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Avenging (The Rising Series Book 3) by Holly Kelly (6)


Triton smiled as pride swelled in his chest at seeing Nicole’s beautiful shop. She was no longer the little waitress at a cafe, working hard to scrape out a living. He put his arm possessively around her waist as they walked through her door. The shop was spectacular. There were tables adorned beautifully—gold-plated silverware, delicate, lacy tablecloths, spectacular centerpieces, and everything else necessary to make the tables look stunning. It was gorgeous enough to grace Olympus.

But Nikki didn’t stop there; the whole shop gleamed with signs of riches and wealth. From the sweeping staircase at the back, to the lighted, ornate crystals hung from the ceiling, and then to the rich carpets that graced the floors. A door opened on the right, and an older, Hawaiian woman in a stylish, gray suit stepped in the room.

“Oh, Nicole! How are you feeling?” she said as she rushed over, grabbed her hand, and looked her over from head to toe.

“I’m fine, really.” Nicole turned around, and wiggled her hip. “See.”

Lea looked doubtful, and then her eyes turned to Triton and narrowed.

“Lea, this is Ty.” Nicole pulled him forward. “Ty, this is my best friend in the world, Lea Kapahu.”

Lea looked him over, scrutinizing him. She obviously didn’t like him. Well, if she knew the whole story about their past encounter, she had good reason to loathe him. “Um-hmm,” she said. “Well, it seems Nikki has forgiven you. I suppose I should too.”

“Thank you,” he said sincerely.

“I said I should, not that I have. If you hurt her again, I’ll make your life miserable. Pele has shown favor on me, and I can easily ask her to lay a curse on you.”

Pele? Triton wondered if this woman was sending out empty threats, or if the god of volcanoes really had taken notice of her. He’d better tread lightly; Poseidon would not be happy with him angering the god of another Pantheon.

“Oh, don’t listen to her,” Nicole said. “Lea is full of superstitious nonsense.”

Triton didn’t take his eyes off the human, or was she human? He could feel… something. Though whatever it was, it wasn’t strong enough for him to be certain.

“You don’t need to worry, Lea,” Triton said. “I will treat her well. Pele needn’t be bothered.”

Triton glanced at Nicole. She stood there, apparently confused. “Excuse me, Lea, but I need to talk to Ty alone for a minute.”

“Sure thing, boss,” Lea said sweetly, and then stepped back through the door she’d entered in.

“What in the world was that about? You aren’t telling me—”

Triton raised an eyebrow.

“You mean Pele is real?”

“Nicole, I’m real, aren’t I? What makes you think there aren’t other gods in this world?”

“I… but… so the Hawaiian gods are real too?”

“Yes, the Greek Pantheon is by far the largest and most powerful, but we aren’t the only one. The Pantheon of the Hawaiian isles is small, but I still must tread lightly. We really don’t want any trouble. Last time there was a conflict between Pantheons in this area was in 1960. The Māori gods in New Zealand came here causing trouble. Things got out of hand and I was forced to come here and negotiate a truce. Before it was over, a hundred and sixty humans were killed.”

“How did they die?”

“The battle between the gods caused a tsunami, and the humans were washed out to sea.”


“Now what is it you needed to do here?” he asked.

“I just need to make sure everything is in order here before I leave.”

“When we get married, you will not be able to come back.”

“What do you mean, get married?” an angry voice asked from behind them.

Triton turned to see a human stepping through the door. He immediately tapped into the surface of the human’s mind. He could feel the hurt, anger, affection, and frustration mingled together in confusion. This man was in love with Nicole. Triton resisted striking him down—a difficult feat. He didn’t look further into the man’s mind. He didn’t know if he could restrain himself if he found out this guy and Nicole had shared an intimate relationship.

“Hello, Kennedy.” Nicole sighed.

Kennedy strutted up to them, his chest out, his police badge shining. Triton took pride in the fact that this human had to crane his neck to look him in the eye. Triton kept his height at about six foot four. Tall enough that he rarely had to look up at a human, but short enough not to be conspicuous. If he’d kept his sea proportions, he’d be well over seven feet tall.

“And who are you?” the human asked him.

Triton considered answering truthfully, that he was King Triton, god and guardian of the seas. He smiled as he considered how this human might react. The human would most likely laugh at him, and then Triton would take great pleasure proving his power. Of course, then he would need to erase the human’s memories—if he happened to survive. But before he could answer, Nicole spoke for him.

“This is Ty, my fiancé.” She wrapped her arm around Triton’s waist.

Pride swelled in his chest at her quick answer.

“You can’t be serious!” The man’s face flushed red as his eyes narrowed—glaring daggers at Triton.

“I am completely serious,” Nicole said.

“But… how long have you known this character?”

“I’ve known him for over twenty years. He’s Sara’s father.”

“The man who left you to live on the streets?”

Triton frowned that this man would know something so personal about Nicole’s past. “I think it’s best if you leave,” he said in the most reasonable voice he could muster.

The human ignored Triton completely and took Nicole’s hand, attempting to pull her away from Triton’s arm. Triton nearly growled as the man touched her. But he knew Nicole was a grown woman and didn’t appreciate him fighting her battles, so he held back a response.

“Nikki baby,” Kennedy said as Nicole attempted to pull her hand back. “You’re not thinking right. How long has it been since you’ve seen him? Do you really know anything about this guy?”

“Kennedy, none of this is any of your business, and I need you to leave.”

“You can’t be serious.”

“I’m completely serious.”

“After all I’ve done for you. I’ve looked away while you abused the law to the point of breaking it. You think you can just act the way you do and get away with it? The only reason you got away with things is because of me. I thought you loved me. You made me think you cared about me.”

“That’s a lie,” Nicole said firmly. “I never said anything of the sort. We have only been and will ever be friends. Nothing more. You think I’d be interested in someone like you?”

“But you flirted with me. You told me what a handsome man I was. You wore a bright smile every time I walked in here. And you were always touching me.”

“Excuse me, Kennedy,” Lea said as she walked in. “Are you blind? That’s how she treats every customer. She makes everyone feel special. I tried to warn you. You wouldn’t believe me.”

“But I’m not a customer.”

“You are the moment you step into her shop.”

Kennedy’s face turned a deep, blotted red as his scowl deepened. “I see I may have made a mistake. But I intend to rectify it right now and do the right thing.” He reached to his belt and the next thing Triton knew, the man had slapped a handcuff over Nicole’s wrist.

“Nicole Lamont, you are under arrest for assault. You have the right—”

This time, Triton couldn’t hold back. His growl stopped the chief midsentence. He could feel the burn in his eyes and knew they were glowing like blue flame. His muscles and limbs strained, beginning to grow—fighting against his will. It was taking every ounce of control to keep himself from fully transforming into the destroyer. As it was, he still gained half a foot in height. “Get the handcuffs off her.” His voice rumbled, more terrifying than a lion’s roar.

Kennedy paled, stumbling back. Instead of obeying Triton’s order, he dropped to his knees and shook violently. “I… I…” His words turned into a shaky moan.

Triton turned to Nicole. He stopped his approach, ashamed of the fear in her eyes. He may be dooming himself to a life without her by showing her the wretched side of a god, of himself. But the beast would not be tamed until the shackles around her wrist were gone.

If he had the power of Hephaestus, he could have willed the cuffs off her. But Triton’s power came from the sea. Still, he was not helpless here. He took a step toward Nicole, and his heart broke when she took a fearful step back.

“I won’t hurt you,” he said in a calmer voice, but the beast’s growl still came through. He hoped she could find a way to trust him again. “Please, let me help.”

She swallowed and lifted a shaking hand, the cuffs dangling off her wrist.

Triton took the metal in his hand and easily broke it apart. With her hand free, the beast inside calmed and he felt his body return to normal. His muscles relaxed, his eyes cooled, and he shrunk down to his normal human height. He looked into Nicole’s eyes, and she looked weak with relief.

He turned to the chief to see what he would do, finding him unconscious on the floor. Triton decided to leave the memories there, but to be safe, he made some adjustments.

“I should have known,” Lea said. “You’re a god.”

Triton looked over at the human. He may yet have to alter memories, but for now, he’d be truthful. “I’m Triton.”

She nodded. “A Greek god.”

Nicole looked Kennedy over. Triton followed her gaze. He really did look pathetic; his body was crumpled in an unnatural way, with one leg tucked under him. “What a deluded man,” Nicole said. “I almost feel sorry for him.” She turned to Triton. “What are you going to do about him? He’s going to tell—”

“He won’t tell anyone.”

She looked confused. “What do you mean? You know there are surveillance—”

A pop like a firecracker interrupted her.

“Did you just destroy my camera?”

“Yeah, electronics don’t seem to handle moisture well.”

“But… okay, forget the cameras. Why wouldn’t he tell people about you?”

“He won’t want to.”

“Because they’d think he’s crazy?”

Triton chuckled. “No.”

“What’s so funny?”

Triton shook his head.

“Ty…” She drew out his name and tried to hold back a smile. “What did you do to him?”

“Nothing, as long as he doesn’t talk about what happened here.”

“Why, what will happen if he does?”

“He’ll pee his pants.”

Nicole burst out laughing. “You.” She laughed some more. “Dang, I wish I could do that. There are several people I’d love to—”

“Don’t you dare,” Lea chided.

“Awe, it would only be people who deserved it.”

“And who are you to decide who deserves something like that?” She didn’t wait for Nicole to answer, but turned to Triton. “You are not a good influence on her.”

“I’m not sorry. He was going to arrest her. He had it coming.”

Lea shook her head. “And do you have permission to be here?”

All traces of humor left his face. “Who are you?”

“My name is Lea, daughter of Pa’ao.”

Triton’s face darkened. “The High Priest? He’s still alive?”

She gave a quick nod.

“What business do you have with Nicole?”

“Wait, wait, wait.” Nicole stepped forward, and Triton pulled her back. He wasn’t about to let her close to a daughter of the man who brought human sacrifice to the Hawaiian Isles.

“Don’t worry,” Lea said. “I won’t hurt her. Believe it or not, Nicole is like a daughter to me.”

“Lea, what are you saying?”

“My father is what the Greeks would call an oracle.”

Nicole seemed rocked by the news. “Good grief! Did you know Sara was the daughter of a god? Is that why you’re my friend?”

“Of course not. Believe it or not, I’m your friend because I like you,” Lea said, hurt evident in her voice.

“I’m sorry, Lea,” Nicole said, shaking her head. “You’re the best friend a woman can have. I’m just in shock. I don’t know if I can take any more surprises.”

“I know, honey girl. To tell you the truth, in the beginning, I was drawn to you. You have a great destiny, I just don’t know if it’s a good one or a bad one.”

She stepped forward and took Nicole’s hand. “I worry for you. This god may be leading you to dark places. I know that hard times lay ahead. But…” She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. “I…” She dropped Nicole’s hand. “Reading you is so difficult—and draining.”

“You’re reading me?”

“Yes, I can see things—sometimes.”

The door opened and a young couple stepped into the store, beaming. Triton immediately convinced them that they were late for lunch at a nearby restaurant. They turned around and left.

“Were you able to see anything?” Triton asked.

“Not much. I saw darkness, deception, a weight pressing against her, there’s happiness, but also despair. And…”

“What?” Triton asked when she hesitated.

Lea frowned and looked him in the eye. “You will save her, sea-god.”

“How? Save her from what?”

“From something deep within her… and an evil that darkens her past and threatens her future. Take her with you, sea-god. The sea needs you. Many are suffering in your absence.”

“Wait,” Nicole said. “I can’t go yet. There’s a full schedule of clients I have to see. I can probably clear up my schedule in a couple of weeks, but right now, there’s not a chance.”

“Nicole, honey,” Lea said. “I can handle things here. You have much more important things to worry about. Go.” She turned to Triton. “And if you hurt her, sea-god, you will find out our Pantheon is not so weak. We protect our own.”

“Your own?” Nicole asked, wondering why anyone in the Hawaiian Pantheon would care about her.

Lea turned her head and whispered, “Husband number six.”

“Haiki?” she asked.

Lea nodded.

Ty’s head dropped as he rubbed his temples. “His full name isn’t Haikili, is it?” Triton asked.

“Um, yes it is, actually,” Nicole said.

“You married him?” he asked, frowning. He turned to Lea, his eyes piercing. “Please tell me it wasn’t a friend of yours who married them.”

Lea shook her head.

“We got married in Vegas,” Nicole answered, “at one of those little chapels.”

“How long were you married to him?” Triton asked.

“Not long. I left him when I realized fidelity wasn’t in his vocabulary. We divorced recently, but we parted on good terms. How do you know him?”

“He’s the Hawaiian god of thunder,” Lea answered.

“No.” Nicole gasped.

“Yes,” Triton and Lea answered at the same time.

Triton shook his head. “I shouldn’t be surprised. You attract trouble like blood attracts sharks.”

Nicole frowned at him.

“He’s right.” Lea shrugged and then turned to Triton. “Mind how you treat this one, Guardian. She’s won the hearts of many in the Hawaiian Pantheon.”

“Lea, I know you don’t trust me, and I understand why. But I have to say, I love Nicole with all my heart. She pulled me out of a dark place. She brought light back into my world. I’ll protect her with everything I have.”

Triton could feel Nicole’s arms come around him, and he pulled her close.

“I wish I could say that is enough, but truly, I don’t know. I don’t know if a god as powerful as you is enough to stop the darkness that threatens her.” She turned to Nicole and said, “Don’t do anything foolish, honey girl. Stay with Triton. Let him protect you. I know how independent you are, but please, let him guard you.”

“I’ll try.”





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