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Barbarian's Prisoner: An Alien Romance by Abella Ward (92)

Chapter Four


Having finally regained control, Beau paced in the middle of the forest. He had made a point of running deep into the woods. He needed to put as much space between himself and Valery as he could.

Beau was shaken. He had never come so close to wanting to kill a human before. The urge was there. His fangs had been fully extended. Another minute of kissing her and feeling her amazing body against his and he would have bitten into her. The taste of Valery’s blood was still in his mouth and he wanted more. His throat burned for that sweet, delectable taste she had.

Beau’s pacing continued. How could he have been so stupid? She baited him and he took it. He allowed himself to lose control. His anger raged, but it was completely at himself. Beau couldn’t be angry with Valery. He should be, but he just couldn’t be. Now, she probably wouldn’t want to be with him—not that she had wanted to be before tonight.

Beau couldn’t help that they had gone from zero to sixty and back again, in just a few hours. For a split second, there may have been hope, but now, that hope had just vanished. She would surely hate him. He hated himself.

The next day, Beau sent for his sister Gwen knowing she would know how to help him. When she arrived, Beau wasted no time telling her everything that had happened the day before.

“Are you out of your fucking mind?” Gwen asked sharply. “You could have killed her! Not to mention the Choosing Ceremony is in less than a week and you are supposed to pick a female to mate with!”

“I’m not attending the Choosing Ceremony. I have never understood why we do it,” answered Beau, “besides, I have the female I want to mate with. I don’t know how it happened, exactly. It just happened!”

“So tell me again how you met her? She was trying to pickpocket you in Central Park? That’s classy,” Gwen sneered as she looked at her brother. She generally wasn’t a snide female, but the thought of her brother breaking tradition worried her. She didn’t know how their parents would react to this information.

“Anyway…” Beau interjected, wanting to change the subject to the reason why he had asked Gwen to come, “I need you to take her shopping.”

“Shopping?” questioned Gwen, sharply.

“Yes, she doesn’t have any clothes and well… the ones she was wearing last night ended up with the crotch ripped out of them,” said Beau, sheepishly. He knew his sister would have some kind of comment about the situation he was explaining.

“Say what!?!” Gwen was eyeballing him now, “Are you telling me that when you lost control, you got so excited you ripped the crotch right out of her jeans? Boy, you sure don’t waste any time.”

“NO! It wasn’t like that! She was stuck on the fence, and I pulled her down and they ripped out,” explained Beau desperately trying to keep his sister from thinking he full-on attacked Valery’s vagina… which, he had wanted to, but that was beside the point.

“Ooooh,” said Gwen, who then burst into laughter. She continued to laugh at him until he had the sudden urge to knock her through the window.

“Okay, okay… STOP LAUGHING!” Beau yelled at her, crossing his arms.

“Alright, I’m sorry. But seriously Beau, you ripped the crotch out of her pants. That is too good,” Gwen made a failing effort to try and hide her grin as she jeered at her brother.

“So will you take her shopping?” asked Beau impatiently.

“Sure, I want to get to know this human who had my brother completely losing control. Especially because he has always been Mr. Rogers, who lived on the corner and never made a single mistake in his life,” teased Gwen, letting out another giggle.

Without any hesitation, Beau left the office where they had been having their delightful conversation and he led his sister to the living room. He couldn’t handle another teasing comment from Gwen. She didn’t understand the impulsive struggles that Valery caused him to feel.

Valery was sitting on the couch in a pair of his old sweat pants. She really hadn’t had anything else to wear, so Beau had left them outside of her bedroom door after he had returned home last night.

“Valery, this here is my sister Gwen. She has come to take you shopping,” Beau said casually introducing the two women.

“So I get to spend the day with another vampire?” asked Valery staring at Gwen’s perfectly tall and lean figure. She had bone-straight long blonde hair. Her skin was radiant and Valery couldn’t help but feel a bit jealous of her radiating beauty.

“Unless you want to run around in his old sweats for the rest of your life,” replied Gwen sarcastically, flipping her hair over her shoulder as she eyeballed Valery’s attire. She had a lot of work to do, that much was apparent. When she got done with this human female, Beau wouldn’t know what hit him.

“Ummm… no,” answered Valery getting up from the couch, “Let’s go.”

“I refuse to take you out looking like that. There are other vampires in this town and I have a reputation to protect,” said Gwen as she inspected Valery from head to toe, “Lucky for you, I have an entire house full of clothes. Come on, we’ll go get a few things that I think will fit you.” With that, Gwen grabbed Valery’s hand and half led, half dragged her out of the room.

Valery couldn’t help but be glad this vampire hadn’t chosen to sling her over the shoulder like Beau had kept doing.


The day was a blur for Valery. It started with Gwen forcing her to try on multiple articles of clothing before they could even leave for the city. Finally, Valery had put on a pair of black leather pants with an open-backed, sparkly shirt and Gwen had been satisfied.

It didn’t take long for Valery to realize how quick and direct of a being Gwen was. It was clearly Gwen’s way or the highway. At first, Valery didn’t think they were going to get along, but soon it seemed as though they might just become friends.

They spent the day at several clothing stores, trying on outfit after outfit. It shocked Valery when the first store bill had been nearly $1700 and Gwen had handed the clerk cash. Who carries that much cash around? Valery thought, as the clerk took the money and handed Gwen the receipt.

Suddenly, her life as a pickpocket came flooding back. She was turning into one of those people she despised. For the first time in her entire life, Valery found herself buying clothes she never could have considered purchasing. She also had money available to her. No expense was too much because the Vampire King who had set his eyes on her, had every intention of spoiling her rotten. Valery couldn’t believe the changes she was experiencing all at once.

Eventually, Gwen and Valery had purchased so much stuff they couldn’t have carried another bag in their hands if their lives had depended on it. Valery had never felt more off balance. The inner struggle she now faced felt as though it was eating her alive. Why did she feel so stunning and beautiful, while still feeling as though she was living the life of a street rat? Valery couldn’t explain the range of emotions that were flooding through her.

“So I guess we had better call it a day,” said Valery, looking at all the bags they were carrying.

“Oh no, we are just getting started,” replied Gwen excitedly.

“But we have so many bags. How are we supposed to carry all of these?” asked Valery curiously.

Just then Gwen pointed over her shoulder. The black SUV that had brought them to the city for shopping had pulled up and parked. Gwen led the way over to the vehicle, opened the back and tossed all of their bags in. Then, she took Valery’s hand, waved to Xavier who sat in the driver’s seat, and headed for the next store.

“You may not have noticed this, but… my family is loaded,” said Gwen exuberantly, “You can shop to your heart’s content. My brother likes you. He usually just gets it on with whomever. Somehow, you have captured his attention.”

“Yeah, I’ve captured his attention all right. I’ve captured it to the point he was about to eat me last night, and not in a sexual way,” replied Valery, sarcastically. Thinking about the events of the night before. She still hadn’t decided whether or not to forgive Beau or run screaming into the night. Not that he would let that happen. He had made it clear she was his property and she was not leaving.

“He wouldn’t actually eat you. We aren’t cannibals. He would have just sucked all the blood out of you and left your body for the wolves to eat,” Gwen explained casually. “Don’t worry. Beau has full control now… or at least he will until he sees you in some of these sexy outfits.”

The manner in which Gwen had so casually said Beau would have fed Valery’s body to the wolves sent a chill rushing through her. Could he really do that to her? Simply cast her aside like a piece of rotten meat? She wouldn’t put it past him, yet something inside of her told her he wouldn’t do that.

Valery had just noticed that Gwen had dragged her into a lingerie store. The store was full of every sexual outfit imaginable. Valery could just see herself being forced into some dominatrix type outfit that encouraged her to use whips and chains on Beau. She couldn’t help but feel a twinge of excitement over the thought of being in control of the sexy brute. Some of the heat she had felt from the night before pulsed through her. Valery suddenly felt hot and needy. She squeezed her thighs together slightly and felt a little tingle from her clit, which then scurried up through her body. This might actually be fun, she thought, suddenly found herself more interested.

Gwen had fun picking out kinky and downright skanky outfits for Valery. She forced her to try them on and then model them. Gwen obviously enjoyed embarrassing Valery, because every time she came out with a new outfit, Gwen would make some sort of catcall at her. This, of course, caused other shoppers to stop what they were doing and look over at Valery.

To Valery’s chagrin, this did not stop even after she had shot several menacing looks at Gwen. She liked the vampire, but being around her made Valery feel so inept in every way. She couldn’t help but think she might need therapy after spending so much time with this crazy, beautiful lunatic.

Finally, it was time to head back to the mansion. Valery was tired and was happy to get out of the city. For the first time ever, she had spent the day shopping, looking through racks of clothes without being stalked by employees, trying on outfits she could actually purchase and spending money, loads and loads of money. It was an addicting feeling and Valery couldn’t help but want to do it again.