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Blind Alpha: A Dark Fantasy by Charlotte Michelle (4)










February 19, 2014

As the annoying beeping of the alarm beside my bed blares through my room, all I want to do is deliver a silver dagger into my heart. Who wakes up at five o’clock? It’s pure torture!

I moan and slap my hand on the clock, hoping to break it in the process. I roll out of bed and place my feet on the cool wooden floors. I drop my head into my hands and can’t help but wonder if Landon is awake yet.

Landon… My beautiful mate is so pained and troubled. Why can’t you sense that I am here? I’m here, and I’m never going to leave you. I’ll wait for you for as long as it takes. I promise.

I dress in casual clothes, pulling on dark blue skinny jeans and a plain black t-shirt. I throw my hair up in a messy ponytail and finish with a pair of sneakers. This was my everyday attire. I have never had anything nicer than a floral blouse.

Leaving my room, I see Jenny leaning against the wall across from my door. She smiles at me, and I am thankful she is wearing clothes similar to mine. I don’t want to be the odd one out. Jenny links her arm with me and pulls me back the way Blondie led me until we reach the kitchen.

The house is silent apart from soft clatters in the kitchen. Everyone is still asleep.

Landon is asleep.

I wonder what he looks like…

Does he sleep shirtless? In his boxers? My wolf purrs with passion and lust, wanting nothing more than to drag me into his room. I almost rip my arm from Jenny and go to do just that, but a soft, assertive voice stops me.

“You must be Lana. I’m Meggy.” Meggy is a short, thin, elegant lady. From the looks of it, she is in her forties. She has choppy, shoulder-length, black hair, and bright hazel eyes. Her skin is a beautiful olive color. She gives me a soft smile and pats my arm like a loving grandmother would. “Don’t worry. It’s your first day. We’ll go slow.”

I wanted to tell her not to bother. I have been making breakfast for a pack since I was seven. I know how this works. But I just offer her a smile and a nod of my head. “Thank you.”

Meggy and Jenny lead me into the kitchen where I see two other girls working, making what looks like pancakes. What time does the pack wake up? If they’re making pancakes now, it will only take a few minutes for them to be cold.

“Lana, this is Rachel.” Meggy motions to a short-haired brunette who was flipping a pancake. She looks over her shoulder to offer a smile before she gets back to work. “And this is Tami.” Tami has auburn hair and hazel eyes. She has a fragile look to her, and I’m not offended when she doesn’t welcome me. “Can you set the pancakes on the kitchen table, sweetheart?” Meggy hands me a plate stacked high with pancakes, and I fight back the urge to devour them all.

I take the plate back out to the kitchen table, placing it in the center. I see someone enter from the corner of my eye, and Blondie comes to stand beside me. He grabs my arm, and I flinch. His touch is soft as he skims the bruise he left there.

“I’m sorry,” he whispers. I look up at him with shock. He’s sorry? Why? He had every right to grab my arm like that.

I nod my head as he offers me a small smile. Two girls, around the age of ten, walk in from coming down the stairs. They are giggling, pushing each other.

“Good morning, miss!” The dark-haired one says. She smiles up at me, her baby blue eyes shining. Her cheeks have a tint of pink in them. She was nothing but a doll. “I’m Natalie.” Natalie… Landon’s baby sister.

“Good morning, young lady.” I bend over, so I am more to her eye level. “My name is Lana.” She smiles wider and then bumps the other girl’s shoulder.

“I’m Sarah,” Sarah replies in a quiet voice. She must be shy. Her long golden hair covers most of her face as she ducks her head down. I smile. She is definitely Blondie’s sister. The resemblance is uncanny.

I stand up straight to look at Blondie watching us. His eyes are intense as if he is waiting for me to attack them. My back goes rigid as I turn and stalk into the kitchen. Meggy is waiting for me. “Careful with Natalie. She will talk your ear off and get you in trouble in the process.” Omegas are always working. We hardly have time for a break. Spending time with Natalie will be taking time away from my duties and will call for a punishment.

I grab the plate of sausage and bacon, taking it back out into the dining area. I stop cold when I see Landon now sitting at the table with Natalie telling him a story. All he does is smile, his attention fully on her. My heart swells with pride. There is nothing more attractive than seeing a man’s easy rapport with a child. Before I could get in trouble, I walk over and set the plate of bacon down.

“Thank you, Lana!” Natalie chirps. I look at her with a shocked expression. This little girl has such kindness in her heart. I hope nothing takes it away from her.

I nod my head and turn to leave.

“Lana.” I stop cold at the voice of my mate, containing my low growl that wants to slip out. Hearing him say my name sends chills down my spine. Say it again...

“Yes, Alpha?”

“I apologize for my behavior yesterday.” I open my mouth to speak, but when I see that he is about to continue, I bite my tongue. “Natalie seems to take a liking towards you. You will be her Omega, you will answer when she calls, and you will do whatever she pleases. No questions asked. Understood?” His voice is thick, final. The raw power that seeps from him has me swelling with pride. My mate is strong.

“Understood, Alpha.”

Landon waves me off, and I hurry back into the kitchen where I lean against the counter and let out a sigh. I was so close to jumping his bones right then and there!



As Lana leaves the room, I catch a whiff of her scent—lilacs and cedar wood. The scent has my head spinning; I’ve never smelled something so lovely. Why is this woman causing my mind to wander? All I can think about is what she looks like. Is she tall or short? Does she have blonde hair or is it dark? Is it long, curly? What color are her eyes?

I sigh, no matter how much I wonder, I will never be able to see for myself.

“Blonde,” Natalie whispers over to me. “Green eyes. About five feet, eight inches. Her smile lights up the room.” I hear Mason stop eating, and I feel his eyes on me. But I ignore him, turning to my sister.

“She sounds lovely.”

“She’s an angel, Landon,” Natalie says, her voice soft and sweet. Natalie always thought the best of people. She always sees the good, never has anything bad to say.

Why are you interested in the rogue? Mason shoots to me. I tense, not liking his tone. For some reason, it angered me with how he spoke about her.

“It angers me when I can’t see the people I talk to. I wish to know what they look like.” I snap. The room falls silent, and I push away from the table, getting to my feet.

“Landon…” Natalie calls, placing a hand on my arm. I pull away from her and leave the kitchen table. I don’t understand why I am angry. Why do I care what Mason says about Lana? She is nothing but a rogue, an outsider.

I walk outside and breathe in the fresh air. I wish I could summon my wolf, morph and run until my heart explodes. I am done living in this cruel world. I am done walking around, fearful of the next object I am to run into. I am sick and tired of being weak, of feeling helpless.

I am not the Alpha this pack needs. I am not the Alpha I wanted to be. The day will come when this pack is attacked, and I will be helpless to stop it.