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Because of Her (The Forgiveness Duo) Book 2 by Ava Danielle (4)



Sometimes the two people who are truly best for each other will have to face greater obstacles in order to be with each other. You have to fight the greater fight. You have to continue to show just how much your love is worth fighting for. And currently, that’s exactly what I’m doing with Jenna. I want her to know. No, I need her to know that no one but her matters to me and I’m not willing to give her up. I’m almost certain she finally chose me last night, but it’s a new day and I worry she might have changed her mind and think it’s best to just leave me behind. It’s something I can’t handle. I won’t handle. I refuse to handle.

With a cup of coffee in hand I sneak into the bedroom to check on Jenna. Last night we were closer than we’ve ever been. I didn’t want to let her out of my arms for anything. She fit perfectly and I was scared to lose her.

Brushing the hair out of her face with my fingertips I see her eyes flutter open as she smiles at me. “Morning,” I whisper as I lean in to kiss her forehead.

“Good morning, sexy,” she mumbles making my heart flutter just a little.

As I wait for her to finish her coffee I’m nervous to ask if she’s still willing to talk to Noah about us. Instead she surprises me with her own words.

“I’m ready,” she utters, “I’m ready to put it all behind me and move forward with you,” she smiles.

“Are you sure?” I’m trying to not get my hopes up.

“Never been more ready. I’m ready to start my life with you, Bennett,” she leans into me, “I’m ready to put all this shit behind me and forget he ever existed.”

Arriving at Noah’s house I see the panic in her eyes. She hasn’t moved from the seat and I worry everything she’s planned on saying and repeating, she’ll forget once she lays her eyes on him. I see her chewing her fingernails, shaking her legs, and concentrating on her breathing. I want to take the pain away but only she can. She’s strong enough though, stronger than she’d like to admit.

“You ready?” I steadily approach her.

“Yeah,” she sighs, her hands opening the handle swinging the door open and leaving me behind in the car. Chasing after her so she’s not one second alone with him, we arrive at the door. Unlocking the door, she takes hold of my hand as we enter the house.

“Noah?” she shouts waiting for an answer.

“He’s not home?” I look around.

“I guess not,” she walks through the house.

Its white walls seem bland. The furniture highlighted more as if we’re in a furniture store. There are hardly any pictures hanging on the wall. No sight of love is in the air. It feels sad and lonely standing in the living room of Jenna’s home. Coming from her amazing bedroom at Cassie’s and all the design ideas she has, this place doesn’t seem to have anything resembling Jenna’s personality.

“Oh well,” she goes into the kitchen to pour us each a glass of water.

Leaning up behind her I kiss her neck and graze her body with my finger.

Purring into her ear knowing it gets her turned on, she giggles in return.

Nibbling on her ear, my finger slowly caressing her nipples under her shirt and bra, I can hear the desire in her moans. I want her but I don’t want her here, yet I can’t keep my hands off her.

“What the fuck?” Noah enters the kitchen.

“Oh, you made it home,” she stutters.

“Hey,” I pull away from Jenna to give her space out of respect for Noah.

“What the fuck is he doing here? And why were your hands all over her?” he inches closer to my face with a fist.

“Don’t,” Jenna steps in between us yelling at Noah.

Silence fills the air as we all just stare at each other waiting for someone to say the first thing that comes to mind or throw the first punch. Surprising us both, Jenna’s words fall and she catches us both off guard.

“I’m moving back in with Cassie,” I had hoped she would choose me.

“No, you’re not, we had a deal,” Noah huffs.

“That’s kind of over since Bennett found out the truth,” I raise my eyebrows at him.

“What do you mean?” Noah leans against the kitchen counter.

“It’s not that hard to figure out, Noah. You blackmailed her in return for a kidney for me,” I help her out by saying.

“I don’t love you, Noah. Not as much as I thought I did. Our love was based on a lie most of our relationship. You’ve always viewed it as a win against Bennett. You didn’t even give me a chance. You forced him to stay away from me,” tears start to form in her eyes.

“Bullshit, I never made him do anything he didn’t willingly do,” Noah argues.

“I cared about our friendship,” I admit to Noah.

“What the fuck ever. What did you do the minute you found out I had died? You ran right to her, never missing a beat. You were glad I had died,” Noah shouts.

“I cared for her, I always cared for her, so yeah I told her exactly how I felt back then and I tried to make something work, I would’ve regretted it if I hadn’t.”

“It’s best if you don’t contact me,” Jenna places the cup on the counter and gives me a look of - I’m ready to go.

“I don’t give up that easy, Jenna,” Noah grabs her by the hand.

“Nothing you will say or do will change how I feel and always felt about Bennett. I’m sorry this hurts you, but it’s something I should’ve done sooner.”

“Not only did I just give him one of my kidneys’ to save his life, you decide to just walk away with him leaving me behind. Am I not worth anything to you?”

“You’ve done nothing but lie and pressure me, Noah. It’s not a healthy relationship. I’ve cried myself to sleep every night,” she admits, “I hadn’t meant anything to you. Nothing. At least Bennett has always made me feel like a woman and like it mattered what I thought, how I felt, what I needed. I can’t say the same about you,” Jenna surprises me with her strength, “I’ll have someone come to get the few things I have here. I’d like you to never contact me and move on with your life. Thanks for the kidney, but it’s the noble thing to do, not to blackmail someone to be with you.”

Jenna walks out of the house and I feel a punch against my cheek from my left as I watch her walk away.

“Fuck,” I scream as Noah continues to pound into me.

“It’s all your fault,” he shouts, “it’s all your fault, I’ve lost everything.” I finally find the strength to back away and lean in to knock his ass out. He’s lying on the floor and I can’t resist saying, “Good luck,” and walk away with Noah lying on the kitchen floor.