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BABY ROYAL by Bella Grant (71)


I stood with my back against the cold edge of the pool long after he had gone, shaking, my mind so dazed I didn’t feel the water as it folded around me. Even with half my body submerged, I still felt the sting of my first sexual encounter. I was no longer a virgin, and I wasn’t sure if I should celebrate or feel like an idiot. I had wanted him, and right up to the point when he sank his cock into me, my body had ached for it. For him. N0w, all I felt was the cold as my senses thawed. I began to feel the water and the effects of being abandoned by the first man I let between my legs.

I scrambled from the pool, and my legs buckled under me. If it wasn’t for the guard rails, I would have tumbled back into the water. I gripped the cold bars and clambered to solid footing, then hurried to wrap the towel around my wet body. I was anxious as I fled the scene and took great pains to avoid being seen by any of the house staff. I was so aware of the fact that I had just had sex, I believed anyone looking on would notice it too. And I didn’t want anyone to witness my shame.

I didn’t even have a chance to enjoy it either, I thought Raymond had taken off like a bat out of hell, and for what? Because I was a virgin? I thought that would have been a good thing. I wanted to be angry with him, and when I got to my room, I even tried to provoke it. I tried to conjure up all the bad things he had said since we met, and how aloof he had been. I tried imagining him with another woman, but nothing I thought of was sufficient to rid my mind of the image from the pool.

I fell back against the bed and closed my eyes as pure bliss slowly embraced me. I remembered how he had felt as he pressed against me, and though my back pinched against the pool’s edge, his cock pulsating below consumed me. The way his tongue had moved over my clit—slowly, purposefully—like it was his intention to drive me crazy. My eyes flew open at the thought. He wanted me. He was unable to resist me, and he had come on to me. After over a month of living with him, he had finally seen me.

A smile spread across my face and quickly evolved into a grin. My insides grew warm, and I turned to mush. Raymond Jameson wanted me! My chest heaved and my hand, like it had a mind of its own, moved and rested on the still pulsating flesh between my legs. Now that I thought about it, I felt a slight burning sensation, a gentle reminder of what he and I had shared. I wondered if he was thinking about it too, and how soon the next time would be.

“Ugh!” I groaned as my erotic thoughts were interrupted by the ringing telephone. It could only be one person. “Hey, Henrietta.”

“Well, someone sounds happy to hear from me,” she answered sarcastically.

I propped myself up on my elbows and cocked my head to the side so I could talk hands free. “I am,” I told her, “but you called at a bad time, is all I’m saying.”

“A bad time?” she repeated. “Did I interrupt… wait, was it Raymond? Did he do something? Say something? What? Tell me!” she continued eagerly, and I could envision her brown eyes shining, resembling those of a grizzly bear—like little round buttons stuck onto her face.

I wasn’t sure how much of what happened I wanted to share. I mean, the man basically fucked me and walked away. Not necessarily the best of news. “Nothing really,” I lied.

“Oh no, I’m not falling for that. Spill!” she commanded.

I sighed. “There really is nothing. I was in the pool, he came home, and I guess he had the same idea, so he came in too. Then…”

“Go on…” she egged, and the way her breathing changed, I could tell she was changing her position wherever she was sitting, trying to get comfortable for what she hoped would come next.

I laughed, which was easy to do with Henrietta. She was like an overgrown child in one sense and the mature socialite on the other hand, a role not even she liked. “Well, he kinda came on to me, and we sorta had sex. Well, I can barely call it that,” I hastened to correct myself.

“What do you mean you ‘sorta had sex?’” she pressed. “Either you did or you didn’t.”

“Okay, all right, we did,” I admitted finally, and rolled over onto my back. Then I saw my bedroom door was open and rushed to close it just in case he passed and heard me talking about him. It might go to his head too much.

“So, how was it?” Henrietta inquired as I returned to the bed.

“Not what I thought it would be. It burned!”

“Burned? So, you were really a virgin?”

“Why do you think I’ve been saying that all this time?” I teased. “He is—was—my first.”

“Oh,” was all she said, which was atypical of Henrietta. “I guess the next time might be better. Hell, I’m hoping it is. At least it would give me something to look forward to.” She giggled.

“Me too, Henrietta,” I replied with a giggle to match hers.

“Wait, so does that mean you two are actually getting close?”

I was more than eager to assume as much. “I guess,” I replied and sighed. “But I’m not so sure. He kinda took off right after…when he realized I was a virgin. I don’t even know what that meant.”

“Girl, it means he is into you and he’s fighting it,” Henrietta shot back. “Why else would he have had sex in the first place if he wasn’t feeling you?”

My heart thundered in my chest as I imagined moving across the hall. We would no longer sleep in separate beds, even though that had been my idea to begin with. My face lit up, and I started to feel warm and mushy inside.

“You’re right,” I agreed. “Things are going better than I planned.”

“I told you there was nothing to be worried about,” Henrietta gloated. “By the way, how’s your mom?”

My face fell. “I try to visit them as much as I can, but I have to be careful. I don’t want anyone to spot me at the shelter and ask questions.”

“Yeah, yeah I get that. But you can always use me, if you want,” she offered.

“No, I don’t want you to get into any trouble with your mom,” I replied, “but thanks for offering. I try to do what I can, but I don’t know if I’m being watched. I can’t even use the card to get medication for them, so I use whatever cash I can get my hands on. I hope in time, I’ll be able to do better.”

“Yeah,” she replied sadly. “I get you. Well, better than nothing. I’m sure now that Raymond has warmed up to you he will be less suspicious, if he is at all.”

“Maybe,” I agreed. “Anyway, got to run. It’s almost dinner time.”

“Okay, hon,” she said gaily and hung up.

I remained on my back, the smile from earlier making its way slowly across my face again. I bit my lips as I thought about being next to him at dinner and what might happen after that. I forgot about the burning sensation as I sprang from the bed and rummaged in the closet for something appropriate to wear. I didn’t want him to forget about what had happened, and if he was ashamed, I wanted him to know I was more than comfortable sleeping with him. I was, after all, a woman now.

I found a chemise romper that stopped mid-thigh. The top dipped into a fold between my breasts, revealing enough to make his mouth water. I showered and wore no panties when I dressed, and I swore I had never felt sexier in my life. I smacked my lips and opened the door, my chest in the air as I wandered to the dining room. I could barely hear my thoughts over the pounding of my heart, and my hands began to get clammy as perspiration beads popped up all over my body.

I was happy he wasn’t yet there, as was usually the case. The table was already set and the dinnerware laid out. Grace was bringing out the last of the dishes as I sat down.

“How are you this evening, ma’am?” She beamed.

I liked Grace. She didn’t get in my way and didn’t ask questions. “I’m great, Grace,” I answered and gave her one of my best smiles.

She smiled back and was half way to the arch that separated the dining hall from the hallway to the kitchen when she stopped. “Pardon me for saying so, but you seem different today, ma’am,” she observed.

“Oh, stop with the ma’am, Grace. You can call me Anna,” I informed her.

“Okay, Anna,” she said hesitantly, like she was feeling it out. “I like you this way.”

And then she was gone, leaving me with more butterflies and chills than I had arrived with. I sucked in what felt like most of the air in the room and tried to relax.

“Where is he?” I mumbled as I opened the napkin on my lap and craned my neck to look around the walls. I knew he must still be in the house. Was he? I decided to go and check.

The chair scraped back as I stood hurriedly. I went to the garage to check for his car and was glad to see them all parked there still. Joshua, our driver, was sitting on the back porch, so he hadn’t taken him anywhere. Maybe my nerves were getting the best of me. Maybe he had fallen asleep and was slow in coming to dinner. One peek while I was passing the dining room told me he still wasn’t there.

“Oh, come on,” I snapped. “Of all days…”

I was at the bottom of the stairs, about to scurry up, when I heard a clanking sound behind me. I turned to see Grace fumbling with the stainless-steel canister and balancing a tray.

“Grace, what are you doing?” I asked and hurried to help her steady the items.

“Sorry ma…Anna,” she replied apologetically, “but I’m taking Mister Jameson his dinner.”

My mouth involuntarily opened. “His dinner?”

“Yes. He asked me to bring it to his room.”


I stepped back to allow her to pass, remaining next to the bannister while she climbed the stairs. He wasn’t late. He had no intention of having dinner with me. It could be no coincidence. I was so tempted to go to his room and give him a piece of my mind. I was fuming, and I balled my fingers into fists until I felt my nails cutting into the palms of my hands. I no longer had an appetite for food.

I returned to my room, the food on the table untouched, and slammed the door shut. He had used me, over and over again, and I, stupidly, thought he would come around. This was still nothing more than business to him, and instead of my crotch, my eyes started to burn as the tears welled up and cascaded down my cheeks.

Chapter Thirteen (Raymond)

I tried everything possible to avoid her over the next couple of days. I didn’t know she would run into Grace when she was bringing me dinner. I simply didn’t know how to face her, and I was afraid that spending too much time with her would elevate her importance.

Still, running out on her after having sex with her in the pool was a crappy thing to do. Not what anyone would imagine for their first time. And I felt bad about it. That was an added reason for staying away from her. Considering I hadn’t seen her much either, I knew she was avoiding me as well.

I would have continued until some of the feelings that rose inside me would diminish, except Marissa handed me two white envelopes when I got to the office.

“What are these?”

“Tickets to the gala. You confirmed with Duke Roland you would be there,” she reminded me, topping it off with a grin and a nod.

She knew how much I hated those events, and I think she took some personal joy in hand delivering such news. As I looked at the white envelopes with the gold engravings that characterized the Duke’s royal emblem, I realized I couldn’t avoid Anna much longer. The plain parchment inside reminded me the event was that evening, and the tickets for two emphasized that the public was blatantly aware of my new marital status.

I sighed as I closed the door to my office and sank into the chair. I hadn’t seen Anna in a week, and this invitation would force us together. I was in no way prepared for that… not when I felt like my emotions were still attached to my sleeve. My farce of a marriage was blowing up, and I was getting hit with the emotional shrapnel that fanned towards me.

I didn’t even know how to approach Anna about it, or if she might go willingly. The terms of our marriage dictated she had to, but I didn’t want her hanging around like dead weight.

I rocked back in the chair and sighed. This wasn’t a good way to start the day, and the pace was steady until four. I was in one dull meeting after another, trading fake smiles for signatures and receiving pats of commendation from men I could hardly stand to be around. By the time I exited the last meeting, I was more than ready to face Anna. She would be easier.

I headed for her room as soon as I got home. I figured that was as good a place as any to start searching for her. I knocked, and when I received no answer, I ventured to grip the handle and turn the knob. It turned gently, and my heartbeats drummed in a non-rhythmic way.


I jumped when I heard her clearing her throat behind me. “Anna, you frightened me.” She didn’t respond, just attempted to pass. I deserved that. “Not going to invite me in?” I figured I’d try to be a little funny to get to her.

“What do you want, Raymond?” she asked and folded her arms across her chest.

Now I felt like a real douche. I whipped out the envelopes and held them up. “We have an event to attend this evening. I forgot about it and

“You need me to be there,” she said flatly as she finished my sentence.

I rocked back on my heels and nodded. “Yeah.”

“Fine. It’s why I’m here,” she replied, took the envelope from me, and slammed the door.

The way she spoke cut me through the heart and left me wounded. I had no idea what I was doing and felt like I was in way over my head. This wasn’t going as I thought it would. I wiped my hand down my face and backtracked to my door. I had wanted this arrangement, so why did it bug me that she was being cold and stoic?

The clock read a quarter to six when I pulled out my suit and bowtie. It was a black-tie event after all, and I hoped Anna would dress the part and not attempt to embarrass me. I was overly anxious about that, so when I went downstairs and saw her waiting for me, her hair pulled into a chignon at her nape with red spirals trailing down her temples, pointing to the royal blue dress she wore that clung to her, revealing curves I didn’t notice enough, my heart stopped. She was utterly beautiful, and she clutched the diamond studded purse before her, all the while taking me in with her innocent stare.

“I hope this works for you,” she said and inhaled sharply.

Oh, it did. She was breathtaking. “It will do.”

Joshua was already in the garage when we entered, and I watched the roundness of her ass as it formed out perfectly in the dress as she bent to get into the limo. I smiled, and for the first time since we had married, I saw her in a different light. I wanted to be next to her, was proud to be. But when I looked over at her, all I saw was the back of her head. She wouldn’t look at me.

The limo was designed for comfort – bar and hors d’oeuvres only a click away, padded and cushioned seats and headrest, and a ride so smooth it could hardly be felt. Yet, it was possibly one of the most uncomfortable rides I’d ever been on, sitting next to her. I could feel the air between us chill, and I nervously turned to her, seeing nothing but the smoothness of her shoulders where her dress fell. Her hands were clasped in her lap, and each time I moved, she shuffled closer to the door. I wanted to say something to her, but it would be no use. She might answer out of obligation, but her response would be cold and terse. I didn’t need any added tension tonight. It was an immense relief when the car pulled up to the building. I noticed her smile as it slowly crept across her face like a sunrise over a dark landscape of trees and valleys. But it wasn’t for me, and I sighed as I got out after her.

“Welcome, Mr. Jameson. Oh, and is this the lovely Mrs. Jameson?” Randolph, the greeter, asked as we got to the garden’s entrance.

“How do you do?” Anna replied cordially and with the brightest smile I had ever seen.

Randolph looked at me. “Aren’t you the lucky one?”

I cleared my throat as my feelings of discomfort rose to the surface. Anna maintained her smile and looped her hand through mine as we greeted the rest of the guests. I was too conscious of her next to me, unable to stop myself from slipping my hand around her waist and pulling her even closer to me. Not once did she shy away or shrug me off, or do anything to embarrass me, and her being close stirred all kinds of things inside me.

I grinned, shook hands, and made small talk with some of the people there, but my mind constantly returned to the beauty at my side. She was pleasant, overly so at times, which gave me a warm, unsettled feeling. The longer she remained so close to me, the more I lost the battle against the erotic desires pressing against my fly. I wanted her, and when I held her hand and led her away, she complied.

“Where are we going?” she asked when we were alone.

I had just closed the door to one of the guest rooms. I couldn’t contain the urges that swelled within me any longer, and I grabbed her and kissed her hard on the lips. She remained still beneath me as I probed and forced her lips apart. Then, with some fire, she pressed against my chest and pulled back.

“What is this?” Her eyes flashed brighter than the red in her hair. I tried to pull her back, but she remained resolute in her decision. “No!” she cried and tried to walk around me.

I grabbed her arm. “Anna,” I whispered, and she paused.

“Why? So you can walk away and avoid me again? How many times do you think I’ll let you treat me like

I kissed her again, hopefully shutting her up for good. I didn’t want to hear about how badly I had acted. I wanted to feel her in my arms, her tight ass in my grip, and her still fresh wet spot as it clung to me.

I gripped her neck and brought her ear to my lips. “I want to feel my cock in you,” I whispered against her skin, and I felt her tremble. I slid my hand downwards and cupped her in my hand, and as her mouth opened, I slipped my tongue inside. I felt her mellow against me, and I pulled her closer, if that were at all possible.

“Raymond…” she muttered. “Don’t…”

“I have to have you, Anna,” I told her. “Let me take you.”

I kissed her again, and she responded. I breathed hard as I groped her and squeezed her tight ass. Her skin was soft, and I lifted her and carried her to the bed. Her eyes were wild, and her chest heaved as I pushed her dress upwards. When I caught sight of the lace underwear she wore, my chest burned as I forgot how to breathe. I parted the thin barrier and looked in awe at the delicious pink lips that seemed to call to me. I stroked her lightly and thumbed her clitoris. She trembled, and when I kissed her throbbing clit, her legs closed around my head. I felt her hand grab my hair, which spurred me on. The desire burned hot inside, and I sucked and licked her, tasting her sweet flavor. I wanted to drink her up, and my tongue darted rapidly in and out of her. Her soft moans filled the room as she shook and her hips bucked. My hands moved up to her breasts, and I cupped them and squeezed as I sucked harder on her clit. I didn’t want to stop; I wanted to have my fill of her.

My cock had other plans as it twitched and fought against my zipper. My moans got louder too, and I stood and all but ripped the pants from me. They slid to my ankles, and I leaned into Anna and felt as her warmth enveloped me as I drove my hard shaft deep into her—slowly, purposefully, and with great pleasure. She grabbed my hands and rocked her head backwards, her body automatically arching itself. I gripped her hips and held her in place as I felt her juice lubricate my cock. I gritted my teeth as erotic pleasure overcame me, and I drove harder and faster into her.

She groaned and locked her legs around my waist as I pumped harder. She felt good, and before I embarrassed myself, I pulled out and kissed her sweet pussy once more. Her legs remained open, and her panted breaths and the way she gripped the edge of the bed drove me into a frenzy. I stood again and slipped my dick into her. She felt like home, and I was unable to control the urges. I wanted all of her, and her body rocked and her whimpers got stronger as I sank deeper into her, taking every bit of her that I could.

I was hardly ready to be done when I felt the hot liquid rushing upwards through my vein. I squeezed into her breasts and fucked her hard as her body shook feverishly and my cum spilled into her welcoming body. I emptied myself, and my legs felt weak afterwards, our bodies trembling in unison.

Eventually, I pulled back and watched my limp cock as it dangled against my thigh. I pulled out my handkerchief and cleaned her up as much as I could before handing her the underwear.

She rose and slipped into them, and within minutes, she looked as if nothing had happened between us. And that made me want to fuck her all over again.

It was hard to focus after that. All I could think about was taking her home. When we finally left the gala and got into the limo, I immediately found her lips again. My hands slipped under her dress as I finger-fucked her. She was most receptive, and when we got home, instead of her going to her room I took her to mine, where we spent the night in pleasure.




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