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BENNETT (Leaves of a Maple Book 3) by Haley Jenner (5)


Pulling into my complex, the lights of my car glow against the building, casting it in a bright yellow hue. Parking, I’ve barely had a chance to open my car door when I see Frankie running down the stairs, taking two or three at a time to get to me faster.

My eyes water immediately. I didn’t realize how much I missed her. Not until this very moment. She’s been gone for just over five years. Five years. How is that even possible? She was hardly an adult last time I saw her. When she flew from Mom and Dad’s house in a rage, her and Dad’s temper clashing one time too many. She left town that night and never looked back.

I guess I hardly blame her. Our dad was strict. Impossibly so. Maybe it was his culture, the Croatian premise that good children obey. He wasn’t a tyrant by any stretch, just a traditionally minded man with long-established beliefs that we were expected to live within. I was happy enough to fall into his routine, to his mindset. Frankie, not so much. She pushed against his rules. She found enjoyment in pushing his buttons, in testing him. He saw his role as protector. He has no family here; save Mom, me, and Frankie; he wanted to keep us close, keep us safe. It backfired, horribly. We lost Frankie for years and I know deep down he blames himself.

Over the years we’d speak on the phone, but getting across the country to see her while trying to set myself up here, never seemed to be a priority. I was wrong. Watching her scream in delight at seeing me, I can tell inside my heart that a part of me has been missing. Because right here, right now, I feel more complete than I have in years.   

Disregarding my belongings, I move fast from my car, just in time for her to crash into me in a tight hug. My arms wrap around her slender waist as hers crush my shoulders, her chin resting easily on the top of my head.

“Darci, fuck, I’ve missed you.” Her voice is clogged with tears and she stutters on a loud breath. My breathing mirrors hers, stammering against the sobs racking my throat.

We stand, holding one another for long comforting minutes. Until our tears begin to subside and our blubbering tapers off. Finally pulling back, I get a good look at Frankie, the twenty-five-year-old. “How are you a fully grown adult?”

She laughs lightly, poking her tongue out at me in childish humor.

“You’re a nut,” I smile.

Lifting her shoulders in nonchalance, she moves to hold my hand. “Some things’ll never change.”

Leaning across to the passenger seat, I grab my bag and lock the car. Frankie’s hand moves upward, linking our arms at our elbows as we walk toward my apartment.

“I’ve missed you, Francesca.”

“Please, don’t start with the Francesca.”

I exhale deeply. “It’s your name and it’s beautiful.”

“Says the sister that got a name like Darci. That’s a beautiful name. I have an old lady’s name.”

We’ve had this argument countless times, so smiling over at her, I recite my line. “Easy done, we’ll swap.”

Squeezing my arm, she smiles. “Done. Now, Francesca, let’s get inside. It’s fucking freezing out here.”

I laugh, content at how easily we’ve fallen back into us.

Walking into my apartment ahead of me, Frankie drops her bag, moving around the space and taking everything in. “This is nice, chick. You sure you’re cool for me to stay?”

I nod my head immediately. “Of course.”

She stops, watching me carefully. “I appreciate it, Darci. More than I can say. I know I haven’t been the greatest with returning contact. I just… reminders of this place were too hard. It just seemed easier to keep my distance.”

“I get it,” I admit, moving toward the kitchen. Because I do. Our dad is difficult.

“You hungry?”

“Nah, a coffee would be awesome though.” She’s followed me into the kitchen, leaning lazily against the entryway.

Her beauty has only exemplified in the years she’s been gone. She’s always been beautiful, but now, having come into herself, she’s stunning. Her olive skin is flawless, her long chocolate hair falling heavily over her shoulders. Her eyes, similarly shaped to mine, are such a dark shade of brown they’re mesmerizing, almost black. She wears no makeup, but it’s unnecessary on her unblemished complexion. Having been gifted with the height in the family, she stands at least a head over my five foot five frame. She’s slender, her graceful muscles toned, clearly defined to the eye.

“You look great, Frankie. More beautiful than ever.”

She smiles sadly at my compliment. “Beauty isn’t everything, Darci. Can be quite the curse, in all honesty. It’s all people see me for at times.”

“Well, I think your heart is even prettier than your face and that’s virtually impossible.”

She laughs softly. “Tell me about you.”

Pushing her mug across the counter, she pushes off the entryway to retrieve it.

“Well, let’s see, work is good, busy. Annabelle and Aubrey are in the bitch fight of the century. Annabelle married Archer Dean. Aubrey and Jake Dean are loved up. Whole story behind that but, that’s pretty much the reasoning behind Aubrey and Annabelle’s argument. Mom and Dad are same old, they miss you. Oh, and I’m pregnant.”

Taking a sip of my coffee, I watch Frankie’s face take in my words. She lifts her own cup to her lips, watching me cautiously. “I’m glad business is good, can’t wait to check it out. Go, Annabelle. Archer Dean is fine. Did not see Aubrey and Jake unfolding. Tell me more about that. Short version.”

Placing my mug on the counter, I fail miserably at hiding my smirk. “Long story short. Aubrey was involved with a man who wasn’t very nice. She and Jake fell into some form of relationship, but she wouldn’t end it with the other guy. Deep-seated fears of disappointing her Dad. Hurt Jake, horribly. Hurt herself more. They were outed, everything went bad for a few long months. Aubrey came to fix it all. Declared her love publicly in The Shallow by singing. It was awful. They’ve been officially together ever since, but Annabelle won’t forgive her.”

Frankie’s eyebrows rise in moderate interest. “Annabelle’s always been a bit melodramatic. Hate that Aubrey hurt Jake. Glad she made it right though. Who’s the Dad?”

The question is said without pretense, without drama and I almost tell her. “I haven’t told him, so, until I do, I just think—”

“I get it,” she soothes. “Are you guys dating?”

I shake my head and she nods in understanding. “That’s tough, chick. How far along?”

“Just over three months.”

Her black eyes widen at my declaration, dropping to my stomach, currently camouflaged under a loose-fitting shirt. “I’m gonna be an auntie.”

“I’m gonna be a mom.” My eyes water expectantly and Frankie’s do the same.

“You’re gonna be a fucking awesome mom, Darci. The best.”

She moves in to embrace me and I take comfort in her warmth. I feel lighter, finally being able to share my news. I’ve felt choked by it for too long and vocalizing that I have a person growing inside me feels good.

“Congratulations.” Frankie kisses the top of my head and I squeeze her a bit tighter.

“You told Mom and Dad?” she tests and I shake my head against her chest.

“Dad’s gonna flip.”

This time I nod. “Dad is most definitely going to flip.”

Pulling back, she gestures toward my coffee, and I pick it up. She grabs hold of her own, clasping my hand in hers before dragging me toward the living area. Sitting down, I follow suit and turn to face her.

“Talk to me.”

My hands circle my mug and I take a deep breath. “It was complete stupidity on mine and his part. We were so caught up the few times we were intimate, protection never even crossed my mind.”

She shrugs. “It’s called passion, Darci. You can’t hate yourself for that.”

“I don’t,” I concede. “I just thought I was smarter. Anyway, I only just found out and I don't know how to tell him. It's not exactly something that comes up easily in conversation.”

“Longer you avoid, chick, the harder it's going to be.”

I already know this, so I don't acknowledge the words.

“Are you happy? Scared?”

I meet her eyes. “A bit of everything. I was so shocked initially, but now that it's settled inside, I can't lie, I'm really happy. I'm excited. I'm petrified.”

“Does anyone else know?”

I shake my head. “No. I want to talk to Annabelle and Aubrey, but they can't even be in the same room at the moment without all hell breaking loose and I refuse to tell them separately. I'm mad at them for continuing such a stupid argument, so maybe I'm punishing them. But I don't want that type of conflict around my baby.”

We drink our coffee in silence, comfortable in just our company.

“Why are you back, Frank? Not that I don’t absolutely love that you’re here. You just always swore you’d never step foot in Carnation again.” I query, coffee finished, mug discarded on the coffee table.

She shrugs lightly. “I broke up with my guy after realizing he wasn’t who I thought he was and began to understand that everything I ran away from here, is likely what was missing in my life. As much as Dad was a pain in my ass growing up, I’ve started to see that his overbearing nature was all about love. Love from the right people is important, Darci. It’s taken me a long time to figure that out.”

“Why’d you break it off with your guy?”

Exhaling heavily, she leans over to squeeze my hand. “That, my dear sister, is a story for another time. I’m shattered, and the fact that you’re gonna be a mom is the only news I care to think on this evening.”