remi sleeping, his slow breaths making his chest rise and fall.

Was Kris okay to stay here? Or should he go back to his own bed? He wasn’t sure. It would be obvious from the blanket that he had woken up in the night, so he couldn’t claim he had slept through until morning. But would Remi mind if he stayed in that case?

Kris rubbed his eyes. Maybe he should have held back a bit when they’d been fucking? He knew he was full on with his dirty talk. But Remi seemed to really enjoy it.

Except for when he’d stopped halfway through. That worried Kris. Although he had double-checked, he was still slightly nervous that Remi had experienced some second thoughts. As a rule, Kris stayed away from ‘straight’ dudes who wanted to bone a fem guy then immediately insisted they weren’t gay. Remi didn’t seem like that sort, but Kris couldn’t be sure. Until yesterday evening, he would have sworn Remi wasn’t queer.

Although, Kris had wondered if he had been flirting several times over the past couple of weeks. Perhaps he had been? He had said he’d wanted to try having sex with a man. Kris allowed himself a moment of pride that Remi had chosen him.

But why?

Kris had nothing. No house, no job. He only had clothes because his friends had been kind enough to donate them. Even when he had a job, he was just a bartender. Remi saved people’s lives for a living. Why would he be interested in silly, twinkly Kris?

Maybe it was just an experiment? A bit of fun to check if he liked cock or not? Kris wouldn’t be too surprised if that was the case. Fuck, he never, ever thought he’d get to experience sex with Remi. After all those hundreds of daydreams he’d had over the years, to know it was now a reality was mind-blowing. So, yeah, perhaps he would have to accept this was a one-time thing and he’d do his best to move on and cherish the memory.

But what if it wasn’t just a one-off? What if Remi really liked him, despite all his short-comings? Kris smiled to himself in the dark. For just a second, he imagined what it might be like to actually date Remi.

He sighed and chased the thought away. The chances of that were slim. It was better not to get his hopes up. Yeah, Remi said he was cute, but cute could be a novelty. Guys liked to fuck cute. They didn’t want to hold hands in public with the fem twink in case it dragged down their masculinity.

Again, Kris didn’t really feel that was Remi. But he still didn’t know where Remi was coming from. Was he gay or bi, or was this just a bit of fun to try on for size? Now he’d fucked a dude up the ass, was he just going to cross that off some list and move on?

Shit, they were living together. If this went bad, Kris would have to move back to his mom’s couch. He loved his mom, but not having his own room was kind of stressful and the sofa made his back hurt. He’d rather not leave Remi’s. They had been getting on so well. But if the price of getting to bed him was moving out, Kris thought it was maybe worth it.

Christ, if his teenage self could see him now. He’d have a heart attack. Or cry. Or both. Remi Washington.

Kris sighed softly. The sex really had been amazing. If that was all he got, he would be happy, he would. But it was tempting to fantasize about what else they could maybe do. Kris wanted to give Remi a blow job and feel him come down his throat while he sucked on that gorgeous cock.

He also wanted to cuddle him as he fell asleep again.

He could do that right now if he wanted. He could shift over and snuggle against Remi’s large, muscular body. But what if Remi woke up? Would he think Kris was clingy? He huffed and rolled onto his back.

What would be great was if Remi could wake up and they could talk about all this. But in Kris’s experience, guys weren’t great at discussing their feelings, even gay guys. Would Remi just bottle all this up and brush it under the carpet?

Kris probably wasn’t going to get any answers now. He felt like he was radiating heat and taking up too much room in the bed. Like a bomb waiting to go off. This was crazy. If it was a random hookup and he’d accidentally fallen asleep, he would have absolutely made his way out by now. He should leave.

Sighing, he flung back his side of the blanket and swung his legs out. He needed to give Remi his space and just go back to his own bed.

Except at the movement on the mattress, Remi moaned. Kris snapped his head around to look at him. He still appeared to be sleeping, but there was an adorable frown on his face. He mumbled something and fumbled with his arm. Like he was reaching for something.

Reaching for Kris.

His heart in his throat, Kris scooted back beside him. Remi was probably just fidgeting in his sleep, agitated by a dream. But if he was searching for Kris, Kris could let him find him and see what happened.

When Remi’s hand landed on Kris’s leg, he clung tight and pulled, mumbling something incoherent. Kris’s heart melted as he allowed himself to be tugged back beside Remi’s sleeping form.

Well, it couldn’t hurt to stay here in that case, could it? Kris reasoned with himself as he gently pulled the blanket back over his body that it would be pretty rude to up and leave Remi just to go in the other room. It might make things more awkward than waking up together in the morning.

Yeah, staying here was probably safest when he thought about it. He didn’t want Remi to think he’d used him or anything. If it was only one time, he wanted to make sure Remi understood it was great, even if they were just going to be friends afterward.

But for a moment, as he allowed himself to be snuggled by this big teddy bear of a man, he indulged in a few seconds of fantasy. That he could have this again, regularly. That Remi would want to make him feel safe like this every night.

Kris closed his eyes and let sleep claim him again. He could deal with all these complicated questions in the morning. For now, he could just be happy.