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Barbarian Legacy Complete Series: An Alien Romance Box Set by Abella Ward (98)

Chapter Ten


“What was that sound?” Renaya asked him once they were outside.

“It is the sound of the Terrgius’s life-force... water. The dried up riverbeds will fill up and supply water to the city,” he said. “We have our own reserves at the palace, which would have run out soon if we hadn’t fixed it.”

They entered the conference room. Lady Shanra, his Starship Sorion’s technician, Aerav and the Elder were all gathered there. Renaya had an uncomfortable feeling in the pit of her stomach. She flinched as she felt Shanra’s eyes on her.

“Lord Aurzac, we have reports coming in from all over the planet that say the rivers are filling up again. The news is spreading fast. I am gathering the data from other parts too,” Aerav said excitedly as he checked the tablet in his hand and quickly tapped on it.

“The planet is healing,” the Elder said with a serene smile on his lips.

“It will take some time before it heals fully,” Lord Aurzac said. “Shanra, what’s the status at the battle front?”

“I’ll check and let you know, My Lord,” she replied. Her voice seemed quiet and seething, thought Renaya, as she walked out of the room. Why did she have to make it so obvious?

Lord Aurzac turned toward Renaya. “You did it, Renaya,” he said in a low voice. “Thank you.”

Renaya blushed and bit her lower lip.

They left the conference room silently and made their way towards his chambers. Lord Aurzac’s bedroom was even larger than hers and more luxurious. Renaya went toward the large oval window and looked outside. The moons looked white. Things were getting back to normal, she guessed.

“Aurzac? I don’t understand the prophecy,” she said. He saw fear and worry in her eyes.

“Don’t worry about it. It doesn’t mean that what we saw will actually happen. Sometimes it’s just a warning.”

Warning... Was there a threat to them? For some reason, Shanra came to her mind.

“Are you immortal?” she asked him. She had read that vampires were immortal, but aliens? She doubted.

He laughed. This was the first time he had laughed since she met him.

“No, I am not. But even immortals can’t escape death. They may not die a natural death but they can be killed.”

“How old are you?” she asked with wonder in her eyes.

“We may not be immortal but we live a long life,” he replied. “Much longer than humans. We stop aging after thirty. At least, our aging is very slow.”

She stared at him. He looked back at her with a penetrating stare till her blood heated.

“I am a hundred and thirty years old, according to our solar cycle,” he said, amused by her curiosity. “A day in Terrgius lasts 36 hours and the year is 412 days. You do the math.”

Wow, she thought, that made him old. Yet he looked as young and handsome as ever.

“You are very precious Renaya,” he said with a strange look in his eyes.”Do you know why Terrgius chose you?”

“No,” she said. “What you just said reminded me of my grandmother.”

“That ring... it’s a Durlan heirloom,” he said, his eyes darkening.

“What? But how’s that possible?” A confused look crossed her eyes.

He handed her a glass of wine and took a sip of his own as he gazed at her for a long time, watching her drink.

“Years ago, an emissary from Earth visited Terrgius. Her name was Lady Lilian.”

“Grandma? She's been here? That is the craziest idea ever,” Renaya laughed but then stopped short. He was gazing at her hard. She blinked at the intensity of his gaze.

“The ring that your grandmother gave you was a gift from the Elder, for helping us.”

Renaya stood there silent, rooted on the spot.

“Yes, Renaya. Humans have helped us before. The Elder told me all about it. They have been our strong alliance for centuries.”

“Wow... I wonder why grandma never told me.” The wine was making her thinking fuzzy. Then she shivered, as the realization hit her. Her grandma had known all along.

“Probably to keep you safe,” he said, as he came to stand behind her, wrapping his strong arms around her waist. She exhaled slowly. The warmth of his body had a soothing effect on her. She felt all her worries faded away.

“You did a brave thing today,” he spoke softly in her ear.

She laid her head back against his shoulder and closed her eyes. She understood now what her grandma had meant all those years ago, as she fidgeted with the emerald ring on her finger. She was home now.

He planted soft kisses on her neck, and she moaned. Desire rushed through her body, gathering deep inside her belly. His heady scent dazed her, as did his kisses on her neck, which sensitized her body all over. He turned her in his arms, as he cupped her chin and tilted his head to get a perfect lock on her lips. She moaned as he deepened the kiss, his tongue exploring her mouth, tasting her for a moment until they pulled apart. She saw his darkening gray eyes burn with desire.

“Will you ever be able to love me?” she asked, as Shanra’s harsh comments nagged at her.

“Renaya, I am lucky to have you,” he said, searing her with his stormy gaze. “I couldn’t have found anyone better.”

Slowly he unhooked the halter neck and let the dress slide down and pool at her feet, leaving her naked except for her panties.

“You are a beautiful woman, more beautiful than I could have ever imagined.” His voice was deep and his gaze piercing. He admired her and bent down to kiss her lips, as one hand deftly savored the feel of her breasts. She could feel the bulge in his groin as it pressed against her, making her moan again. He peeled off her panties and his fingers explored her, making her cry with pleasure.

With a swift move, he picked her up and took her to bed, gently laying her down. He took off his suit and pants. Her breath caught as she saw him standing there, naked, his ice blonde hair flowing around his shoulders. She noticed a deep scar, a slash from a sword, on his hard stomach and another on his shoulder. He joined her under the covers and she relished the feel of his hard body on top of her. She looked deep into his eyes, and for the first time, she glimpsed his bare soul. His gaze was drowning her and as his mouth claimed hers, they were both lost to the rhythm of passion.


The next morning, Renaya woke up refreshed and glowing. Her heart fluttered at the memories of the previous night. She had never been this happy, ever. 

Lord Aurzac was not in the room. He was an early riser, she observed. She got out of bed and went for a shower. When she was done, she called Ayana for her dress and breakfast.

Dressed and ready, she went downstairs thinking of exploring the palace. She wondered where Aurzac had gone. She went towards the grand atrium and checked the banquet hall, which was now empty. Then she roamed about checking the other rooms. There was a huge library in the palace, but the books were all in an alien language. She would learn this language, she thought, making a mental note of it.

The next room was across the hallway. It was dimly lit and she remembered that this was the conference room. It was empty except for voices she heard from a small room toward her right. The door was ajar and in the dim light, she could see the back of a woman and a man who stood next to her. As she moved in closer, she saw that the woman moved in to kiss him. Shock and anger registered on her face as she realized it was Aurzac and Shanra locking lips. She barged in, seething with rage. Tears started streaming down her face.

“Aurzac... How could you?” she cried before she turned on her heel and ran.

Aurzac pushed Shanra back and ran after Renaya. “Renaya!” he called. But she was already gone. He cursed through clenched teeth and proceeded to her chambers. She was sitting on her bed, sobbing with her face in her hands. It pained him to see her like this.

“Hush now... It’s not what you think. There’s been a misunderstanding,” he said with genuine concern in his voice. But she heard nothing. Shanra’s words rang true, and she felt shattered.

“You used me,” she sobbed. “And now that you are done, you will abandon me for another!”

“Will you hear me out?” he said, clenching his fist.

“No! There’s nothing to explain. You don’t love me. You abused me and I was stupid enough to believe you,” Renaya cried. “Just leave me alone!”

Aurzac looked at her for a long moment and decided she was being hysterical and that any explanation would backfire. Women in such a state should be left alone and not be bothered, he thought. Better give her some time to cool down and talk sense into her later. He did not have time now anyway. He had pressing matters on his mind.

“Okay. I’ll be leaving for Andromeda 13 in a little while. I’ll be gone a few days and we will talk when I get back,” Aurzac said.

She had her back to him as she sat on the bed. He strode toward her. Gently, he turned her around, took her face in his hands and kissed her.

Then he left.